"This is..."

After taking a step into it, Lin Mo felt that he was in a special state.

He was floating in the air, in a state of complete weightlessness.

"This place... is completely different from the abyss!" Lin Mo said with a solemn look on his face.

And he looked around, and the original figure of the God of Light had completely disappeared.

"I saw him in here with my own eyes, and now he is definitely hiding!" Lin Mo's eyes were firm, and his mental power radiated to the surroundings.

However, he found a problem, that is, he completely lost control of his body in the state of being out of clothes, and even the release of mental power became a little abnormal.

The power of Qi and blood was running, and Lin Mo's face changed slightly, because he found that the power of Qi and blood seemed to be useless here!

"How could this be?!"

Lin Mo's face changed slightly, and neither mental power nor Qi and blood power could be used accurately in this place.

"The rules here are different from the abyss and the human world!" Such an absurd idea came into Lin Mo's mind.

But later, the more Lin Mo thought about it, the more he felt that this possibility existed.

"If those people in Takama-hara are familiar with the rules here, then I am in danger, right?" Lin Mo raised his eyebrows, and suddenly thought of such a serious question.

"No, if that's the case, Amaterasu shouldn't leave after seeing me come in, but should kill me first!"

"In that case, where are they now?"

Lin Mo was hanging in the air, struggling constantly at this moment, adjusting the position of his body.

After a period of adaptation, Lin Mo finally let himself stand on the ground.

At this time, every step made Lin Mo feel like he was stepping on clouds.

Lin Mo had a feeling that the space here was not very large. He looked into the distance and raised his eyebrows.

The mountains in the distance were actually suspended in the air like clouds, and Lin Mo even saw a river flowing slowly on the top of the mountain.

"This is really anti-Tian Gang!" Lin Mo sighed.

Then suddenly an idea came to his mind: "Could it be that everything here is opposite, whether it is the operation of mental power or blood power?

Just like the mountains and clouds in this world!"

There are clouds under his feet, and there are peaks above his head!

Lin Mo simply sat cross-legged on the ground and slowly circulated his blood power.

What is different from before is that the current operation of blood power is completely opposite to the previous one.


A few seconds later, Lin Mo suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"No, I almost burst my own meridians!" Lin Mo's face was a little painful, and he smiled bitterly.

Lin Mo didn't plan to try mental power, because in this case, he would make himself an idiot if he was not careful.

It's totally not worth the loss!

So he simply got up, chose a direction, and walked straight down.

Fortunately, the scenery around him was completely different, so Lin Mo didn't worry about whether he would go the wrong way.

As time went by, Lin Mo saw forests and even some farmland appearing in the distant sky.

Suddenly, Lin Mo stopped and looked at the clouds vigilantly.

There was movement there!


Lin Mo raised the three-pointed double-edged sword and slashed it towards the clouds.

"Don't kill me!" A scream sounded, and a young man came out of the cloud with a look of panic on his face, kneeling on the ground and kowtowed to Lin Mo.

The young man in front of him was wearing ancient costume-style clothes, which looked tattered and should be quite old.

"What's your name?" Lin Mo looked at the young man and asked coldly.

"I... I don't have a name. It's been too long. I have forgotten my name!" The young man was stunned for a moment, tilted his head and thought about it, and finally shook his head and spoke like this.

It's been too long, and I forgot my name?

Lin Mo suddenly felt ridiculous. How long did it take for him to even forget his own name!

"Where are Amaterasu and other gods?" Lin Mo put the blade on the boy's neck without taking it off. In order to threaten him, Lin Mo even cut a little skin with the blade.

This feeling scared the boy, and he knelt on the ground and said, "They all live on the mountain!"

On the mountain? !

Lin Mo glanced at the mountain in the sky. This scene is really the same as the holy mountain in the abyss!

At the beginning, Lin Mo went up to the holy mountain by a giant bird. Now there is no giant bird here. With Lin Mo's current state, the possibility of going up is not very high.

"Do you have any way to get up the mountain?"

"Yes! We have to worship the mountain and offer sacrifices every ten years, so we have a stairway to heaven!"

"Stairway to heaven?" Lin Mo's eyes lit up: "Take me to see it!"

The boy hesitated and said: "I can take you there, but the stairway to heaven cannot be used now!

We can only use it once every ten years!"

