Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 486 What is opportunity? !

Ge Lin had a look of fear on his face, as if he had thought of something horrible.

"But we did nothing wrong!" Ge Nie said in confusion: "Even if that person outside wants to attack us, there must be a reason!"

"The reason is..."

Ge Lin looked at the weak water in front of him, and finally did not speak.

Seeing that his uncle did not speak, Ge Nie could only stand by and wait. He looked into the weak water, a little absent-minded.

"If Lin Mo was not from outside, I might have been completely convinced by him!"

After a long silence, Ge Nie suddenly spoke.

Thinking of the moment when Lin Mo jumped off the water, he really felt that Lin Mo's body seemed to be glowing!

"Maybe this is the difference between people!" Ge Lin whispered: "We are staying here now, which means we have chosen another way of survival.

This is actually another kind of surrender!"

"You said, is Lin Mo really dead?" Ge Nie finally couldn't help but speak.

"Who can survive under the Weak Water?"

Ge Lin said softly, but his eyes flickered as he looked at the Weak Water.

At this moment, under the Weak Water!

Lin Mo's body continued to sink downwards. The entire Weak Water was like a bottomless abyss. No matter how he sank, he still did not reach the bottom.

At this moment, Lin Mo's eyes were closed, but his consciousness was very clear.

"I should still be sinking. The inheritance of Xuanwu should allow me to control the power of water attributes!

Weak Water must also be water!"

With this idea in mind, Lin Mo directly let his own water attribute power dissipate to the surroundings!

It only took a few seconds for Lin Mo to receive feedback!

He suddenly opened his eyes and looked around!


The Weak Water rippled, and actually formed an invisible barrier around Lin Mo's body!

It was the existence of this barrier that put Lin Mo in an unparalleled environment!

He could breathe freely, and the Weak Water seemed to be swallowing and spitting out endless air to provide Lin Mo!

"There is really no life at the bottom of the weak water!" Lin Mo looked around, and the whole weak water was dead silent!

No creature can survive in such an environment!

The sinking continued, and Lin Mo tried. Even if he could control the power of water attributes, he still couldn't control his sinking speed!

He could only watch himself getting farther and farther away from the surface of the pool!

In the end, the whole world fell into darkness!

After an unknown period of time, Lin Mo finally stopped!

He knew that he should have reached the bottom of the pool!

"Such a depth should be extremely terrifying!" Lin Mo spoke softly, and then tried to stand up and groped around!

However, just as he took a step, Lin Mo suddenly guessed something!

He was startled and reached out to touch the thing he stepped on!

This was directly shocked!

There is no doubt that this is a human arm, and the most important thing is that the whole arm still retains temperature!

Living people? !

When Lin Mo thought about this in his heart, his hands had already started to move!

He pulled it hard, and suddenly felt that he pulled a body up!


A cold snort sounded in Lin Mo's ears, and then he saw the figure in front of him!

This is a Chinese man with gray hair, but his skin does not feel old at all. He looks like he is in his thirties at most.

However, compared with Lin Mo, the man in front of him looks completely distorted, especially the facial features, which are not where they should be!

Although such a face looks like a Chinese, the overall feeling it gives people is very weird!

"Who are you!" Lin Mo asked in a deep voice.

"Hehe, who am I?" This person slowly spoke with a mocking look on his face: "I am Chinese like you!

This is the place I found!

But I didn't expect that after several years, there would be a second person who found this place!"

"You are one of those who came in that year! You and the Lord of Arms should know each other!"

Lin Mo spoke, and he thought of what the Lord of Arms said at the beginning, that among those who came in with him, only he successfully left the battlefield of the gods.

"The Lord of Arms?" The man's strange face showed a thoughtful look, then nodded and said: "It's normal to be able to leave here and become the Lord of Arms!

However, it really makes me feel uncomfortable to let someone like him become the Lord of Arms!"

"What kind of person is the Lord of Arms?" Lin Mo looked at the man in front of him with a somewhat unhappy expression: "You have been here for so many years, what level of cultivation have you reached now?

The Lord of Arms was the only one who left here back then. I don't know if you feel embarrassed when you said that just now, but after listening to it, at least I feel embarrassed!"

Lin Mo's words made the man in front of him look slightly cold, and then he laughed.

"Hahaha! Cough cough cough!"

However, after just a few laughs, he began to cough violently.

The weak water poured directly into his body while he was laughing, and the terrifying feeling made the man cough continuously.

Lin Mo stood aside and watched coldly.

After waiting for a few minutes, after the man's coughing subsided, Lin Mo sneered and said: "You have been here for such a long time and you still can't form a barrier around your body!

And I can form a barrier as soon as I come in. I don’t know what you are so proud of!

