"This blood pool can actually be regarded as a place to stimulate potential. In addition, the energy and blood power of the entire village is very strong. If people from outside come in, the speed of cultivation must be terrifying!"

Lin Mo slowly expressed his thoughts with a smile on his face.

It turns out that he wanted to wait until he left here to try to open a training place here!

There are still many people in Luobu City, and even in the whole of China, there are many people who need to practice. When the time comes, they can all be sent here!

Lin Mo believes that as long as the right people are selected, someone will always become a high-level Martial Emperor and then become China's powerful fighting force!

Especially for Robo Giant City, Lin Mo had found a lot of genius-level people and prepared to train them.

By the time Lin Mo left here and returned to the giant city of Luobu a year later, those people must have basically embarked on the road to martial arts!

Then send him in and practice well...

This is really version 2.0 of the "Daxing Norbu Giant City" plan!

"Theoretically, it's completely feasible, but there's a problem..." Ayang said with a thoughtful look on his face: "It takes a long way to get here from the entrance to the outside world, so the rock and soil All dangers must be eliminated!

Then there is the question, is the capacity of the blood pool infinite? "

Lin Mo nodded. These two questions were very important, and they were also things that Lin Mo had not thought of before.

But it’s not a big problem. Anyway, there is still a long time and they have enough time to perfect it.

"In the future, I hope we can fight side by side on the abyss battlefield!" Lin Mo looked at Ayang and Agu and said with a smile.

Needless to say, these two people will definitely be strong men at the level of Emperor Wu in the future. The relationship between them is very good now. If they can be tricked into going to the giant city of Rob by then, it will be great news for the entire Rob!

You know, who knows how good the effect will be after the whole village has been soaked in the blood pool!

At least a group of powerful warriors at the level of Emperor Wu will be born!

The three of them had excited looks on their faces, and after discussing some details, they stood up and prepared to leave.

When passing by the corpses, the faces of the three of them became ugly.

A group of people came together, but when they returned, only three of them were left.

"It's my fault, I didn't expect Yang Mi to be a Neon person!" Lin Mo said in a deep voice.

"It has nothing to do with you. We villagers are actually used to living like this for a long time." Ayang showed an ugly smile: "But it will be fine in the future. Without hostile villages, we can have a lot of Time has developed!”

Lin Mo nodded. After leaving the ruins, Ayang and Agu directly activated the formation here. It became even more difficult to enter the entire ruins!

Of course, for the three of them, it is not difficult to get in and out because they have mastered the formation.

More than an hour later, the three entered the village.

Someone had been guarding the entrance to the village early. After seeing only the three of them returning, the whole village was enveloped in a sad atmosphere.

Just when Lin Mo was about to apologize, A Yang suddenly said: "Their death is not worthless... I found a way to lead us out of here!

Also found a way to free ourselves from lifespan limitations! "

A Yang said what the three of them had thought up on the way, and then looked at everyone: "We can practice towards a higher level!

We can leave from here too!

We don’t have to worry about dying in our fifties or sixties!

There is a way to lift the curse on us! "

The whole village was stunned at first, and then a look of ecstasy appeared on their faces.

Although the original grief still exists, compared with these, the grief has faded!

"Their deaths have value!"

The whole village came together to celebrate and remember the dead!

They raised their glasses and shouted this sentence.

After the banquet was over, Lin Mo and Ayang were walking on the path outside the village.

"Ready to leave?" Ayang looked at Lin Mo and asked with a smile.

"You actually saw it!" Lin Mo smiled bitterly: "You should really leave, after all, I want to become a high-level Martial Emperor within a year!

From now on, the village will just follow our original plan and baptize some people every once in a while!

Also remember to record the blood pool content.

I will definitely come back before I leave then! "

Ayang nodded: "I hope we can leave together by then!

I want to see the outside world! "

Lin Mo nodded, and at the same time talked about the current problems outside.

"Neon... is there really such a thing as a god?" A Yang had a look of emotion on his face: "And, it actually appears on the battlefield of the gods!"

"So, you have to be careful and help me keep an eye out to see if that old man will show up!"

"Understood, I will explain this matter, but don't have too much hope..."

"That's not the case. He will definitely try to find the blood pool!" Lin Mo interrupted A Yang and told what he saw at that time.

Ayang's face also became serious. If Xu Fu really appeared, then they might be in danger.

"So, this matter is actually very dangerous for you!" Lin Mo said with guilt on his face.

