Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 46 Who the hell said he was a first-class warrior? !

"Hey, it's done. If I guessed correctly, those two old guys should be rushing back... Then we can catch them all in one go!" Li Wei hung up the phone with an excited smile on his face.

"The young master is smarter!" Shi Lei also smiled: "Do these two old guys really think they can escape the clutches of my Li family?"

Li Daming just smiled and didn't care about the life and death of the two rotten fish and shrimps...

On the other side, Lin Dayong was riding a battery car, and Wang Ping was sitting in the back seat with a worried look on his face.

"Xiao Mo, are you at home?"

Wang Ping dialed Lin Mo's number and asked eagerly the moment she got through.

"I'm at home!" Lin Mo nodded: "What's wrong with you?"

"We're fine. Just wait at home. We'll be home soon!" Wang Ping hung up the phone and looked at Lin Dayong with an ugly face: "Xiao Mo was really driven home, what should I do?"

"Go back first!" Lin Dayong had a sullen face and couldn't help but increase the speed of the battery car to the maximum!

Ten minutes later, Lin Dayong and Wang Ping entered the community.

Far away, I saw several old ladies sitting together, discussing something in a low voice.

When they got closer, they really heard Lin Mo's name.

"Aunt Wang, what did you just say happened to our little Mo?" Wang Ping asked with a calm face.

"Xiao Mo's mother, please go back and take a look. Your Xiao Mo has been ruined..." Aunt Wang looked at Wang Ping with pity: "I heard from Xiao Cong that his brain is broken..."

"Xiao Cong knows someone in the military department. What he said should be true..."

The ladies nearby also spoke in agreement.

Wang Ping's body trembled, and if Lin Dayong hadn't helped her up, she might have fallen to the ground.

"Xiao Mo..." Wang Ping broke away from Lin Dayong and ran upstairs staggeringly.

Lin Dayong was afraid that Wang Ping would fall when he went upstairs, so he quickly followed him.

The two opened the door and saw Lin Mo sitting on the sofa.

"Xiao Mo..." Wang Ping rushed forward and almost tripped to the ground.

Lin Mo quickly stood up and supported her: "Mom, why are you back? Don't you work at a martial arts gym?"

"Let mom take a look!" Wang Ping looked Lin Mo up and down, especially on his head: "You're not hurt, are you?"

"No!" Lin Mo shook his head: "How could I be injured? The training camp is a piece of cake for me..."

When Wang Ping heard this, her face changed drastically, and she turned to look at Lin Dayong: "The child's father, Xiao Mo's brain is really broken... What should we do!"

Lin Mo: "..."

Lin Dayong patted Wang Ping on the shoulder: "Xiao Mo should be fine!"

After hearing her husband's words, Wang Ping's mood calmed down a lot: "Xiao Mo, why are you back? Doesn't the training camp last for two months?"

"The instructor asked me to leave the training camp. He said that the training camp is not suitable for me..." Lin Mo said with a smile.

Just when he was about to tell his parents that he would participate in the Condor Special Training program later, Wang Ping and Lin Dayong looked at each other and smiled, saying: "It's okay, as long as you don't get injured, it's fine if you're kicked out of the training camp, it doesn't matter." of!"

"Your mother is right. Although the genius training camp is very powerful, we can still get into college without training camp. Xiao Mo, don't feel too uncomfortable and don't put too much psychological pressure..." Lin Dayong patted Lin Mo's shoulder. : "Our family is rich now. When dad gets you some more Qi and Blood Pills tomorrow, you can hit a higher level!"

"Dad, I..." Lin Mo was about to say something, but stopped, and instead looked up at the door.

"What a warm family gathering!" Li Daming walked in with a few people, with a sarcastic smile on his face: "It's a pity that such a warm scene will soon turn bloody..."

"Hey, Lin Mo, why isn't your sister at home? It's better for the family to be neat and tidy..." Li Wei gave a bad laugh.

"It's okay. After we deal with them, we can find his sister. I heard that his sister is pretty good. I can give it a try then..." Shi Lei also said with a sinister smile.

