Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 487 The truth behind Jingwei filling the sea

Under the weak water, everything is blurry.

Lin Mo watched the man's head roll down to the bottom of a huge stone tablet.

He took the initiative to look at the stone tablet and carefully identify the pattern on it. After a long time, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Jingwei fills the sea!"

In the picture, there is a girl playing on the beach.

A huge wave hit and swept the girl into the sea.

The girl grew up by the sea since she was a child. How could she not be good at swimming? However, in this sea, she had no way to float up. The water nature that she was proud of before was useless!

In the end, the girl sank to the bottom of the water and died slowly.

After an unknown period of time, the girl opened her eyes and flapped her wings to fly on the sea.

Looking at the sponge under her wings, the girl thought of the scene of herself being swallowed by the sea, so she picked up wood and stones from a distance and threw them into the sea, trying to fill the sea!

"It was Jingwei who filled the sea!" Lin Mo's eyes flickered, and he sighed in his heart: "So, the reason why Jingwei drowned was because that piece of sea water was actually the Weak Water?

So, who led the Weak Water into the sea water?"

Lin Mo looked at the calm sea surface, and a thoughtful look appeared on his face.

However, this is destined to be fruitless. It is impossible to explore whether that piece of history is true or false, and there is no complete historical record. It is like looking for a needle in a haystack to find the truth.

"Then... what about the opportunity?" Lin Mo looked at the huge stone tablet in front of him: "Is the opportunity on the stone tablet?"

He began to search around the stone tablet.

The whole stone tablet is so huge that it seems to be directly above the water surface.

"The Weak Water swallows everything. How was this stone tablet formed?"

"After it was carved, it was thrown into the Weak Water, or someone carved such a painting here?"

All kinds of thoughts kept flashing through Lin Mo's mind, and finally his eyes flashed, as if he had grasped something important.

He paced back and forth here, always feeling that he had overlooked something important.

"What is it? What did I overlook?"

"Yes, it's the movement of the weak water!"

"Jingwei is good at swimming. The sea where she originally lived was not dangerous to her, so her family allowed her to play alone on the beach.

But later, someone moved the weak water to this sea area, replacing the original sea water, and manipulated the weak water to roll Jingwei into the sea water!

The weak water swallows everything, so naturally including Jingwei's residual soul.

But Jingwei can transform into a bird!

Later, the weak water came here from that sea area again...

Who has mastered this ability to manipulate the weak water?!"

Lin Mo frowned. Now he found the problem, but how to manipulate it?

"Very powerful!"

Just at this moment, a voice sounded behind Lin Mo.


Before Lin Mo turned around, the three-pointed two-edged sword in his hand shot out in the direction of the sound!

With a bang, the three-pointed two-edged sword smashed a huge rock, and a vague figure emerged.

It was a shadow of a little girl, standing there, her eyes fell on Lin Mo, with curiosity and joy.

"You are very smart, you discovered my existence." The girl said.

"Are you Jingwei? Are you the remnant soul of Jingwei?" Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up, guessing the identity of the girl.

"It's me!" Jingwei smiled and nodded: "Are you curious why I didn't turn into a bird and fly in the sky, but turned into a remnant soul and guarded here?"

"Think the bird in the sky is fake?" Lin Mo spoke directly and expressed his thoughts.

"Awesome!" Jingwei clapped her hands: "You are very powerful and smart, you actually thought of the problem at once!

You are right, the bird in the sky is not me, that bird is actually the one who controls the weak water!

As long as you catch the bird, you can control the power of the weak water!"

"So my coming here has no effect on the seal on me?" Lin Mo got such a result, and he was actually a little disappointed in his heart, and couldn't help asking.

"Seal?" Jingwei tilted her head, her pretty face full of curiosity and confusion.

"That's it!" Lin Mo directly showed the seal on his body.

Looking at the seal on Lin Mo's body, Jingwei smiled: "This is a kind of sealing technique in our era, and one of them happens to be the part I can solve!

Wait a minute!"

Jingwei's residual soul walked towards Lin Mo step by step, then stretched out his hand and gently tapped one of the seals!

Accompanied by a slight click, Lin Mo felt that a seal on his body exploded directly!

Then the blood and qi power in Lin Mo's body began to increase crazily!

The peak of the martial king directly reached the third level of the martial saint!

Moreover, the strength of the physical body has also approached the saint level!

