Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 433 I want a big one! (1/2)

"Impossible, Lin Mo will not die!" Vina looked at the two guards: "You just said that there are two living creatures in the Eye of Zeus. Now besides George, there must be another living one... Who else can it be besides Lin Mo?"

"Vina, I understand your unwillingness to accept the truth, but the fact is...

The breath of two creatures, but only George is shown, this is already very obvious!" Diana smiled and spoke slowly.

There is only one meaning behind the words, that is, Lin Mo is dead now, and the reason why he can feel the breath of two creatures is completely because there is still breath left after death!

Vina's face was filled with despair, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

The two guards sighed lightly, and finally said nothing.

At this moment, a large light screen appeared in front of Alice, the president of the God of Love Association, and a picture was displayed inside.

This is the situation at the entrance of the Eye of Zeus. Alice looked at Vina's expression, and also glanced at the situation inside the Eye of Zeus. She waved her hand with no joy or sadness.

The picture disappeared, she pondered for a moment, and said: "After Vina comes out, adjust her permission to B-, and increase Diana's permission to B+.

In addition, tell Vina that the association has decided to change her contracting party to John!"

John is now a useless person, and changing Vina's contracting party to John is also a disguised way for the God of Love Association to show goodwill to the Luke family.

"Lin Mo... I didn't expect you to disappoint people so much..." Alice's elf-like face was full of disappointment: "However, the bottom line for entering the Eye of Zeus is that the physical body reaches the level of a half-step emperor. It seems that no one can create a miracle..."

On the other side, at the entrance of the Eye of Zeus, after a long silence, the two guards raised their hands to wipe out the picture in the air.

Because Vina's face was full of distraction at the moment, just like a walking corpse, they were worried that if the picture continued to hang there, it would aggravate Vina's emotions.

"Wait a minute!" Diana glanced at Vina, and saw the latter standing there in a state of loss of soul. The smile on the corner of her mouth was like an AK that could not be suppressed. "George is still in there now. I want to see him for a while..."

The two guards looked at each other and finally had to continue to display the picture there.

George walked in the thunder. He seemed to be surrounded by a layer of terrifying energy. All the thunder seemed to be retreating, and no thunder approached his body.

"Lin Mo... You should come in, the threshold of the Eye of Zeus is that the physical body reaches the realm of half-step emperor. You should still have a certain gap...

Next, I can start my own hunting moment!"


The thunder was trembling. In a certain thunder sea of ​​the Eye of Zeus, the originally purple thunder seemed to be twisted by an inexplicable force.

Then it returned to normal.

Not far away, the old man who looked like Zeus was still holding a lightning spear, constantly shooting out, directly killing the beasts and monsters that appeared in the thunder.

However, at this moment, the thunder around Zeus also showed a brief distortion.


Zeus, whose body was completely made of thunder, turned around suddenly, and the lightning spear in his hand shot out at the distorted place.


The light visible to the naked eye shone, biting forward like a poisonous snake!

When the snake was about to pass through the distorted place, a hand suddenly appeared and grabbed the snake tightly in his hand.

"You didn't give birth to your own intelligence in the thunder?" Lin Mo's voice sounded.

Then his figure began to appear, and the thunder slowly dissipated on his body, and finally stood completely beside Zeus.


The poisonous snake condensed by the light was directly crushed by Lin Mo, and he looked at Zeus with a calm face.

Zeus turned around, and the lightning spear in his hand still released terrifying energy.


Lin Mo made a move, and after the Thunder Breathing Method was activated, a sea of ​​thunder condensed behind him!

"Disperse!" Lin Mo put his fingers together like a sword, and fiercely slashed the sea of ​​thunder behind him to the front!

Zeus's expression remained unchanged, and he mechanically raised his hand, trying to block such thunder power.

However, the next moment, endless thunder power lingered and blasted directly at Zeus' body!

One hand could not intercept it at all, so after just a few seconds, he was completely swallowed up!

Such a scene is really a bit horrifying. Zeus himself has mastered the power of thunder, but in the end he was swallowed by thunder!

