Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 436 Prelude to the Final Battle

"Boss, why do I feel like you're a little different after not seeing you for a few days?"

In the villa, Zhou Lu and others looked at Lin Mo with surprised expressions on their faces.

"Do you think they are all the same as you? You are all pale and thin. You can tell at a glance that you have lost too much energy!" Lin Mo pointed at them and said unhappily.

Zhou Lu and others could only smile awkwardly and dared not speak.

In fact, during the five days when Lin Mo was away, they really lived a life of drunkenness and dreams. There were beautiful women accompanying them every night, and they didn't want to practice at all.

"But, boss, our cultivation has not fallen behind, but it has increased faster than before!" Zhou Lu said after a moment of silence: "Maybe this is the reason why the God of Love Association exists!"

Lin Mo nodded. He had confirmed from Vina before that the women of the God of Love Association can indeed increase the speed of men's cultivation in the process of sleeping together.

It is very similar to the bed technique in Chinese legends.

"Anyway, you all take it easy. I think this kind of thing should be in line with the law of conservation of energy. What you can gain, you will naturally lose something." Lin Mo said softly.

The practice in the past few days has greatly improved Lin Mo's strength, so for the whole night, Lin Mo did not take the initiative to practice, but sat cross-legged on the bed, letting the Thunder Breathing Method run automatically.

Feeling the blood and qi surging in his body, Lin Mo smiled.

"The blood and qi in the body are flowing endlessly, just like... an endless stream, endless!" Lin Mo seemed to have some understanding in his heart, but when he thought about it carefully, he couldn't grasp it.

The night passed in a flash, and Lin Mo was awakened by the noise of Zhou Lu and others, and got up, opened the door and came to the living room.

Vina was standing in the living room. When she saw Lin Mo, her eyes suddenly lit up: "Lin Mo, let's go. I'll take you to the gym."

"Why are you so polite today?" Lin Mo said with a smile: "We can just go there by ourselves!"

"It's different, it's different today." Vina said with a smile, and then took Lin Mo's arm in the eyes of everyone.

Lin Mo instinctively wanted to pull his hand out of her arms, but she pulled him back: "Don't move. Now everyone knows that you are my contractor. If you don't show a certain degree of intimacy, it will inevitably arouse other people's suspicion!

I am not afraid of a woman, so what are you afraid of!"

Every time Lin Mo was mad at Lin Mo, she didn't believe how there could be such a serious man in the world.

Lin Mo sighed and nodded slowly.

"By the way, I still have to say thank you to you!" Vina stood beside Lin Mo and whispered: "In order to repay you, I want to make a promise to you... I promise that you will always be my first man!"

When the last few words came out, Vina's breath sprayed on Lin Mo's face, making him feel excited.

I have to say that this woman is really good at teasing men, and she knows very well what kind of way to make men fall in love.

Along the way, Lin Mo felt like he was lying on a cloud. Even though he still had his eyes open, he was already drunk.

"We're here, get off!" Vina's voice sounded again.

Lin Mo suddenly came back to his senses, looked around, and was stunned.

At some point, they were already standing in the stadium, and the surrounding viewing stands were full of spectators, most of whom were looking at him.

At this moment, Lin Mo seemed to be drunk, leaning against Vina, with an obsessed look in his eyes.

"It's over." Lin Mo was speechless for a while, and such a posture would definitely cause misunderstandings from others.

"I heard before that Vina of the God of Love Association actually found a Chinese as a signatory. I didn't believe it at first.

Now the facts are in front of me, I can't help but believe it!"

"Yes, the God of Love Association has such a status that it actually found a Chinese. It's really fallen!"

"Tomorrow we will find a group of people to demonstrate at the door of the God of Love Association!"

Such voices sounded all around, leaving Lin Mo speechless.

"Your goal has been achieved." Lin Mo looked at Vina who was smiling beside him, and said unhappily.

"Mr. Lin, what are you saying? I am a girl who was taken advantage of by you, and you still blame me!" Vina looked at Lin Mo pitifully, as if she had really suffered a great injustice.

Women are all drama queens.

After Lin Mo came to this conclusion in his heart, he decided not to waste too much time on this matter.

"There are eight teams left. Next is a round of drawing. There will be a direct confrontation. The four winning teams will fight to select the top four. Then the top four will fight against the bottom four to rank the top five!

I hope you have better luck!"

Vina said and turned away.

"Lin Mo, you are really good. You are actually involved with the Saint of the God of Love Association!"

A voice sounded, and Li Fengchun stood beside Lin Mo with his team members and started to tease.

