Looking at the village in front of him, Lin Mo showed a surprised look on his face.

After thinking for a while, he quickened his pace and walked forward.

Since there is smoke from cooking, there must be people, so Lin Mo had prepared his weapons when he entered the village.

As long as he found anything wrong, he would take action directly.

From a distance, Lin Mo saw several children running and playing, and a burst of laughter came out of their mouths.

"At least it looks calm on the surface!" Lin Mo nodded slightly, at least this scene didn't seem to have any problems.

He took a step forward, and a child noticed it and looked at him curiously.

At this time, Yang Mi also came over, with a smile on his face, and waved to the children.

"Who are you!" A child spoke, and he didn't seem to be afraid of Lin Mo and Yang Mi at all.

"We are passers-by and want to find a place to rest. Where are the adults in your family?" Lin Mo tried to make his smile look gentler and spoke softly to them.

Hearing Lin Mo's words, several children nodded and said, "They are all preparing food. You can stay in the village tonight!"

"Thank you, kid. Can you lead the way?"

The kid nodded and walked towards the village with Lin Mo and Yang Mi in front.

Lin Mo looked at both sides of the village. He found a problem, that is, there are a lot of dried meats in the village. These meats should be the meat of some monsters at a glance.

Lin Mo even saw a tiger head, which looked like a fierce beast like a white-browed tiger.

"This village is quite powerful. It can even kill all the fierce beasts!"

Lin Mo suddenly became nervous because he didn't know what attitude the people in this village would have towards them.

Fortunately, Lin Mo was relieved that the people in the village should all use Chinese language, which at least means that they may have Chinese blood.

"Dad, Mom, there are guests coming!"

The child shouted inside, and soon the door of a house opened, and a dark man walked out.

He was tall and looked about 40 years old. Following behind the man was a woman who looked only in her 30s.

Both the man and the woman gave Lin Mo a feeling of great strength.

Seeing Lin Mo, the man's eyes flickered.

"Who are you..." the man asked.

"Hello, we are passing by here and want to ask for a drink of water!"

Lin Mo smiled and said.

"Just passing by!" The man nodded: "Come in with us!"

Lin Mo and Yang Mi looked at each other and finally nodded.

"Hello, brother, my name is Lin Mo, this is my friend Yang Mi!" Lin Mo took the initiative to step forward and introduce himself.

"Just call me Agu!" The man spoke softly. He looked at Lin Mo and said after a long time: "Are you from outside?"

Hearing Agu's words, Lin Mo's face showed a solemn look, and he couldn't help but want to touch his knife.

"Don't be nervous!" Agu smiled and raised his hand to pat Lin Mo's big knife.

Lin Mo felt a powerful force of blood and qi.

"Peak warrior!" Lin Mo's face showed a look of surprise. This man was actually a peak warrior!

"Do you know the outside?" Lin Mo let go of the knife and looked at the man: "We did come from outside, but before we came, we never knew that there was a village inside!"

"This is not surprising, because we also came from outside, but we came a hundred years earlier than you!"

A Gu smiled and said: "Of course, when I said a hundred years earlier, I meant that our fathers came a hundred years earlier, and we were born here!"

Hearing this, Lin Mo reacted immediately.

These people should be the descendants of those strong men who entered the battlefield of the gods. They did not reach a certain level of cultivation, so they died here.

But before they died, they got married and gave birth to children here.

Martial artists from all over the world met here and multiplied, forming some villages!

Thinking of this, Lin Mo's eyes suddenly flickered. Since the Chinese can form villages, then other countries must also have villages formed.

"Are there any old people still alive in the village?" Lin Mo thought of a very serious question, so he asked quickly.

"No, here, life span is not very long, usually around 60 years old!"

A Gu had a helpless look on his face: "Some of us want to leave here, after all, in this place, even if you become a powerful martial artist, you still can't live to 61 years old.

If we can leave here, many of us will definitely be willing to leave!"

"So, do you want to know if there is a way to leave here?"


"Before we entered here, we were told one thing, that is, if we want to leave here, the only condition is to become a mid-level martial emperor in one year!

Otherwise, we will die here!"

Lin Mo said what he knew.

Hearing this, A Gu's face showed disappointment.

