Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 449: Entering the Abyss Again

"Master, I will be in seclusion for a period of time. If anything happens, please notify me in time. It's not a big deal. I'll leave it all to you!" Lin Mo said softly.

He now carries so many monster pills with him, which is enough for him to fight in the dream.

After explaining everything, Lin Mo entered the room, swallowed a monster pill, and slowly closed his eyes.

Game loading...

Lin Mo opened his eyes and appeared in the dream. After choosing Rob Abyss, a portal appeared in front of him.

With a flash of his body, Lin Mo rushed in.

Looking for his previous memories, Lin Mo flew madly towards the direction of the holy mountain.

However, as soon as he ran a certain distance, he suddenly stopped and looked around carefully.

"Something is wrong, but I can't tell what is wrong!" Lin Mo frowned, and the next moment he flew away sideways.

He is fast, but there is something faster than him!

A ray of gray light shone towards Lin Mo's waist. If it really hit him this time, he would definitely be cut into two pieces!


A voice resounded, and a ball of blood burst out from Lin Mo's body, and a huge wound appeared on Lin Mo's body.

Xuanwu Kung Fu circulated, and the water attribute power restored Lin Mo's physical body as quickly as possible.


A terrifying roar resounded, and the dense woods in the distance fell to the ground crazily like trees pushed down by bulldozers. At the same time, countless birds screamed and flew into the distance, as if they were avoiding something.

Lin Mo's eyes were cold, and at the same time the energy of his blood was flowing around his body, he looked at the figure hidden in the forest.


The roar was getting louder and louder. This was because he was getting closer and closer to Lin Mo!

It was a yak covered in pitch black, with two huge horns standing up high, pointing towards the sky, just like two pitch black swords.

The gray light just now came from the horns of the cow.

At this moment, Lin Mo looked at the yak warily, and at the same time, he had already held the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand.

"Is this monster crazy? I've come here so many times before and I haven't encountered it before. Why is it such a coincidence that I encountered it as soon as I came in?" Lin Mo had a puzzled look on his face, and then he took the initiative to meet it.

What he has to do now is to kill this monster as quickly as possible.

Fortunately, the monster's strength is only the peak of the seventh-grade Martial Emperor. Although it is stronger than Lin Mo, it is not much stronger.


On the three-pointed two-edged sword, light flickered. Lin Mo kept shuttled through the air, and then suddenly slashed the cold light condensed in his hand towards the ground!


The light made a roar, and the two horns remained motionless on the yak's head. On the contrary, such an attack directly angered it. With a roar, the yak actually expanded its body, and in just a few breaths After that, it turned out to be like a hill!

Looking at the hill in front of him, Lin Mo took two steps back.

The Kyushu Order flickered and enveloped the front, and then the next moment, several rays of light fell on the yak.


The roar resounded, and Yak felt that his condition was being reduced, so he rushed directly towards Lin Mo again.

"You are really looking for death!" Lin Mo's eyes were cold. With the blessing of the Kyushu Order, his speed and strength had nearly doubled!


Lin Mo's whole body turned into a sharp sword, falling from the sky and shooting towards the yak's head!

As a series of stinky blood rained down, a big bloody hole appeared in the center of the yak's head, and Lin Mo stood not far away covered in blood.


There was a sound like the hill was collapsing, and the yak's huge body fell directly.


The three-pointed two-edged sword flashed again. After groping for a while, Lin Mo showed a smile on his face. Sure enough, there was a monster pill on the yak, and the quality of this pill was much better than the ones he had now!

"Earn it!" Lin Mo thought for a while, cut the yak body into many pieces, put it into the storage space, and started on the road again.

However, what he didn't expect was that not long after, another monster stood in front of him!

After a hard fight, Lin Mo paid a price and killed a wild boar-like monster, but this time the wild boar did not have the monster pill.

"It's a shame, I can only bring the wild boar meat. I just hope it won't be too unpalatable!" Lin Mo sighed for a moment, then collected the wild boar's flesh and blood in the same way.

after an hour.

"It's so evil. I encountered monsters along the way. Is it bad luck that I didn't read the almanac when I went out? Or is it some other reason?"

Lin Mo looked at the huge crocodile in front of him with a helpless look on his face.

Less than four hours after coming in, I encountered three huge monsters. The most important thing is that these monsters seemed to be stronger than Lin Mo!

"It seems that the monsters I encounter are getting stronger. Now I am heading in the direction of the Holy Mountain. Could it be that... the closer I get to the Holy Mountain, the stronger these monsters are?"

After Lin Mo killed the giant crocodile in front of him, he did not leave behind the foul smell. Instead, he peeled off all the skin from its body and put it away.

"If this thing were made into a luxury bag, the price would be astronomical!" Lin Mo said with a smile: "Even if it is not made into a bag, if it is made into defensive leather armor, it will definitely be a good choice!"

