Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 458 Amaterasu Tsukuyomi

Those who like boys and girls should not be called gods...

Lin Mo looked at the children with red paint on their faces, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

"I'll help you send the children up." Lin Mo's eyes were cold and he spoke slowly.

He already had some guesses about the identities of these people.

When Xu Fu went to sea, he brought 500 pairs of boys and girls. The people in front of him should be their descendants.

In terms of blood, these people are pure pre-Qin people, and have been Chinese since ancient times!

And those...

Lin Mo looked up at the mountains above the sky, and the ladder to heaven was suspended between the mountains and the ground constructed by clouds.

Those high-ranking beings should actually be torn down and stepped on!

Putting on the clothes they could only wear during sacrifices, Lin Mo walked up the steps step by step with the boys and girls alone.

The temperature gradually dropped along the way, but Lin Mo's eyes were extremely hot.

Several children followed behind Lin Mo, their pretty faces flushed and breathing slightly.

Lin Mo estimated the time. If he brought several children, it would take at least one day to reach the top.

"Let's take a rest first!" Lin Mo stood there, thought about it, took out the Jiuzhou Order, and several rays of light fell on the boys and girls.

"It worked!" Lin Mo's face showed a look of surprise. It was just an attempt, but he didn't expect it to succeed.

Under the benefit of the Jiuzhou Order, the fatigue on the faces of several children quickly disappeared, and their breath also slowly improved a lot.

Lin Mo believed that after returning, the martial arts path of these boys and girls would definitely be extremely smooth.

"Or just take all these people to the Rob City!" Lin Mo touched his chin with one hand, thinking in his heart whether he should start the "Daxing Rob" plan!

"Children, are you afraid to follow your brother?" Lin Mo smiled and spoke slowly.

"Don't be afraid, we are going to serve the gods, very happy, thank you brother for sending us to see the gods." A child's tender voice spoke.

The expression on Lin Mo's face slowly solidified. These children really thought they were going to serve the gods.

He was silent and set off again with the children.

Because of the blessing of the Kyushu Order, the speed of these children increased a lot.

"Although the rules are not available, the Kyushu Order is not affected, that is to say, I can still impose negative effects on people and give myself enhanced attributes!"

"I want to see what level those so-called gods can reach!" Lin Mo thought so in his heart.

In fact, this is an adventure. In Lin Mo's view, the rules are almost unsolvable.

So he doesn't think these so-called gods can master the rules in such a place!

From a distance, Lin Mo saw the huge Torii at the foot of the mountain. There were some patterns painted on the two vermilion pillars.

It was a god, holding a short sword in his hand, and directly killed a nine-headed octopus.

The second picture was that the god used the short sword to enslave the nine-headed octopus and then ruled the entire Takamagahara.

"So, these residents are actually afraid of the gods!"

Their speed increased again, because after the children saw the Torii, they showed excitement on their faces, calling out their favorite gods and running forward.

Lin Mo kept a distance from them, leading in front, and looking around vigilantly with his naked eyes.


There was a crisp sound under Lin Mo's feet. Looking down, it was a piece of bone, which should be a leg bone, but it was not big. It was probably left by a child.

Kicked the bone away with one foot, and they continued to move forward.

But when they reached the halfway point of the mountain, Lin Mo stopped because a scene appeared in front of him that he could not solve.

There were hundreds of corpses hanging there quietly, and the bones were swaying with the wind, making a carrara sound, like a bone wind chime!

But the scene in front of him was too horrible. Lin Mo didn't want the children to see such a scene, but he couldn't cover it up even if he wanted to!


A child screamed and looked at the corpses in panic.

After hearing this voice, the other children also looked at the bones, and their innocent eyes were full of fear.

A second ago, they were still thinking about what kind of respect they should show in front of the gods, but now, there was only fear in their eyes!

"God... were these people killed by the gods?"

A child spoke softly, with a crying tone in his voice, obviously seriously frightened!

"Brother Lin, tell us, will the gods make us become like this?"

A child looked at Lin Mo. Along the way, the children had a strong attachment to Lin Mo.

"What you see is real!" Lin Mo spoke softly. Originally, these children seemed to be brainwashed. He was still worried about correcting the children's ideas, but now it seems unnecessary.

Seeing such a scene, the children naturally made their own judgments.

