Listening to the rustling sound, Lin Mo's face showed a vigilant look.

In this kind of ghost place, God knows what made such a sound!

If it is a poisonous snake, then don't think about sleeping tonight!

However, at this time, Lin Mo didn't even dare to light a fire to see what it was.

After thinking about it, Lin Mo took out the beast pill directly, held it in his hand, and then gently pushed it forward.

Soon, Lin Mo heard the rustling sound as if he was in a panic.

"It seems that this thing is a bit useful, at least now they have all escaped!"

Lin Mo breathed a long sigh of relief, and the danger was lifted.

However, now there is another problem, that is, because this beast pill cannot be used now, Lin Mo can only keep it.

Otherwise, if the beast pill is used, these poisonous snakes will definitely come back again!

"It seems that I can only try to use the Thunder Breathing Method to see!"

Lin Mo's face showed a helpless look, but soon an idea came to his mind.

"According to what the Lord of Arms said, everyone in this place has the same starting point, so does that include my dream?

That is to say, this place directly reduces my dream ability!"

Thinking of this, Lin Mo's face showed a look of horror.

The ability of dreams has always been something that Lin Mo deliberately concealed, but after entering the battlefield of the gods, this ability disappeared directly!

No, whether it disappeared or not, Lin Mo didn't know, but the battlefield of the gods seemed to be intentionally or unintentionally restricting his use of this ability.

From the disappearance of the Qi and Blood Pill at the beginning to the direct inability to use the Beast Pill now, the coincidences one after another made Lin Mo have to believe that he was targeted!

"I hope I'm not the only one being targeted!" Lin Mo whispered, and then placed the Beast Pill next to his body.

The range of the Beast Pill's aura is not very large, so it must be placed next to you to play a certain role.

The Thunder Breathing Method started to work.

Lin Mo felt very magical, and the horror of the Thunder Breathing Method was completely revealed at this time.

Just over an hour later, Lin Mo stepped directly into the realm of warriors!

The blood and qi around him were so rich that it was like putting the blood and qi directly into his body!

Lin Mo had a smile on his face, and as the blood and qi increased, arcs began to jump on the surface of his body.

This feeling was really magical to the extreme.

The arcs jumped, and the blood and qi around him gathered more crazily.

Warriors of the first, second, and third grades...

When the sun shone the next day, Lin Mo's face was full of joy.

"This... This speed is really too scary. I have reached the realm of the second-grade warrior!"

Re-entering this realm, and in the shortest time, Lin Mo felt countless emotions in his heart.

First of all, this time's event was equivalent to re-cultivating all the previous realms.

This time, on the road to the promotion of a warrior, Lin Mo directly solved the problems that existed in the first practice.

So throughout the warrior realm, Lin Mo did his best to make every step very steady.

What Lin Mo felt most deeply was that when he stepped from the warrior to the warrior realm, Lin Mo did not feel any obstacles and passed through easily!

"Maybe this is because I took every step very solidly, so there was no obstacle when I broke through!"

Lin Mo smiled and spoke slowly.

"I always feel that I have overlooked some important issues!" Lin Mo stood up from the corner, then looked around, with a puzzled look on his face.

"Forget it, don't worry about it for now!" Lin Mo put away the beast pill and continued to walk in one direction.



Just after walking a distance, Lin Mo heard a cry for help in the distance.

"Hey, Baga Yalu, you, Hua girl, play together!"

Then the voices of two men sounded.

Lin Mo's eyes were stunned. The two men were obviously from Nixia. As for the woman who spoke Chinese, she should be Chinese!

Encountering such a thing, Lin Mo would never stand idly by!

He rushed forward and saw two men pulling and tugging at a woman from a distance.

The woman's clothes were torn a lot, revealing a large area of ​​skin.

The two men smiled evilly and touched her, and one of them couldn't wait to take off his clothes.

"Didn't you say that no one would participate if you were popular?" Lin Mo's face showed a puzzled look, but he couldn't think so much at this time.

"Stop it!"

Lin Mo roared and appeared directly in front of them.

"Get out of here quickly, don't disturb us, otherwise, we will get you too!"

Because he had been in Neon for a while, these Neon words were not difficult for Lin Mo.

Listening to the man's words, Lin Mo showed a look of disgust on his face.

These Neon people are really a bit perverted!

"Let him go, I'll spare your life!"

Lin Mo spoke coldly. Although he had friends like Crow in Neon, Lin Mo felt that the overall quality of people in Neon was not very high.

There was no lack of small details but no great righteousness.

This was Lin Mo's evaluation of Neon people.

"You bastard, Yamamoto-kun, you deal first, and I'll kill you for overestimating your abilities!"

A man left the woman behind and walked towards Lin Mo.

A snort.

