"You don't have much time left, so you should prepare well!" The Soldier Lord looked at Lin Mo and said softly: "You have a childhood sweetheart in Rob City, do you want to consider getting married first?"

Thinking of Ye Qing, Lin Mo's face showed a gentle look.

One year, if I can't come back...

"Let me think about it first!" Lin Mo said: "If I can't come back, I always feel a little sorry for her!"

"You are not her, how do you know what she thinks? Many times, some things are not what you think, but what others think!" After leaving this sentence, the Soldier Lord turned and walked away.

His figure kept flashing, and every time he flashed, he would rush out a long distance.

"If you are ready to get married, I will personally send a gift!" Finally, the Soldier Lord's voice sounded, and then he could not see the figure at all.

Lin Mo stood there, thought about it, and finally turned around and chased in the direction where everyone was going.

Not long after Lin Mo and others left, what happened in Qucheng spread throughout China.

Countless people were shocked.

"Kong family... killing people in Kong family? Are you sure it's the Kong family I know?"

"What's the origin of Rob Giant City? I haven't heard of it before!"

"Rob Giant City is currently managed by Lin Mo, you should have heard of this name!"

"You mean Lin Mo, then I believe it, it seems like something he can do!"

Countless people are discussing, and countless people have shocked expressions on their faces.

After hearing this news, some inheritance families all kept silent.

Even the direct descendants of the inheritance families who like to bully ordinary people on weekdays were severely warned, that is, it's better to be honest in the near future.

Otherwise, you don't know how you died when the time comes!

Of course, the most shocking news about the Li family is another one, that is, Bingzhu personally named it and asked all inheritance families to evaluate the possibility of letting the Li family be promoted to a new inheritance family.

In China, no one does not know what this sentence means.

The so-called evaluation is to let those inheritance families find a good reason to let the Li family become a new inheritance family.

You know, being able to become a heritage family often means that the family will have many more benefits, and these benefits are not limited to resources, but also reputation.

However, resources are limited, so the addition of a heritage family means that the resources held by the original heritage families will be reduced.

Therefore, most heritage families have always done what they do to prevent new heritage families from joining.

The Li family has not become a heritage family for so many years, just because of this.

Now, the Li family was personally named by the military leader, which made those heritage families have to accept this result even if they were unhappy.

"How did the Li family suddenly become a heritage family!"

"It is said that it is related to Lin Mo. This time, it seems that the Li family also participated in going to Qucheng to attack the Kong family!"

"This Li family is too fierce, so courageous!"

"Don't you know that when Lin Mo went to the United States, the old man Li Zong asked his grandson to be Lin Mo's follower!"

Someone who knew the inside story said so.

"It's so cool to follow the right person!" Someone said with emotion.

No matter how reluctant these inheritance families are, it is a foregone conclusion that the Li family will become the new inheritance family.

The entire Li family is now filled with a joyful atmosphere.

Li Zong looked at the group of elders in front of him with a proud face. His current reputation in the Li family has reached the highest level.

In front of Li Zong, even these elders have to succumb.

"What did I say? It's always right to follow Lin Mo. Now you see that our Li family has finally become an inheritance family!"

"At that time, I wanted to take people to Qucheng, and you stopped me. Now you know how correct my decision was!"

"Also, when I let Feng Chun follow Lin Mo, you were also talking about me crazily. Now do you know how far-sighted I am!"

In the entire conference room, only Li Zong's voice could be heard. He had a proud look on his face and smiled.

A group of elders lowered their heads and said nothing, and some elders smiled on their faces. No matter what Li Zong said, they all nodded.

After all, they have become elders of the inheritance family now, and their status is different all of a sudden!

"Okay, we will be the inheritance family from now on. Remember why the Kong family ended up like this!

From now on, you must control your family members well. If I know that someone has done something messy at this time, just wait for death!"

Li Zong spoke, and although his words were very impolite, all the elders nodded repeatedly.

Now for the entire Li family, successfully being promoted to an inheritance family is the top priority, and everything else is empty!

The Li family has begun to prepare in full swing, and they are full of gratitude for Lin Mo.

At this moment, Lin Mo, who caused these disturbances, was walking on a grassland somewhere in Rob City. Beside him, Ye Qing, who was full of tenderness, followed.

"Do you have anything to say to me?" Ye Qing looked at Lin Mo and finally spoke directly.

Lin Mo paused slightly, and finally nodded. He turned around and looked at Ye Qing.

The two of them can be considered childhood sweethearts. They went to the same school from junior high school to high school. Although they didn't go to the same school after college, at least they were in the same city.

It can be said that Ye Qing accompanied Lin Mo to grow from a boy to a real adult.

Now, both of them are thirty years old. Lin Mo's appearance is becoming more and more mature, while Ye Qing can't see any trace of time and still looks about twenty years old.

She was wearing a long white dress, the hem of which rested on her knees, revealing her two shapely calves.

"I'm leaving for a while again!" Lin Mo considered his tone and spoke slowly.

