The blood and qi power disappeared!

When everyone entered here, the blood and qi power disappeared and became ordinary people!

Lin Mo took a breath and finally confirmed one thing, that is, the mental power also disappeared!

Everything is back to zero!

This is what the so-called starting point of everyone is the same as the Lord of Arms said!

In fact, when Lin Mo noticed this, others must have noticed it too!

They looked around with shock on their faces.

Some people even had regrets on their faces.

This is the abyss. If there is no blood and qi power and mental power, how can you survive?


Just when everyone was thinking about how to adapt to this process with an ugly face, a roar suddenly sounded in the distance!

Then, a huge beast as tall as two people rushed towards them!

This is a white-browed tiger with hanging eyes. Its huge body is like a small mountain!

The most important thing is that his speed is too fast. In just a few breaths, he has come to them!


Someone in the crowd roared.

Then there was this voice, just like a hornet's nest was lit, and everyone began to flee in panic.

Lin Mo's face also became extremely ugly. Without the power of Qi and blood, it would be a dream to want to outrun a fierce beast!

But at this time, he would definitely not sit and wait for death!

He took the opportunity to look around, and finally chose a road that he felt was relatively safe, and then ran wildly!

He was very fast and rushed out of a long range in one breath.

There were screams behind him, and he didn't need to look back to know that someone should have died!

He sighed slightly in his heart, but since he chose this road, he couldn't regret it!

Martial arts must fight, and since you fight, you must be prepared to die!

Lin Mo's eyes were firm. The Qi and blood here are so abundant, so if you use it well, you can definitely break through to become a martial emperor in the fastest time!

Similarly, before that, the more important thing is to survive!

"I'll fight you!"

Lin Mo heard a roar behind him.

Hearing this voice, he looked back and saw a young man suddenly took out a jade token and threw it out!

"This is the token my grandfather gave me. It can show the strength of the Martial Emperor level. Let's see if you can die!"

The Lord of Arms said that weapons can be used here, so this token was instantly activated!


There was a loud noise, and the white-browed tiger with hanging eyes roared, and half of its body was blown apart!

There was a wound on his stomach, and his whole momentum became weak!

Seeing this scene, some people turned around with anger in their faces: "Kill him! He swallowed so many of our compatriots!"

"Weapons can be used. After we come in, we must use heaven-level weapons. Take them out and do it!"

Some people roared and took out their weapons. Lin Mo thought about it, and the three-pointed two-edged knife appeared in his palm.


Lin Mo's eyes turned cold. At this time, he also had to take action!

The white-browed tiger with hanging eyes was seriously injured, and his current strength was at most at the Martial King level!

Although Lin Mo's body was weakened a lot after coming in, it still had a physical strength comparable to that of a martial king!


Lin Mo swung the three-pointed double-edged sword in his hand, and soon, countless wounds appeared on the body of the white-browed tiger with hanging eyes!

Although these wounds were not fatal, they made the white-browed tiger bleed all the time!

And the pain caused by the wounds also made it extremely furious!

A group of ordinary people without any fluctuations in blood and qi actually hurt it to this extent!


He roared again, opened his mouth and bit the nearest person!

The man screamed, the weapon in his hand fell to the ground, the whole person was bitten off, and then swallowed!

Looking at this bloody scene, many people's faces became ugly.

"Run! It's impossible to win!" Some people had a look of fear in their hearts and were about to run away!

Seeing that someone gave up, more people were ready to leave!

But Lin Mo still persisted!

He roared and jumped up high, standing on the back of the white-browed tiger with hanging eyes!

The broad back has now become Lin Mo's foothold. In fact, because the body is too big, the back has become one of the disadvantages of the white-browed tiger!


Lin Mo thrust the weapon in his hand fiercely into its back!

Blood splashed out, and the entire three-pointed two-edged knife went straight in!

The white-browed tiger was jumping wildly, but Lin Mo himself mastered the Five Beast Fists, including the Tiger Fist, so he was very familiar with the tiger.

He held the three-pointed two-edged knife in his whole body, and no matter how it tossed, it didn't fall!

In the end, its strength was almost exhausted by Lin Mo!

Seeing this scene, Lin Mo's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he raised his hand and cut its tail with a knife!

The tail is very important for all cats. It is their balance point.

But Lin Mo cut off its tail with this knife, which made it lose balance instantly, and its huge body fell to the ground!

In addition, it was injured in the first place, so it kept struggling on the ground trying to get up, but it couldn't do it at all!

Lin Mo jumped down, holding a three-pointed two-edged knife and hit it hard on the head!


Blood splattered and the tiger's head was chopped off!