Feeling the strength of his physical body, Lin Mo showed a surprised smile on his face.

"Although the physical body has not returned to its original level, I still feel very terrifying!

Compared with me in the same realm, I am now more powerful!"

He tried to drive away all the weak water surrounding him, and then waved his fist.


On the surface of the weak water, a shocking wave splashed.

Green and Genie were originally waiting, but were frightened by the loud noise and retreated back and forth!

Ge Lin stared at the water, his eyes flickering constantly, but his lips trembled slightly, obviously he was very excited.

"Uncle, what's wrong with you?"

Ge Nie looked at him and couldn't help but speak.

"We are going to succeed, our first generation of clan leader will succeed!"

"As long as we unlock the seal on him, our village will be able to move to a higher level!

In the future, we will completely dominate this small world!

At that time, we will leave this world and return to the original world!

We want to take back everything we want!"

"What did we lose?" Ge Nie looked at his uncle and murmured. In fact, he didn't know what he had lost.

In his opinion, he grew up in the village, practiced, lived, and lived a happy life. He didn't feel that he had lost anything.

But why did his uncle say such a thing?

With such a thought, Ge Nie fell into silence.

The water surface calmed down, but Lin Mo, who caused all this, was not very calm. There was an excited look on his face.

"It's really powerful. This time the seal is unlocked, and my strength seems to have improved a lot compared to the previous state!"

"That's because your current state is equivalent to being compressed and returned to the original position. In this way, some of the superficiality that you originally produced during the practice process has been completely compacted, and the state is more stable!

Letting you enter here is actually a process of consolidating the foundation!"

After hearing this, Lin Mo nodded slowly.

He actually had this feeling, and the whole process was indeed like consolidating the foundation.

"Thank you, senior!" Finally, Lin Mo bowed to Jingwei and clasped his fists.

Although she still looked like a child, she was a figure from the age of myths and legends after all.

"Leave here, recover your strength as soon as possible, and then find that unlucky bird!

Help me kill it!

It's better to bring it here, I want to pluck all its feathers, and then roast it with fire to eat!"

Jingwei's face was full of viciousness, and she looked fierce.

Lin Mo looked at her and suddenly grinned.

"What are you laughing at!" Jingwei couldn't help but wrinkled her nose and glared at him.

"It's okay. I was thinking about the scene of grilling the bird. It must be fun!" Lin Mo smiled and said, "Please call me to enjoy this delicacy together!"

"Don't worry!" Jingwei patted his chest and said with a smile.

"In that case, senior, wait for my good news!" Lin Mo glanced at the water and took a deep breath.

Here, he didn't know if he could float up, after all, this was Weak Water!

"You have to be careful of that bird. During the War of the Gods, there must be his shadow here!" Jingwei looked at Lin Mo who was about to leave, and suddenly spoke up, saying such a shocking thing.

"The War of the Gods is related to that bird?!" Lin Mo couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. What kind of bird is this? It's too fierce!

Nodding solemnly, when Lin Mo was about to use the water attribute power again, he suddenly felt that Jingwei's residual soul seemed to reveal a lonely atmosphere.

After a moment of hesitation, he fumbled around on his body for a while and took out the mobile phone that had lost the function of dialing a phone.

During this time, the phone still had power, but there was no signal, so it could not connect to the Internet.

"Senior, this is for you!" Lin Mo smiled and clicked on a stand-alone game inside: "When you are bored, you can use this game to entertain yourself. The specific gameplay is..."

After spending some time, Lin Mo told Jingwei the basic operation method of the mobile game, and then took a deep breath and rushed to the water surface!

The whole process was much smoother than Lin Mo imagined, but because the distance was too far, Lin Mo could only stop and rest for a while in the middle, and then continue to go up.

During Lin Mo's rush, bubbles continued to rise on the water surface.

Looking at those bubbles, Ge Lin's face was full of excitement.

"He is coming out, kneel down with me!"

He looked at Ge Nie and said seriously: "You must be respectful later, understand?

You don't know what kind of realm the first patriarch of our village is!"

Lin Mo nodded solemnly.

Hua La La!

At this moment, a splash of water appeared on the water surface, and then a figure rushed into the sky!

Looking at that figure, Ge Lin and Ge Nie's faces were full of respect at first, and then they were completely confused!

"Why is it you!?!"

Ge Lin and Ge Nie looked at Lin Mo landing steadily on the ground, and their expressions suddenly twisted!

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