Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 441: Ending the Beast Tide!

At the moment when Aaron's body exploded, the endless blood power turned into tens of thousands of fist-sized fireballs under the wrapping of flames.

Their speed was just like a meteor, shuttling madly in the entire abyss.


A huge monster was hit, and then it seemed that magma was coming out from under its skin little by little. At first, it was just a fist-sized orange-red spot, and then this spot expanded to the whole body in a very short time.


The wind blew, and the huge body of the monster turned into dust in an instant.

There were huge flying bird wings with flames screaming in the air, and then they were hit by thunder and turned into ashes.


The terrifying roar resounded, directly pulling Lin Mo's sight back from the abyss.

There were too many monsters. Even if Aaron's attack was endless, it was still not enough. Along with the roar, many monsters still rushed out from the exit of the abyss.


Lin Mo swung his fist, the Five Beast Fist was activated, and under the effect of the Jiuzhou Order, the five beasts left Lin Mo's body and rushed into the beast group.


At the same time, Lin Mo swung the three-pointed double-edged sword, and the light was blazing and fierce, slashing at the nearest few terrifying beasts!

Blood continued to flow on the ground, and the blood and qi power was endless, constantly dissipating in the air.


Lin Mo was surrounded by lightning, and the Thunder Breathing Method began to frantically absorb the blood and qi around him.

The powerful blood and qi gathered around Lin Mo, slowly turning, forming a blood and qi column!


The blood and qi power on Lin Mo's body converged at once, and then instantly turned into a majestic mental power and crushed out to the surroundings.

The originally invisible mental power at this moment was directly as real as a substance, clearly visible!

Puff puff puff!

There were continuous muffled sounds. After the monsters that rushed out of the abyss were attacked by mental power, they fell directly to the ground, and their flesh and blood rippled like waves.

In a short moment, the mental power actually crushed the bones of those monsters directly, and the whole huge body seemed to have turned into a leather bag filled with blood mud!

"Oh my! What a terrifying attack power!"

Zhou Lu and others were already covered in blood. At this moment, they looked at Lin Mo with shocked expressions on their faces.

And Lin Mo's attack temporarily relieved their pressure. Although there were many fierce beasts, they still felt extremely scared in the face of large-scale deaths one after another.

Many of them had stopped at the exit of the abyss, looking at Lin Mo standing there, hesitating and not daring to move forward.

And Lin Mo's eyes were also looking at the abyss, but he was not looking at them.

In the abyss, a nearly transparent body stood there, looking in the direction of Lin Mo.

"Aaron?" Lin Mo whispered.

"I owe you a favor!" Aaron's voice resounded in Lin Mo's mind: "It's a pity that I don't have a chance to repay you for this favor.

Let me think... You should be quite interested in the Qi Master...

I hope these things will be useful to you!"

After that, Lin Mo only felt a ray of light flying towards him.

Out of trust in Aaron, Lin Mo did not raise his hand to block it.

In fact, even if there was something in this ray of light, it would be fine, because Lin Mo had a dream, and it was basically impossible for these things to hurt him.

Just when Lin Mo was stunned, a message exploded in his mind.

"It's all in English!" Lin Mo's face was full of helplessness, but fortunately he didn't have much resistance to English now, and he translated the entire message in a very short time.

"Is this... the Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine?"

Lin Mo was shocked. The way to cultivate spiritual power in the United States turned out to be the Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine!

However, it is obvious that this part of the Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine is the part that China lost!

After quickly browsing it, Lin Mo did not understand the content in detail.

When he came to his senses, Aaron had completely disappeared between heaven and earth.

It seemed that Lin Mo did not continue to attack in a short time. The monsters seemed to be encouraged and began to rush out again!

"Prepare for battle!" Lin Mo roared. The blood and energy scattered around him had been almost used up by him before. At this moment, he had no chance to use the previous means again.

However, since it has come to this point, let's continue fighting!

"Thank you, you have done enough!"

A voice rang out, and several figures came from a distance at a high speed.

Alice was the first to bear the brunt, followed by several middle-aged men.

In just a moment, these people came in front of Lin Mo and others.

Alice raised her hand and waved, and more than a dozen rays of light flew up and fell on Lin Mo and others.

Lin Mo only felt that there was a warm current surging in his body, and all the injuries on his body were healed in a very short time!

"So strong!"

"The Eros Association is really a natural helper!"

"No matter in bed or on the battlefield, they are very powerful!"

Zhou Lu and others said this with emotion on their faces.

"Are you Lin Mo?" One of the men spoke, his face was majestic, and he looked at Lin Mo with a strange look in his eyes.