If it weren't for the mark on his body, Xu Fu might not have known about the existence of this blood pool.

"It doesn't matter, at least we still have time, don't we?" A Yang's face showed a smile: "As long as you improve your cultivation to the high level of Martial Emperor before he finds us!"

"I'll work hard!" Lin Mo nodded.

"One more thing. Do you know how many such relics there are when you live here?" Lin Mo couldn't help but ask, thinking of the seal on his body.

After hearing Lin Mo's words, Ayang also fell into deep thought: "Although we live here, because of the ferocious beasts around us, we don't really know much about the outside world!

However, if you are talking about ruins, I have seen relevant content in some records within the clan!

Just wait for me and bring you my record! "

With that said, Ayang turned around and ran towards the village.

A few minutes later, Ayang came over with a leather scroll in his hand: "Look, this is the record I was talking about!"

Lin Mo opened the scroll and took a look, with a smile on his face: "Thank you, this should be a ruins. Whether it is the place I want to find or not, I have to go and see it!"

"I'll draw a map for you!" Ayang started drawing directly on the ground.

Lin Mo read the map drawn by A Yang by the light of the fire. After remembering it firmly in his mind, he raised his foot and erased all the maps on the ground.

After a night of silence, Lin Mo got up from bed early the next morning and walked out of the village.

"I knew you didn't plan to notify anyone when you left!" Ayang's voice sounded behind Lin Mo.

"No need, I will come back in the future!" Lin Mo said with a smile.

"Okay, have a nice trip!" Ayang said with a smile.

Lin Mo didn't look back, raised his hand and waved it behind him, then strode out of the village.

It wasn't until Lin Mo was no longer visible that Ayang slowly turned around and returned to the village.

Lin Mo left, and the training plan for the entire village was about to begin!

On the other side, Lin Mo's current strength has reached the peak of King Wu, which is naturally not enough here.

But fortunately, the Thunder Breathing Technique can now operate independently, so Lin Mo is increasing his energy and blood power all the time.

"According to my current training speed of the Thunder Breathing Technique, even if one seal is not unlocked, I should be able to reach the peak of the Martial Emperor in one year!"

Lin Mo silently reasoned in his heart that the reason why he came to this conclusion is because the spiritual energy between heaven and earth here is so abundant!

Every breath he takes is filled with the power of Qi and blood. If it weren't for the curse restrictions that exist between heaven and earth, Lin Mo suspects that all the aborigines here are probably martial arts experts!

Following the records on the map, Lin Mo finally broke through to the first-level Martial Saint realm three days later.

Even though he was in such a state, Lin Mo still carefully avoided the ferocious beasts he might encounter along the way.

However, there are also some murderers who are strong enough to sense Lin Mo's existence and want to hunt him down.

At this time, Lin Mo had no choice but to kill them.

Lin Mo discovered that even though he was at the level of a Martial Saint, he could still kill ferocious beasts at the middle level of a Martial Saint!

A few days later, Lin Mo came to the location of the ruins recorded on the map.

This is a tall mountain. Lin Mo stood at the foot of the mountain and looked up to the top of the mountain. He felt a sense of oppression approaching!

The height of the entire mountain is at least tens of thousands of meters. Lin Mo remembered that the highest peak in the world in his previous life did not have such a height!

And the ruins recorded on the map are actually on the top of the mountain!

"According to what it says, I still have to climb the mountain!" Lin Mo had no choice but to look up from the foot of the mountain and could see that the top of the mountain was covered with ice and snow.

For such a huge mountain, Lin Mo could be sure that there were definitely many ferocious beasts in it without even thinking about it.

When the time comes, I won’t be able to run fast even if I want to run on the mountain!

"I don't know who the person who left this record was, but he was so brave and climbed such a high mountain!" Lin Mo sighed with emotion and began to climb.

He is such a person. Once he decides on something, he will definitely carry it out unswervingly.

After taking a deep breath, Lin Mo chose a direction that seemed relatively simple, and then started climbing.

There are no traces of human beings on the entire mountain, so Lin Mo can be said to be walking through the virgin forest.

This forest is full of the smell of decay. There are thick branches and leaves under your feet, and sometimes you will step on rugged stones accidentally.

Lin Mo's climbing speed deliberately slowed down a lot. On the third day, Lin Mo arrived halfway up the mountain.

Here, he discovered a... village!

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