Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 48: Inexplicable Hostility

On the plain, a high-speed train passed quickly.

In the carriage, a young man lay on the table and fell asleep.

Sitting on the seat next to him was a young girl.

Opposite the girl is also a young man and woman. At this moment, the young man opposite is talking loudly.

"A big event happened in the Genius Training Camp this time. There was a super genius who, with his strength as a warrior, passed the first-grade Martial King's mental test and was directly qualified to enter the Divine Eagle Special Training Camp..."

"Wu Yin, are you telling the truth?" The girl next to the young man had a look of shock on her face: "How can a warrior have such strong mental power!"

"Of course it's true!" Young Wu Yin glanced at the girl opposite, raised his voice a little more, and said, "My brother is a member of this genius training camp, and he told me this personally!

But also because of that genius, this training camp is unprecedentedly difficult, with a lot of training every day...

My brother has finished training every day and doesn’t even have the energy to eat. It’s so miserable...

However, my brother said that in less than a week, his blood value increased by 4 points! "

The young man said loudly with a show off look on his face.

"4 o'clock?! Really?!" The girl said with envy on her face: "I only gained two points of energy and blood in a year. I wonder if I can be admitted to the Provincial Martial Arts University!"

"Don't worry, Hu Xing. When my brother comes back, I will ask him to tell me the training method of the genius training camp. Then I will take you to practice together and make sure that your energy and blood value will skyrocket." Wu Yin said, and looked at it specially He glanced at the girl opposite:

"Li Duo, when the time comes, you can also practice with me and have an impact on the Capital Martial Arts University. You are almost at 8 points of blood now. You have two months left. If you work harder, you may have a chance to impact the realm of a warrior!"

"Thank you, no need." Li Duo glanced at the sleeping young man beside him and couldn't help but said: "Wu Yin, please lower your voice. Didn't you see someone resting?"

"Hey, look, he's about the same age as us. He must be a student about to take the college entrance examination. He can't sleep in such an environment. He must not be a hard-working student!" Wu Yin smiled lightly and expressed his concern for Li Duo about other men. I felt a little unhappy.

Li Duo frowned slightly, she didn't like Wu Yin's arrogance.

After a slight silence, her eyes fell on the young man.

The young man was lying on the table with his face sideways. Under the light, the young man's face was sharp and handsome.

"It's so beautiful." Li Duo whispered involuntarily.

"Duoduo, what did you say?" Hu Xing asked from the opposite side.

"Nothing!" Li Duo shook his head repeatedly, while his cheeks were slightly red.

Wu Yin, who was on the opposite side, heard clearly. He looked at the young man with an ugly expression on his face.

At this moment, in a dream.

Lin Mo opened a new copy. Opposite him, there were several cat demons covered in purple poisonous gas.

Compared with the previous cat demons, the strength of these cat demons is higher than that of fourth-grade warriors.

"Tiger Fist!"

Lin Mo rushed towards the cat monsters like a tiger descending the mountain.

His fists roared, smashing the cat demon's body into a pulp.

After the hearty battle, Lin Mo let out a sigh of satisfaction.

"Five Qi and Blood Pills. I just entered the dungeon. If you don't drop something good for me, I will suffer a big loss!"

Feeling the increase in qi and blood in his body, Lin Mo cast his gaze on the light group suspended in the distance.

Putting the light ball away, Lin Mo woke up from the copy and opened his eyes.

"You're awake. Did we wake you up because we were too loud?" Li Duo looked at Lin Mo who raised his head, and his heartbeat couldn't help but skip a beat.

So lovely!

Lin Mo exuded an aura that fascinated her, especially those pair of star-like eyes, which she could not forget after just one glance.

"?" Lin Mo looked at the girl in front of him, slightly stunned.

"Oh, my name is Li Duo, nice to meet you!" Li Duo stuck out his tongue, stretched out his hand towards Lin Mo, and introduced the two people opposite him to Lin Mo.

"My name is Lin Mo, nice to meet you..." Lin Mo nodded to them.

His eyes lingered on Wu Yin for a moment, and his brows furrowed slightly.

Lin Mo felt hostility from him.

"Do I know him?" Lin Mo recalled it and found that he didn't know this person.

"You must be a senior in high school, too. The college entrance examination is approaching, and everyone is thinking of ways to practice unexpectedly and increase their qi and blood. I see that you were sleeping just now. Is your qi and blood value too high, so you don't need to practice anymore?"

Wu Yin looked at Lin Mo and asked angrily.

"That's right!" Lin Mo nodded. He had already seen Wu Yin's strength. He had about 8 points of health, which was still some distance away from being a warrior.

This kind of strength is not bad, but compared with Lin Mo, it really looks like garbage.

Before leaving Jinling, Lin Mo measured his qi and blood. At that time, his qi and blood value had reached 38 points.

He just finished another copy in his sleep, and now his health value is definitely over forty, reaching the realm of a fourth-level warrior!

"The Ye family is pretty good. This time they collected a total of fifty Qi and Blood Pills for me!"

During the three days in Jinling, Ye Qing moved directly into the Lin family. Mr. Ye euphemistically called it an exchange between shareholders.

Lin Mo's parents regarded Ye Qing as their daughter-in-law. If it hadn't been for the special training time, Lin Mo felt that his parents might have arranged the marriage for him.

"Is that right?" Wu Yin raised his eyebrows, somewhat unhappy with Lin Mo's attitude: "You should be a warrior if you can say this!"

