Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 47 You two should communicate more

Liu Qi's voice was hoarse, and his face was full of despair.

"Third rank?! How is it possible?"

"Impossible?! Before he left Jinling, he was only a first rank warrior. It's only been a few days, how could he reach the third rank!"

"It must be fake..."

Li Daming and others stared at Lin Mo with disbelief on their faces.

"What's impossible?" Lin Mo stepped forward and broke Liu Qi's hands with a click.

"You... weren't you kicked out of the genius training camp?" Li Daming pointed at Lin Mo and said sternly: "I have already found out that there is a super genius in the training camp. When testing mental strength, he injured many people! You must have been mentally damaged at that time...

How could you be fine..."

"Do you think there is a possibility... that the super genius you are talking about... is me?!" Lin Mo spoke slowly with a smile on his face.

"It's really you?!" Li Daming and others trembled all over, and they realized that only this could explain everything in front of them.


Li Daming knelt on the ground again and kowtowed desperately: "Lin Mo, please forgive me this time, I promise there won't be a next time...

I am willing to compensate, I am willing to hand over everything of the Li family..."

Lin Mo ignored him, but looked at Liu Qi on the side.

Liu Qi's hands were broken by Lin Mo, and he trembled all over when he noticed Lin Mo's gaze.

"Lin...Lin Mo, I am willing to compensate, I am willing to transfer the martial arts hall to you, let me go!" Liu Qi's face was full of panic.

As a third-grade warrior, facing Lin Mo, he couldn't raise the thought of resisting at all!

"Third-grade warriors have one death exemption right, right?" Lin Mo looked at him and suddenly spoke.

"Yes..." Liu Qi's heart sank, and he vaguely guessed what was going to happen later.

"I don't want to see them again!" Lin Mo pointed at Li Daming and spoke lightly.

Liu Qi's heart trembled, just as he expected!

After getting up from the ground, Liu Qi walked towards Liu Daming and others with an expressionless face.

"Dad, Mom, please step aside first." Lin Mo didn't want his parents to see the bloody scene.

"Xiao Mo, we won't leave, we want to watch!" Lin Dayong stared at Li Daming and others with hatred on his face: "If it weren't for your strength improvement this time, what would happen to our family? I dare not even think about it!

We want to watch them die!"

"Your dad is right, we want to watch!" Wang Ping stepped forward and held Lin Dayong's hand, saying firmly.

Lin Mo nodded and looked at Liu Qi.

Liu Qi took a deep breath, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes: "Sorry, Mr. Li, if you don't die, I will die!"

"Lin Mo, you can't do this, you can't kill us!" Li Daming's face was filled with fear: "If we die, the security guard will not let you go!



Liu Qi stepped on Li Wei's chest, and it collapsed immediately.

Li Wei stared with blood foam and debris flowing out of his mouth, and died instantly!

Li Daming, who was speaking, shut up instantly and his face turned pale.

With a thud, Shi Lei collapsed on the ground, as if he had accepted his fate, lowering his head and waiting to die.


Liu Qi stepped forward and kicked Shi Lei on the temple!

Shi Lei was dead!

"Mr. Li, it's your turn, please go!" Liu Qi gritted his teeth and looked at Li Daming.

"You..." Li Daming pointed at Liu Qi, and just as he said a word, Liu Qi's foot had already stepped on his throat.

With a crisp sound, Li Daming's neck fell weakly to the side.

Li Daming was also dead!

"Huh..." Liu Qi exhaled a long breath, forced a smile and looked at Lin Mo: "Mr. Lin, are you satisfied?"

"Of course I am satisfied!" Lin Mo smiled and nodded, took out his mobile phone, and pressed a set of numbers.

A few minutes later, the security captain Wu Di appeared at the Lin family with a pair of security guards.

Looking at the three bodies on the ground, Wu Di looked solemn.

"Lin Mo!" Wu Di looked at Lin Mo: "Didn't you attend the training camp?"

"I'm back again." Lin Mo smiled and said: "Captain Wu, a vicious incident happened in my home. The murderer is Director Liu. You can ask him about the details!"

"Captain Wu, I killed him!" Before Wu Di asked, Liu Qi had already admitted the crime.

Wu Di had already recognized the person lying on the ground. As the captain of the security team, he was also very clear about the grievances between Lin Mo and the Li family.

Therefore, he knew very well that the accident in front of him was definitely not as simple as Lin Mo said.

But Liu Qi on the side had already pleaded guilty, and the subsequent interrogation was generally a process.

Wu Di hesitated whether to take Lin Mo back. As the captain of the security team, he had the responsibility to find out the truth.

"Lin Mo...are you okay!"

At this time, a voice sounded.

Two people rushed in from the gate. The leader was the principal of No. 3 Middle School, Chen Xingzhi, and behind him was the head teacher Zhang Lianchang.

"We heard that you were kicked out of the training camp, so we came to see you. This is the healing medicine prepared by the school for you..." Chen Xingzhi took out a wooden box and was about to hand it out.