Lin Mo looked at the place where Zeus's figure dissipated, and a look of regret appeared on his face: "It's a pity that the Lightning Spear didn't stay!"

He roughly evaluated that the grade of the Lightning Spear should have reached the Heavenly Grade, so such weapons are naturally the more the better.

Just as Lin Mo was sighing, his eyes suddenly lit up. In the area where Zeus was defeated, there was actually a drop of purple liquid hanging.

Lin Mo took a step forward and immediately smelled a strong fragrance.

This fragrance also contained an explosive power.

"Thunder Liquid?" Lin Mo's face showed excitement.

The so-called Thunder Liquid is a certain liquid formed in thunder under certain special circumstances.

It contains the power of thunder and can temper the physical body. It is one of Lin Mo's best tonics currently.

Without any hesitation, Lin Mo opened his mouth and swallowed the drop of thunder liquid!


The moment the liquid entered the mouth, it was like a bolt of thunder exploded in Lin Mo's body!

In just an instant, a layer of blood mist spread out from Lin Mo's body!

Lin Mo opened his mouth and spat out a stream of blood.

"What a terrifying power of thunder!" Lin Mo said with emotion. He could feel the power of thunder jumping between his internal organs.

Every time he jumped, Lin Mo felt as if someone had slashed him with a broad knife!

This feeling can be said to be extremely uncomfortable. He opened his mouth more than once, feeling that blood was about to gush out from his internal organs.

But in the end, it was just retching without any blood.

The whole process lasted for about ten minutes, and Lin Mo looked like he had been fished out of the water, lying on the ground breathing heavily.

"The power of my physical body has obviously increased a lot. I can feel that although this terrifying power of thunder is destroying my physical body, there is life in the destruction!"

Standing up slowly, Lin Mo soon felt the difference in himself, and there was a look of surprise on his face.

"If you give me a few more drops of thunder fluid, maybe I will reach the emperor's realm!"

Thinking of this, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the clouds in the distance: "Could it be that when you kill the creatures in the thunder, thunder fluid will burst out?"

Thinking of this possibility, Lin Mo started searching in the Eye of Zeus without hesitation.

"I remember that Zeus used lightning spears to attack ferocious beasts before. After they die, will there be thunder liquid left behind?"

Relying on his memory, Lin Mo came to the location of several previously eliminated ferocious beasts. He almost lay on the ground and searched carefully.

Finally, he caught a trace of the breath that dispersed after the thunder liquid dissipated.

"Something swallowed the Thunder Liquid..." Lin Mo checked several places where the ferocious beasts that might have Thunder Liquid died, and finally made this conjecture.

He began to try to spread his mental power around him.

Now Lin Mo's mental power has reached a terrifying level of more than 700,000. Among the martial arts cultivators in the Martial Emperor realm, there is almost no one more powerful than him.

Feeling the violent power around him, Lin Mo could only feel his heart beating loudly.

The Thunder Breathing Technique has been completely hidden. It turned out that Lin Mo used the Thunder Breathing Technique to transform himself into thunder and hide in the thunder of the Eye of Zeus to hide himself.

Now that he knew that the creatures in the thunder might give birth to thunder liquid, Lin Mo decided not to hide anymore and used himself as bait to see if he could get two ferocious beasts out.

Unfortunately, Lin Mo finally confirmed that there were no ferocious beasts nearby.

He could only leave here. Along the way, he let his breath escape as much as possible to attract more ferocious beasts to come closer.

Just as Lin Mo was doing this, George's figure was also shuttled among the thunder.

His face no longer had the previous indifference, and there was still some fear in his eyes.

The mental energy was frantically escaping around, while he looked around vigilantly.

"What is George doing?"

Outside, the two bodyguards looked at George's movements and couldn't help asking.

"George must be practicing. In the Eye of Zeus, there is no rule that you have to stay in one place, right?"

Although Diana couldn't tell what George was doing, she couldn't say that George was hanging out, right?