"Didn't you kneel down enough last time? Are you here again to seek death?!" Lin Mo's eyes darkened and he said in a cold voice.

"Lin Mo, please stop pretending to us. We all know that you were kicked out of the training camp and your brain was injured by a genius you thought was powerful..." Li Wei sneered: "Kneel down and beg me, I might I can leave you a whole body..."


As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Mo rushed forward and slapped him in the face.

After Li Wei spun around twice, he fell to the ground, spitting out more than a dozen teeth from his mouth.

He covered his face and looked at Lin Mo in shock: "Aren't you crippled? Why are you still so strong?!"

"Is it strong?!" Lin Mo's eyes were cold and he raised his foot and stepped hard on his arm.

With a click, Li Wei's hand bones were completely shattered.

Shi Lei's face changed slightly. Lin Mo had not yet activated his energy and blood, so he could not judge Lin Mo's strength, but judging from the speed just now, Lin Mo should not have been defeated!

"Mr. Li, we made a miscalculation!" Shi Lei looked at Li Daming and whispered.

"Miscalculation? When has Li ever miscalculated?!" Li Daming sneered and looked out the door: "Director Liu Qi, it's time for you to take action!"

As the words fell, a figure flashed in.

Liu Qi was wearing a martial arts robe, with short hair standing on end like steel needles, and a scar on his face, making him look extremely ferocious.

"Director Liu?!" Lin Dayong's face suddenly changed when he saw Liu Qi. He had seen Liu Qi's introduction in the advertisements around the school. This is a third-grade warrior!

"I'm sorry, I took money from others to help them get rid of disasters." Liu Qi looked at Lin Mo's family with pity and spoke slowly.

"Are you sure you can kill me?" Lin Mo stepped forward and looked at Liu Qi without fear.

Liu Qi looked at Lin Mo seriously and smiled lightly: "I'm not a fool. After taking this job, I checked your information...

It's really amazing to be a first-grade warrior at such a young age, but compared to me, you are still far behind..."

He paused, and the blood and qi in his body slowly dissipated. In an instant, the whole living room was filled with blood and qi. Lin Dayong and others' faces changed drastically, and they almost fell to the ground.

Li Daming stepped forward and pulled Li Wei aside, with hatred on his face: "Director Liu, kill them! Kill them and the reward will be doubled!"

Liu Qi's eyes lit up and he slowly stepped forward.

Lin Mo shook his head and said helplessly: "Is your information not updated..."

When Lin Mo was in the limelight on campus, he had not yet broken through to the second-grade warrior. When he broke through later, he went directly to the training camp.

So except for those who got his latest information and knew that he was already a second-grade warrior when he entered the camp, the rest of the people still thought that Lin Mo only had the strength of a first-grade warrior!

In fact, Lin Mo really wanted to tell them now... Times have changed, even the latest information is outdated, and his current strength should have reached the third grade...

"Update?" Liu Qi was stunned for a moment, then sneered: "You want to delay time? Think someone will come to save you?

You have no chance!"

Liu Qi rushed towards Lin Mo while speaking.

"Vajra Finger!" Liu Qi performed martial arts, golden light lingering on his two fingers, and grabbed towards Lin Mo's heart!


A tiger roar came out of Lin Mo's mouth, and the terrifying sound waves directly shattered all the windows in the house.

Lin Mo's parents were standing next to Lin Mo, so they were less affected, but they still covered their ears and showed a look of pain on their faces.

As for Li Daming and others, they fell to the ground with a muffled groan.

Liu Qi was the first to be hit. At the moment the sound wave was emitted, his forward movement stopped suddenly, and a look of pain appeared on his face, but he couldn't move at all!

Tiger Fist!

Lin Mo punched out with both fists, and with a muffled sound, Liu Qi was directly blown away!

With a bang, Liu Qi fell to the ground along the wall.

He looked at Lin Mo with despair on his face.

"Third-grade... third-grade warrior! You are a third-grade warrior!!!"

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