The man pulled out his samurai sword and chopped it off at Lin Mo's head!


There was a sound of gold and stone clashing, and the katana was broken into two pieces!

Lin Mo, on the other hand, suddenly took the long knife he grabbed and stabbed it out fiercely!


The man was immediately chilled to his core!

Feeling the life draining from his body, the man's face was full of despair.

When the man named Yamamoto saw that Lin Mo actually killed one of his companions, he immediately abandoned the woman and walked towards Lin Mo.


Lin Mo rushed out, but Yamamoto couldn't resist it. After struggling twice, Lin Mo chopped off his head!

Seeing the bloody scene in front of her, the woman let out a long sigh of relief.

"Thank you, my name is Yang Mi!" The woman walked towards Lin Mo with a grateful look on her face.

"You'd better put on your clothes first!" Lin Mo turned away and spoke softly.

The woman's clothes had been torn, exposing patches of skin.

As a gentleman, Lin Mo would naturally not take advantage of others' danger.

The woman also had a pretty face and blushed slightly, squatting down and heading towards Yamamoto's body.

While she was taking off Yamamoto's clothes, she secretly looked at Lin Mo.

Lin Mo heard the rustling sound and never looked back.

He didn't turn around until he heard a voice behind him: "Okay."

Yang Mi was wearing a large robe, which seemed to match her inexplicably.

This woman is very good both in figure and appearance.

"I don't know your name yet!" The woman looked at Lin Mo and spoke softly.

"Lin Mo!" Lin Mo directly reported his name: "Are those two people Neon People?"

"I don't know, but I remember that Neon shouldn't participate in this trial on the battlefield of the gods!"

Yang Mi shook her head, with a puzzled look on her face.

At that time, because of the opening of the beautiful country's abyss gate, the relationship between Neon and the beautiful country suddenly dropped to a freezing point.

This time the Battlefield of the Gods opens, that is, several countries led by the Beautiful Country strongly prohibit Neon from participating.

Unexpectedly, despite such precautions, neon people still came in!

"It's still very dangerous here. You'd better seize the time to improve your strength, otherwise, you may still encounter danger!" Lin Mo said, and then planned to turn around and leave.

"Wait a minute!" Yang Mi said, then looked at him with an embarrassed face: "Can you let me come with you? Don't worry, I promise I won't drag you down!"

"No need, I have no plans to be with anyone else!" Lin Mo shook his head directly.

Saving this woman once was enough of a kindness, and Lin Mo didn't intend to be a bodyguard.

After hearing this, Yang Mi showed a disappointed look on her face, but she didn't show anything and just nodded lightly.

Seeing Lin Mo's leaving figure, Yang Mi bit her lip and followed from a distance.

Lin Mo naturally knew that Yang Mi was following behind, but at this time, he couldn't stop others from following him!

The entire battlefield of the gods was too large, so Lin Mo planned to find a suitable place for cultivation and then go into seclusion.

When will I break through to the intermediate level Martial Emperor realm, and when will I come out again!

By then, in less than a year, he can leave directly!

Now, the most important thing is to find a place to stay.

But just like what Lin Mo said originally, the entire battlefield of the gods was too dangerous. In just over an hour, Lin Mo encountered monsters three times.

On two occasions, Lin Mo saw their presence from a distance and then walked around directly.

Another time, a slightly weaker beast approached, but Lin Mo finally defeated it with all his strength!

Of course, Yang Mi, who saw this scene from a distance, stepped forward and wanted to help Lin Mo bandage his wound, but Lin Mo refused.

"No, there is no need to deal with this minor injury!" Lin Mo shook his head: "You can put this body away. If there is really a lack of food, you can use this instead of food!"

After Yang Mi thanked him, he picked up the body.

This monster looks like a fox, but is as tall as an adult, so when Yang Mi is carrying the body, it does look a bit funny.

Because of the weight, Yang Mi's speed was slower, but Lin Mo had no intention of stopping and waiting, and continued to speed up!

I have to say that the Thunder Breathing Technique is really powerful. Over the course of a whole day, Lin Mo's cultivation level improved again, reaching the sixth level of martial arts master!

No matter where it is, this kind of speed can only be described as abnormal.

But Lin Mo believes that here, in the battlefield of the gods, there are definitely many outstanding people like him!

"Wait a minute!" While Lin Mo was thinking, he was suddenly stunned by the scenery in the distance.

Yang Mi, who was following Lin Mo from a distance, saw Lin Mo stop and immediately showed a nervous look on his face.

"What's going on? Are there any monsters?"

Various thoughts came to Yang Mi's mind.

"There is a village?! There is a village here?!"

Lin Mo looked at the village in the distance with a shocked look on his face.

How could there be a village in this ghost place? !

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