
Lin Mo looked at George's body being devoured, his face full of astonishment.

At the same time, a sense of crisis came over him, causing him to retreat frantically.


Just as Lin Mo retreated, the dark hand slapped down directly, setting off an endless thunderstorm!

Lin Mo's robes frantically fluttered, making a rustling sound.

There was a solemn look in his eyes. When those monsters were destroyed, no thunder liquid was left. Now that he thought about it, all of them were swallowed by the guy in front of him!

In the brief moment when Lin Mo was thinking, six more dark hands slapped down from different directions.

With the ghost shadow body technique, Lin Mo kept dodging, but the thunder raised by the six hands slapped down at the same time directly formed a thunderstorm, which wrapped around Lin Mo's body!

"Hmph! Well done!"

He snorted coldly, and the Thunder Breathing Technique was activated. The whole person seemed to be the center of the thunderstorm. The endless thunder was pulled by Lin Mo's skills, like a purple thread, changing with his mind.

"Go back!"

Lin Mo roared, and pulled the endless thunder with both hands, heading towards the roots of those palms!


A series of thunderous explosions rang out, and Lin Mo saw those dark palms waving constantly, and at the same time, sharp chirping sounds rang out.

Lin Mo frowned, this sound was just like a sonic attack, making his heartbeat start to become agitated, and even the blood in his body seemed to rush out of his meridians!


At this time, Lin Mo had to use weapons. He held the three-pointed double-edged sword in his hand, and the whole person jumped high, and then the whole person swooped down like a dragon!

The power of blood and qi lingered around Lin Mo's body, and the remaining thunder power began to gather continuously, so that a light of more than ten meters appeared behind him!

The sound of breaking through the air resounded through the world!


A loud noise followed, and the inexplicable existence waved eight hands and blocked in front at the same time.

The eight hands intertwined and connected with each other in a strange posture, and finally formed a dark net. Those palms even grabbed Lin Mo's body!

"Come out!"

Lin Mo roared, and an unparalleled light suddenly burst out from the tip of the three-pointed double-edged sword. The sharp and fierce energy was surging and all stimulated on the black net in an instant!

"Roar, roar, roar!"

The roar continued, and this attack made the inexplicable existence in front of him feel pain. Its violent roar was trembling, but such a terrible attack still did not break the defense of the net.

"Break it for me...!"

The Jiuzhou Order in front of Lin Mo rose and fell, and various enhancement lights fell directly on Lin Mo.

Then, the energy on the three-pointed double-edged sword became even more terrifying!

The energy of ice and fire was constantly cutting the monster's body, and at this time, a huge gap appeared on the net!


Under Lin Mo's attack, the monster's defense was directly broken!

Outside the Eye of Zeus, the four people looked at the scene in the picture, and their mouths opened wide.

"What kind of monster is this...?"

"Lin Mo can actually break its defense?! This is impossible!"

"Lin Mo... is too strong!"

Vina looked at Lin Mo's figure and felt her whole body trembling.

She is a woman. Although she has always admired Lin Mo, this attitude has changed now.

"Lin Mo's future... will definitely surpass the legendary Caesar!"

The current status of the God of Love Association is all due to the existence of Caesar.

Now, can Lin Mo push the God of Love Association to a higher level?

And as a signatory of Lin Mo, where is her future limit?

Thinking of this, Vina's heart beat wildly.

"Live, Lin Mo! Live!"

Diana looked at Lin Mo with lifeless eyes, from the initial anger, shock, fear, to the current despair!

Lin Mo, too strong, so strong that it makes people tremble!

George is very strong, even his strength is far above Lin Mo, but facing Lin Mo, George has no chance of winning!

"From now on, there will be no place for me in the God of Love Association!" Finally, Diana spoke softly and glanced at Vina.

Vina was also looking at her at this moment.

A few seconds later, Diana bowed slightly and saluted Vina.

The two guards looked at this scene and couldn't help but be stunned.

Because Diana's salute represents submission!

Vina showed a satisfied smile on her face, and her whole heart seemed to fly.

From this moment on, Diana has completely given up the desire to compete!

Just when Vina was excited, Alice was also watching this scene.

A look of surprise appeared on her elf-like face. She even stood up from the throne because Lin Mo's actions were too shocking.

"Why is there such a thing in the Eye of Zeus?! What on earth is that..."

"Typhon!" A voice sounded in the darkness: "Enemy of Zeus, but in the Eye of Zeus, Typhon's strength seems to be... stronger than Zeus constructed by Thunder!"

"Typhon! It's him!" Alice said in shock, and finally stared at Lin Mo in the picture: "Don't let me down!"


Just when everyone was looking at Lin Mo, in the Eye of Zeus, the injured monster suddenly appeared from the thunder.

It was a pitch-black monster. On its huge body were the heads of various ferocious beasts. There were tiger heads that kept roaring from their mouths, giant snakes with venom dripping from the corners of their mouths and two fangs inlaid in their mouths. A dragon head that spits out flames...

The most important thing is that there are hundreds of venomous snakes circling around each head, with scarlet tongues constantly spitting out.

The giant black net that Lin Mo chopped up before did not damage Typhon's roots at all, but instead made it furious!

