After a slight pause, Lin Mo looked at the two people around him.

"Do you have the feeling of being spied on?"


Ge Nie and Ge Lin shook their heads and looked at him blankly: "What is the feeling of being spied on you?"

"I can't say!" Lin Mo shook his head, wondering if he was a little nervous, so he suppressed the matter in his heart and didn't mention it again, and at the same time he sped up and rushed to the top of the mountain.

Ge Nie looked at Lin Mo's speed and showed envy on his face. After a little hesitation, he also rushed up madly.

After a frantic run, he was about to catch up with Lin Mo, and his heart suddenly became excited.

But soon he found that Lin Mo's speed seemed to have increased a lot, and he didn't look tired at all.

Ge Nie himself was already tired and panting, and his speed gradually slowed down.

"Monster!" Ge Lin followed behind Ge Nie, his eyes flickering slightly: "Not only did he detect the power of spying, but his own strength is so strong!

If this person can stay in the village, then he must do his best to stay. If he doesn't want to stay, then he can only be killed!

The traces of the ruins and the existence of the village cannot be brought to the outside world!"

A day later, Lin Mo showed an excited look on his face, and at the same time he exhaled a long breath: "Huh... I finally succeeded in reaching the top!"

Looking at the huge platform on the top of the mountain, Lin Mo's face showed a curious look.

"Generally speaking, the top of a mountain is pointed. This is the first time I have seen a flat mountain top!" Lin Mo chuckled and said.

"The whole platform is very neat, as if it was cut out by a sword, so people in our village call it the Sword Cutting Platform!"

Ge Lin and Ge Nie also followed up, and when they heard Lin Mo's words, they explained.

"Now that you mention it, it does look like it!" Lin Mo nodded with a smile: "However, if someone can create such an effect with one sword, what will happen?

Even the peak of the Martial Emperor may not be able to cut such a sword!"

"Of course, no one can create such a terrifying destructive power with one sword!" Ge Lin also nodded with a smile.

Lin Mo didn't think much about it: "You two, we have reached the top of the mountain, please lead the way!"

Ge Lin nodded and walked in front with Ge Nie.

At this time, Lin Mo noticed the wound on his finger and frowned slightly.

"Senior Ge Lin, what's the matter with the wound on your hand?"

"Oh, I didn't notice it if you didn't tell me. Maybe it was scratched by something when I came here!" Ge Lin said nonchalantly: "We are thick-skinned people. This little injury is actually nothing, so it's hard to notice!"

Even Lin Mo couldn't find any problem with such an answer. He could only nod and said: "This time Lin Mo forced you two to lead the way, but please rest assured that once you find the ruins, you can go back at any time!"

"The ruins are just ahead!" At this time, Ge Nie suddenly spoke and pointed to an open space not far away.

When Lin Mo heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up. At this time, he didn't care to ask too many details about the ruins. He rushed there directly.

After arriving, Lin Mo suddenly discovered a serious problem, that is, this is actually a huge pool!

The water in the whole pool looked strangely gray and white. Standing on the shore and looking at the pool water, a shocking scene happened.

Lin Mo's reflection only existed on the water for a moment, and then disappeared!

He looked at the two people around him and found that the same problem also occurred to them.

There was no shadow of them in the pool water.

"Haha, it's amazing, isn't it? We call this pool the Swallowing Shadow Pool, which can even swallow shadows!

And this pool can't let anything float on the water!

Even a goose feather falling on the water will immediately sink into the water!"

Hearing this, Lin Mo suddenly thought of a place in his mind, that is, the weak water recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas!

The so-called weak water literally means that the water is too weak to carry anything!

Even a goose feather falling on it will immediately sink to the bottom of the water!

Such characteristics are exactly the same as the pool of water in front of him!

"Brother Lin Mo, did you think of something?" Ge Lin looked at Lin Mo's expression and asked with a smile.

"I thought of a little story in China!" Lin Mo said his guess.

After listening to it, the two showed a look of surprise on their faces.

According to Lin Mo, if Lin Mo was not deliberately fooling them, then the pool water in front of them really looked like the legendary weak water!

"Weak water should refer to a river, not the pond in front of us, so this should not have much to do with weak water!" Lin Mo looked at the pond in front of him, and then added: "Is there any secret in this pond?"

"We don't know much about this place at present!" Ge Lin shook his head quickly: "So brother Lin Mo, don't make things difficult for us two!"

Looking at Ge Lin's almost rogue attitude, Lin Mo just chuckled and waved at them: "Okay, I keep my word, you can go back now!"

Hearing Lin Mo's words, Ge Lin and Ge Nie showed surprise on their faces. They didn't expect that Lin Mo would actually let them go back!

