Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 437: Eating from the inside and betraying the outside

Lin Mo stood on the ring, looking at the woman in front of him, slightly shocked.

The woman in front of him had long light brown hair and a pair of light blue eyes that sparkled, giving people a mysterious feeling.

The woman was beautiful, and she exuded a dangerous aura all over her body.

When Lin Mo looked at the woman, the woman also looked at Lin Mo.

As if she noticed Lin Mo's vigilant eyes, the woman smiled and said, "My name is Delia.

You must be Lin Mo from China, you are very strong, I am very happy to be your opponent!"

Delia's face really showed a smile, as if she was really happy.

Lin Mo looked at this scene, and his mouth twitched slightly, because he knew that the woman in front of him was not as friendly as she showed.

At the moment when the battle was announced, Lin Mo felt like he was wrapped in some kind of power, and there seemed to be a voice in his heart constantly saying the same sentence: Don't do it, she is just a woman, do it to her, won't you feel guilty?

Such a voice really made Lin Mo not have the slightest intention of fighting.

"This woman actually used a mental attack on me!" In just a moment, Lin Mo reacted, and his eyes were full of vigilance when he looked at the woman.

At this time, Lin Mo finally saw the weapon used by the woman to attack.

It was a white bone the size of a palm, with different marks carved on it with a carving knife.

At this moment, those marks glowed, and rays of light enveloped Lin Mo.

"Comparing mental power, right? Then you are wrong!" Lin Mo chuckled, and the Jiuzhou Order flew up directly, and then a ray of light fell on Delia.

Confused character!

Delia's face showed a look of struggle, and then she quickly woke up, and then another ray of light fell on her, which was a negative gain, weakening her resistance.

It was at this time that Delia completely lost her mind, and the whole person stood there like a walking corpse.

Lin Mo stepped forward, picked her up by the waist, and then walked to the edge of the ring step by step.

"What is this man going to do? What is he going to do to Delia!"

"Damn it, put Delia down, you damn thing!"

On the side of La Country, everyone has started to shout, and some people even shouted Delia's name loudly, trying to wake her up.

But Delia was completely controlled by Jiuzhou Ling, and there was no sign of waking up at all.

Standing on the edge of the ring, Lin Mo chuckled and threw Delia down directly!

With a plop.

The beautiful Delia was thrown to the ground by Lin Mo like throwing garbage, making a muffled sound.

Many men present felt that their hearts were about to break. Women are meant to be loved, not to make them love!

"It's you!" Vina in the stands looked at this scene and almost couldn't help laughing up to the sky. The frustration she received from Lin Mo during this period was released at this moment.

It's not that she, Vina, is not good-looking enough, but that Lin Mo has no interest in women at all!

Vina quickly comforted herself in her heart.

Lin Mo raised his hand and took the Jiuzhou Order.

And Delia slowly opened her eyes, and when she saw the surrounding situation clearly, she stood up directly from the ground.

"Damn Lin Mo, do you dare to compete with me with real means!" Delia looked at Lin Mo with dissatisfaction.

"Isn't this a real means?" Lin Mo smiled helplessly: "Besides, you were the first to do it!"

Delia was angry, but in the end she could do nothing.

Lin Mo won the first game, and at this time, the games on the other three arenas were just halfway through.

Lin Mo came down from the arena and walked to the other arenas with his hands behind his back.

The teams that could remain were actually very strong.

It was not Aaron who came on the field from the United States, but another strong man.

After fighting for about fifteen minutes, the United States defeated the opponent and won.

"The overall strength of the United States is relatively strong, and it should not be underestimated!" Lin Mo sighed, and at this time the remaining teams also won and lost one after another.

Then came the second round of drawing lots.

This time the opponent was the Man Country, and Lin Mo played again. After a battle, he won.

Then came the third round.

In the end, the Huaxia team led by Lin Mo finally entered the finals.

"The teams in the finals are the United States, the Eagle Country, Huaxia and the Man Country." Lin Mo said with emotion: "The White Elephant Country is also very strong, but compared with the United States, it is a joke!

In addition, if I want to win completely, my main opponent is actually Aaron!"

Thinking of this, Lin Mo began to look forward to it. He wanted to meet Aaron in the first round!

After a short break, the competition for the finals began.

Just as Lin Mo was about to step forward to draw lots, a voice sounded from behind: "Wait!"

Turning around, he saw Tang San and several of his men entering in a line.

With a smile on his face, Tang San walked in front of Lin Mo: "I have something to tell you!"

"What? Are you going to play in the next game?" Lin Mo looked at Tang San and asked with a chuckle.

"I am a member of China. When it is my turn to play, I will naturally play!" Tang San said with a smile: "But, I didn't call you for this!"

"What's that for?" Lin Mo looked at Tang San and said calmly.

"In the past, China participated in such a competition, and the best result was the tenth place. This time, we China have won the top four results, which is a big breakthrough!

Lin Mo, I want to say, be content with what you have, and I want to say that you can't get the ranking you shouldn't get!"


As soon as Tang San finished speaking, a cold light flashed in Lin Mo's hand, and the three-pointed two-edged sword appeared in his hand.

"What did you just say? Say it again?" Lin Mo's eyes were full of roars, and he looked at him with gritted teeth.

Tang San was startled by Lin Mo's sudden action. He knew that Lin Mo didn't like him. In fact, he didn't like Lin Mo either, but on the surface he still had to pretend to be friendly.

Unexpectedly, Lin Mo didn't pretend, and directly put the three-pointed two-edged sword against his neck!

The killing intent was rampant, and Tang San really felt that as long as he moved a little, the three-pointed two-edged sword would definitely pierce his neck directly!

"Lin Mo, what are you going to do?!" Tang San quickly calmed himself down: "You should know very well what it means to attack me!

You should also know very well what position my Tang family holds in China. You should know even more clearly that if you offend the Tang family again, you will not be able to stay in China in the future!

You'd better think it through!"


As soon as the words fell, the three-pointed double-edged sword in Lin Mo's hand moved directly downwards and pierced his chest!

Blood dripping!

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