"You leave often!" Ye Qing smiled, and then the smile on his face slowly solidified: "This time, it is very dangerous, isn't it?"

"The time is not short, and it is also very dangerous." Lin Mo thought for a while, and finally told the truth: "If I cannot reach the high-level Martial Emperor in one year, then I will never come back!"

"Can't you just go?" When Ye Qing heard Lin Mo's words, a look of horror appeared on her face: "If you die there, I...I won't be able to live anymore!"

This was not the first time Ye Qing expressed her emotions, but Lin Mo still felt warm in his heart when he heard these words.

"So, if I die, you will... forget..." Lin Mo was interrupted by Ye Qing mid-sentence.

Her eyes suddenly turned red, and she rushed towards Lin Mo: "Stop talking! I can't do it!

You can't die! Don't die! "

Ye Qing said seriously in Lin Mo's arms: "If you die, I really don't know what to do!"

"Don't worry, I won't die. You should know very well how strong I am. I am a genius and a so-called miracle worker!"

Lin Mo had a smile on his face and spoke slowly.

Hearing Lin Mo's words, an ugly smile appeared on Ye Qing's face.

"Lin Mo... you have to leave for a year... I want to ask you something!"

Ye Qing's voice suddenly sounded, and Lin Mo was stunned for a moment.

"You can't help but give me a little hope, right?" Ye Qing raised her head from Lin Mo's arms with red eyes and looked at him: "Let me be your wife, okay?"

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, then reacted.

Ye Qing is obviously such a young woman, but now she actually said let me be your wife, like a mature woman.

It was a bit funny, but Lin Mo couldn't laugh at all.

"I should be the one to say this!" Lin Mo looked at Ye Qing and said softly: "Marry me!"

After groping around for a while, Lin Mo found a ring on his hand.

The next moment, he knelt on the ground directly on one knee.

"I have been hesitant since I learned the news. I don't know what will happen in a year, so I dare not make any promises to you.

But now, I know, I was wrong! "

Lin Mo slowly raised the ring: "So, let me give you this promise, I will be back in one year!

Until then, marry me! "

Ye Qing shed two lines of tears on her face, stretched out her hand, and let Lin Mo put the ring on her hand.

"We are going to leave soon, so the wedding must be done as soon as possible! I feel sorry for you!" Lin Mo said with a smile.

Ye Qing's face turned slightly red and she finally nodded.

Lin Mo laughed, took Ye Qing's hand and ran towards Luobu Giant City.

"I want to tell everyone that I'm getting married, and in three days, I'm going to hold the grandest wedding!"

Lin Mo's voice echoed over the entire giant city of Rob.

Whoosh whoosh!

Several voices sounded, and Chen Banzi and others appeared directly in front of Lin Mo, looking at Lin Mo with a smile on his face.

"Did I hear you right? You said you were getting married? Or in three days?"

Chen Banzi looked at Lin Mo and couldn't help but ask.

"You heard me right, I'm getting married in three days!" Lin Mo spoke loudly with a smile on his face.

Ye Qing next to her was blushing, and she slapped Lin Mo lightly with some embarrassment.

"What, my son is getting married?"

Two voices, a man's and a woman's, sounded at the same time, and Wang Ping and her husband Lin Dayong also appeared here.

The strength of the two of them is relatively weak. Even if they swallowed the holy fruit, they have not yet reached the realm of Emperor Wu.

However, they have now reached the peak of Martial Saints, which is considered very good at this age.

"We should have gotten married a long time ago. It has delayed Qing'er for so long!" Wang Ping's face was full of displeasure. At the same time, she stepped forward and took one of Ye Qing's hands. When she let go, a jade bracelet had already been It was put on Ye Qing's hand.

This jade bracelet was Wang Ping's dowry when she got married. She had always kept it close to her body, but now it was finally given away.

"Hehe, you're married!" Lin Dayong just smiled. He was really satisfied with Ye Qing. Both his appearance and background were more than enough to match Lin Mo.

"In that case, I will order you to go down and prepare for the wedding now!"

“Those relatives in the past have to think about how to pick them up, after all, Rob is a bit far away from the city!

Also, since your status is different now, you should think carefully about who to invite to your wedding!

This matter is not a trivial matter. If etiquette is lost, it may have a big impact! "

Chen Banzi stood aside and spoke softly.

"Master, I understand. Don't worry, nothing will go wrong!" Lin Mo said with a smile.

Chen Banzi nodded. He was also too concerned. With Lin Mo's personality, he must have considered these things.

"In that case, let's do it!" Chen Banzi smiled and turned around and left directly.

The rest of the people also left quickly. This news must be spread as soon as possible.

Even the family behind them must make some preparations.

After all, anyone who is not a fool can see that Lin Mo will definitely be a top figure in the future. It is definitely worth making friends with him at this time!

So, in just one day, the news that Lin Mo was going to get married spread throughout China. Even with the special publicity of some people, the Eros Association of the United States also heard the news!

It can be said that Lin Mo and Ye Qing's wedding received the attention of the whole world in the shortest time!

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