Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 468: Battlefield of the Gods

At this moment, they had left the confines of Qucheng, and the surroundings were empty and deserted.

Lin Mo walked in the direction of the sound and saw the masked soldier standing there.

"Soldier!" Lin Mo stepped forward and spoke in a deep voice.

It is still unknown what the purpose of keeping him is, but all Lin Mo can do is wait and see what happens.

After all, the Kong family has ended up like this, which is what the military leader wants to see.

Theoretically speaking, it was under the leadership of the military leader, and Lin Mo was just the one responsible for execution.

Besides, with the strength of the military leader, it is actually very simple to kill him.

Therefore, Lin Mo simply stood in front of the soldier leader, looking at him quietly, waiting for his instructions.

"You did a good job regarding the Kong family. I want to thank you!" The soldier looked at Lin Mo and spoke slowly.

Lin Mo raised his head, looked into the soldier leader's eyes, and felt relieved after confirming that he was not lying.

"In addition, what the Kong family did this time is indeed too much. There were casualties in your giant city of Rob. I will find a way to make it up to you!"

The soldier once again made a promise.

There was a look of sadness on Lin Mo's face: "Thank you, Commander, actually I didn't expect that so many people would die in the end!"

In fact, Lin Mo had the idea of ​​fighting to the death when he came to Qucheng, but what he didn't expect was that in the end, it would be such a tragic result!

According to Lin Mo's idea, if the Kong family's status is lost to a certain extent, they will inevitably give in. When the time comes, they will take the person back, which will be the end of the matter.

Who would have thought that when the Kong family took over, the military leader also followed suit, so that in the end, the military leader personally took action and killed a group of people!

Among these people there are even the third elder of the Kong family, who are really powerful people and control most of the resources of the Kong family.

As a result, the body is now cold.

“The Kong family has stayed in that position for so long that they don’t know when to be cautious!

This time's incident can't hurt the Kong family's muscles and bones, but it can cause them pain for a while, and that's enough! "

The soldier leader spoke softly. He was actually not in a very good mood. He had killed so many members of his family himself, and no one would be happy if it happened to him.

Lin Mo just stood there. If the soldier master didn't speak, he didn't speak either.

"I'm keeping you this time because there's another thing I want you to get involved in!" The soldier thought for a while and then spoke: "You should have felt that the situation in the entire abyss and the human world is already very tense. .

Maybe it won't be long before the creatures of the abyss will enter the world on a large scale. We must prepare as soon as possible!

My strength has reached its limit, but you haven't yet!

On the entire Blue Star, there are still many people whose strength has not reached its limit.

During this time, those of us who hold the power in our hands are also thinking about this matter, so we made a decision to let you geniuses enter there and conduct a trial!

This trial will be very crazy. In other words, if you cannot reach the high level of Martial Emperor, then you will die there!

I want you to go and want to ask if you are willing! "

Listening to the soldier leader's words, Lin Mo had a look of shock on his face.

If you don't become a high-level Martial Emperor, you will die there? !

What kind of terrible rule is this?

The most important thing is that Lin Mo's current strength is only at the peak of the seventh level of the Martial Emperor, and there is still a long way to go before the Martial Emperor's realm.

How is it possible to reach the high-level realm of Emperor Wu all of a sudden?

"Lin Mo, you don't have to worry about your current strength. I'll just tell you one thing, that place is different from the outside!"

The soldier leader spoke with a very serious look on his face: "I just want to hear if you are willing."

Lin Mo thought for a while and finally nodded.

In fact, Lin Mo himself also felt a sense of oppression.

Only a small number of abyssal creatures are beings like Xiaolu. They do not want to invade humans, they just want a space to survive.

But what most abyssal creatures want to do is to kill all humans, and then leave only the abyssal creatures.

In this way, it is simply impossible for humans and abyssal creatures to coexist.

So with this idea in mind, Lin Mo must reach a terrifying level of strength as quickly as possible.

At least give him the possibility to make rules!

"Soldier, I want to know where is the place you mentioned?"

Lin Mo couldn't help but ask.

According to what the soldier leader said, that place was different from the outside. Lin Mo didn't know exactly how it was different.

Even if you want to go in, you must understand everything before going in, instead of going in confused like now.

"Let me ask you a question!" The soldier leader did not directly answer Lin Mo's words, but looked at him and said: "This time in Neon, did you enter Gao Tianyuan?"

Lin Mo nodded.