Then he saw the body on the ground.

"This..." Chen Xingzhi and Zhang Lianchang were stunned.

"You two carry the body out!" Wu Di waved his hand. It was not a big deal to leave the body here.

Several security guards quickly carried the body out.

"Thank you, Principal Chen, and Teacher Zhang." Lin Mo quickly put the wooden box away. He had recognized that the box contained a pill for recovering mental trauma, and one pill was worth up to 600,000!

"I... why do I feel that you don't need it very much!" Chen Xingzhi looked at Lin Mo in confusion.

"Yes, I need it too much!" Lin Mo nodded repeatedly: "You don't know, I had a headache for several hours after I came back!"

Zhang Lianchang and Chen Xingzhi were speechless.

However, they also realized that the reason why Lin Mo came back was not because he was sent back because of injury, but because of other reasons.

"Lin Mo!" Just as the two were thinking about the reason why Lin Mo came back, another voice sounded.

Outside the gate, Ye Qing walked in with Mr. Ye.

Ye Qing also held the pill box in her hand and handed it to Lin Mo: "I heard that you were injured. This is a pill for treating mental trauma..."

Lin Mo took it with a smile, feeling that this time he came back in vain. In this short time, he had received 1.2 million pills.

Wu Di, who was standing by, was stunned. He knew that Lin Mo was highly regarded in school, but he didn't know that Lin Mo had such a good relationship with the Ye family!

"Hahaha, congratulations..."

At this moment, two hearty laughs rang out.

Lu Yi brought Wu Yang in. Unlike Ye Qing and others, they were holding gift boxes in their hands.

However, after entering, the smiles on their faces froze.

"Wu... Director Wu!" Wu Di looked at Wu Yang with a surprised look on his face.

He saw that Wu Yang didn't come for the murder case, but for some other reason.

Everyone was also looking at them, and began to guess the reason for their arrival.

"They said congratulations when they entered the door... What's the happy event of the Lin family?" Ye Chaoqun was old and shrewd, and soon found clues from the words of the two.

After thinking of this, his face changed slightly.

"Could it be that Lin Mo was spotted by that big family in the training camp and became a live-in son-in-law?"

"Then our Ye family suffered a great loss? If we had known, we would have betrothed Qing'er to Lin Mo!"

Ye Chaoqun felt a little regretful.

Chen Xingzhi looked at Lu Yi curiously: "Master Lu, is there any good news?"

"Ah? You don't know yet?" Lu Yi was stunned for a moment: "I saw you coming here, and I thought you knew!

Lin Mo's performance in the training camp was so outstanding that he was jointly recommended to the Condor Special Training Camp by two instructors."

"Condor Special Training Camp?" The faces of the people present showed puzzled expressions.

They had never heard of this name.

"Is the Condor Special Training Camp better than the Genius Training Camp?" Lin Dayong looked at Lu Yi and couldn't help asking.

"Compared to the Divine Eagle Training Camp, the Genius Training Camp is like a child playing house!" Lu Yi couldn't help but explain with a smile: "The Genius Training Camp is for college entrance examination candidates, while the Divine Eagle Training Camp is for the top genius students from various martial arts universities across the country and young geniuses from various forces, families and even the military in China!

Their strength is at least at the warrior level, and some geniuses have even reached the martial king level!

Lin Mo is the first person to enter the Divine Eagle Training Camp as a warrior in the past thirty years!"

"The first in thirty years!" Everyone's face showed a look of shock.

"Then thirty years ago, there were other people like Lin Mo?" Ye Qing couldn't help asking.

"Thirty years ago, there was no Divine Eagle Training Camp..." Lu Yi spoke deeply: "Lin Mo, is the first person!"

"The first person!"

Everyone took a breath with shock, and looked at Lin Mo with awe.

"Okay, Lin Mo congratulated us and we will go back..." Lu Yi smiled and said: "Brother Lin, if there is anything later, just find me directly!"

Lin Dayong nodded repeatedly.

Everyone looked at Lin Dayong with envy. The deputy leader of Jinling Wumeng said this, which still had a certain weight.

The reason why Lin Dayong, an ordinary person, could make such a promise was entirely because his son was Lin Mo!

After Lu Yi and Wu Yang left, Wu Di also saluted and left.

Compared with before, Wu Di looked at Lin Mo with a little more awe in his eyes.

Liu Qi, who was also taken away, regretted it to the extreme. If he had known that Lin Mo had such a background, he would never have participated in this matter!

"Qing'er, Grandpa has something to do, so I'll go back first." Ye Chaoqun saw that the time was almost up, and he also stood up and prepared to leave: "Principal Chen, Teacher Zhang, shall we go together?"

Chen Xingzhi and Zhang Lianchang were stunned for a moment, then smiled and nodded and said: "Okay, let's go together!"

"Ye Qing, Lin Mo's martial arts talent is amazing, you two should have a good exchange!" Chen Xingzhi looked at Ye Qing deeply.

Ye Qing was a little confused, but soon understood what they meant, and couldn't help blushing.

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