When Lin Mo just fought, the giant crocodile's skin was simply too difficult to attack. If it weren't for the powerful weapon in his hand, the giant crocodile wouldn't have been killed so easily!

Lin Mo was much more careful during the next section of the journey, and at the same time he began to try to practice martial arts clones.

But what disappoints Lin Mo is that the martial arts clone has practiced it many times, but there is no reaction at all!

"Is it possible that there are too many monsters, causing the signal to be interrupted?" This thought came to Lin Mo's mind, but he quickly rejected it.

"It shouldn't happen, but I still have a bad feeling!" Lin Mo estimated the distance and began to speed up.

In the next few hours, Lin Mo encountered some more monsters. Although in the end, only Lin Mo survived, as more and more ferocious beasts were killed, Lin Mo's mentality began to deteriorate a lot. !

"It's almost crazy. Now we have encountered monsters at the eighth level of the Martial Emperor. If we continue, we will not encounter monsters at the Martial Emperor level."

Then I won’t have to live any more, I’ll just give the monster a teething ceremony! "

With this thought, Lin Mo has been contacting the martial arts clone.

It's a pity that when they finally arrived at the foot of the Holy Mountain, Lin Mo still didn't receive any feedback from the martial arts clone.

At this time, an uneasy thought formed in Lin Mo's mind: There must have been something wrong with Xiao Lu and the martial arts clone!

Thinking of this possibility, Lin Mo suddenly began to sweat on his face.

Although it was already dark now, Lin Mo was still ready to climb the mountain.

Lin Mo is already very familiar with the holy mountain, so even if he climbs the mountain at night, he is still very fast.

In just half an hour, Lin Mo was almost at the top of the mountain.

When passing by the edge of the cliff where Xiaolu's body was originally located, Lin Mo took a special look. The stone was gone, and the traces left behind had long since disappeared.

"Could it be that I really left? I started to release my aura after entering the Holy Mountain. Logically speaking, Xiaolu should have noticed it!"

Lin Mo frowned, feeling increasingly uneasy.

Finally, he came under the holy tree and looked at the empty scene, his heart completely sank.


At this moment, a cry sounded, and Lin Mo suddenly looked in the direction of the sound.

It was a goshawk, huge in size, with a pair of sharp eyes looking in the direction of Lin Mo.

"Xiao Cang?" Lin Mo was not sure whether the goshawk in front of him was Xiao Cang, because the change in size was so great.


The goshawk chirped again and began to swoop down!

With the power of Qi and blood circulating, Lin Mo was ready for defense and counterattack.

At this moment, the goshawk's body changed one after another, becoming the size of an ordinary eagle in a short period of time, and then landed on Lin Mo's shoulders.

"It's really you!" Seeing Xiao Cang, Lin Mo's face showed a smile. If he could meet this goshawk, he could at least ask some questions.

"Hey! Zuo! Leave! Leave quickly!" Goshawk actually sent out a weak mental wave towards Lin Mo.

Lin Mo had a solemn look on his face, because the fly actually told Lin Mo to run away!

Lin Mo couldn't accept this kind of thing no matter what.

"Where are Xiaolu and my martial arts clone?" Lin Mo said in a deep voice. If he was captured by a monster, Lin Mo might go on a rampage and kill all the monsters he could kill!

Thinking of this, Lin Mo looked at Goshawk: "Tell me where they are now, tell me everything!"

The goshawk chirped, and its whole body bowed slightly forward, as if it were an elegant female companion inviting Lin Mo to dance!

Lin Mo knew very well that this was the goshawk's intention of letting him climb on its back.

At this time, Lin Mo couldn't think about that much anymore and flew directly to sit on its back!


With a long cry, Xiaocang flapped his wings and flew into the distance!

"Where are they? Why do you have to fly so far?" Lin Mo asked several questions in one breath. At the end, Lin Mo lowered his voice and asked: "Why are they all gone and you are still here? Don't Tell me, their disappearance has something to do with you!"

"Don't scare me, their disappearance has nothing to do with me!" Xiao Cang was a little helpless: "I am about to be my father's eagle now, and there are many things to consider.

All I know is that after I came back from outside, I felt that the entire Holy Mountain seemed to be changing.

Soon an inexplicable force began to linger around the Holy Mountain. It was in order to investigate the source of this power that Xiaolu left the grand scope of the Holy Mountain.

At that time, the martial arts clones also followed. In theory, the problem was not big, but soon I received the news that they had disappeared! "

There was helplessness on Goshawk's face: "I can only take you away now, and then after a day's rest, I will take you to find the place where they were lost!"

"Sorry to trouble you!" Lin Mo finally nodded, agreeing with his suggestion.

He looked deeply at the location of the entire Holy Mountain.

"Don't let anything happen to you two! Otherwise, I don't know how many monsters I will kill and bury with you!"

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