"Puppet body?"

Lin Mo frowned slightly as he looked at the human-dog figure.

The human dog has no life fluctuations at all, so it can be inferred that the so-called puppet body is probably using some method to drive the corpse.

Mental strength?

Lin Mo had this thought in his mind, but this was a secret method belonging to the dog clan, and he had no way of knowing the answer.

Because of the fatigue last night, almost all the monsters looked not very good. They all had heavy dark circles under their eyes and looked listless.

Some monsters even walked a little vaguely and yawned constantly.

"Looking at your bad condition, did you stay up late last night?" Lin Mo casually grabbed a monster with a horse face and asked with a smile.

"Hmph!" The horse-faced monster snorted and strode away.

"Lin Mo, I just realized now that you are a bit sinister!" Xiao Cang stood beside Lin Mo and whispered softly: "Everything last night was your conspiracy. You just wanted to tire them to death, and then you can It’s time to reap the benefits!”

"You are right, this is part of the plan." Lin Mo spoke slowly with a smile on his face.

Just when everyone gathered together, a figure slowly walked to the middle platform.

This is a birdman with wings on his back. He has handsome features and a smile on his face.

"Everyone, thank you for coming!" Birdman slowly bowed to everyone.

There was a burst of cheers from the audience, some monsters beat their chests with their fists crazily, and a thunderous sound sounded throughout the venue.

"Let's get down to business!" Birdman said: "For a long time, we have been shut in a place where we can't see the sun. We have light, but the source of the light is our ancestors. They used their bodies to turn into light. !

But how long can such light be sustained?

One day we will bear the darkness forever!

But what about humans? They live in the sun, they can see all four seasons of the year, they can see wind, frost, rain and snow!

Why! Why can't we replace it! "

Ho ho ho!

As soon as the words fell, almost all the monsters roared crazily.

Lin Mo even felt several hostile eyes looking at him from all around.

Not to be outdone, Lin Mo glared back fiercely.

Facing Lin Mo's gaze, the monsters felt cold all over, and in the end they honestly avoided Lin Mo's gaze.

With a sneer, Lin Mo continued to look at Birdman.

“Before, we had to pay a huge price to open a portal, but now, this era is over!

We have the latest method to open the portal, giving us the possibility to enter the human world!

And you can enter the human world anytime and anywhere! "

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole venue was in a wave again!

All the monsters began to roar crazily, and even Lin Mo felt as if the entire ground was shaking!

Feeling this terrifying power, Lin Mo's face showed a look of emotion.

The aura of monsters is indeed much stronger than that of humans in many cases.

After taking a slight breath, Lin Mo winked at Princess Yu'er.

Although Princess Yu'er felt very unhappy, at this time, she could only turn around and leave honestly.

Now that all the monsters' attention is on Birdman, naturally they won't be discovered if they go to find Little Green now!

After Princess Yu'er left, Lin Mo looked at Xiao Cang again: "If you want to leave, now is the best time. If there is a fight later, you will die!"

"Humph, being able to watch you die here is considered as revenge for my brother!" Xiao Cang said angrily.

Lin Mo shrugged, since he couldn't persuade him to leave, then forget it.

If Xiao Cang stays here, he will at least have an extra air force.

"Everyone, we are now divided into nine teams, and each team will choose a leader. The leader of our team is the Little Green Saint!

Moreover, we will open the second abyss exit in three days!

And this time the location of the exit of the abyss is in China!

You may not know the situation in China very well, but what I want to tell you is that China is the best place in the entire Blue Star. There is too much food there, and there are endless kinds of meat!

The number of humans is also sufficient..."

At this point, the entire venue seemed to be going crazy. Some monsters started beating their chests crazily and even started fighting with each other.

Many monsters fought together, and some monsters surrounded them and cheered.

The birdman on the stage looked at this scene with a smile and had no intention of stopping it.

What shocked Lin Mo was that the battle between the monsters turned out to be real, because in a short period of time, life and death were decided!

With a muffled sound, a body fell to the ground!

Blood was flowing, and such a bloody scene made more monsters start to roar.

"It's really full of animalistic nature!" Lin Mo said with emotion.

