Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 467 Are you satisfied?

Kong De and the others were pale, the bodies of the three supreme elders were still lying there, and the strong smell of blood stimulated everyone's nostrils and hearts.

The Bingzhu came from the Kong family, and this was the first time he appeared here after becoming the Bingzhu.

Now, he took action directly and killed the three supreme elders of the Kong family with one palm!

This is definitely a big event!

"Please forgive me, Bingzhu!"

For a moment, everyone in the Kong family knelt on the ground and spoke in unison.

"You are indeed guilty! You really deserve to be killed!" A bloody voice came from Bingzhu's mouth.

Everyone trembled, because Bingzhu often really did what he said. If Bingzhu really wanted to take action, they would definitely have no way to survive!

"Bingzhu, although the Kong family is guilty, they don't all deserve to be killed!" Kong De's face was pale, but he still gritted his teeth and spoke.

At this time, someone must stand up, otherwise, even if Bingzhu wanted to let the Kong family go, he would have no way out!

"Master Bing, Mr. Kong is right. This matter was only done by the Kong family. The others are innocent!" Lin Mo suddenly spoke at this time.

Kong De looked at Lin Mo with a look of gratitude in his eyes.

Because at this time, it was good enough that Lin Mo did not add insult to injury. He even helped to intercede. This was really a great favor.

But the next moment, Lin Mo continued: "Innocent people can be let go, but those who participated in the murder should be killed!

I ask the Master Bing to kill people!"

Ask the Master Bing to kill people!

Everyone frowned. This kid really dared to say it!

Who are you? How dare you order the Master Bing?

The Master Bing did not speak, but just looked at the people of the Kong family quietly.

For a while, unparalleled pressure spread and pressed them to the point of being unable to breathe.

After a long time, several figures walked out of the kneeling crowd of the Kong family.

They stood up straight and shouted, "It was us who came up with the idea of ​​robbing people, and we also robbed people, and we also killed the alchemist.

Please kill us, Lord of Arms, as a warning to others!"

"Please kill us, Lord of Arms, as a warning to others!"

Several figures knelt on the ground and requested loudly.

Puff puff puff!

The next moment, several figures exploded directly, leaving no meat residue!

Only a strong smell of blood remained on the ground.

"So, are you satisfied?" The Lord of Arms looked at Lin Mo and spoke softly.

"Reporting to the Lord of Arms, I am naturally... not satisfied!" Lin Mo shook his head and spoke directly.

Kong De raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that at this time, Lin Mo was still not satisfied. Did he really want all the people of the Kong family to die before he was happy?

But at this time, he didn't dare to speak.

"Do you want to kill more people?" The Lord of Arms looked at Lin Mo and asked softly.

"Master Bing, I am not a bloodthirsty person. It would be best if no one died!" Lin Mo smiled and shook his head: "The head of the Kong family has been killed. Now please let the people of the Kong family let the Pre-Qin survivors go!"

The Master Bing nodded and looked at Kong De: "Can you let them go!"

"Of course I will let them go!" Kong De nodded quickly. It's time. If they don't let them go, God knows what disaster is waiting for them!

Accompanied by Kong De's order, a team of people came out soon.

These people are the Pre-Qin survivors rescued by Lin Mo, but now there are five less of them!

All of them are used to make pills, and each person can make a semi-holy fruit!

After seeing Lin Mo, a group of Pre-Qin survivors first showed excitement on their faces, and then as if they thought of something, their faces became angry again.

"Everyone, it's Lin Mo who is sorry for you. I apologize to you!" Lin Mo and the others bowed deeply.

Several boys who had gone up to Takamagahara with Lin Mo had smiles on their faces, called out "Brother Lin Mo", and then ran towards him.

But the parents of several children held them tightly, fearing that they would disappear if they let go!

Looking at this scene, Lin Mo showed a bitter smile on his face: "Everyone, if you don't want to give me a chance, I can send you back, or give you freedom here. From now on, you can go anywhere!

I can guarantee that no one will hurt you again!"

After Lin Mo's voice fell, a voice sounded in the crowd.

The old village chief walked out slowly: "Mr. Lin, what I want to know is, is it your idea for them to kill us?"

"Of course not!" Lin Mo shook his head: "I just found out that you were robbed, so I brought people to rescue you!"

At this time, everyone saw the blood on Lin Mo and others, and at the same time saw the blood on the ground that almost gathered into a river.

Such a scene really makes people feel scared, but a group of people just watched this scene quietly, and no one said anything.

After a long time, the old village chief bowed deeply to Lin Mo: "Mr. Lin, please forgive me, we have wronged you!

I can guarantee that all of us are willing to go back with you!"

