"What we need to investigate now is the affairs of the Tang family!" The boss of the pillar of the country said in a deep voice: "You should know very well that the inheritance family can't stand the investigation now!

Since it can't stand the investigation, then don't leave and say such absolute words!

Also, what I said this time is just a small deterrent. There will be such an inspection every two years!

The inspections in the future will only become more and more severe!

Tang family, this is the last chance I give you on behalf of the Ministry of War!

The remaining inheritance families, don't say I didn't warn you, if there is a next time..."

The boss of the pillar of the country was so excited that he actually raised his hand and slapped the depths of the Tang family.

In an instant, a huge palm appeared, and it fell down towards the Tang family like a canopy!

Faced with such a scene, everyone felt a little breathless. The pressure like the sky falling was not something that ordinary people could bear at all!

"Is this a strong man at the level of the Martial Emperor?" The boss of the pillar of the country is definitely a strong man at the level of the Martial Emperor, but Lin Mo has no way to judge whether he is a high-level or mid-level Martial Emperor.


Just when Lin Mo thought that most of the Tang family was going to be destroyed, a loud noise was heard, and then he saw another palm suddenly appearing from the depths of the Tang family, facing the palm in the sky!

After a loud noise, two different forces of blood and qi rushed out in all directions!

A group of people only felt the wind and sand blowing wildly, and even their feet began to stagger.

When the wind and sand dissipated, they saw two more bodies in the sky above the depths of the Tang family.

These were two old men, who looked almost the same, but one of them was dressed in a white robe and the other was dressed in black.

The hair of the two men was black and gray, and there was no trace of wind and frost on their faces.

"You two old things... are really in seclusion!" The boss of the pillar of the country spoke slowly.

"Is the Ministry of War going to destroy my Tang family?" One of the old men spoke.

"We don't have that intention at the moment, but if the Tang family continues to do this, the destruction of the Tang family is a foregone conclusion!"

"Okay, you can go back. Within three days, I will give you... and this child an explanation!" The two people spoke at the same time.

The leader of the pillar of the country nodded, and was very satisfied with the result.

"Do you know that this was originally a torture against you, but I didn't expect that you turned the tables in the end!" On the way back, the leader of the pillar of the country whispered: "The Tang family was well prepared, but I didn't expect that the result would be like this!

What was even more unexpected was that in order to keep that person, the Tang family actually sent out two reclusive strongmen!"

"Those two reclusive strongmen should be the Supreme Elder and the Second Supreme Elder. I didn't expect them to be so young!" Lin Mo said with a smile.

"It's them. According to the Tang family, they have been traveling around the world recently, looking for a chance to break through, but now we have discovered that they have never gone out!

Although the palm strike just now was to teach the Tang family a lesson, I know very well in my heart that I would rather see if they are still there!!

The result did not disappoint me, so what I want to say is that Lin Mo, you did a great job!"

Lin Mo nodded, and was not interested in such praise.

After returning to the Ministry of War, Lin Mo proposed the idea of ​​going back.

The things here have been almost completed. Calculating the time, it has been almost two weeks since I came out this time, so I still have to go back early!

"Since you want to go back, there is nothing to say to us!" The pillar of the country spoke, then hesitated for a long time and looked at Lao Jiu on the side.

Lao Jiu showed a helpless look on his face, but finally said with a stiff face: "Lin Mo, I have something to ask you!"

"What is it? Senior, just tell me!"

"I heard that you were given a blood affinity tester when you were in the United States?"

Lin Mo nodded. When he mentioned this, he thought of Aaron, who was shining all over his body, and his eyes were slightly red: "But I can't give this thing to you!


After saying this, he turned around and left.

"Boss, wait a minute, we want to go with you too!"

"And me!"

"And me, I'll call the old man now and tell him that whoever wants to take the position of the head of the family can do it. Anyway, I don't like it!"

Li Fengchun, Zhou Lu and others were very excited when they saw Lin Mo was leaving. No matter how they were persuaded, they had to follow Lin Mo.

Lin Mo had a smile on his face. These people had contact with him in the United States, and their character should be trustworthy.

A group of people followed Lin Mo and set off to Beijing Airport.

Lin Mo, who has an abnormal friendship with many old men in Beijing, used his connections to charter a whole plane!

When they arrived at the airport, a plane had already parked there. After everyone boarded the plane, Lin Mo closed his eyes and began to think about everything today.

He has now developed a good habit of reviewing. Looking back now, many things are really luck.

If Lin Mo made a mistake in any link, it is very likely that they will not be able to come back now!

