"This time, thank you very much for staying and adventure with me!"

Back at the villa, Lin Mo looked at Li Fengchun and others in front of him, smiled and spoke.

After a slight pause, he took out the ring. With a slight movement of thought, hundreds of beast pills appeared in front of everyone.

"There are a total of one hundred beast pills here. There are fifteen of us now. I have made the decision. Each of us will have six Qi and Blood Pills, and the extra ten will be given to the homes of the two dead people!"

After Lin Mo finished speaking, everyone's expressions turned from the original excitement to a much darker look.

In the end, two of the people who stayed to stop the monster were swallowed alive by the monster.

Giving the beast elixir to their families is a matter of course!

"Since everyone has no objection, let's take back all the beast pills!" Lin Mo said with a smile: "Okay, don't look so ugly. Since they are here, they should have the awareness of death!"

After that, he put away the six beast pills. As for the ring, Lin Mo took it himself, and the others didn't say anything.

"By the way, President Alice asked us today when we will go back. The beautiful country wants to hold an event to commemorate this incident. I hope we can participate!" Zhou Lu hesitated and said.

"Forget it, go back early, you should know that I will be in a lot of trouble when I go back!" Lin Mo smiled bitterly and said: "Let's set out early tomorrow morning, so get ready!

I know you all have sweethearts in the Cupid Association, so bid farewell tonight! "

Zhou Lu and others immediately smiled and nodded.

That night, after Lin Mo and others finished eating and drinking, he returned to his room.

When he opened the door, he suddenly felt helpless.

"You are so determined to give up!" Lin Mo said helplessly.

On the only bed in the room at this moment, Vina was sitting there wearing a tulle dress, and the lace inside could be vaguely seen.

Such a scene is naturally full of temptation, but Lin Mo has seen it more than once and has long been used to it.

"Lin Mo, you are leaving, can you leave me a child?" Wei Na stood up and looked at Lin Mo's final words.

Lin Mo was stunned. Is the beautiful country so bold?

"Miss Wei Na, I have made it very clear..."


Before Lin Mo finished speaking, he saw Wei Na raising her hand and smashing a pink heart-shaped jade pendant to the ground.

Along with a crisp sound, the whole room was suddenly filled with an inexplicable smell.

Then Lin Mo seemed to fall into some kind of special illusion, and then he saw Wei Na walking towards him.

Drowsily, he saw that Wei Na was wearing less and less clothes, and finally they both fell on the bed.

A night without words and a night without sleep.

Early the next morning, Lin Mo suddenly opened his eyes and looked around.

In the room, the sun shines in, the wind blows, and the curtains flutter.

At this moment, Lin Mo was the only one lying on the bed, but thinking back to everything last night, it seemed like a dream and also like reality!

"What the hell..." Lin Mo stood up and lifted the quilt and found that he was naked...

And on the snow-white sheets, there are still dots of wintersweet...

With a sigh, Lin Mo thought for a while and put away the sheets.

He opened the door and walked out. Everyone had packed up and was waiting in the hall.

Seeing Lin Mo come out, everyone looked at Lin Mo with a strange expression.

"What are you all looking at me for?"

Lin Mo looked at them with some confusion.

"Boss, on your neck..." Zhou Lu pointed at Lin Mo's neck.

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, then looked at the mirror in the living room, and his scalp suddenly went numb.

There is a red strawberry mark on the neck!

"..." Qi and blood circulated, and the mark disappeared.

Zhou Lu and others covered their mouths and snickered.

Lin Mo was too lazy to talk to them, but looked at Liu Mi: "Get ready, let's go home!"

"Boss, people from the Cupid Association came to tell us this morning that they would arrange a special flight to send us back! We have already declared a special route!" Liu Mi responded with a smile.

Lin Mo nodded. After walking out of the villa, he saw the Cupid Association's car parked at the door.

After everyone got in the car, they drove towards the airport.

Half an hour later, they boarded the plane and set sail for China.

Lin Mo looked at the increasingly smaller beautiful country outside the window, with a look of emotion on his face.

The short time he spent here gave him a more comprehensive understanding of the place.

Here, in fact, it is no different from China. There are good and bad, but when faced with danger, some people will come forward!

"Neon...White Elephant Country!" Lin Mo thought of the neon and White Elephant Country that caused this disaster. According to Alice, the Beautiful Country will definitely retaliate against these two countries.

It's just not clear when it will start, but the beautiful country is likely to invite China to share the fruits of victory.

