Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 45 Li Daming prepares for revenge!


In the Li family, Li Daming was leaning on the sofa and looking at Shi Lei in front of him.

"I have found someone to confirm it. It is indeed true. Lin Mo has returned from the training camp. People in their community are spreading rumors that he was driven back. Some insiders say that he was abolished!" Shi Lei With hatred on his face: "Mr. Li, the time for revenge has come!"

"Destroyed..." Li Daming paced back and forth in the room with a hesitant look on his face.

"Dad, what are you still hesitating about? Our Li family has become a joke in Jinling now! I still dare not go to school!

The way you knelt in front of Lin Mo that day was like a dog! "

Li Wei's face was full of hatred and he gritted his teeth and said.

"Shut up. If you, a loser, weren't inferior to others, would I be in such a mess?" Li Daming glared at Li Wei with anger on his face: "Shi Lei, find someone to figure things out. If Lin Mo is really abolished, Already..."

His eyes flashed with hatred, but he was still extremely cautious.

"Mr. Li, please wait a moment. I'll ask someone to bring the insider over!" Shi Lei took out his cell phone and sent a text message.

Ten minutes later, the door of Li's house was pushed open, and a younger brother walked in with a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man looked at Shi Lei with a look of fear on his face.

"Lei...Brother Lei, what do you want from me?" the middle-aged man said in a panic.

The middle-aged man has been idle all year round and is a well-known gangster in the community, so he naturally knows Shi Lei's name.

"Let me ask you an answer, if you dare to tell a lie, you should know the consequences!" Shi Lei stared at the middle-aged man: "Lin Mo is back? I heard you say that he was eliminated in the training camp?"

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, then nodded repeatedly: "He must have been destroyed. I heard that a super genius came to the training camp and crushed other students all the way. Many students were eliminated in the second level of the entrance examination. Wasted.

The remaining students had their brains injured when they were trained by that super genius...

Lin Mo came back at this time, and his brain must have been injured by the super genius when he was measuring his mental power! "

"Super genius?" Li Daming looked at the middle-aged man: "What do you mean?"

"I have a brother who works in the military. Yesterday, the military received a call from the training camp, saying that someone had a problem during a mental test and was seeking help from the military.

At that time, the military headquarters dispatched several captains of King Wu level, but after arriving there, they heard that the student who took the mental test was not only fine, but actually passed the test!

A martial artist-level student’s mental power has reached the level of a first-grade Martial King!

Many students at the scene were mentally shocked and were sent home!

Lin Mo must be one of them! "

The middle-aged man was extremely sure, speaking as if he had seen it with his own eyes.

"A warrior-level person actually has such strong mental power?" Shi Lei had a look of shock on his face, and after a long time he said bitterly: "Compared with those geniuses, we people are really useless!"

He looked lonely. Once upon a time, he also wanted to reach the pinnacle of martial arts, but in the end he didn't even reach the realm of a warrior!

"Okay, I understand, you can get out!" Shi Lei waved his hand and had the middle-aged man taken out.

"Martial King level!"

After the middle-aged man was taken away, Li Daming also showed a look of reverence on his face: "Xiaowei, the Li family will do everything to support you in the future. You must surpass the warrior level and hit the realm of King Wu!"

Once the Li family has a strong man at the level of King Wu, they will have further capital.

In Ningjiang District, the Li family can be considered a wealthy family, but due to lack of strength, they are not considered a big family in Ningjiang.

Once they have a strong man at the level of King Wu, the Li family can even gain a foothold in the entire Jinling!

"Dad, don't worry, I will try my best!" Li Wei nodded heavily: "Before that, let's vent our bad breath first!"

"That's right. The Li family is also a famous family in this area. What happened last time had a great impact on the Li family...

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I want to let those who are watching the joke know that offending my Li family will not end well! "

Li Daming's eyes flashed with hatred and he spoke slowly.

"You're right, he crippled my legs, I'm going to break off his limbs!" Shi Lei said harshly.

Li Wei also stood up with excitement on his face, and the two of them couldn't wait to walk outside.

"Wait a minute!" Li Daming suddenly said: "Shi Lei, I remember you have a senior brother who opens a martial arts gym in Jinling?"

"There is a senior brother, but the relationship is not very good..." Shi Lei shook his head: "Otherwise, if I was beaten like this this time, he wouldn't have stopped taking action!"

"How strong is he?"

"Third-grade warrior!"

"If I ask him to take action, how much will it cost?"

"You want to ask him to take action?" Shi Lei said with surprise on his face: "Lin Mo is just a loser with a broken brain. Is he worthy of a third-level warrior?"

"I always have a very bad premonition, so be cautious!" Li Daming frowned and said: "Your senior brother is a third-level warrior. Even if Lin Mo is not deposed by then, he will not be your senior brother's opponent!"

"It's not necessary..." Shi Lei frowned: "Wait a moment, I'll give him a call!"

Shi Lei took out his cell phone and dialed his senior brother's number.

A few minutes later, Shi Lei hung up the phone: "Senior brother agreed to take action, but his price is not cheap...three million!"

"It costs three million to deal with a waste, why doesn't he grab it!" Li Wei screamed: "Dad, don't worry about him, let's go ourselves, I can completely torture Lin Mo with one hand!"

"I trust my intuition!" Li Daming looked at Shi Lei: "Give me the phone and I'll talk to him!"

Shi Lei nodded, took out his mobile phone and handed it to Li Daming.

Li Daming took the phone and dialed Senior Brother Shi Lei's number again.

Ten minutes later, Li Daming hung up the phone with a relaxed look on his face.

"Okay, let's go!"

"Mr. Li, have you reached an agreement?" Shi Lei looked at Li Daming.

"It's a deal!" Li Daming nodded: "I will take action for three million at a time. If I don't take action, I only need to pay five hundred thousand!"

In this way, we have insurance!

Nothing goes wrong! "

Li Daming had a confident smile on his face. As the head of the Li family, he must remain calm at all times and not be dazzled by hatred.

He felt that he did a good job this time.

"Dad, I have another idea..." Li Wei stood aside and rolled his eyes: "Don't we want to avenge our shame? I have an idea..."

A few minutes later, Lin Dayong and Wang Ping, who were working in the martial arts gym, received a call.

"Your son was kicked back from the training camp. We are about to come and kill him. Do you two old guys want to go back and take a look?"

After receiving the call, Lin Dayong and Wang Ping's expressions changed drastically. They hurriedly asked for leave from the martial arts school and ran home.

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