"Have all the gods in the neon mythology appeared in front of you?"

Lin Mo nodded again. At this time, an idea suddenly emerged in his mind, but this idea was so ridiculous that for a moment he didn't know how to speak.

"So, have you ever thought about a question, that is, why the gods in Neon Legend exist, but so many of our Chinese gods do not exist. What is the reason?"

Lin Mo's eyes lit up. In fact, this was the answer he had always wanted to know.

When he entered the false Gaotian Plain and saw the dead gods, Lin Mo's idea at that time was that the gods themselves were false, so if they died, they would die!

But later, after discovering the existence of the real Gao Tianyuan, Lin Mo occasionally wanted to ask in his heart, there are so many gods in China, can't they all be fake?

There are so many myths and stories in ancient Greece, and there are too many gods to count, but from beginning to end, I have never seen where the so-called gods are.

The only thing related to the gods is the original Zeus who used lightning.

But obviously, that Zeus is fake!

Completely fake.

Therefore, why do the neon gods survive, but the gods in Chinese, Greek and even Egyptian mythology do not?

"Have you figured out something?" Seeing the thoughtful look on Lin Mo's face, the soldier leader smiled.

"I did think of some things, but most of them I couldn't understand." Lin Mo said truthfully: "Soldier, does the place I want to go this time have something to do with those gods?"

"You are right!" The soldier nodded: "In fact, those gods from China and ancient Greece should also exist!"

The soldier leader spoke slowly and said something that could shock countless people.

On the contrary, Lin Mo breathed a long sigh of relief after hearing this.

"You don't seem surprised at all?" The soldier leader looked at Lin Mo's expression and couldn't help but ask.

"There's nothing surprising. In fact, I even have fragments of the Classic of Mountains and Seas, so I won't be surprised by these at all!"

Lin Mo had a smile on his face and spoke slowly.

The soldier leader was also stunned for a moment, obviously he didn't know about the fragments of the Book of Mountains and Seas.

Lin Mo thought for a moment and took out the fragment.

Looking at the fragment in Lin Mo's hand, the soldier master showed a look of surprise on his face.

After a moment, he said: "When you enter there this time, you must take the fragments with you, maybe they will have unexpected uses!"

Lin Mo nodded and put away the remaining pieces.

In fact, when he heard the military book said that China also had gods, Lin Mo had a feeling in his heart that these fragments must have some relationship with those gods.

Now that he heard the words of the military leader, Lin Mo felt even more determined.

"Soldier, you should tell me where we are going!" Lin Mo brought the topic back.

The soldier nodded: "We all know one thing, that is, in many mythological stories, metaphors are used to describe certain things.

For example, in all mythological stories, there are records about the great flood, but in fact, are there really any connections between different myths?

I think there is, so they jointly made up the so-called flood!

But in fact, the Great Flood is a metaphor. In my opinion, the Great Flood represents the creatures of the abyss!

Therefore, according to my speculation, the reason why all the abyssal creatures disappeared is because of the Chinese gods and the Greek gods.

They paid a huge price to seal away the creatures of the abyss, but these gods themselves fell!

And the place where they fell is called the battlefield of the gods!

This is where you are going this time! "

The battlefield of the gods? !

Lin Mo repeated these words, and a horrible and bloody smell hit his face.

“That place is actually a place we explored, and so far, only a few people have walked out of it!

I am one of them!

But at that time we had only just passed the requirements! "

When Lin Mo heard that the soldier leader had been to that place and was one of the people who came out, he couldn't help but reveal a surprised smile on his face.

"Since the soldier went in and came out intact, it's easy to tell. Just tell me what happened there!"

The soldier leader looked into Lin Mo's eyes. After a long time, he slowly shook his head.

Lin Mo was stunned by the action of the soldier leader. What did he mean by shaking his head?

"What do you mean, the soldier master?"

“I mean, I don’t even remember what happened in there!

I just remember that it was completely different inside and outside!

All the rest was forgotten!

But what I can tell you is that when I entered it, my strength was not much stronger than yours!

But it only took one year for my strength to reach the high level of Martial Emperor!

Although he is only the seventh-grade Martial Emperor, he is still terrifying! "

Li Nong nodded. He upgraded from the Martial Emperor realm to the Martial Emperor realm in one year. This could no longer be described as terrifying.

This is called going against the will of heaven!

However, after hearing the words of the soldier master, Lin Mo began to look forward to it.

With his talent, if he enters it, how far can he go?

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