Behind Lao Qi stood several powerful figures, exuding terrifying Qi and blood power.

These people, without exception, were all powerful warriors at the level of Martial Emperors, and Lao Qi even reached the fourth level of Martial Emperor, which was considered a mid-level Martial Emperor!

Facing the five Martial Emperors who appeared at once, everyone's faces were very solemn.

"Senior, what are you doing here today?" Lin Mo stepped forward and said with a smile.

At this moment, Lao Qi stood in mid-air, looking down at everyone below, and finally his eyes fell on the hall.

"Can this instrument be handed over to the Ministry of War?"

Lao Qi spoke directly and actually asked for the attribute affinity tester.

"Senior... Rob Giant City will develop its own military force, and this instrument is very important to us!

But don't worry, we will also develop our own tester for China as quickly as possible, and we will definitely send two to the Ministry of War at that time!

If the Ministry of War really needs the tester, it can arrange personnel to come to Rob Giant City for testing!"

Lin Mo spoke directly, and the meaning behind his words was very clear, that is, refusal.

"Lin Mo, this is not a discussion with you, this is us notifying you!" An old man behind Lao Qi said, "Also, what qualifications does your Rob City have to have its own troops?"

"Have your own troops? Does Rob City want to be independent?"

The two spoke one after another, directly putting a big hat of treason on Lin Mo.

Lin Mo's eyes were cold, looking at the two people who had just spoken.

Facing Lin Mo's gaze, the two people were nervous at first, and then they immediately reacted: He is just a kid at the level of a martial emperor, why should they be afraid of him?

Thinking of this, the two snorted coldly, and the strands of Qi and blood power dissipated directly, overturning towards Lin Mo!

Lao Qi felt the change of Qi and blood power, and knew that the person behind him was taking action. His face changed slightly, and he wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

The pressure formed by the Qi and blood power roared like a violent beast and pounced on Lin Mo.

The majestic momentum seemed to tear Lin Mo apart.

"Get out!"

Feeling the pressure from the blood and qi, Chen Banzi and the others' faces darkened, as if the murderous intent was materialized and emanated from the people behind Lin Mo!

The same blood and qi, coupled with endless murderous intent, instantly made the air around them seem to solidify.


A muffled sound came from the air, it was the collision of two extreme forces.


In an instant, the two strong men behind Lao Qi spat out a mouthful of blood, staggered back while holding their chests.


At this time, Lin Mo's mental power also burst out, suppressing the two people's spiritual platforms!

"Lin Mo!" Lao Qi roared and immediately made a move to stop him.

If such a majestic mental power enveloped them, it would probably turn the two people who made the move into idiots!

Two martial emperor-level strong men, just went on a business trip, and turned into idiots after returning. This kind of thing is a big joke.

The two mental powers confronted each other, and Lao Qi's face changed slightly.

Because the mental power emitted by Lin Mo was suppressing his mental power!

He was a martial emperor-level warrior, but now he was being crushed by a martial emperor-level warrior with mental power!

"Lin Mo, stop!" A few seconds later, Lao Qi shouted loudly: "Are you going to go to war with the Ministry of War?"

"I dare not!" Lin Mo did not stop, and his mental power continued to crush Lao Qi.

Lao Qi's heart sank slightly, because at the current speed, at most one minute, he would be made a fool by Lin Mo's mental power!

"Lin Mo, stop first, everything will be fine!" Lao Qi shouted again. In just a few words, Lin Mo's mental power had already suppressed him so much that he was almost out of breath.

If Lin Mo really had the intention to kill, none of them would be able to escape, and all of them would die here!

"Senior, these two people attacked me first!" Lin Mo raised his hand and pointed at the two pale-faced warriors: "If I don't pay a little price, then anyone will dare to attack me in the future!

So, the two of them... must die!"

When the last word came out, the faces of the two warriors changed drastically, and their eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Lin Mo, you are so powerful, so what if we two want to kill you..."

The two warriors were also well-known figures in their respective families. How could they be humiliated by Lin Mo? They immediately mocked back without thinking.

"You two shut up!" Lao Qi's face changed drastically and shouted sternly.

He was really convinced by these two idiots. At this time, the two of them dared to mock.

Do you think you are not dying fast enough?


Lin Mo's voice also sounded after the two voices fell.

Hearing Lin Mo's voice, Lao Qi's heart sank.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

On the Rob Giant City side, the remaining few martial emperor-level warriors flew up at the same time and dived towards the two warriors!

Just as the other strong men were about to rescue them, the light of the Nine Provinces Order on Lin Mo lit up and fell on Chen Banzi and others.

At the same time, those who were about to take action felt that there seemed to be light falling on their bodies, making them feel weak.

"Only kill the two of them. If anyone stops us, kill them together!" Lin Mo's voice sounded again.

The murderous aura filled the sky above the entire Rob City.

Hearing Lin Mo's words, the people who were about to attack also stopped instantly.