"Brother Lin Mo, since we have come here, we will not go back like this. We can also help explore the ruins together!"

Ge Lin said with a smile: "However, after exploring the ruins, if there are good things inside, how should we divide them?"

Ge Lin's words made Lin Mo's face suddenly smile: "So, do you think that if there are things in the ruins, I will give you some?

In this case, I let you two be my test subjects and lead the way in front. Can we avoid the problem you mentioned?"

After a pause, the mocking look on Lin Mo's face became more intense: "How about you go and see it first, senior?"

In Lin Mo's hand, a three-pointed two-edged sword appeared directly, and then a sound of breaking wind was heard, and the blade was already against Ge Lin's neck!

"Lin Mo, don't!" Seeing this scene, Ge Nie quickly said: "Uncle is just joking with you, we don't want anything in the ruins!!

Uncle, let's go back now!"

Ge Nie said and was about to pull Ge Lin's arm.

But after several attempts, he still failed to pull the man away.

"Sorry, now you two can't leave!" Lin Mo said lightly: "Now there is a gap between us. If you spread this news after you go back, I will be in a passive position.

Also, what if you bring people to find me after you return to the village?"

Hearing Lin Mo's words, Ge Lin's face changed slightly: "What are you going to do?"

"What? Of course, please go down and take a look first!" Lin Mo pointed to the pool in front of him and said with a smile.

"Lin Mo!" Ge Nie's face was anxious: "I offended you before, I am willing to go down first, just ask you to let my uncle go!

He is the strongest person in our village. If he gets into trouble, our village will be finished!"

Ge Lin was silent for a moment and looked up at Lin Mo.

Seeing Ge Lin's eyes, Lin Mo suddenly laughed: "It's really ridiculous. One of the strongest people in the village actually let a junior die in his place at this time!

Even animals know that at this time of life and death, they should leave the younger ones behind to keep hope!

Ge Nie has the current strength at a young age, and his realm will definitely be higher than yours in the future!

Why do you want him to die?"

"I didn't!" Ge Lin said in a deep voice: "Lin Mo, you have to figure it out. From the beginning to the end, you are the one who wants him to die!"

Hearing this, Lin Mo sneered: "In that case, you should go down first!"

As he said that, he walked forward and grabbed Ge Lin's collar and walked towards the pool.

"Brother Lin Mo!" Ge Nie quickly spoke, then picked a leaf from a tree beside him and threw it into the water.

The leaf fell on the water and then sank into the water instantly!

Looking at this scene, Lin Mo's face became deep.

"It's exactly like the legendary weak water!"

While saying this, he suddenly looked at the big tree beside him and swung the three-pointed two-edged sword!

A terrible blood force condensed into a blade light and slashed down in front!

With a click!

The dead tree in the distance fell directly.

"Throw the dead tree in and see!" Lin Mo said directly.

Ge Nie hurriedly hugged the dead tree and threw it into the pool.

As long as Ge Lin was not thrown in, he would be willing to let Ge Nie throw anything now!

Seeing that the dead tree with a thick neck also sank directly, Lin Mo had basically concluded that even if Ge Lin was thrown in, the result would be the same!

Such a place can swallow everything...

Lin Mo looked at the sleep in front of him, and a ray of light suddenly flashed in his eyes: "I know!"

He showed an excited look on his face: "If the pool in front of me is filled with water, then can I..."

In the palm of Lin Mo, a light blue light was jumping.

Although his cultivation was sealed, his own attributes were not sealed.

Can the water attribute power that Lin Mo had mastered from Xuanwu be used here?

Thinking of this, Lin Mo no longer hesitated and jumped directly into the pool!

With a splash!

With a slight sound, Ge Lin and Ge Nie showed shocked expressions on their faces.

"He... he actually jumped down by himself!"

Ge Nie looked at the splashes on the water surface, and the two of them quickly hid, fearing that the splashes would fall on them.

Fortunately, the splashes only fell on the shore. Despite this, there were still cracks spreading around along the splashing position!

"What a terrifying power!" Ge Lin's face was filled with shock: "The power of weak water is indeed so terrifying!"

"Weak water?" Ge Nie was shocked when he heard this: "Uncle, is the water in the pool you are talking about really weak water?"

"Of course!" Ge Lin nodded: "This place is recorded in detail in an ancient book in our village.

It's just that the confidentiality level of this book is very high, so you can't see it!"

"Then why didn't uncle tell the truth to Lin Mo?" Ge Nie looked at him with a puzzled look on his face.

"Why should I tell the truth?" Ge Lin's face was filled with contemptuous smile: "Lin Mo is from the outside world. If that so-called military master knew our existence...

He would definitely bring people to kill us!"

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