Lin Mo was covered in blood. Looking at the huge corpse in front of him, he breathed a long sigh of relief!

If he had his original strength, he could kill this tiger in seconds!

But without his original strength, being able to kill the tiger directly gave Lin Mo a sense of accomplishment!

As if thinking of something, Lin Mo turned the tiger's head over and started groping inside.

Soon, a smile appeared on his face.

A white bead appeared in his hand!

I didn’t expect there really was a beast elixir!

Lin Mo smiled, this beast pill can be used as a starting point for practicing martial arts!

As for how to practice, it is naturally with the help of dreams!

Among those who came in, everyone brought a lot of supplements, and even more pills to replenish their mental strength and qi and blood.

But after discovering that the power of Qi and blood had disappeared, Lin Mo checked his inventory.

He found that his Qi and Blood Pill was gone too!

So if you want to enter the dreamland, you can only swallow the Qi Beast Pill!

Lin Mo held the beast pill and was about to stand up when a short knife was suddenly placed on his shoulder!

"Give me the beast pill!"

A voice sounded from behind Lin Mo.

"Did you come in with us!?" Lin Mo said softly: "The soldier master said it's best not to kill each other inside!"

"It's just because we don't want to kill each other that I give you a chance!" The person behind him said in a cold voice: "Okay, give me the beast pill quickly, otherwise, you will be killed without mercy!"

Hearing these words, Lin Mo sighed slightly in his heart, thought for a while, and took out the beast pill.

A hand stretched out from behind and grabbed the beast pill in Lin Mo's hand!

At this moment, Lin Mo snorted, ducked down, dodged the knife, and then punched the person behind him in the stomach!


After a muffled sound, the figure stepped back continuously, holding the knife in his hand and looking at Lin Mo with a gloomy expression.

"Are you from the Tang family?" Lin Mo looked at him and felt a little familiar.

"I am a hidden genius of the Tang family, but their grudges with you have nothing to do with me. I am here just to rise!"

The genius of the Tang family said coldly: "Get out before I change my mind! Otherwise, I will kill you!"

"Kill me!" Lin Mo snorted coldly: "You want to steal my beast elixir and still kill me, am I giving you face?"

After saying that, Lin Mo rushed out!

Although all the cultivation base is gone, the strength of the physical body is still there!

The physical body of the King of Martial Arts is enough to crush many people here!


Lin Mo waved his fist and hit him in the face one after another!

The genius of the Tang family was hit with a bruised nose and swollen face, and his whole head was confused.

Holding the beast pill in his hand, Lin Mo looked at the half-dead genius of the Tang family.

"Since you robbed me, let's hit the road!"

As he spoke, he raised his foot and stepped on his face!

"Don't kill me... We are all compatriots..."


As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Mo's feet fell down, and his head exploded like a watermelon at this moment!

After thinking about it, Lin Mo fumbled around his body, and finally looked disappointed.

"There is nothing left!" Lin Mo picked up the knife on the ground. This knife has reached the heaven level. Although the grade is very low, it is still very powerful!

When people around saw this scene, they ran away into the distance!

They encountered a ferocious beast as soon as they entered. Although Lin Mo has killed it now, who knows if more ferocious beasts will appear later?

Therefore, even if some people want to rob in their hearts, if a new monster appears during their robbery, the probability of their death will increase a lot!

These people can become geniuses, and none of them are fools, so they left directly.

After Lin Mo picked up the knife, he also found a direction and left directly!

Now, he must quickly find a safe place, swallow the beast pill, and practice as soon as possible!

The entire battlefield of the gods was a huge abyss. Lin Mo even doubted whether the battlefield of the gods and the abyss above their blue star were the same place.

According to Lin Mo's speculation, the abyss above Blue Star is definitely related to the Book of Mountains and Seas, but Lin Mo cannot guarantee whether this abyss is the same as those abyss!

After what happened to Xu Fu before, Lin Mo actually has some guesses about the nature of the abyss, but no evidence has been found yet.

Lin Mo sighed softly and collected his thoughts.

He thought for a while, chose a direction with slightly fewer people, and then moved forward!

Just walking like this, night fell soon.

Fortunately for Lin Mo, he found a place that seemed safer!

This is a very small hillside. However, Lin Mo did not climb the hillside. Instead, he found a V-shaped angle at the bottom of the hillside!

He directly got a big stone and mounted it on the top of his head. In this way, enemies or monsters might appear only in one direction in front of him!

In fact, if it weren't for the green eyes in the distance, Lin Mo would have thought about whether he should just seal himself up with stones!


Just as Lin Mo was thinking, a slight sound rang out.

Lin Mo's hair immediately stood up!

Venomous snake? !

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