"Master Luke, kill the enemy first!" Alice said coldly.

"President Alice is worrying too much, I have no other intention!" The head of the Luke family shook his head: "Lin Mo, we have settled our grudges, but for what happened today, I, the Luke family, owe you a favor!"

After saying that, without waiting for any response from Lin Mo, he rushed directly to the exit of the abyss.


In his body, the power of Qi and blood surged, and he raised his hand and slowly pointed forward!


The huge abyss exit seemed to be squeezed by something, and the whole thing became distorted.

The crystal light fell on Luke, making his momentum increase several times in an instant.

At the same time, there were other people stepping forward step by step, bathing in the light while also taking action with all their strength!

Even when these people took action, the direction in which the pressure spread was not where Lin Mo and others were, but even standing there, they still felt the terrifying pressure!

These people... are very powerful!

He has definitely reached the high level of Martial Emperor!

The realm of Emperor Martial can still be divided into nine levels, the first to third levels can be called low-level, and the fourth to sixth levels can be called mid-level.

And those above level seven are called high-level!

The strength of the few people in front of me is definitely above level seven!

Lin Mo's face was full of shock. There should be a lot of Martial Emperors in China, but there shouldn't be many who can reach high levels.

This is where the difference lies!

However, Huaxia Martial Arts started a little late, and it should be possible to catch up in a short period of time.


Just when Lin Mo was shocked by the strength of these people in front of him, a loud noise came.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the exit of the abyss disappearing like a piece of paper that had been crumpled into a ball!

Some monsters didn't have time to leave, and were directly crushed by this force, turning into blood mist and scattering.

After the abyss exit disappeared, they were still taking action. Their majestic spiritual power and qi and blood power surged at the same time, leaving layers of marks and seals on the original location of the abyss exit!

The whole process lasted for an hour or two, with Lin Mo watching from the side.

"Spiritual power can actually be used in this way. This method of leaving a mark is really unheard of, but it is very effective!"

"There is also the power of blood and spirit that can be combined in this way, like threading a needle and thread, leaving a trail of restrictions!"

Lin Mo watched these strong men take action with a look of shock on his face, and at the same time he was already happy. This opportunity to observe the strong men's actions at close range was so rare, and it would also give him huge gains!

"Okay! At least until the entrance to the abyss is established, this situation will not happen again here!" Alice slowly spoke after checking the imprints left by everyone.

"Beautiful Country is planning to build a new entrance to the abyss here?" Lin Mo looked at Alice and asked.

"Of course we need to build an entrance to the abyss." The head of the Luke family said calmly: "The abyss can invade us. Now that we have found the location of one of the abyss, we naturally have to take the initiative to enter it!

There are so many ferocious beasts, even beast pills can be collected! "

At this point, Alice suddenly said: "You can keep these beast pills. You killed almost all of them. Each beast pill can be regarded as a hundred high-level energy and blood pills."

Lin Mo looked at a ring hanging in front of him, thought about it, and took it in his hand.

After a little mental exploration, he was suddenly surprised.

There are actually hundreds of beast elixirs in here!

That is equivalent to 10,000 high-level Qi and Blood Pills!

Lin Mo had a look of surprise on his face. No matter what, this was a great gift.

"Thank you, President!" Lin Mo said with a smile.

Once these beast elixirs are absorbed, they can directly increase the energy and blood value by one million!

It's a pity that there are no beast elixirs with extreme attributes in it, and Lin Mo definitely can't swallow these beast elixirs alone.

Also, the ring given by Alice turned out to be a storage ring.

This thing has not been studied in China yet. If you can use this one in your hand as a reference, it should be able to greatly shorten the entire research cycle.

"Don't say that, this time, we really want to thank you!" Alice waved her hand: "Aaron..."

When Aaron was mentioned, Lin Mo found that the eyes of a group of people became a little gray.

This surprised Lin Mo, because it meant that Aaron had extraordinary significance to all of them.

"Aaron wanted to hold back those monsters..." Lin Mo directly told what happened at that time.

Everyone nodded.

"It seems like something he would do!" The Luke family said softly: "An absolute idealist with a heart like gold.

If it weren't for him, we probably wouldn't be here today. "

The others also bowed their heads slightly, acquiescing to this sentence.

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, and then understood the meaning of this sentence.

In many cases, the beautiful country has its own standard for everything, and this standard is interest.

So, is there any benefit in sealing the exit of the abyss? Monsters invade and ordinary people die. What threat does it pose to them?

Considering these factors, it is reasonable for them not to take action.

But because of Aaron's relationship, they took action directly!

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