"I can't wait that long. If you don't want to die, you'd better take me to see it!"

Feeling the fear of death, the boy showed a look of fear on his face. In this situation, he had to give in!

"Tomorrow is the day when we start the sacrifice. You can actually wait until tomorrow!" The boy said timidly.


"It's OK!" Lin Mo thought about it, then nodded. It was just right to take advantage of this night to get familiar with the environment here.

"Take me to where you live!"

The boy nodded and breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Lin Mo didn't kill him now, he might have a chance to survive in the village.

Following the boy all the way, they finally came to the entrance of a small village before the whole sky was about to darken.

"This is my village!" The boy smiled and said, "I'll take you in!"

After that, he ran towards the village. Lin Mo was not in a hurry at all. Even if the boy was going to recruit people now, he was not very worried.

It's just a small village. What kind of strong people can there be?

With this idea, Lin Mo also raised his legs and walked in.

"Where does this distinguished guest come from?"

An old man came out, followed by a dozen middle-aged men. They exuded a fierce aura, and it was obvious that they were not weak.

But Lin Mo was not afraid, because he felt that the strength of the people in front of him was not very strong.

"You captured someone from our village and cut his neck with a weapon?" The old village chief looked at Lin Mo and said coldly.

"Don't blame me, old senior. It's an emergency, so I can only do this!" Lin Mo stepped forward and said, "I can compensate him."

"Compensation?! What compensation can you give us?! Do you think we need your compensation?" The old village chief said coldly: "This place belongs only to us, as for people like you who come from outside...


When he said the last word, a cruel look flashed in the old village chief's eyes.

Lin Mo's heart sank, and he started to act when he shouted to kill.


He punched the man closest to him. Even when his mental strength and blood power could not be used, his strong physical strength could still be said to be extremely terrifying.

After this punch, the middle-aged man just screamed and flew out, hitting the wall heavily.

With just one punch, Lin Mo crippled a middle-aged man.

"Physical strength is still effective. After all, this is not determined by the rules!" Lin Mo felt the power of this punch, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Even a martial emperor-level warrior might not be able to withstand his punch, let alone the villagers in front of him?

Lin Mo looked at the remaining villagers coldly. Facing this look, the villagers turned pale and dared not take another step forward.

"God!" The old village chief suddenly knelt down in front of Lin Mo, and he actually called Lin Mo a god!

Lin Mo felt that this title was ridiculous to the extreme.

"I'm not your god!" Lin Mo shook his head: "That little guy should have told you my purpose. I came here to find your god!

Tomorrow, I will climb the ladder to heaven and go to see your god!"

Lin Mo said this, and the old village chief's face immediately showed a look of horror.

Because of Lin Mo's tyranny, the old village chief could only nod his head.

"In addition, is there anyone practicing martial arts in your village? What is the power of blood and spirit, and how should it be operated?"

Lin Mo stopped the old village chief and asked.

"Spiritual power? Blood and qi power? I don't know, I haven't heard of it!" The old village chief shook his head: "This may be an ability that only gods can have!

We can't have it!

Our dirty bodies will defile these powerful abilities!"

The old village chief's words were humble and cautious, but revealed one thing, that is, they were not qualified to practice martial arts at all.

"Is it that I am not qualified, or that the rules here cannot allow so many people to practice martial arts?"

With this idea in mind, Lin Mo found a room to sit cross-legged and practice the Thunder Breathing Method.

After trying several times, it still didn't work.

"Go to sleep, let's see tomorrow!"

Lin Mo simply lay on the bed and closed his eyes.

He could still sleep in such a place. I have to say that Lin Mo's mentality is really good.

The next morning, Lin Mo was awakened by a noise. When he opened his eyes and walked out of the door, he saw that the people in the village began to prepare various sacrifices.

Soon, Lin Mo saw that there were nine pairs of boys and girls among the sacrifices!

"Are they sacrifices?" Lin Mo pointed at them, with a surprised look on his face, and looked at the old village chief.

"God likes them! Likes boys and girls!" The old village chief said respectfully: "Of course, if you need it, we will arrange some for you!"

Lin Mo stared at the old village chief and wanted to kill people directly, but finally gave up. After all, all this was to commemorate the gods.

"In that case, I will help you kill those gods!" Lin Mo's eyes were cold and he spoke slowly.

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