Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 49: The gap between genius and the young!

Outside the car window, Lin Mo and Li Duo were walking towards them.

"Why are they?!" Wu Yin's face changed slightly and he looked at the driver: "Uncle, is he the one you want to pick up?"

"Probably!" The driver smiled and nodded, quickly opened the door and walked out.

"Impossible!" Wu Yin shook his head and said solemnly: "Lin Mo was so frightened by my energy and blood in the car that he didn't dare to speak. How can he be from the Eagle Special Training Camp with such strength?"

"Could it be that Lin Mo is hiding his strength?" Hu Xing said hesitantly.

"Impossible!" Wu Yin shook his head, and then his eyes suddenly lit up: "I know, he must know that my uncle is the driver of the special training camp, so he wants to pretend to be someone from the special training camp so that he can show off in front of Li Duo one time!

That must be it! "

Wu Yin put a smile on his face, opened the car door and walked out: "Let's see how I expose him!"

"Lin Mo, I didn't expect that we would meet again!"

After getting off the car, Wu Yin took the lead and stood in front of the driver: "What's the matter? I don't want to take you with me in the car, so you want to pretend to be a camper from the special training camp and get in the car, right?"

Li Duo also looked at Lin Mo in surprise. She didn't expect that the car Lin Mo was taking her to was actually a car from the special training camp.

But, how could Lin Mo be a member of the special training camp? How old is he? !

"Wu Yin, what's going on? Do you know each other?" The driver looked at his nephew and asked with a frown.

"Of course I know him!" Wu Yin smiled as he used his Qi and blood to suppress Lin Mo on the high-speed train: "He can't even bear my Qi and blood, how can he be qualified to participate in the special training camp?

Besides, uncle, although you pick up people every day, you don’t have any photos of them.

Lin Mo took advantage of this loophole and pretended to be from the special training camp.

How about Lin Mo, am I right? "

Wu Yin had a proud smile on his face and looked at Lin Mo with provocative eyes.

"You are so smart." Lin Mo couldn't help but give him a thumbs up, and then looked at the driver: "You are Master Wu Kaiwu, right? This is my letter of introduction!"

As he spoke, he took out the recommendation letter signed by Sun Qian and Zhang He from the backpack behind him.

"At this point, you still have to pretend to me! Just find a blank piece of paper and think you can get away with the first two names..." Wu Yin clasped his hands in fists and looked at Lin Mo disdainfully.

The driver Wu Kai took a look at the recommendation letter from Lin Mo's hand, and then shouted fiercely at Wu Yin: "Shut up!"

"But...he really..." Wu Yin was startled, but still insisted on explaining a few words.


At this moment, Lin Mo took a step towards him, the energy and blood in his body instantly dispersed, and he pressed towards Wu Yin.


Wu Yin's face turned extremely pale in an instant. From Lin Mo's energy and blood, he felt the murderous intention that made him tremble!

"So strong!"

"He's going to kill me!"

Two thoughts flashed through Wu Yin's mind, making him extremely desperate.

"Mr. Lin...please get in the car!"

Seeing this scene, Wu Kai deliberately raised his voice and shouted, while eagerly opening the car door for Lin Mo.

"Thank you!" Lin Mo's energy and blood dissipated like an ebbing tide, and then he looked at Li Duo: "Where are you sitting?"

"I...I'll sit in the back!" Li Duo came to his senses at this time and quickly sat in the back row.

"Then I'll take the passenger seat!" Lin Mo smiled and nodded, then got into the passenger seat.

"He is actually... really a member of the Condor Special Training Camp!" Li Duo, who was sitting in the back row, stared blankly at Lin Mo's side face: "He is obviously about the same age as me, but he is so strong?!

What level is he now? "

"What's wrong?" Sensing Li Duo's gaze, Lin Mo turned around and asked with a smile.

"Lin Mo, what's your strength?"

"Fourth-grade warrior." Lin Mo said with a smile: "The person you mentioned before who came out of the genius training camp is me!"

"What?!" Li Duo couldn't help but exclaimed: "Are you that monster?!"

