“That is to say, there are several other such sealed places within the entire battlefield of the gods.

As long as I unlock all these seals, can I become the Martial Emperor? ! "

A smile appeared on Lin Mo's face. His strength improved so fast that he reached the current level in the blink of an eye.

On the shore, Ayang and Agu had surprised looks on their faces, because a powerful aura emerged from the bottom of the blood pool that had previously been devoid of any aura.

"This is..." The two of them looked at each other and saw a look of surprise in each other's eyes: "Lin Mo is okay!"


After the words fell, there was a sound of water on the water, and then a figure rose directly into the sky, and then landed steadily on the shore.

There was still blood on Lin Mo's body that had not yet dried up, but the blood did not solidify by drying in the sun, but dissolved little by little with Lin Mo's skin.

The whole process looked very magical, as if Lin Mo's flesh had absorbed the blood!

"Ah this..." Agu looked at Lin Mo with a puzzled look on his face: "Why does it feel like Lin Mo's aura suddenly became so strong..."

"The peak of King Wu!" Ayang said with a heavy voice: "In terms of realm alone, he is not much higher than me, but... his momentum is much stronger than mine!

And I have a hunch that even a strong man at the martial saint level should not be his opponent! "

In fact, Lin Mo couldn't hear the conversation between the two of them at this moment.

A special aura enveloped his whole body, and at this moment, Lin Mo realized a problem that had been ignored before, that is, his mental power had not yet recovered.

"Why is this happening? Is it possible that the mental power has been sealed separately?"

With this thought, Lin Mo tried to convert the power of Qi and blood into spiritual power.

However, at the moment when the majestic spiritual power was born, Lin Mo suddenly felt that an incomparably vast will came down and enveloped him.

Killing intent!

Endless killing intent!

The birth of this will only took a moment, but in that moment, Lin Mo's whole body tensed up!

A crack appeared in the already solidified body at this time, and blood spurted out!

Just when Lin Mo thought he was about to explode, another will came!

Different from the previous will, this one seems pale and does not contain any emotions.

However, after this will came, Lin Mo's spiritual power disappeared!

A shackle appeared in Lin Mo's body. This time, the shackle imprisoned the spiritual seed in his body!

After the spiritual seed was imprisoned, Lin Mo actually lost the ability to convert the power of Qi and blood into spiritual power!

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Lin Mo felt that after his mental power disappeared, his originally pale will actually felt a trace of relief!

"Brother, what's wrong with Lin Mo?"

"I don't know, but for a moment just now, I felt like he was going to explode!"

Agu and Ayang looked at each other with shocked expressions on their faces.

"Do you want to find a way to wake people up?" Agu thought for a while, took a step forward, and raised his hand to pat Lin Mo.

Just when he raised his hand, Lin Mo suddenly opened his eyes!

A ray of light burst out and fell on Agu.

Agu couldn't help but took two steps back, and then was supported by Ayang.

"Lin Mo, it's us!" Ayang said in a deep voice.

Lin Mo's eyes flickered for a moment, then slowly focused.

"Sorry, I was a little distracted just now!" Lin Mo smiled apologetically at Agu.

Ayang and Agu listened to Lin Mo's words, but they wanted to curse in their hearts.

Did your eyes look like you were distracted just now?

That look in his eyes was like the death god coming to the world!

"Ahem, Lin Mo, you scared us. What happened to you just now? Did you sink to the bottom?!"

Agu simply changed the topic and looked at him with a curious expression on his face: "How about it, is the blood pool useful?"

Lin Mo nodded and said in a deep voice: "It is indeed useful. To tell you the truth, before entering here, my strength was the eighth level of the Martial Emperor.

But after entering, my realm disappeared.

After a period of practice, he reached the warrior state.

But after soaking in the blood pool once, my strength directly reached the realm of King Wu!

Still the peak of King Wu! "

"So fierce!" Agu's eyes lit up and he rolled up his sleeves and was about to jump off, but was held back by Ayang who was standing beside him.

"Lin Mo, is this pool dangerous?" Ayang looked at Lin Mo and asked solemnly.

"Yes!" Lin Mo nodded heavily: "After I entered the pool, my flesh, blood, and bones were divided into three parts..."

Lin Mo didn't hide anything and told everything he had experienced in the blood pool.

"I feel that the blood pool should be a test of personal will. In the process, your body will be... upgraded from the inside out!"

Lin Mo thought for a long time and finally used the word upgrade to describe his feelings.

"So cruel?!" Agu glanced at the blood pool, then shrank his neck: "Brother, otherwise, let's just forget about the two of us!"