Thinking of this, Lin Mo smiled. Sometimes good luck is also part of strength, isn't it?

Time passed and they spent a whole afternoon on the plane. When they were about to get off the plane, Lin Mo noticed that Li Fengchun had even begun to flirt with the young and beautiful flight attendant. He immediately left with a black line on his face. He went forward and separated the two of them.

"It's not easy to meet a beautiful woman, but you still don't let me say hello!" Li Fengchun said helplessly: "Boss, you won't even take care of me when I lie to a little girl, right?"

"Of course you have to take care of it! Otherwise, when you get to Rob Giant City, I may catch you being dishonest one day. If you are dishonest, I will probably beat you until your mother doesn't even recognize you!"


Soon, there was a burst of cheerful laughter.

"I used to think all flight attendants were ugly, but I never thought there would be such a beautiful flight attendant!" Zhou Lu said with emotion.

"That's because the flights you take are all low-level flights. Stewardesses of this level must be chartered or on top-tier flights!"

If a flight attendant of this level comes to you, you should be careful, but don't become the second fat cat! "

"I wouldn't be that stupid!"

Seeing Zhou Lu and Li Fengchun bickering, a group of people started to laugh.

"Lin Mo!" Just as they were joking, a voice sounded.

Hearing this voice, Lin Mo felt his whole body tremble and his eyes almost turned red.

He looked at the woman in front of him. After some time passed, Ye Qing seemed to have lost a lot of weight, standing there like a stick.

"Qing'er!" Lin Mo also greeted him with a smile.

Behind him were Zhou Lu, Li Fengchun and others.

"This is my sister-in-law. She is so beautiful. Why would someone be obsessed with my sister-in-law? Seeing her is better than hearing it a hundred times!

Boss, you are so lucky! "

A group of people were amazed at Ye Qing's beauty, and none of them knew what to say.

"I wonder why the boss can sit back and relax while he is in the beautiful country..." Liu Mi said, with a look of sudden realization on his face.

"You're talking nonsense. Didn't Lin Mo spend the night with Wei Na?"


Lin Mo discovered that Liu Mi had the potential to do gossip. After thinking about it, he led everyone into the city and sat down.

Ye Qing drove Lin Mo and accelerated on the road in the desert, and finally stopped in front of a huge building.

Looking at the building in front of him, Lin Mo had a smile on his face: "It's almost completed!"

The building in front of him was the scientific research institute that Lin Mo originally wanted to build. Now that the entire building has been completed, only some decoration work is left.

"I brought a lot of good things when I came back this time." Lin Mo thought, and a series of good things such as the qi and blood detector appeared directly in front of Ye Qing.

"And this!" Lin Mo took out a ring from his body, which also had a storage function.

Seeing the ring in Lin Mo's hand, Ye Qing couldn't move her eyes away.

This ring is so beautiful, it sparkles on the ring finger, and even has mysterious power fluctuations.

"Storage ring?!" Ye Qing's face was full of smiles: "Lin Mo, this gift is really too precious!"

"As long as you like it! In addition, the ring must be worn on your hand at all times. No one is allowed to get close to your ring!" Lin Mo gave a few instructions and then started to visit other places.

Just as Lin Mo was visiting carefully, a voice sounded from the second floor.

"Are you Lin Mo?" A middle-aged man walked down. Seeing Lin Mo and Ye Qing being so intimate, he felt a little unhappy, so he wanted to cause trouble for Lin Mo.

"Zhou Ruan, get away from me. I told you that we are not suitable and nothing will happen!"

Ye Qing spoke with disgust on her face, and even leaned her body towards Lin Mo while speaking.

"Even if you are acting with me, you have to pretend to be more like me!" Lin Mo looked at Ye Qing in his arms with a helpless face: "Okay, time is urgent, let's get the scientific research project done quickly!"

Lin Mo pointed at the machinery and equipment not far away. This time he came back from the beautiful country and really brought a lot of good things with him.

"If we research all of them, I guarantee that your future income will at least triple!" Lin Mo stretched out three fingers and spoke slowly.

Zhou Ruan's eyes immediately lit up. At this time, he didn't even bother pretending to like Ye Qing in front of Lin Mo. Instead, he quickly stepped forward to study with a smile.

"How did you know that the two of us were acting?" Ye Qing looked at Lin Mo with surprise.

"Because he still has a ring on his hand, I believe it is impossible to choose those with bad character to come here!" Lin Mo responded with a smile.

When the two were about to say something, a group of people suddenly ran over from outside.

"I'll go to the boss, do you know what I found?" Zhou Lu's face was full of shock, and he spoke breathlessly.

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