Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 455: The portal opens again

Hearing that Amaterasu really agreed to set the location of the abyss exit in Neon, Lin Mo raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Yu'er on the side even touched Lin Mo with her shoulder and said: "He agreed, are we overthinking it?"

"It seems that you still don't understand Neon!" Lin Mo chuckled, and the surprise in his heart had been suppressed.

"Amaterasu has agreed now, what else do you have to say now!" Birdman looked at Lin Mo with a face full of rebuke.

"I have nothing to say!" Lin Mo chuckled and shook his head: "Since Amaterasu has agreed, then I wish us a great success in conquering Neon!"

Lin Mo's voice instantly caused cheers from the people around him.

Amaterasu looked at Lin Mo's appearance, and his heart was so angry that he wanted to slap Lin Mo.

But at this time, he had to be more stable.

"I wonder when and where in Neon you are going to open the exit of the abyss?" Amaterasu looked at Xiaolu: "Saint, if we succeed in occupying Neon this time, I wonder if you can marry me?

We both have excellent bloodlines. If we combine, we will definitely give birth to a child that is beneficial to both humans and the creatures of the abyss!"

A group of monsters looked at Xiaolu. In fact, Amaterasu was right.

If they really combine, the remaining child will have the blood of both the Neon gods and the abyss creatures. It is indeed a good choice for both forces.

"Saint, this suggestion is worth considering!" A voice sounded from the monster.

Lin Mo looked in the direction of the voice. The one who spoke was a tribe member next to Gou Fei. He had a pair of wolf ears and could be seen as a creature of the dog tribe.

"Gou Fei is right. This is indeed a good choice for us creatures of the abyss!" The birdman also smiled and nodded.

However, the next moment, a look of horror appeared on the birdman's face.

Xiao Lu slowly extended a finger to him.

An unparalleled force of blood and qi rushed out and overturned towards the birdman!

The birdman's face changed wildly, and he instinctively flapped his wings, trying to take off.

But the violent blood and qi swallowed him in an instant, and with a scream and a splash of blood on the ground, the birdman turned directly into a puff of blood mist!

Lin Mo looked at this scene, his face changed slightly, and Xiaolu's strength improved too fast after not seeing him for a while!

In fact, Amaterasu looked at Xiaolu's attack, and a cold sweat flowed down his forehead.

Just for a moment, Amaterasu felt that he might be killed instantly when facing Xiaolu!

"Abyss creatures... Crouching Tigers and Hidden Dragons!" Amaterasu sighed and sighed, and silently alerted in his heart.

Lin Mo thought that Xiaolu's sudden attack would make a group of monsters dissatisfied with her.

But after a short silence, all the monsters burst into a strong cheer.

"Saint! Saint! Saint!"

"Chief! Chief! Chief!"

"Saint Queen! Saint Queen! Saint Queen!"

All the monsters began to shout loudly. They were crazy, roaring, and beating their chests.

Some monsters even cut their arms with their weapons, and then began to swallow their blood!

Lin Mo showed a look of disgust in his eyes, and took a step back without a sound, so as not to splash the blood on himself.

It is obvious that these abyss creatures have reached the point of mindless worship of the strong.

When all the cheers gradually subsided, Amaterasu asked: "I wonder when the Saint is going to open the gate of the abyss!"

Unconsciously, he added two more words to Xiaolu's name. Although it was just the simple word "Your Excellency", the sense of distance came out at once.

The powerful fighting power that Xiaolu showed just now directly wiped out Amaterasu's covetousness for her.

"Now, my people are all here, they are waiting for the blood, waiting to see the sun on earth!

Since I want to be their king! Then I can't let my people down!

So, the time for the abyss gate to open is now!

As for the location... I think no one knows humans better than humans!"

Xiao Lu looked at Lin Mo: "Where in Japan do you hope the abyss gate will open?"

Lin Mo looked at Xiao Lu with some surprise, wondering if the other party knew his identity.

But he still hid his mentality very well, thought for a while and said: "I hope... it's on Mount Futsu!"

There are two reasons for choosing this location: the first is that Mount Futsu is of great significance in Japan, so if it falls first, it will be a huge blow to the entire Japan!

The second, and most important point is that Lin Mo entered the fake Takamagahara last time, and that location was on Mount Futsu.

Lin Mo suspected that the real Takamagahara was also there, so the first location to open was simply placed there.

When Amaterasu heard Lin Mo's suggestion, a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes.

"This place... there aren't many people, so it's no use opening the exit there!" Amaterasu chuckled and said, "Are you reluctant to leave as we're both human?"