"I hope the Abyss Chaos can end soon!" Lin Mo sighed with emotion, and then closed his eyes.

I don't know what happened last night, but he was a little tired.

"You can't...really haven't slept all night, right?" Lin Mo muttered and closed his eyes slightly.


The whole plane trembled, waking Lin Mo from his sleep.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Zhou Lu and others looking nervously outside, where there were two fighter jets accompanying them.

"Are you here to pick us up, or are you sending us away?" Lin Mo said.

"Boss, are you kidding? What we do in the beautiful country will definitely receive a warm welcome from China. Even if we want to mess with you, we will do it in the dark. On the bright side, you may even become a hero. The same existence!" Li Fengchun said helplessly.

After sharing the beast elixir last night, this guy, like everyone else, started calling Lin Mo boss.

After correcting it several times and finding that it had no effect at all, Lin Mo gave up completely. Anyway, he would not suffer at all if he was called like this.

"But, boss, you really have to be careful about one thing." Li Fengchun thought for a moment and said, "The Tang family should take action against you, and there are several other families. They will ask you for an explanation soon."

"Tang family? Looking for me?" Lin Mo sneered: "I'm still looking for them!

This disaster must have something to do with them! "

Tang San and Neon Man were very close. It would be impossible to say that there was no relationship between them.

Lin Mo even suspected that Tang San was one of the masterminds of the abyss exit incident!

"The Tang family is an inherited family, so you have to be careful!" Li Fengchun said: "But don't worry, our Li family will definitely be on your side this time!"

"Thank you!" Lin Mo said with a smile, "Your grandfather asked me to take good care of you."

"Haha, boss, let me tell you, I am conquered by you now. If it were before, do you think I would love you?"

The two looked at each other and burst into laughter.

By this time, they had already seen the land of China.

The outline of the capital grew larger and larger, and then the plane began to land slowly.

The entire airport was immediately closed. When Lin Mo and others walked out of the plane, they immediately saw the pillars of the nine great powers of China standing there.

At the same time, Lin Mo keenly felt a breath looking at him.

With his spiritual power surging, Lin Mo found the source of this aura, which was a vague figure standing quietly in mid-air.

Soldier lord!

Lin Mo didn't expect the soldier master to come as well, so he nodded calmly as a greeting.

The soldier leader also nodded and then disappeared.

"Welcome back!"

The pillars of the Nine Kingdoms came up to Shi with a smile, and the boss among them, with a smile on his face, took Lin Mo's hand: "I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it, you guys turned out to be a blockbuster!

Defeated the beautiful country and became the first place, the best result in Chinese history!

Don’t worry, we will definitely give you a satisfactory reward for this! "

The boss among the pillars of the Nine Kingdoms had spoken, so Lin Mo was naturally relieved.

The appearance of the nine of them gave Lin Mo and others enough face, and then they accepted various interviews.

After answering all the previous compliments, a discordant voice rang out.

"Mr. Lin, we know that as the leader of the team, you have won great honors in the beautiful country. I would like to ask, do you feel guilty now about the people you drove away in the first place?"

Everyone's smiles suddenly sank and they looked at the reporter who asked.

Zhou Lu and others even wanted to drive the reporter away, but were directly stopped by Lin Mo.

"First, let me answer this reporter's question."

Lin Mo smiled and said, "I drove away many people and even killed some people, but now you ask me if I regret it, and my answer is actually no regrets!

The people I drove away were not strong enough and were no match for me. Even if such people arrived in the beautiful country, they would most likely die there.

Then he disobeys orders. What should I do with such a person?

Therefore, I don’t regret that they were driven away by me. In fact, I think they want to thank me for sparing their lives! "

As soon as the words fell, everyone laughed.

The reporter's expression also changed slightly, and then quickly returned to calm.

Another reporter beside him chuckled and raised his hand: "Mr. Lin, I also have a question:

I heard that this time before the start of the competition in the beautiful country, you seemed to have taken direct action and injured Tang San of the Tang family.

Then he killed people directly behind him.

What I know here is that Tang San was an excellent martial artist, and there was no problem with his character or morals.

Did you kill him now because you were worried that he would steal your limelight?

The Tang family is an inherited family. If you kill people rashly, aren't you worried about the Tang family's revenge? "

As soon as such a question came up, many people's expressions changed, because the direction of asking such a question was too obvious.

Hearing this question, Lin Mo felt cold in his heart, but with a slight smile on his face: "Thank you for asking such a question.

In fact, even if you didn’t ask, I was just thinking about talking about it! "

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