Dog people?

Lin Mo looked at Xiao Cang aside.

“The Dog Clan, one of the largest families in the entire abyss, is as powerful as the Jade Clan!

But in terms of overall combat power, the dog clan is slightly stronger!

The human tribe is a branch of the dog tribe and belongs to the dog tribe! "

Even though she still regarded Lin Mo as her enemy in her heart, at this time, she still answered Lin Mo's questions honestly.

"What a name!" Lin Mo sighed with emotion. The creatures of the abyss are really real, and the names are so simple and unpretentious!

So...the Jade Clan is actually made of jade?

After Lin Mo had such an idea in his mind, he felt funny and shook his head.

"Goufei, your people are yelling in front of the tent, so what if I kill them?" Princess Yu'er's voice sounded: "As for the people I brought with me to scan the entire camp with their mental power, that's what I asked them to do. of!

For a family like yours and mine, the so-called rules are a joke!

Don't tell me you didn't mentally explore the whole camp! "

"When did Princess Yu'er become so tough?" Gou Fei's voice sounded: "Isn't this human man your plaything?"

Princess Yu'er snorted coldly when she heard this.


The next moment, a ray of light flew out from Princess Yu'er's tent.

Lin Mo could see clearly that it was a piece of black jade, carved into the shape of a sword. At this moment, light flowed around the body and shot out, aiming at Gou Fei's tent.


The same ray of light condensed out, and a white thing appeared outside the tent.

With a "ding" sound, the jade stone collided with the white thing, making a crisp sound.

Immediately afterwards, both things shattered!

"It actually broke!" Lin Mo looked at the jade that fell to the ground and felt a little emotional.

"Haha, the white jade dog teeth of the dog tribe seem to be of no use. Why don't you try it with your own dog teeth!" Princess Yu'er's voice sounded, and her mocking tone almost penetrated the tent and penetrated into Gou Fei's eyes. Same inside.

Lin Mo stood at the door of the tent with his fists clasped. In this situation, he very much hoped that Princess Yu'er's provocation could get people out of the tent.

"Haha, Princess Yu'er is joking, I just felt excited after seeing an acquaintance!" Gou Fei was silent for a while, and then said again: "You have killed my people, should I take the body back? After all, I am following I need to give an explanation to their family for coming out!”

"It's no use keeping the body!" Princess Yu'er said calmly.

Then there was no other sound.

In Goufei's tent, a breath flew out, wrapped the human body of the dog, and then entered the tent.

"It's a pity. Such a good dog head will be delicious if it is braised in braised pork!" Lin Mo's voice sounded.

Although he was talking to himself, his voice was not controlled at all, and everyone else could hear it clearly.




In an instant, the entire camp was filled with howling wolves, barking dogs and angry roars.

Listening to this voice, Lin Mo almost understood the current power of the dog clan here.

It can be said that they are now surrounded by the dog clan.

It’s very exciting just thinking about it!

"Princess Yu'er? When did you call me?" Lin Mo suddenly tilted his ears and pretended to listen to the sounds in the tent.

"???" Xiao Cang stood next to Lin Mo, looking at Lin Mo with a question mark on his face.

She didn't hear any sound from inside the tent at all.

"Understood, I'll go in now!" Lin Mo nodded, then opened the tent to himself, and at the same time turned to look at Xiao Cang: "Princess said she was scared inside the tent, you stay safe outside, I'll stay close to you Protect the princess!"

After saying that, he put down the tent and walked in.

Xiaocang stood outside, and the whole eagle felt bad.

"What kind of magical idea is this? You can even do such a thing." Xiao Cang simply didn't know what to say.

Apart from anything else, Lin Mo's face is really thick-skinned.

Princess Yu'er was originally preparing to rest in the tent, but when she heard the sound outside, she jumped up and sat up directly.

Then he saw Lin Mo standing beside the bed.

"You have also seen the situation outside. If I continue to be outside now, I might be in trouble, so... you sleep on the side and the two of us squeeze in?" As he said this, Lin Mo was already sitting down On the bed, I started taking off my shoes at the same time.

"You!" Princess Yu'er stood up immediately and rolled out of bed: "You can sleep on your own!"

Saying that, he was about to walk out.

"If you go out, what's going on if I come in? I'll reveal my secret!" Lin Mo said helplessly: "I'll just lie down under the bed. I have a task for you!"

When Princess Yu'er heard that there was a mission, she immediately rolled her eyes at Lin Mo.

"What mission can you have?" She hummed softly: "The guards in the entire camp are more useful than you think, so you'd better be prepared.

