"Lin Mo, do you know where this place is?"

The power of Qi and blood in Amaterasu's body was growing crazily. At the same time, he looked at Lin Mo and spoke coldly.

"Takamagahara!" Amaterasu gave the answer himself without waiting for Lin Mo's answer: "In the neon myth, I am the lord of Takamagahara!

Are there any rules that the master cannot master?

Therefore, I am 100% in control in this Gaotianyuan!

I am the only god here! "

"So, your main god Xu Fu abandoned you?" Lin Mo said with a chuckle, his tone full of ridicule.

Amaterasu's eyes turned cold, he paused briefly, and then said coldly: "The Lord God is always there! But you are not qualified to see him!

Today I will send you into the underworld! "

A full moon appeared behind him, followed immediately by a big sun!

The full moon and the big sun represent yin and yang, slowly flowing under the guidance of Amaterasu, and finally forming a huge Tai Chi!

The originally fused bodies of Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi separated directly, each occupying the center of the circle.

The power of Qi and blood that was originally blocked actually began to flow between the two, and the aura of the two of them was also rising crazily. After just a few breaths, they had already reached the level of the Martial Saint!


Lin Mo ejected the Kyushu Order and hung it directly above their heads.

Along with waves of ripples, rays of light continued to fall, causing the two people who were originally soaring in momentum to drop back quite a bit.

This made Tsukiyomi God's beautiful face show a look of horror. He looked at Lin Mo and couldn't help covering his red lips.

Amaterasu's eyes were cold, and he raised his hand and pointed at Lin Mo: "Sea, wind! Mountain, forest...gods, kill him!"

As the voice fell, a dozen figures rushed out from all around.

According to neon mythology, these gods are actually brothers and sisters with Amaterasu, but their abilities are very different!

"As expected of the master of Gao Tianyuan, he has mastered the rules of the power of Qi and blood, but he makes his brothers and sisters look like ants!" Lin Mo said directly with a mocking look on his face.

At the same time, in order to prove that he was right, he punched him directly!


Under the influence of the Nine Provinces Order, Lin Mo's power has already reached the mid-stage emperor level, and the few little gods in front of him are simply not enough!

The blood mist rose, and Lin Mo smashed a god with just one punch!


He casually grabbed the head of a god in his hand, and then used force!

Like a watermelon cup being smashed, red and white objects were splashed everywhere, and a fishy smell filled the entire battlefield.

The smile on Lin Mo's face became calmer and calmer. These gods were really not enough. He was alone and blasted out a whole world with only his fists!

There were corpses everywhere on the ground, and divine blood was flowing everywhere.

Amaterasu stood in the air and watched such a scene. There was no look of distress on his face. Instead, he looked at Lin Mo eagerly.

"Your body is very powerful, I want it!" He pointed at Lin Mo and spoke loudly.

"The look in your eyes makes me feel sick." Lin Mo shook his head: "What you said made me feel even more sick. What do you mean you want my body?

The Neon God has no three views! "

Lin Mo shook his head and backed away.


On the ground, blood was flowing. It was the blood of the gods. Although the strength was not strong, the divine power in the blood was now radiating light.

Lin Mo felt the power in this blood and his eyes flickered.


At this moment, Amaterasu swooped down directly towards Lin Mo!

The peak of Martial Saint!

At this moment, Amaterasu's energy and blood power has reached the peak of the Martial Saint!

Lin Mo's body shook violently, and he was punched in the chest. He flew backwards and hit the wall hard, and his whole body sank in quite a lot!

However, Lin Mo's physical body is really too strong now. Although Amaterasu's energy and blood power far exceed Lin Mo's, the physical strength is not enough!

He was not even an emperor, so even though he was at the peak of his strength as a martial saint, he punched Lin Mo without causing any damage to him!

"Hey!" Lin Mo walked out from the ruins. He shook the dust off his body with a smile on his face: "Can you do it? This punch feels like you haven't eaten!"

Such a sentence directly made Amaterasu's entire face become distorted.

He is a god, and in this Gaotianyuan, he is the only master. But now, the master has been directly ridiculed. The most important thing is that he is powerless!

"You deserve to die!" Amaterasu scolded sternly: "I originally wanted to keep your body, but now it seems that it's no longer necessary. I want to tear you apart completely!"

He flew forward and punched Lin Mo in the face.

