Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 445: Visiting the Tang Family

It really broke the sky...

Everyone looked at the nine figures walking in the front, and their hearts were trembling.

Some people turned their heads to look at Lin Mo who was walking beside them, and there was an inexplicable meaning in their eyes.

This young man... is really not simple!

What is the purpose of this meeting? Those who attended the meeting knew it clearly.

Everyone thought that they would see Lin Mo bleed or even fall today, but who could have thought that it would end like this!

The elder of the Tang family died! He was killed by Lin Mo himself.

After the elder of a heritage family died, the pillars of the nine countries actually brought their bodies to the door!

It's going to change!

The huge city where the Tang family is located is not far from the capital, and the people who can participate in this meeting are all strong men above the martial emperor. If they really use extreme speed, they are not much slower than fighter jets.

So it only took half an hour for Lin Mo and others to arrive at the location of the Tang family, Jincheng!

Looking at the towering city gate in front of him, Lin Mo was shocked.

"A hundred years ago, the Tang family defended Jincheng to the death, using flesh and blood as a wall to block the attacks of countless enemies.

Who would have thought that a hundred years later, someone in the Tang family would do such a thing!"

The boss of the Nine Pillars of the Nation spoke slowly, looking at the city gate with a look of emotion in his eyes.

The three young men of the Tang family who followed him were evasive, and they did not dare to face the gazes of Lin Mo and others.


Accompanied by a sound that made people's teeth ache, the closed city gate slowly opened, revealing the busy scene inside.

"Let's go into the city!" The boss of the Nine Pillars of the Nation spoke softly, and then led everyone inside.

As soon as they entered the city, countless eyes looked over.

"Oh my God, am I seeing right? Aren't those the three brothers of the Tang family? Why do they look like they were escorted back?"

"There are wounds on their faces. Could they have been beaten?"

"More than being beaten, look at who is being carried!"

"Oh my God, it's the great elder of the Tang family... Is he, dead?!"

The discussion soon began, and the three people of the Tang family buried their heads even lower, wishing they could find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

Now they just hope to get to the Tang family as soon as possible. Even if they die, it will be better than being looked at like a monkey by everyone.


At this moment, a series of footsteps came from a distance.

The crowd made way, and a team of people came over and finally stopped in front of the pillar of the Nine Nations.

The leader was a middle-aged man, with restrained blood and energy, who looked ordinary, but after just one look, Lin Mo felt like he was being stared at!

The feeling of being stared at really made him shudder!

"He... is looking at me!" Even though the middle-aged man did not turn around, Lin Mo was still very sure that the man was looking at him.

"Spiritual power, very strong spiritual power, far above me!"

In just a moment, Lin Mo made his own judgment.

His face was extremely serious. With such a strong spiritual power, if he took action directly, I am afraid that no one present would be able to withstand it!

Fortunately, the middle-aged man did not take action, but respectfully clasped his fists in front of the nine pillars of the country.

"Pillars of the country, my brother is now dead. I dare to ask you to allow me to take his body back!

After all, people in my Tang family can die, but they cannot be humiliated!" The middle-aged man's tone was firm.

And at this time, the blood power in his body began to show, forming a series of terrifying blood-colored figures behind him.

These figures held swords, spears and even crossbows in their hands, and at this moment, they all ran wildly in the direction of Lin Mo and others.

"What are they going to do?" Lin Mo's heart sank. The Nine Provinces Order was already in an activated state. As long as Lin Mo's mind moved, several rays of light would fall on the people around him.

At that time, whether joining the battle or running away quickly, with the blessing of the Nine Provinces Order, it would be much smoother!

"Tang Julu?" The leader of the pillars of the country looked at the middle-aged man and said with a smile: "It is worthy of being the recognized first in talent in the Tang family. Whether it is the blood power or the mental power, it is catching up with us old guys!

However, are you going to fight in front of us?"

As soon as the voice fell, a strong blood power burst out from the nine pillars of the country at the same time!


In an instant, the blood and qi phenomenon behind Tang Julu disappeared directly.

Moreover, Tang Julu opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of sticky blood, and his face became much paler.

He looked up at the nine pillars of the country, gritted his teeth and wiped off the blood, and said: "Please return my brother's body!"

"Get lost!" The boss of the pillar of the country had a gloomy face and shouted loudly: "I came here today just to deter you. If you do this again, the Tang family will be destroyed today!"

The Tang family will be destroyed!

As soon as these four words came out, everyone present couldn't help but take a breath.

If these four words came out of other people's mouths, it would definitely make many people laugh, but these four words came out of the mouth of the pillar of the country!