Even if I want to use my mental power to explore the entire camp, I will be intercepted! "

"Since I can see them tomorrow, I'm not in a hurry. I asked you to stay because I have other tasks!"

Lin Mo pointed to the simple bed under him and said, "Shake it up for me!"

The simple wooden bed would make a creaking sound if pushed a little harder.

Princess Yu'er shook it twice as Lin Mo instructed, and the creaking sound echoed throughout the tent.

"Slow down, don't be so intense, the rhythm should be strong... Don't be too fast, I still have some self-knowledge about myself!" Lin Mo lay on the bed, changed to a comfortable position, and smiled.

Princess Yu'er didn't react at first, but after hearing Lin Mo's words, she immediately understood why he asked her to shake the bed.

"Lecher!" Princess Yu'er couldn't help but curse.

But because her face was blushing, when she cursed this sentence, her cheeks were flushed, she looked very charming, and there was a slight tremor in her tone.


Half an hour later, the howling of wolves and dogs began to resound.

However, that sound did not sound like an angry howl...

The whole camp would occasionally make a sound of shaking the bed.

In short, tonight was an unforgettable memory for the entire camp!

No words were spoken that night...

The next morning, Lin Mo opened his eyes and saw Princess Yu'er leaning against the bed and sleeping, but one hand was still rocking the bed rhythmically.


Lin Mo coughed lightly.

Princess Yu'er immediately opened her eyes and increased the speed of rocking the bed.

Creaky! Creaky!

"Don't tell me you rocked the bed all night!" Lin Mo looked at her helplessly and asked.

Princess Yu'er nodded: "I'm so tired!"

Lin Mo's face was full of black lines. Although he was powerful, he couldn't say that he rocked the bed all night!

It's simply amazing!

Put on shoes and walk out of the tent, and Xiao Cang's face full of contempt is what greeted him.

"..." Lin Mo was too lazy to explain.

"Princess Yu'er, can you still get up?" Xiao Cang said, and then he directly opened the curtain and walked into the tent.

At this moment, Princess Yu'er was still kneeling by the bed. She didn't change her posture all night, so now both legs were numb. When she stood up, she fell down again, and her face became a little pale because of hypoglycemia.

"Asshole! Lecher, disgusting!" Xiao Cang looked at Princess Yu'er and started to curse.

"Princess Yu'er, are you okay?" She stepped forward and supported Princess Yu'er: "Even if you can't beat him, you can't let him do whatever he wants!"

"I... I can't refuse!" Princess Yu'er shook her head. Lin Mo controlled her life and death. How could she refuse?

"Then you can't let him torment you all night!" Xiao Cang said angrily: "If you do this, how can the Jade Clan put their face?

If they know that your bloodline has been contaminated by humans, it will be a big trouble!"

Princess Yu'er only understood what happened that night at this time, and quickly explained it.

"Really?" Xiao Cang looked puzzled.

"Of course it's true!" Princess Yu'er was speechless: "For this kind of thing, you just need to think about it, and you will know whether it is true or false!"

Xiao Cang thought about it, and finally nodded, which was considered to be an approval of Princess Yu'er's statement.

"The meeting is about to start!" Princess Yu'er glanced at the time, and after walking out of the tent, she frowned: "Why haven't they gotten up yet?"

After the voice fell, Princess Yu'er immediately heard a creaking sound coming from a tent not far away.

"..." Princess Yu'er's face was full of black lines.

Xiao Cang covered his face and said: "Last night, almost all the tents were ringing all night..."

Soon, a monster trotted to Princess Yu'er: "Due to special reasons, the meeting will be delayed for an hour!

Princess Yu'er, I will come to invite you to gather in an hour!"

Delayed for an hour...

Lin Mo laughed immediately. These monsters must have been exhausted last night!

"What are you laughing at?" Xiao Cang looked at Lin Mo's face and was furious: "According to their progress last night, there will be a lot more abyss creatures in a few months.

The unlucky ones are you humans!"

The smile on Lin Mo's face froze: "You can't just see me happy, right!"

Xiao Cang turned his head away, too lazy to pay attention to Lin Mo.

Soon, an hour later, the abyss creatures in the tent came out one after another.

It can be seen that many of these abyss creatures have light footsteps, and they look like they have suffered serious losses.

Lin Mo paid special attention to Gou Fei's tent, and saw Gou Fei walked out with a gloomy face.

Behind him, there was an unexpected figure that Lin Mo followed!

A dog in human form? !

Looking at the dog in human form behind Gou Fei, Lin Mo was stunned.

How could the head that he cut off with his own hands still stand there?

"This is the method of the dog tribe!" Xiao Cang whispered: "Puppet body!"

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