"How come he disappeared so suddenly when he was just here?!"

Xiao Cang had a serious look on his face, and the excitement of reaching the human world disappeared all at once.

"Since he can open the road from the abyss to the human world, he can naturally open the road from the human world to the abyss!

This should be the location of Takama-ga-hara!"

Lin Mo's eyes were shining. He had been to Mount Fuji once before, entered a certain abyss, saw a series of false scenes, and was deceived by the so-called gods of Takama-ga-hara, so that he thought all the neon gods were dead at that time.

Now it seems that those gods are definitely alive and well, and even have mastered the means to freely travel between the abyss and the human world.

Lin Mo's eyes were cold, these gods must not go down and of course stay in the world!


At this moment, a shout of killing rang out, and at the foot of the mountain, a group of people rushed directly towards the monsters on the top of the mountain.

They were too fast, and in just a short moment, they had already rushed to the halfway point of the mountain.

All of these people were wearing black samurai robes, with black dragons embroidered with gold lines on them.

"Black Dragon Society!" Lin Mo's eyes turned cold. The group of people were actually ready to attack at this time!

"Kill!" Xiao Lu said coldly.

Although she didn't want to fight with humans, there was no other way at this time.

What's more, under the influence of Lin Mo, she had a natural aversion to neon.

The monsters roared and ran towards the people of the Black Dragon Society, followed by a constant roar. There were limbs flying, and flesh and blood were shattered and splashed everywhere.

Such a bloody scene did not make the Black Dragon Society retreat. Similarly, the monsters still had the flesh and blood of these people in their mouths, so they became more violent.

Lin Mo and others were not attracted by such a scene, but looked around, trying to find a way to enter the abyss.


Lin Mo's mental power spread out to the surroundings, exploring inch by inch, trying to find the remaining traces of Amaterasu.

At the same time, Xiaolu and others also began to search around.

Amaterasu disappeared. If those so-called gods really appeared, Lin Mo and others might be in danger!

"I thought it would take time to open the exit of the abyss. Now it seems that we thought too much... I suspect that it doesn't take time to open the exit of the abyss!

The reason why there is a barrier there is probably that Amaterasu left it deliberately!"

Lin Mo said his guess with cold eyes.

Such a guess was naturally recognized by others.

"As you said, this group of Japanese people are not good things and are not trustworthy." Xiaolu had a cold face: "Everyone be careful, tell everyone immediately if there is anything unusual!"

After a while of searching, an idea suddenly flashed through Lin Mo's mind: Since the replica of the Eight-foot Mirror can open the door of the abyss, then can the replica of the Eight-foot Mirror in my hand also do it?

At the beginning, Lin Mo entered the fake abyss and obtained three fake artifacts, but they had some power.

Now think about it, will these three artifacts also be replicas?

With this thought in mind, Lin Mo directly took out the Eight-foot Mirror from his body.

This thing has rarely been used since Lin Mo's strength has increased, and it has almost been forgotten by Lin Mo in the depths of his spiritual platform.

Now the Eight-foot Mirror is in his hand, and then he imitates Amaterasu to input a wisp of blood and energy into it, and the whole mirror is suspended.

Lin Mo's eyes lit up: It seems to be successful!

This is how Amaterasu opened the exit of the abyss!

Gently push the mirror forward, and then you can see endless light on the mirror.

Then, there is really a door slowly opening!

"Success!" Xiao Cang said loudly with excitement on his face.


The next moment, a roar came from the opened portal!

"Could it be that the wrong portal was opened!" Xiao Cang said.

But the next moment, endless sea water suddenly surged out of the portal, and then everyone saw an unforgettable scene:

In the endless sea water, you can see a huge octopus waving nine tentacles and whipping wildly in all directions.

On the sea, waves came and went, accompanied by the roar of the octopus, making people feel terrified.

"What is this!" Xiao Lu looked at the octopus and couldn't help asking.

If this thing belongs to a monster, it would be too scary!

The most important thing is, is there a monster in the world?

Lin Mo shook his head. In fact, he didn't know where this thing came from.

However, they couldn't think too much at this time. The octopus actually jumped out of the sea water directly. After a roar, the huge and terrifying body twisted and rushed towards Lin Mo's face!

The eight tentacles were just like eight giant snakes as thick as tree trunks, twisting and whipping around.

Deep marks were left on the mountain.

Lin Mo's face was cold, and he rushed up first.

The three-pointed double-edged knife was held in his hand, and the knife light was extremely sharp, instantly covering the octopus.