They knew what the gods they were talking about had done.


"I don't want to see the gods!"

"I want to go home, I want to find my mother!"

The children began to cry loudly, tears kept falling, and some of them even started running towards the bottom of the stairs!

Lin Mo thought for a while and didn't stop him.

"You go down first and wait for me, but remember, don't fall. The stairs are steep. All of you must be careful. Your parents are waiting for you below. Do you understand?"

Lin Mo's voice rang in their ears, and the children nodded calmly, and then ran all the way down the mountain.

"Who are you to let our sacrifices leave? Can you bear the punishment from the gods?"

A voice sounded, and a figure slowly walked down from the top of the mountain not far away.

This man was wearing gorgeous clothes and had a solemn look on his face.

Lin Mo frowned slightly, because he felt the fluctuation of energy and blood from the man's body.

"Have they mastered the rules?" Such an idea came to Lin Mo's mind, but was later rejected by Lin Mo.

Although there are fluctuations in the power of qi and blood in the man's body, it is too weak. At most, it only has the fluctuations of a first-grade warrior!

"Mortals, why don't you kneel down when you see your god?" The man looked at Lin Mo and yelled loudly.

"What kind of god are you?"

"I control all water flows!" The man said with an arrogant look on his face: "You should call me, Water God!"

Water God?

Lin Mo holds the inheritance of Xuanwu, which is the inheritance power of water attribute. If he kills the water god in front of him, can he explode some equipment that is good for the inheritance of water attribute?

Lin Mo had this thought in his mind and looked at the man in front of him with a smile on his face.


He rushed forward fiercely, and his speed was already terrifying due to the sheer force of his physical body!

"Hmph, a mere mortal challenges a god and seeks death!" The man had a look of contempt on his face, raised his hand to Lin Mo and pointed with one finger!


With a soft sound, the finger was broken into several pieces!

"Ah!!!" The man had a look of pain on his face, covering his hands and wailing desperately.


Lin Mo casually threw a punch, and the man's entire body collapsed instantly!

Such a scene is like the body being shattered instantly!

Blood flowed across the face, and the man's face showed a look of fear. The weak power of Qi and blood was running, trying to restore his body, but it was useless.

Lin Mo held his neck with one hand and punched him one after another. The originally mutilated body was directly smashed into tatters.

"It seems that your so-called water god is indeed very watery!" Lin Mo shook his head helplessly. He couldn't find anything useful from the man.

Throwing the body aside casually, Lin Mo continued walking up the climbing stairs.

In the next period of time, Lin Mo met three or four more gods, but their strength was still not enough.

Although the power of Qi and blood that can be used is slightly stronger, it is not enough to face Emperor Lin Mo's level body.

Kill with one punch!

Kill them all with one fist!

"Far ahead!" Lin Mo had a smile on his face, and the crushing feeling brought by the pure physical power really made him feel extremely comfortable!

"Amaterasu!" Lin Mo raised his hand and a Kyushu Token flew out, and a ray of light fell on him.

The power of his physical body became stronger. Lin Mo looked at the countless temples in front of him with a mocking look on his face.

Boom boom!

Lin Mo waved his fist, and a huge portal was shattered by Lin Mo's punch!

And that's not all yet, Lin Mo increased his speed to the extreme, and everything he encountered along the way was violently collided with his body!

It completely relied on the strength of the physical body to hit it directly!

boom! boom! boom!

Thousands of buildings were collapsing, and Lin Mo was destroying everything here crazily.


At this moment, a voice sounded. Listening to the familiar voice, Lin Mo's face showed a smile.

"Amaterasu, you are finally willing to come out. Who is this next to you, Tsukuyomi?"

Lin Mo looked at him with a mocking look on his face and spoke softly.

"Lin Mo, do you really think you are invincible here?" Amaterasu said sharply.

"I do feel that I am invincible. At least I am very confident when facing you!" Lin Mo said slowly with a smile on his face.

"Tsukiyomi, give me strength!" Amaterasu looked at the woman beside him and spoke softly.

The woman nodded slowly, and then her body became illusory, slowly becoming one with Amaterasu's body!

After the two merged, Lin Mo felt two completely opposite forces begin to gather.

Then everything reverses!

"Lin Mo, let me show you the horror of my having the power of blood here!" Amaterasu spoke sternly with indifference in his voice.

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