"I can understand your anxious mood and the blood boiling all over your body, but we still have to ask the little green saint to appear in front of us and accept the position of leader!"

The birdman spoke and looked towards a tent in the distance.

"Next, I want to invite our leader, the Little Green Saint!"

After the words fell, the tent in the distance was opened. Xiao Lu was wearing a green dress and walked towards the stage step by step.

Behind Xiao Lu was a man, wearing armor and carrying a long bow behind him. There was no smile on his face.

At this moment, both of them were walking forward quietly, with no trace of joy, anger, sorrow, or joy.

"It's a good thing that he's not injured!" Lin Mo breathed a long sigh of relief. At first, he was worried that his two brothers would be injured.

"The matter is done, the little green saint agreed to your plan!" At this moment, a voice sounded in Lin Mo's ears.

Princess Yu'er happened to appear next to Lin Mo at this time, and she looked at Xiao Lu with a look of amazement: "She is too beautiful!"

Xiao Lu is indeed beautiful at this moment, especially after wearing a specially made clothes, which further highlights Xiao Lu's nobility.

"I actually have a question to ask you." Lin Mo turned to look at Princess Yu'er: "In fact, there is another reason why you chose Xiao Lu as your leader. You feel that after choosing Xiao Lu, the power is still in your hands. inside!

Is it this way? "

Princess Yu'er looked at Lin Mo's face and finally nodded slowly.

To be honest, Lin Mo would really surprise her many times, especially now, every one of his speculations turned out to be true.

"But what I want to tell you is that your plan will fail. Now that I am here, your plan will not succeed!"

Lin Mo said this with a smile.

At this time, Xiaolu and the others were already standing on the stage, looking at the host who had just enlivened the atmosphere: "Are you from the Birdman Tribe? Okay, you can go down now!"

There was a look of surprise on Birdman's face. Last night he discussed with Xiaolu about today's opening meeting. His only request to Xiaolu was not to make too much noise.

Now Xiaolu actually wants him to go down?

"You must not go down. If you go down, the entire Birdman tribe will not be able to get any benefits!" Thinking of this, a smile appeared on the Birdman's face: "Little Green Saint, I want to explain to you, what is my purpose?" So I stay here simply because I am familiar with the whole situation, even the weapons in the army!”

"You kept saying that I was the leader before, but now you don't listen to whatever I say. How do you ask me to be the leader?

I think it’s better to leave this leader to your bird tribe! "

Xiaolu had anger on his face and spoke calmly.

Although the voice was not loud, when Xiao Lu spoke, the entire venue was quiet, so for a moment, all the monsters looked at the birdman on the stage.

Birdman was stunned by so many looks. He looked around, and finally could only walk forward step by step!

"I know that among you, the Birdman Clan, the Dog Clan, the Jade Clan... are all very strong, but since you have chosen me as the leader, you must listen to me!"

Xiao Lu directly spoke loudly, and with the blessing of the power of Qi and blood, her voice suddenly spread over a long distance.

You can even see the mountains in the distance starting to shake.

"Or you can kill me and replace me! Anyway, that's what you had in mind from the beginning!"

As soon as these words came out, many monsters without families looked at the martial arts cultivators from several families with anger.

Once again being watched by so many eyes, the psychological pressure will be infinitely amplified.

In the end, the powerful people from several families here, including Yu'er, all appeared on TV and began to apologize to Xiaolu.

Lin Mo watched silently in the audience, feeling that Xiao Lu seemed to be born to do this!

"Now that you have mastered the way to open the exit of the abyss, I want to know, where are the humans who helped you open the abyss?

Where can you tell me that you don’t have relevant resources? "

Xiaolu made his request again.

"This was originally part of today's itinerary! Don't tell me that you did everything yourself, I don't believe it!" she added.

As soon as Xiaolu came on stage, many people started to lose sleep.

Because she was really planning to take over the entire team, which made several families angry!

They had already seen this team as a duck with its beak, but now the duck flew away. Not only did they not eat the duck, but their clothes were stained.

"Since the dead leader is willing, then naturally we can start now!" Although Birdman was not standing on the stage, he still took the initiative to speak at this moment: "Now, please invite our good friend, Neon Amaterasu, to lead them to open the human world. The key is revealed in front of everyone!”

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