He actually looks down on the military leader! "

"Boy, what do you know! Do you know that I was the one who should have left here back then!

The soldier you call me is the one who snatched fortune from my hands, released the last seal, became the seventh-grade Martial Emperor, and then left directly!

And I can only stay here!

Later I found this place, but because I lost the original opportunity, I have never been able to understand the method of unlocking the seal here!

This is all his fault! "

The man had a crazy look on his face and spoke loudly.

When Lin Mo heard these words, his smile became even brighter!

"I've never heard such a good joke!"

"You are inferior to others in terms of skills and have been deprived of your good fortune. Instead, you are blaming others!

If you have the ability, go and snatch the fortune by yourself!

Also, if you have the ability to comprehend the creation, then you should also comprehend the creation here!

To say that you can't understand because of others is really funny in my opinion! "

Speaking of this, Lin Mo even laughed twice.

Listening to Lin Mo's harsh laughter, the man's face became even more ugly!

"I am going to kill you!"

The man said and rushed towards Lin Mo!

At this moment, the strength displayed by the man actually reached the peak of the Martial Emperor!

"We are only a hair away from the realm of the Martial Emperor!" Lin Mo raised his brows and suddenly laughed: "After so many years in the battlefield of the gods, he only has this little strength, it's so funny!

You can also bully someone like me who just came in!

If I had your current strength, I could directly kill you! "

Lin Mo said this, but he was already thinking quickly in his heart.

The strength gap between the two people is really too big. Now all Lin Mo can rely on is the endless weak water around him!

Even so, to be fair, weak water is also very powerful!


Under the weak water, the man suddenly punched Lin Mo hard!

And Lin Mo felt the terrifying power of penetration, his face changed drastically, and the power of Qi and blood communicated with the surrounding water attributes, forming shields in front of him!

All the shields were superimposed in a short time and became walls!

Boom boom boom!

Under the weak water, there was still a roaring sound!

You know, weak water can absorb everything, including sound, but at this time, a roar was heard!

This means that the man's power has reached a terrifying level, causing destructive power that even weak water cannot completely dissipate!

The shields were broken piece by piece, and Lin Mo was still superimposing more shields!


The Nine Provinces Order flew out and hung above Lin Mo's head!

With a slight movement of thought, several rays of light fell on Lin Mo, and at the same time, several rays of light fell on the man.

This time, the man's aura suddenly lost a lot!

But Lin Mo's strength is skyrocketing!


After the last shield was broken, Lin Mo suddenly punched forward with both fists!

Five Beast Fist!

The roar of the five ferocious beasts also came out at this time, and it was even louder than the previous man's attack!

Feeling this terrifying power, the man's face showed a look of shock.

How could a mere peak Martial King achieve such strength? !

"I'm scared now. If you see what's behind, won't you be even more scared?" Lin Mo sneered, and then quickly pulled the water attribute power around with his hands!

The weak water in Lin Mo's hands seemed to turn into a figure at this moment, and began to move rapidly!

"You...can control weak water?!"

The man pointed at Lin Mo with a horrified look on his face.

Lin Mo had only shocked him before, but now, he was really just shocked!


Weowui transformed into a huge tiger, opened his mouth towards the man, and bit him hard!

The man let out a scream, but he didn't die!

Lin Mo let go at the critical moment and directed a beam of light projected by the Kyushu Order onto the man.


"This is the Kyushu Order!"

The man felt the changes in his body, and the look of shock on his face became more intense: "Why is the Zhu family's Nine Provinces Order in your hands!?!"

"So, you are from the Zhu family?!" Lin Mo saw that the man knew the Nine Provinces Order, and immediately guessed his identity.

"You haven't answered me yet, why is the Zhu family's Jiuzhou Order at your place!"

The man stared at Lin Mo with anger surging in his eyes: "So, after that person went back, he still destroyed the Zhu family, right?"

"Answer me a few questions, and I can tell you the current situation of the Zhu family!" Lin Mo looked at the man and said solemnly: "You have been here for so many years, tell me, what did you find?

What opportunities are there in weak water? !

I know you haven't figured it out yet, but tell me what you think and I might be able to figure it out! "

The man looked at Lin Mo with a mocking look on his face: "Why should I tell you?"


As soon as the words fell, Lin Mo swung the three-pointed double-edged sword and cut off one of the man's arms!

Feeling the severe pain of the injury, the man's face showed a resentful look: "Hahaha, even if you kill me, I won't tell you!"

"In that case, you'd better die! I'll guess it slowly!"

Lin Mo spoke lightly, and weak water surged from all directions, trapping the man tightly.

At the same time, Lin Mo made a move, and a knife fell down, and a head flew up.

Coincidentally, the head was washed away by the water and fell next to a stone tablet!

There was a painting on the stone tablet.

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