"Wu Yin, why do you always ask people about their strength!" Li Duo couldn't help but say: "Didn't you see that Lin Mo didn't want to say it!"

"I don't think he doesn't want to say it, but he's embarrassed to say it!" Wu Yin smiled lightly, urged his own blood and qi, and pressed towards Lin Mo: "8.2 blood and qi, do you feel the pressure?"

"Awesome!" Lin Mo nodded. He didn't want to respond to Wu Yin's provocation at all.

Seeing that Lin Mo didn't respond to his provocation, Wu Yin thought Lin Mo was timid, and his expression became more arrogant.

"See, I just released a little blood and qi, and he didn't dare to speak!" Wu Yin looked at Li Duo: "Duoduo, you haven't been far away, you don't know the complexity of people's hearts.

Some people like to pretend to be deep and deceive young girls like you who are not experienced in the world."

Li Duo didn't respond, but glanced at Lin Mo.

When Wu Yin's blood pressure came over just now, she could clearly feel the disdain from Lin Mo.

It felt like an eagle in the sky looking down at an ant.

Wu Yin, who felt that she was superior to Lin Mo, had a look of arrogance in her eyes and said with a smile: "By the way, you probably haven't heard of the Eagle Training Camp!"

"I've only heard of the Genius Training Camp." Hu Xing shook her head: "You just said that a warrior has obtained the qualification to enter the Eagle Training Camp...

So, this training camp should be similar to the Genius Training Camp!"

"You're totally wrong!" Wu Yin shook her head and said with respect: "The Eagle Training Camp is aimed at warrior-level strongmen!

The genius I told you about is a special case!

I'll tell you a secret, the venue of this Eagle Training Camp is in Sand City!

Also, my uncle is the driver of the special training camp. When you get off the car later, I can ask my uncle to take you there Let's see what the special training camp looks like!

Although we can't go through the gate to see it, it should be okay to take a look from a distance! "

"Really? !" Hu Xing's eyes lit up: "Great, I admire those geniuses the most. I will be satisfied if I can see them from a distance!"

"Of course it's true!" Wu Yin smiled and nodded, then looked at Li Duo: "Duoduo, you will go with us later to see what a real genius is!

However, I can only bring two people. My uncle will definitely not be willing to take more, so Lin Mo, you can't go!

Of course, with your current strength, it will have a bad impact on your mentality to come into contact with so many geniuses at once, so forget it!"

"Okay!" Lin Mo nodded.

"Forget it, I won't go either. I'm not even a warrior now. Seeing so many warrior-level strongmen at once will also affect my mentality!" Li Duo glanced at Lin Mo and shook his head.

Wu Yin opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything.

But he glared at Lin Mo fiercely. He thought that it was Lin Mo's appearance that ruined his good deeds.

Otherwise, he would definitely show off in front of Li Duo.

"Dear passengers, the next stop is Shacheng Station..."

Just at this moment, a voice came from the carriage.

"We're here!" Wu Yin said with a smile: "Hu Xing, come with me... Li Duo, are you sure you don't want to go with us?"

"Yes, Duo Duo, let's go together. After the tour, we can ask Uncle Wu Yin to take us to the training center. Otherwise, I'm not sure about you, a girl!" Hu Xing pulled Li Duo: "I heard that there are many illegal taxis in Shacheng..."

"Yes, not long ago, there was a girl who was taken away by an illegal taxi. When she was found, her kidneys had been dug out..." Wu Yin also said quickly.

Li Duo glanced at Lin Mo, and finally nodded. After a slight hesitation, she said, "Wu Yin, can you ask your uncle to bring one more person? It will be dark soon, and it is not safe for Lin Mo to go alone!"

"He is a grown man, what is unsafe about it!" Wu Yin smiled faintly: "Besides, didn't he say that he is very strong! Why should we worry about it!"

"Okay, let's go quickly! The car will start soon!" Wu Yin glanced at his mobile phone and urged anxiously.

Hu Xing nodded and ran after Wu Yin.

Li Duo bit her lip, but finally did not catch up: "Lin Mo, let's go together, and take care of each other!

Wu Yin, I thought about it and still can't leave Lin Mo behind. You two go first, I will take a taxi with Lin Mo later!"

Wu Yin looked at Lin Mo hatefully, said nothing, and trotted with Hu Xing all the way, and soon disappeared in the crowd.

Lin Mo looked at Li Duo with some surprise. He didn't expect this girl to be so kind-hearted.

"Don't you really want to see what the Special Eagle Training Battalion looks like?" Lin Mo looked at Li Duo and asked with a smile.

"Of course I do!" Li Duo stuck out her tongue: "But I can't leave you alone!"

"Don't worry, I'll ask later if I can let you in to take a look." Lin Mo said with a smile.

"Into the door?" Li Duo was stunned for a moment, what door to enter?

On the other side, Wu Yin took Hu Xing into a bright black car, and the two sat in the back seat, their faces full of expectations.

"Uncle, hasn't that person come yet?" Wu Yin looked at the middle-aged man who was driving.

"He's on the same bus as you guys, so he probably hasn't come out yet." The driver said with a smile: "We'll see each other later, so you'd better seize the opportunity to see if you can build a good relationship with him. It will be good for you if you communicate more!"

"Uncle, don't worry, I will definitely build a good relationship with him!" Wu Yin nodded with a smile.

At this time, the driver looked out the window and said with a smile: "He's here! So young!"

Hearing this, Wu Yin and Hu Xing couldn't help but look out the window at the same time.

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