Lin Mo was too lazy to talk, and just glanced at Xiaolu.

"Just do as he says. If there really aren't many people there, it's not bad, at least we have enough time to enter the human world!" Xiaolu made the decision right away!

Hearing these words, Amaterasu's eyes flashed with coldness, but in the end he nodded slightly: "Since you chose to believe in him, I hope you won't regret it!"

As he spoke, he took out a mirror.

Seeing this mirror, Lin Mo's eyes flashed with coldness, because this was the Yata mirror he saw last time in the beautiful country!

So the way Neon has always opened the abyss is to use imitations of the three major artifacts?

"Please step back a little and leave this place to me!" Amaterasu held the Yata Mirror with one hand, and the expression on his face seemed to become serious.

Many monsters also obediently took a few steps back and gave up the space in the middle.

The Yata Mirror was slightly thrown out by Amaterasu, and then hung in mid-air.

Faint rays of light rippled there, and then a sword light suddenly burst out from inside the mirror!


A sound of space shattering resounded, and then a portal could be vaguely seen floating in the air.

Lin Mo's eyes flickered, the door he saw when he was in Neon was like this.

In other words, as long as the Neon Man does not discover this portal, the portal will eventually be opened!

Lin Mo has been watching Amaterasu's actions since the portal appeared. He suspected that the latter would have a way to inform the gods of Takamagahara.

Soon, Lin Mo discovered that Amaterasu had one of his hands behind his back, seeming to be pinching constantly.

"Amaterasu, please put your hands where we can see!" Lin Mo suddenly spoke, startling Amaterasu.

After giving Lin Mo a cold look, Amaterasu clasped his hands and looked at Lin Mo.

At this time, the monsters let out a cheer.

Lin Mo looked at the door in mid-air, with a surprised look on his face.

This time, the opening time of the portal is much shorter, and now you can see the situation on the other side of the human world.

At this moment, the door is opened on the top of Futu Mountain. Through the door, you can see the snow that never melts on the top of Futu Mountain all year round.

You can vaguely see some people climbing on the mountainside towards the top of the mountain.

Seemingly seeing the portal on the top of the mountain, they made sounds of panic, and some even took out their mobile phones and started recording videos.

"We can't let them post the video online, otherwise, humans will react soon!" Lin Mo said loudly.

Lin Mo actually didn't have much sympathy for these neon people, so he would die if he died.

"The portal has not been opened yet, there is no way to stop them now!" Amaterasu said softly, and Lin Mo read the mockery in his eyes.

"Who said there's no way to stop it!" Xiao Lu pointed at a few monsters: "You... rush over!"

As Xiao Lu's voice fell, Lin Mo saw excitement on the faces of those monsters, and then they roared and rushed towards the portal!



Along with a shattering sound, cracks appeared on the portal, and at the same time, the monster's body directly shattered into a ball of blood mist.

But such a scene did not make those monsters stop. Instead, they rushed towards the door even more excitedly!

Monsters died one after another, and when the last Minotaur rushed forward, the pair of strong horns crashed directly into the broken door!



Two clicks sounded, one of which was the sound of a cow's horns breaking, and the other was the sound of the door opening!


Accompanied by a cow's braying, the snow on Futu Mountain seemed to begin to collapse at this moment!

The speed of the avalanche was very fast. After just a few breaths, Lin Mo could no longer see the climbers!

There was a burst of cheers among the monsters, the door opened, and they could enter the human world!

"Go!" Xiaolu understood the desire in their eyes and waved indifferently: "Enjoy the sunshine and take a look at the world!"


Countless roars resounded, followed by countless qi and blood forces gathered into a pillar of qi and blood!

They rushed towards the door crazily, and in an instant, thousands of monsters rushed into the world!

Lin Mo looked at such a scene, with an inexplicable look flashing in his eyes: "I never thought that the scene where a monster enters the world is actually related to me!"

"Fortunately, the place we entered is Neon. Even if the entire Neon is occupied, facing the endless ocean, we still have countless ways to turn this place into an isolated island!"

Lin Mo whispered in his heart, even if all the neon lights were wiped out, monsters would not be able to thrive here!

What's more, they may not be able to completely occupy Neon!

"You want to kill all the monsters, don't you?"

Just as Lin Mo was watching the beast tide pouring into the world, Xiao Lu's voice sounded in his ears.

"Power is in your own hands, it is always controllable!" Lin Mo chuckled: "How did you recognize me?"

"Xiao Cang is by your side!" Xiao Lu said softly.

Lin Mo nodded, and then his face changed slightly: "Amaterasu... is missing!"

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