"When you are practicing, do you have such a frightened look?" Wei Na said lightly: "The way you look at him is as if he is hiding from something... He should have drained all his mental power now. Maybe he’s exploring the surroundings!”

Vina's words immediately aroused the recognition of the two guards.

"Indeed, you look at him as if something is chasing him behind you!!" the two guards said.

"Haha, after Lin Mo died, did you think George would die too?" Diana said coldly: "It's a pity that I have to disappoint you, my George will be fine!

It's a pity that Lin Mo is dead, otherwise, George could kill him again in front of you! "

"Look, there seems to be another person inside Thunder!"

At this moment, one of the guards pointed at the screen and spoke loudly.

The two immediately stopped arguing and looked at the screen.

Although the picture is very sloppy now, with only a trace of the back showing, an excited look appeared on Wei Na's face just by looking at it.

"Lin Mo! It's Lin Mo! He's not dead!" Wei Na said loudly.

At this moment, Lin Mo noticed George's approach, turned around and looked at him, with an excited look on his face.

"Haha, it really attracted a creature from the thunder!

But how did this creature disguise itself as George? Lin Mo smiled with a smile on his face: "So, this is another creature with spiritual intelligence!"

You can definitely harvest Thunder Liquid by killing it! "

Thinking of this, Lin Mo roared angrily and rushed forward without hesitation!

"Get away!" George had goosebumps all over his body, and he could feel something approaching him crazily.

And Lin Mo dared to stand in front of him!

Get out of here! Get out of here! Get out of here! Did you know that people will die?

George's eyes were full of ferocity.

"Get out of my way!" When he said these words, he already had murderous intentions and shot towards Lin Mo crazily!

"Originally I only planned to destroy you, but now you dare to stop me, then you will be in trouble!" George said coldly in his heart.

Originally, according to the plan, he was just going to destroy Lin Mo and then hand it over to Diana to kill.

But now, he has changed his plans.

Since Lin Mo is looking for death, let him do it!


The two collided and made a violent sound.

Then there was a scream, and a figure flew out and hit the ground hard!

"Impossible!" Diana couldn't help but said loudly as she looked at this picture.

Because after the collision with Lin Mo, George flew upside down like a kite with its string broken, and hit the ground heavily!

With just one blow, George lost!

"It's so fierce! I remember that George's physical body has reached the half-step emperor level. At such a speed, even a small mountain will be smashed. How come Lin Mo is okay!"

"Lin Mo has just passed through the 100 times gravity chamber, which at best has the physical strength of an emperor at its peak!

How did that happen? "

"Maybe Lin Mo's physical strength can crush George!" Another guard whispered: "However, this George is also unlucky to meet Lin Mo..."

Wei Na's lips trembled. She originally thought Lin Mo was dead, but now seeing him appear on the screen and directly defeating George, she wished she could commit herself to him now!

"Lin Mo... is really a miracle worker!" In the president's room of the Cupid Association, Alice looked at the scene in front of her and finally said slowly: "Cancel the previous order. In addition, adjust Diana's Licensing, let her get C-level licensing!”

In a word, Diana's permission is only C level!

Diana, who was completely unaware of this, was looking at the picture in shock and shouted: "George, stand up, stand up!"

And George really stood up slowly, looking at Lin Mo fiercely but unbelievably.

He was knocked down!

He was hit by an ant like Lin Mo!

Lin Mo looked at George in front of him with a disappointed look on his face.

"What the hell, it's really you. I thought you were made of thunder! I'm so happy for nothing!" Lin Mo spread his hands and turned to leave.

Seeing Lin Mo's attitude, George's face suddenly showed a look of humiliation.

He was actually disliked!

"Stop!" George's eyes were filled with murderous intent: "You die..."

As he spoke, he activated his energy and blood and rushed towards Lin Mo!


At this moment, a big black hand suddenly stretched out from the thunder and grabbed George who was charging forward!

With a muffled sound, George's head was crushed!

Then I saw a huge mouth appearing behind the hand, and George's body was stuffed directly into the mouth!

George was eaten!

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