"Typhon!" Lin Mo also recognized what the monster in front of him was at this moment.

Before coming, he had already read the relevant information, so when the monster revealed its true form, he immediately knew the origin of this thing.

According to legend, Typhon belongs to the Titan clan and is very powerful.

But this one in front of me...

"It's just something made of thunder..."

Lin Mo waved his hands, and the Nine Provinces Order dispersed instantly. Multiple rays of light flickered, some fell on Lin Mo, and others fell on Typhon.

The Ben Lei Breathing Technique was running, and a rumbling sound came from Lin Mo's body.

At this moment, Lin Mo suddenly felt that Typhon and him in front seemed to be like two magnets, attracting each other crazily.

"Sure enough, as the power of thunder increases, its attraction to the same attribute becomes stronger!" Lin Mo said slowly with a look of enlightenment on his face.

At the same time, Typhon roared at Lin Mo as if he had some realization!

Lin Mo felt that Typhon was concentrating all his power on the traction force, and he was going to devour Lin Mo directly!

"Haha, do you think I will be afraid of you? With such a little intelligence born in the thunder, you are going to fight me?!" Lin Mo had a sneer on his face.

The qi and blood of his own thunder attribute are stimulated, and with the Thunder Breathing Method, the traction force on his body increases instantly!


Lin Mo could feel Typhon's anger, and more majestic power escaped from it.

"No, I can't win such a protracted battle. The only way is..."

Lin Mo's eyes flickered, and he instantly knew his shortcomings.

At that moment, without any hesitation, he unconsciously reduced his thunder power by a few points!

It was these few changes that instantly widened Lin Mo's disadvantage!

The whole figure was like a kite with its string cut off, flying towards one of Typhon's mouths!

All the way up, endless thunder struck down and hit Lin Mo.

His whole body was almost transparent, lightning was jumping, and Lin Mo pretended to struggle.

But it was still of no use, as his body kept getting closer to the mouth.

And Typhon had already opened his huge mouth, waiting to swallow Lin Mo's body.

"Lin Mo!"

Wei Na looked at this scene and couldn't help shouting, and at the same time she covered her mouth with a worried look on her face.

And Diana stood aside, her eyes flickering, not knowing what she was thinking.

"It's a pity that his strength is still a little weak. If he could be stronger, he would definitely be able to escape death!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect that such a monster would appear in the Eye of Zeus. It's so scary! I guess the threshold of the Eye of Zeus will be further raised in the future. If the physical strength does not reach the realm of the emperor, and the strength does not reach the realm of the Martial Emperor, it will Can’t enter!”

The two guards spoke with emotion.

"Is that all you have?" Alice looked at Lin Mo's body being swallowed up directly, with a look of disappointment on her face.

At this moment, Lin Mo's body shook, and he was finally swallowed directly into his mouth and disappeared in an instant!


Vina's face instantly became desperate.

Diana stood up slightly, glanced at Vina, and said nothing.


At this moment, Typhon began to roar, and all the ferocious beast heads opened their huge mouths at the same time, spitting out all kinds of energy.

The entire Eye of Zeus suddenly became vibrating, and this power even spread to the outside, causing Vina and others standing at the entrance to stagger a few times.

They looked pale as they watched this scene.

However, just when everyone thought that Lin Mo had been swallowed up and was as dead as George, there was endless thunder in Typhon's abdomen.

Unlike the Thunder outside, the Thunder here is almost substantial.

Lin Mo's body stood on a huge platform, looking around.

"Finally let me in. Do you know that the more powerful an existence is, the way to its final disintegration is to destroy it from the inside!"

Lin Mo spoke softly, and the Kyushu Order was fully activated, and the originally suppressed strength was instantly released!

The power of thunder attribute energy and blood seemed to form hundreds of huge chains behind Lin Mo, and these chains began to shoot out in all directions.

Ever since, people outside saw hundreds of glowing gaps instantly appearing on Typhon's huge body, and the thunder chain suddenly stretched out and submerged into the void above the Eye of Zeus!



The chains rang, and the power of thunder also became violent at this time!

They began to shake wildly, almost tearing Typhon's body apart!


At this time, Typhon finally understood Lin Mo's purpose, and it felt the crisis!

Countless venomous snakes began to swallow and spit out their tongues, and purple poisonous gas spread out of their scarlet mouths.

But at this time, it was too late!

"Split it for me!" Lin Mo stood on Typhon's abdomen and shouted loudly, and then endless blood and qi burst out, directly impacting all directions!


A crack soon appeared on the surface of Typhon's body, and as the blood and qi flowed out, this crack became larger and larger.



Such sounds were endless, and finally hundreds of chains pulled at the same time, and Typhon's huge body was directly torn into pieces!

Plop! Plop!

After Typhon's body was cracked, Lin Mo walked out of his abdomen little by little, and a huge black heart was hanging in front of him.

He slowly stretched out his hand, and then squeezed it hard!


Countless cracks appeared on the heart in an instant!

Then it exploded directly!

Typhon's roar and screams resounded, and eventually dissipated bit by bit.


In Lin Mo's hands, thousands of beams of light appeared.

In front of him, a ball of goose egg-sized lightning liquid was hanging, and the violent power made Lin Mo's heartbeat accelerate!

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