That's not all. Lin Mo's mental power also directly wrapped up the octopus, frantically destroying the octopus's head.

This kind of thing is born with a small brain capacity, which means that his mental power will not be too high!

Sure enough, the mental power gave feedback, that is, the IQ of this octopus is not high. Facing the mental attack, he did not intend to resist at all, but just madly fought against the three-pointed double-edged knife in Lin Mo's hand.

"You guys also hurry up and take action!" Lin Mo looked at Xiao Cang and Xiao Lu. Wouldn't these two really want to watch him die!

Fortunately, Lin Mo's worry was unnecessary. After a little hesitation, Xiao Cang and Xiao Lu took action.

Xiao Cang turned into a hawk and flew in the sky to attract attention, while Xiao Lu's hand emitted a burst of green light, and then saw a bunch of trees coming out from the bottom!

Originally, such a scene should be very healing, but at this moment, such a scene is extremely terrifying.

Those trees that drilled out looked like spears, which directly pierced the octopus's body completely!

This is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is that more and more trees pierced the octopus's body, but soon the octopus's body began to recover crazily!

Such a scene is actually crazy and terrifying. This octopus really seems to be immortal. It keeps regenerating and growing the skin and tentacles it needs.

"This thing is a bit like the legendary Yamata no Orochi!" Lin Mo frowned and said.

The legendary Yamata no Orochi had all its heads chopped off while it was drunk. So does the one in front of us need to use the same method?

Thinking of this, a group of people started directly.

Nine huge tentacles swung in the air, and Xiao Lu walked towards the air step by step.

She stretched out her hand and grabbed the octopus!

In an instant, the huge body of the octopus stopped for a moment.

"Kill! I only have three seconds!" Xiao Lu screamed loudly at Lin Mo and Xiao Cang.

Lin Mo's eyes turned cold, three seconds...


The ghost shadow was instantly activated at this moment, and Lin Mo turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the octopus crazily!


A ray of cold light shook the earth, as if it reached the sky!

An unprecedented terrifying light burst out from the three-pointed two-edged sword!

Accompanied by a muffled sound, the nine huge tentacles were cut off at once, and then smashed directly on the top of the mountain!


The entire mountaintop began to tremble, and the tentacles rolled down. Some people from the Black Dragon Society screamed, and when the suction cups on the tentacles touched them, the suction force generated instantly made them turn directly into a pool of meat paste!

Such a scene can be said to be extremely terrifying, and the entire Futu Mountain almost became a hell!

At this time, Xiaolu's control time was also used up, and the whole person fell directly from the air.

Xiaocang stepped forward in time to catch the person.

And Lin Mo suddenly shot the three-pointed two-edged sword in his hand at the only remaining octopus head on the ground!


The wide blade of the three-pointed two-edged sword directly sank into the octopus's head, and a sharp roar was heard. The octopus's body gradually softened, and finally there was no sound at all!

"Could this thing be the body of the Yamata no Orochi?" Xiaolu looked at Lin Mo and asked softly.

Lin Mo shook his head. He didn't know much about these things, but according to the current situation, this thing should be dead!

He went forward and fumbled on the corpse for a while, and finally touched a key. No matter which door this key corresponds to, Lin Mo firmly believes that there must be something he is interested in inside the door!

Thinking of this, Lin Mo turned back and looked inside the open door.

A figure flashed by!

"Amaterasu!" Lin Mo's eyes turned cold, and he chased after Amaterasu directly!

"Lin Mo! Don't be impulsive!" Xiaolu and Xiaocang saw this scene, their faces changed wildly, but when they wanted to stop it, they found that it was too late!

Lin Mo's figure flashed and directly entered the portal. At the same time, the moment Lin Mo entered, the portal completely disappeared!

"Damn it! We must find a way to open the portal, and at the same time we should take over the entire Neon!"

This proposal just fits Xiaolu and Lin Mo's original idea, so they agreed directly.

At this moment, halfway up the mountain, the people of the Black Dragon Society have been almost killed or injured. The monsters are walking among the corpses, picking up the corpses from time to time and biting off the heads with their mouths.

This is one of the ways to clean up the battlefield!

"What should we do next?" Xiao Cang stood beside Xiaolu and couldn't help asking.

Xiaolu turned and looked in the direction where Lin Mo disappeared: "For the time being, all monsters refuse to defend Mount Fuji, and make other decisions after Lin Mo comes back!"

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