Given their status and position, since they said this, it would not be difficult to make the Tang family disappear into ashes!

Tang Julu's face also changed suddenly. He looked at the nine pillars of the country, opened his mouth, and finally waved his hand, letting all the people who followed him retreat.

He was the only one left looking at the nine pillars of the country, and said: "I have grown up with my brother since I was a child. Can I go with you?"

This sentence was no longer arrogant, but almost a request.

"I say it again, get out!" The boss of the pillar of the country spoke, which clearly did not give him any chance!

Tang Julu's face changed again and again, and finally raised his head to look at Lin Mo, and then left directly.

"Te, who yelled at you, go find who, and finally look at my eyes!" Lin Mo recalled the look Tang Julu gave him, and was suddenly speechless. He muttered twice, and then walked towards the Tang family with everyone.

Because everyone knew about Tang Julu's matter just now, Lin Mo and others went to the Tang family!

The people who were watching the excitement at first now had wildly changing faces and wanted to leave without making a sound.

Because they knew very well that there were some excitements in China that were worth watching, but some excitements could easily cost you your life!

Thinking of this, they retreated directly, then turned around and left quickly.

Some people were not afraid of death and took the initiative to follow.

So when they approached the Tang family, the team had gathered hundreds of people.


The closed door of the Tang family slowly opened, and then a team of people walked out.

This time, Tang Julu was actually at the end of the team, led by a white-haired old man, followed by a dozen of the same old people, and then some middle-aged people with strong strength.

"The third elder of the Tang family!" Someone in the crowd exclaimed, the old man in the lead was actually a supreme elder of the Tang family.

"It is said that the Tang family has a total of five supreme elders, among whom the first and second supreme elders are elusive. All affairs are presided over by the third supreme elder, and the other two elders are assistants.

Now that the third supreme elder has come out in person, it is enough to see that this matter is extremely important to the Tang family."

"Tang family, Tang Gong, lead the supreme elders, elders, and young strong men of the Tang family to welcome you!" The third supreme elder spoke loudly.

He has a head full of white hair, but his voice is still loud and can be heard from a long distance in the entire Jincheng.

The pillar of the country smiled, took the initiative to step forward, took Tang Gong's hand and said: "What does the third supreme elder mean?

Although we are here to inspect and question, I believe in the character of the third supreme elder, and I believe in the character of all the elders and the supreme elders!"

In one sentence, he pointed out the purpose of coming here, and at the same time, he quietly put several supreme elders and elders in a very high position.

In this way, even if they wanted to protect the Tang family's elder, it would be impossible.

Tang Julu looked at the scene in front of him, opened his mouth, and finally sighed lightly and said nothing.

"The elder of the Tang family colluded with the United States and wanted to strangle the future strong man of China in the cradle!

In the end, he was killed by Lin Mo.

The Ministry of War sent the ashes home today, and by the way, we have to check whether the soldiers in Jincheng are still soldiers of our Ministry of War!"

This is very serious, so the face of the third elder of the Supreme Elder immediately became serious, straightened his clothes, and said solemnly: "The Tang family will naturally investigate the matter of Tang Qian. When the time comes, those who should be killed will be killed, and there will be no leniency!

Please believe that my Tang family will not change its original intention!"

"The original intention will not change?" Lin Mo chuckled, stepped forward, looked at the third elder of the Supreme Elder and said lightly: "Do you dare to pat your chest and say that more than 50% of your Tang family have not changed their original intentions?"

"Why not?" The third elder of the Supreme Elder looked at Lin Mo, and a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes. In his opinion, all this was caused by Lin Mo. If there was no Lin Mo, there would be no trouble behind it!

"In that case, swear in front of everyone!" Lin Mo looked at the Third Elder: "Just say that you have no second thoughts about China!"

The Third Elder's face changed slightly. At their level, they dare not swear easily, because once they break their oath, they may even have demons in their hearts.

At that time, it will be difficult to make further progress.

Thinking of this, the Third Elder said in a deep voice: "The heart of my Tang family can be seen by the sun and the moon. Why do we need to use such a despicable means as an oath to prove it?

But Lin Mo, during your time in the United States, have you been too close to the God of Love Association?

I got the news from there that you became the contractor of that Vina?"

"The contractor needs to sleep with the women of the God of Love Association, and once you sleep with them, it is equivalent to signing a contract.

According to the contract, the God of Love Association can completely contain you. Who dares to say that you still have China in your heart now?"

As expected of the Third Elder, he still wants to fight back at this time!

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