"Monster?" Lin Mo suddenly had black lines all over his head and his face was speechless.

Li Duo's scream also attracted the attention of Wu Yin and Hu Xing. They looked at Lin Mo with shock on their faces.

"Mr. Lin is young and promising!" Wu Kai complimented with a smile, and then said hesitantly: "Mr. Lin, my nephew is usually arrogant. Can you spare him this for the sake of his young age? once?"

"Let's drive!" Lin Mo glanced at Wu Yin outside the window and said with a smile.

It's just a minor character, and it's not a big mistake. You can't kill someone with one punch, right? !

"Thank you, Mr. Lin!" Wu Kai nodded and started the car.

Seeing the car getting further and further away, the pale faces of Wu Yin and Hu Xing recovered a little.

"Thank you for letting me see that there are so many geniuses in China!"

Outside the door of the special training camp, Li Duo looked at Lin Mo with an inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

Half an hour ago, the two of them arrived at the special training camp in a car. For Lin Mo's sake, Wu Kai took Li Duo around the special training camp.

After seeing a real strong man, she realized how big the distance was between herself and Lin Mo.

"Uncle Wu, please send me out!" Li Duo calmed down, looked at Wu Kai, and said with a smile.

"Okay!" Wu Kai nodded: "Mr. Lin, get off the car here. Someone will pick you up later. I'll take Miss Li to where she wants to go first."

"Goodbye!" Lin Mo nodded and waved to Li Duo.

"Goodbye..." Li Duo looked at Lin Mo who was walking away, and sadness surged in her heart.

Goodbye, I guess we will never see each other again...

After seeing Li Duo off, Lin Mo walked around the camp with his bag on his back.

After a while, he came to an outdoor training ground, and saw a group of people standing there from a distance. In front of them was a huge stone tablet.

In front of the stone tablet stood a young man, wearing a purple leather jacket, with short light red hair standing up like steel needles, and a long sword on his waist, looking like a knight.

"Long Hong Sword Qi!"

The young man suddenly roared, drew out his long sword, and slashed at the stone tablet.

The light red sword energy surged out, and the stone tablet as high as 100 meters actually trembled slightly!

"So strong!"

"Liu Hai is really too strong!"

"This strength is not much worse than those people in the Condor Special Training Camp!"

There was an exclamation from the crowd.

The young man named Liu Hai shook his head: "Compared to them, I am still far behind, otherwise I would not even be qualified to be one of them!"

"Liu Hai, you are too modest. Everyone knows that you missed the first test because of seclusion on the day of selection. Otherwise, you would definitely be one of them!"

Liu Hai smiled and was about to say something, but suddenly felt that someone seemed to be looking at him, so he looked in the direction of Lin Mo.

"Huh? When did such a young boy come to the camp? He doesn't look like a college student, at most a senior high school student!"

"Hey boy, where are you from? Do you know where this is? Hurry up, if you want to come here, wait until you are in the top ten of the provincial martial arts university!" Someone in the crowd looked at Lin Mo and shouted with a smile.

Liu Hai smiled and walked towards Lin Mo: "Little friend, you must have sneaked in, it's okay, you yearn for the strong, this is a good thing.

Brother will take you around later. I can't enter the entire camp except the site of the Shenying Special Training Camp, but you can go to other places without any obstacles.

But you have to promise brother that you will study hard after you go back, okay?"

Liu Hai looked at Lin Mo. Although the two were of similar age, he still spoke to Lin Mo in an elder's tone.

"No need." Lin Mo smiled and shook his head: "Someone will pick me up later!"

"Someone will pick you up?" Liu Hai was stunned for a moment, then smiled and turned back to the crowd.

"It seems that another young man from a big family has spent money to find connections to come here for a formality!"

"Tsk tsk, it's good to have money and power! We worked hard to get into the top ten of the school to have this opportunity, but others can have it before graduating from high school..."

Lin Mo listened to these people's unreserved words and sighed helplessly in his heart. It seems that he was misunderstood!

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