"It's your turn!" At this moment, he heard Lin Mo's cold voice.

Looking up, he saw Lin Mo's face full of ridicule.

I don't know why, but looking at Lin Mo's face, Amaterasu always felt as if he had overlooked something.

Then he felt a heartbreaking pain!


Lin Mo punched him directly in the stomach, making his whole body bend like a prawn!


He hit the wall directly, and the huge force of the shock caused him to open his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood!

When he wanted to struggle to stand up, Lin Mo rushed up directly.

His fists kept falling down like raindrops.

"Spit out more blood, I feel good watching you spit out blood!" Lin Mo spoke directly, and kept punching him in the chest.

Amaterasu felt extremely aggrieved. A dignified god was actually ridden on and beaten by someone!

Blood kept flowing down the corners of Amaterasu's mouth, flowing together with the blood of other gods.

Just when Amaterasu felt that his anger had reached the extreme, Lin Mo suddenly let him go.

"Useless thing, I'd better find another one!" Lin Mo threw Amaterasu aside and rushed directly into the sky!

Lin Mo's speed was so fast that he turned his body several times in the air, twisting his whole body to an unparalleled degree!

Then with a bang, he punched Tsukuyomi in the face.

Tsukuyomi screamed and fell directly from the sky!

Lin Mo used the same method again, punching down one by one, with a resentful look on Tsukuyomi's face.

As a god, she is indeed very beautiful, but now her whole face has been completely distorted, like a pig's head.

There is even blood flowing down her face!

Lin Mo looked at this scene and felt that something was missing!

So he punched twice more fiercely, and more blood gathered.

The blood filled with divinity continued to gather, and at the same time, a faint stream of light began to appear on the ground.

Lin Mo looked at this scene with a smile on his face.

"Do you know what this is!" Lin Mo pointed at the blood on the ground, and then rushed forward!

The divine power contained in the blood of the gods was directly extracted by Lin Mo, and then fused with his body.

The divine power in these bloods was only a little bit, so after Lin Mo merged, when Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi reacted, it was too late!

All the divine powers disappeared!

Lin Mo's face was cold, and he stepped forward step by step.

Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi looked terrified, and now they finally understood what Lin Mo had just done.

"You...how did you think of that?" Amaterasu looked at Lin Mo and asked curiously.

"You can think of the complementary yin and yang, why can't I think of it?" Lin Mo's face was full of mockery: "You said you are Amaterasu, the master here.

But I remember that the real main god should be Xu Fu, so he is the master here, then Xu Fu is gone now, so as his children, if you want to master the power here, you have to reproduce Xu Fu's bloodline power!

From my point of view, as long as you gather your divine blood, isn't it the real Xu Fu?

So I just tried it, and I didn't expect it to be true!

My current strength is recovering!"

Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi had angry looks on their faces: "Even if your strength is recovering, you are not our opponent. Our current strength completely crushes you!"

They said it, but the two were constantly retreating.

They had a vigilant look on their faces. The next moment, Amaterasu suddenly attacked and pierced Tsukuyomi's chest directly!

Tsukuyomi looked at her brother with a look of shock on her face: "Why?"

"Only when we two become one can we kill Lin Mo. Now it's time for you to sacrifice yourself!"

Amaterasu said with an angry look on her face.

Tsukuyomi slowly closed her eyes with an unwilling look on her face.

Amaterasu looked at the heart in her hand with a crazy look on her face. She actually opened her mouth and swallowed the heart directly into her stomach!

Blood flowed down the corners of his mouth, and you could see the heart sliding down his throat into his stomach little by little!

Lin Mo's face was shocked. Such a scene was simply too bloody, but he appeared in front of him so realistically!

"Lin Mo, do you feel my unparalleled power!" Amaterasu spoke slowly with an intoxicated look on his face. You could feel his power increasing crazily!

Martial Saint!

Martial Emperor!

Third-grade Martial Emperor! Fourth-grade Martial Emperor!

Fifth-grade Martial Emperor Peak!

This speed of improvement is too fast. In just a few breaths, he has raised his strength to the level of a sixth-grade martial emperor!

He looked at Lin Mo with a mocking look on his face: "Lin Mo, with your current strength, how can you compete with me..."

At this point, he suddenly widened his eyes, looked at Lin Mo, and said in a trembling voice: "This... This is impossible! How can you recover your strength!"

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