"Martial Emperor, how easy is it to become a Martial Emperor!?" A Gu said in a deep voice: "For so many years, I have never heard of the existence of such a level as the Martial Emperor!

The strongest person in the village is only a first-grade Martial King. It is too difficult to improve here!"

Lin Mo frowned. If it is really so difficult, why can the Lord of Soldiers break through to the middle level of Martial Emperor within a year?

"There must be a problem I didn't expect!" Lin Mo had such an idea in his mind.

"Brother A Gu, can I meet the strongest person in the village?" Lin Mo looked at A Gu and asked softly.

"Of course, but it's late now, let's eat first!"

A Gu smiled quickly on his face. Obviously, they didn't care much about the previous things.

After all, they have lived here for so many years, and they must know that it is not easy to leave.

The whole village is not small, with about a hundred households. Living in such an abyss, the living standard of each family should be good, because when eating, Lin Mo saw that A Gu brought meat!

Since Lin Mo and Yang Mi came here, they basically haven't had a good meal, so when they saw meat, their eyes lit up immediately.

After dinner, Agu took Lin Mo to learn a lot about the outside world.

After hearing about the development outside, Agu's face showed a yearning look.

"If there is a chance, I will definitely find a way to let you leave here and go out to see!" Lin Mo said with a smile.

"For so many years, we don't have much hope!" Agu smiled and shook his head: "There are not a few natives like us in the whole abyss, but I haven't heard of anyone leaving here so far!"

Lin Mo sighed lightly. The battlefield of the gods is where the gods fell. How can it be easy to leave?

"In this case, Brother Agu, you can try to see if you can break through to the middle level of the martial emperor!

Since we can leave with this realm, you can definitely do it!"

Agu smiled, and finally shook his head gently.

At this realm, he already knew where his limit was.

A 40-year-old warrior at the peak of his powers, even if he could take another step forward, what would happen?

"Brother Agu, with your current strength, how did you survive under the threat of so many beasts?"

Lin Mo looked at Agu with a puzzled look on his face.

"The beasts are all very powerful, but we can use the formation!"

Agu smiled: "Here, we didn't get nothing. We found a lot of very ancient things. With these things, we live well here!"

Agu smiled and spoke slowly.

"Ancient things?" Lin Mo's eyes lit up, thinking in his heart, could these be the key to their practice?

"Brother Agu, can you take us to see it?"

"Of course, but it's a bit chaotic there now. Both of us are fighting for it. You should be mentally prepared.

If the two villages fight, I may not be able to protect you!"

Agu thought about it and spoke.

"It's okay, I can protect myself!" Lin Mo smiled and spoke.

A Gu must have seen his strength and was worried that Lin Mo would be killed directly during the conflict, so he reminded him.

But Lin Mo wanted to say that before he saw their formation, A Gu might not be his opponent!

A Gu arranged the same room for Lin Mo and Yang Mi. After explaining for a long time, A Gu believed that they were not in that kind of relationship.

"Actually, if it's not that kind of relationship, you can sleep together. What's the big deal? In our village, even if you are not married, you can have children! It's normal!

Are you people outside so conservative?"

Facing A Gu's complaints, Lin Mo could only smile awkwardly.

The naive A Gu actually said that people outside are conservative? !

Lin Mo lay on a small bed, thought about what happened during this period, and soon closed his eyes.

In this village, Lin Mo really spent the best night.

He suddenly thought of something, and then took out the beast pill directly and swallowed it!

Since there is no danger of the threat of fierce beasts here, it is reasonable to swallow the beast pill to see if his previous guess is true.

What made Lin Mo depressed was that his original guess came true. Here, the dream was invalid.

"Why did it fail?" Lin Mo showed a puzzled look on his face: "Could it be that the so-called battlefield of the gods really contains the power of the gods?"

This is something that Lin Mo couldn't figure out no matter what.

Fortunately, the beast pill was not swallowed in vain. After one night, Lin Mo's blood and energy increased a lot, and his strength was directly raised to the peak of the warrior!

The next morning.

A Gu woke up Lin Mo and Yang Mi, and said with a smile: "I have already told the eldest brother, he agreed to see you!"

"Really!" Lin Mo smiled.

The eldest brother that A Gu mentioned is the strongest man in their village!

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