Then, several martial emperor-level masters attacked at the same time. No matter how strong the two masters were, they were injured at the moment, and the final result could only be... their heads and bodies were separated!


Two figures fell from midair and hit the ground heavily, blood splattered everywhere, and the strong fishy smell made people almost unable to open their eyes.

Lin Mo raised his hand and fanned in front of his nose, his face full of disgust.

After the two people died, his mental power also dissipated directly.

"Senior, please forgive me, I am rude!" Lin Mo bowed to Lao Qi.

Lao Qi couldn't help but curl his lips. With Lin Mo's attitude, how could he admit his fault? Instead, it was as if someone owed him a million.

"Lin Mo, you've caused a big disaster!" Old Seven pointed at Lin Mo and said with a look of regret: "These two people are from the Kong family!"

"Kong family?" Lin Mo chuckled: "Senior, the Kong family is a family of inheritance. They can actually do such a thing. I think they deserve to die!"

"Hehe, so what if they are from the Kong family? They attacked Lin Mo in front of so many people and were killed by us. They are just trash!

Since they are trash, they will die if they die!

Also, senior, I think your attitude of taking sides at the beginning, if you were not the pillar of the country, do you think there would be one more person dead now?"

Li Fengchun stood behind Lin Mo and said lazily.

One sentence directly changed the faces of everyone, including Old Seven.

"Li Fengchun, how can you say such a thing!" Lin Mo turned around and said indifferently.

"Yes, boss, I was wrong!" Li Fengchun also pretended to arch his hands to Lin Mo, obviously not taking this matter to heart.

Lao Qi's face looked grim as he walked down from the air step by step.

The people behind him hesitated for a moment and followed him down.

The strong smell of blood became even more pungent, so that the faces of these people became extremely grim, and they were obviously trying their best to endure this unpleasant smell.

"Lin Mo, you should have other gains from this trip to the Beautiful Country. You can keep this tester, but what about the storage ring? This thing is of great use to my military department. I hope you can give it to us!"

Old Seven looked at Lin Mo and said in a deep voice: "This is also the intention of the Lord of Arms!"

"Senior, are you using the Lord of Arms to pressure me?" Lin Mo had a smile on his face: "In fact, there is no need for you to do this. Whether it is the tester or the storage ring, there is no need to use the Lord of Arms to pressure me!

Even if the pillar of the country comes to pressure me personally, I can only surrender!"

"Lin Mo, we are not using force to pressure others!" Old Seven explained: "We are just..."

"Senior, don't say such things!" Lin Mo waved his hand and interrupted him with a cold look. He raised his hand and pointed at the strong men behind Old Seven: "I don't know if you are not using force to pressure others, then why do you bring so many strong men?

You don't think I dare to attack you!"

"You don't dare?" Old Seven complained madly in his heart, but when it really came to this point, he really couldn't say that Lin Mo dared to attack him.

Because of a bad word, the negotiation broke down, and it was not impossible that Lin Mo really killed them.

It was okay for two members of the Kong family to die, but if he himself was implicated and killed by the angry Lin Mo, it would be too worthless!

"Lin Mo, we came here with sincerity!" Lao Qi forced himself not to be anxious and said, "I can make the decision. When the storage ring is developed, we will provide you with a certain number of rings for free every year. How about it?"

"If we develop it ourselves, we can also provide you with a little every year!" Lin Mo chuckled: "In fact, it's okay for me to hand over the storage ring. I have other conditions!"

"You say it!" Lao Qi had a helpless look on his face, and he had already started cursing in his heart. This time, he didn't want to come, but the boss appointed him. Now, Lin Mo directly put his face to Yin Yang, but he couldn't even say a word!

"The development of the storage ring, our people in Rob City must also participate in it! The entire research and development process, data and information sharing!" Lin Mo smiled and said: "If the ring is really developed at that time, we don't need you to provide it, we can produce it ourselves!"

Old Seven looked at Lin Mo's handsome face, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Lin Mo, a young man under 30 years old, has grown to this point unknowingly!

"Okay, I can make the decision and promise you this!" Old Seven nodded: "You can also use the same method for the tester!"

"Senior, people can't be too greedy, so even if the junior wants to do this in his heart, he can only give up!" Lin Mo smiled a little embarrassedly: "Otherwise, it seems that the junior is too greedy!"

Old Seven was so angry at Lin Mo that he blew his beard and glared. After Lin Mo handed the ring to him, he immediately turned around and left with his people.

"Wait a minute, senior!" Lin Mo thought for a moment and quickly called them: "Junior is going to use the military order to recruit 1,000 soldiers. Please ask the Ministry of War to subsidize us according to this number!"

Old Seven was so angry that his teeth itched, but thinking of the effect of the military order, he could only snort unhappily and left quickly with his people as if he was escaping.

"Okay, let's do it according to our plan. In addition, help me open the abyss of Rob City. I want to go in!" After they left, Lin Mo immediately looked at Ye Qing and others and spoke in a deep voice.

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