"The Saint of the God of Love Association?" Lin Mo was stunned for a moment and had no idea what he was talking about.

"Vina was promoted to the Saint of the God of Love Association last night. As far as I know, there are only two Saints in the entire God of Love Association, and Vina is one of them!

The other Saint is called Index.

The future president will choose one of them!

If Vina is elected, she will be the spouse of the president. The prospects are bright and the future is limitless!"

Li Fengchun had an envious look on his face.

"Who is more advantageous between the one named Index and Vina?" Lin Mo suddenly felt a little unsafe when he heard that there was another saint, so he quickly asked.

“It is said that Index has the blood of gods flowing in her body, and she is much stronger than Vina.

So, overall, Vina is at a disadvantage! "

"Then if I kill this woman named Index, will Wei Na be able to legitimately become the president?" Lin Mo was intrigued by Li Fengchun's words and couldn't help but ask directly.

"Boss, your thoughts are very dangerous. Do you know what the so-called blood of gods in Index's body refers to?" Zhou Lu said from the side: "According to my investigation, there are actually gods in the beautiful country.

In their mythology, there is only one god, and that is the Son of God, Jehovah!

According to legend, the Holy Son Jehovah is the bloodline left by God in the world. The so-called divine blood in Index refers to the blood of Jehovah! "


Lin Mo's eyes narrowed slightly. He was familiar with Western culture and naturally knew the meaning behind this name.

"Okay, I understand!" Lin Mo nodded: "Whoever dares to break my plan must step aside!"

"Boss is mighty!" Zhou Lu and others shouted, and then Zhou Lu stood next to Lin Mo's ear and whispered: "Boss, I forgot to tell you that a man in the Cupid Association can be a contractor with more than one woman at the same time!

Therefore, Index can also become the boss’ contractor!

No matter which one of them becomes the president at that time, you will be the president’s man! Perfect! "

"You talk so much, should I send you to play two more games today?" Lin Mo said angrily.

After hearing Lin Mo's words, Zhou Lu quickly shrank his head and squatted directly at the back of the crowd.

"It is said that Index already has a contractor." Li Fengchun frowned and said, "It's just that so far, no one knows who her contractor is."

Lin Mo nodded and didn't take this matter to heart. After all, no matter how lenient Lin Mo was, he couldn't restrict who he could become a contractor, right?

"Okay, let's go there quickly, we should be drawing lots! By the way, what is the process of drawing lots today?"

"There are more than a hundred countries and forces participating in the competition this time, and now after the decisive battle, only eight teams are left.

They are the Kingdom of La, the Kingdom of Beauty, the Kingdom of Eagle... and the last one, China.

The game will be a contest between countries. I hope we won’t draw the beautiful country! "

Zhou Lu had already understood the rules of the competition in advance and quickly introduced them.

"It's all the same. According to the current rules, we have to play against every team again, right?"

"Yes, because our ranking is relatively low, the initial points are also relatively low, so if we want to enter the finals, we have to play against every team..." Zhou Lu scratched his head and said: "To be honest, this I don’t understand the rules, but when the time comes we just have to follow their requirements!”

Lin Mo nodded, he thought so too. Even if he really met Beautiful Country and Aaron, he wouldn't be worried at all, he could just try his best to fight!

Anyway, I can't leave myself any regrets.

"By the way, where are Tang San and San San?" Lin Mo only remembered at this moment that Tang San didn't show up.

As a member of China, Tang San is not here at the moment, the problem is very serious.

"I didn't see anyone when I got up in the morning. He said he was traveling for China!" Li Fengchun sneered: "This guy looks disgusting. Lin Mo, you must be careful about him!"

"You don't have to say it." Lin Mo nodded. The reason why he was looking for his whereabouts now was to keep him under his nose, so that if there was any movement, Lin Mo could detect it in time.

Now that Tang San's whereabouts were unknown, Lin Mo always felt like he was being targeted by a poisonous insect hiding in the dark.

"I hope you don't mess with me, otherwise, I will really kill someone!"

Lin Mo thought so in his heart.

At this time, the drawing of lots had already begun.

Because he was ranked low, Lin Mo was actually very Buddhist when it came to drawing lots.

After a group of people came up, Lin Mo slowly selected a piece of paper and opened it.

"My opponent is La Kingdom!" Lin Mo felt happy when he saw that the number in his hand was the same as La Kingdom's number.

The strength of the Kingdom of La is indeed very strong, but compared with the Kingdom of Beauty, it is far behind.

After everyone had drawn lots, the eight countries were divided into four groups, and then the four groups of arenas opened at the same time!

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