With the old village chief's guarantee, a group of people nodded.

In fact, they now understand.

Even if they return to Takamagahara in Japan, what will happen? If there are still gods who have not died, their final result will still repeat the previous years.

But it's different when they come to China. After all, this is their blood hometown. They have Chinese blood flowing in their bodies, so staying here is the best choice.

But the Kong family regards them as medicinal materials for refining pills. In this case, they can't stay here any longer!

Following Lin Mo away is indeed the best choice they can make so far!

"Since you are willing to follow Lin Mo, then follow him!" The soldier looked at this scene, nodded slightly, and said: "Lin Mo, I hope you can keep your promise and protect them!

In addition, I have some cultivation techniques from the pre-Qin era. You can practice according to the instructions above.

Maybe one day, you can protect yourself!"

"Thank you!" The old village chief bowed deeply to the soldier, and then took the pre-Qin survivors and stood behind Lin Mo one by one.

"Now, are you still dissatisfied?" The soldier looked at Lin Mo and asked again.

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment. He really couldn't understand the soldier in front of him.

Lin Mo's previous request had naturally been communicated with the Lord of Arms. Now the Lord of Arms asked him if he was dissatisfied.

This question was obviously too much!

Lin Mo looked at the Lord of Arms and found that there seemed to be an encouraging look in the Lord of Arms' eyes, urging Lin Mo to continue speaking!

After thinking about it, Lin Mo's eyes suddenly lit up. He thought of something that others should not have thought of!

"Please Lord of Arms can lower the level of the Kong family inheritance family!

And, I hope that the Li family can be promoted to an inheritance family!"

Lin Mo finally thought of two more points and said them directly.

Hearing this, a group of people took a breath.

Asking the Lord of Arms to lower the level of the Kong family is too bold!

The Kong family is currently ranked in the top three in China. If the level is lowered, wouldn't it become a second-tier inheritance family?

Although, in the eyes of ordinary people, inheritance families are of high status.

But among the inherited families, the lowering of the rank means the decline of strength, which means that someone can replace it!

Even the competition between the inherited families is still very fierce.

Therefore, the final consequence of demoting the Kong family is likely to be that the Kong family will be kicked out of the inherited families!

At this time, all the people in the Kong family did not speak, but just looked at the military master quietly, waiting for the final judgment.

"The Kong family has paid too much for countless years. It is impossible to lower the level, but we cannot fail to punish this matter!

So from now on, if this kind of thing happens again within a year, or other bad things, the Kong family will be directly downgraded!

It is actually a good thing for the Li family to be promoted to a heritage family!

The Li family has a long history, and it has a history of thousands of years!

It's just that the origin of the Li family is not very accurate. This is because many people changed their surnames to Li in the Tang Dynasty.

So many Chinese people later changed their surnames to Li because their ancestors changed their surnames!

But the Li family where Li Zong is located is actually the most authentic Li family!

For many years, the Li family has also made many contributions, and people died and blood shed during the war!

It is indeed reasonable to become a heritage family!

Since we have a limit on the number of heritage families in China, let's add one today!"

When the military leader finished speaking, Li Zong and the people behind him were all stunned.

Li Zong's expression was particularly shocked. You know, for many years, they had not succeeded, but now they followed Lin Mo to kill people and succeeded!

"After you go back, you can prepare the materials!" After the Lord of Arms said this, he disappeared in front of everyone.

Kong De and others did not stand up from the ground little by little until the Lord of Arms left completely.

He looked at Lin Mo with a complicated expression, and finally sighed.

Because the Kong family had a powerful figure like the Lord of Arms, in order to show respect for the Lord of Arms, the Kong family did not have the position of the head of the family.

Generally speaking, the three elders of the Supreme Elders and Kong De managed everything in the Kong family.

Now that the three elders of the Supreme Elders are dead, no one can share power with him.

But such a life is not what he wants.

"Lin Mo, I apologize to you again on behalf of the Kong family. Looking back, my Kong family did something wrong this time!

In fact, looking back on the past, my Kong family has done too many things wrong!

You are right. If the rotten meat grows there and cannot be cut off in time, the rotten area will become larger and larger, and eventually the whole body will rot.

Don't worry, from now on, the Kong family will make changes!"

"I hope Mr. Kong can understand my good intentions!" Lin Mo also arched his hands: "The goal has been achieved, I am leaving too, Mr. Kong doesn't need to see me off!"

After that, he turned around and left with everyone.

"Come and see me!" Just after Lin Mo left the Kong family for a distance, a voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

Lin Mo listened to this voice and couldn't help but feel depressed.

It turned out that the military leader was looking for him!

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