A Yang thought for a while and looked at Lin Mo: "Martial arts must be fought. If I want to get rid of the curse on my body, I must have to walk in the blood pool!"

"Agu, I'll go down first. If I'm okay, you'll go down too!

This will become an important place in the village, and all of us should take a walk here!

But if I don’t come up, then if you stay here, you will be the village chief from now on..."

Ayang's consideration was very comprehensive. It can be said that he left a will directly before going into the blood pool.

Agu's eyes were red and he didn't say anything, but nodded heavily.

"Brother Lin Mo, please!" Ayang looked at Lin Mo, and then jumped into the blood pool!


As soon as he jumped down, Ayang let out an even more painful scream.

Lin Mo's face changed slightly, and when he wanted to reach out to pull the person up, he was directly rejected by the other party.

"Don't pull me!" Ayang screamed with all his strength.

Lin Mo and Agu's faces were so gloomy that they almost dripped with water. In the end, they gritted their teeth and stood on the shore, watching helplessly as Ayang sank into the blood pool little by little!

The passage of time became extremely slow. Even though both of them knew very well that only a few minutes had passed since Ayang jumped into the blood pool, they still felt like several days had passed!

In the midst of the two people's incomparable suffering, they finally saw a series of bubbles emerging from the water!


Different from the way Lin Mo appeared, Ayang first stretched out his hands from the blood pool, and then half of his body floated up.

"Quick! Pull me up!"

A Yang's voice sounded, and he waved his hands at the two of them at the same time.

Lin Mo and Agu quickly stretched out their hands to pull people.

A few minutes later, Ayang climbed up from the blood pool.

The blood on his body continued to drip down, and the blood did not disappear like Lin Mo.

"Brother, have you failed?"

Agu looked at him and couldn't help but said in a deep voice.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Ayang was silent for a moment, then raised his head and laughed.

Lin Mo and Agu had puzzled looks on their faces, looking at Ayang who was almost going crazy when he smiled.

After a long time, Ayang stopped smiling, looked at Lin Mo and Agu and said, "I succeeded! I succeeded!"

Success? !

Hearing these three words, Lin Mo and Agu also showed excited expressions on their faces.

"The curse on me has disappeared, and my strength has reached the peak of King Wu. I am only one step away from the next level!"

Ayang had an excited look on his face and spoke with a big smile.

He has been trapped in this realm for many years, and now he finally sees hope of entering the next realm!

"Brother, can I go down?" Agu looked at Ayang with an expectant look on his face.

"Go down!" Ayang looked serious: "Actually, it's not as serious as Lin Mo said. Just jump down, and then there will be a strong pulling force..."

Ayang opened his mouth and recounted his experience in the blood pool.

After hearing Ayang's narration, Lin Mo had a puzzled look on his face.

Because his experience is completely different from Ayang’s!

Ayang has never experienced the separation of flesh, blood and bones, but Lin Mo has!

He looked at Ayang and wanted to ask the reason, but the latter gestured with his eyes.

At this time, Agu stood next to the blood pool, took a deep breath, and then jumped directly in!

With a scream, Agu also sank to the bottom of the blood pool.

Turning around, Ayang looked at Lin Mo, his expression becoming serious.

"What you have experienced is different from what I have experienced, so the benefits we get from the blood pool should also be different!"

Lin Mo nodded and agreed with this idea.

But he still had something to confirm.

"Can you see the seals or shackles on your body?"

Lin Mo thought for a while and asked directly.

"No, Lin Mo, this is the difference between you and me!" A wry smile appeared on Ayang's face.

"I see. It seems like you just have limitations, but in fact, there is no problem in practicing!" Lin Mo nodded, finally understanding something.

While the two were talking, there was a sound of water on the water, followed by Agu's voice.

"Oh my god, you killed me. You two big brothers, hurry up and pull me up!" Agu's voice was filled with misery, but his complexion looked quite good, and it didn't look like he had anything at all. The question looks like.

"My elder brother and I have experienced the same thing. There is nothing but pain. I have also reached the realm of King Wu!" Agu said slowly with a smile on his face.

"This place must be kept secret. It will be the most important place in the village from now on!" Ayang looked at Agu and said cautiously: "In the future, the capable people in the village will be brought here and let them experience the baptism of the blood pool. !

Lin Mo, I don’t know about my arrangement. Do you agree? "

"Of course there is no problem on my side!" Lin Mo smiled and had no objection at all to such a proposal: "Besides this, I have other ideas!"

"What do you think?" The two of them looked at Lin Mo at the same time, with expectant looks on their faces.

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