Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 489: Changes in Weak Water

"So, my initial guess was very likely!"

Lin Mo had a serious look on his face and spoke slowly.

The entire village is probably related to the person who controls Weak Water!

After reading several books, Lin Mo found some clues: every once in a while, some strange phenomena would appear in Weoshui.

Just like a few years ago, weak water suddenly gathered in the sky, forming a long river in the sky. It was very spectacular!

The year before last, the weak water condensed into a giant body, and it actually left the top of the mountain. It disappeared for a month before reappearing!

Going forward, there are some vague records, but they are all miraculous things.

"So, every time Weak Shui changes, the person who controls Weak Shui should be back!"

Lin Mo frowned and expressed his guess.

"There are also some related guesses above. The weak water will change every fixed time. If there is no problem with the above guess, the weak water will change again after ten days!"

After reaching this conclusion, Lin Mo, who originally planned to leave, changed his mind.

He would wait until ten days later to see with his own eyes the changes in Weak Shui!

Thinking of this, Lin Mo looked at the old man beside him: "I'm going to stay here to read for the next few days, you can do what you want!"

The old man was stunned for a moment, then nodded and respectfully withdrew.

After the old man left, Lin Mo began to rummage through all the books.

There are not many ancient books in the whole village. Most of them are about the history of the village, and a few are about martial arts. However, these martial arts are of little use to Lin Mo.

Of course, for Lin Mo, even if his martial arts skills are of little use, they still need to be seen.

After looking at all the martial arts skills, Lin Mo also had some insights in his heart.

"For me, the level of these martial arts is too low, but some of the things above are still beneficial to me." Lin Mo had a look of satisfaction on his face after reading all the books.

Calculating the time, I have been here for nine days. According to estimates, tomorrow will be the time when the weak water changes again.

"Mr. Lin, you're out!" The old man saw Lin Mo walking out of the room and hurriedly greeted him: "You have been practicing for nine days. Are you hungry? I will immediately ask others to prepare something for you! "

Lin Mo nodded and accepted his hospitality and kindness.

The whole village is very rich in products. Lin Mo looked at the food on the table in front of him with a smile on his face: "Thank you!"

After a delicious meal, Lin Mo felt warm all over.

The power of Qi and blood hidden in the food poured into Lin Mo's body crazily at this time.

Lin Mo quickly understood that these foods were made from the flesh and blood of ferocious beasts, so they contained rich energy and blood, which was a great supplement for martial arts cultivators.

The ferocious beasts he ate were the best among them, so they contained even more energy and blood!

Feeling the abundant power in his body, Lin Mo nodded with satisfaction.

"Is Ge Nie back?" Lin Mo looked at the old man. If everything goes well for Ge Nie in nine days, he should be back by now!

"There is no news yet, but Ge Nie is a very talented child in our village, so nothing will happen to him!" The old man looked at Lin Mo and spoke firmly.

Lin Mo nodded. He was very satisfied with Ge Nie's talent and conduct. If something happened, it would indeed be a loss for him.

However, fortunately, there was not much problem with Lin Mo's vision. That afternoon, Ge Nie's figure appeared at the head of the village.

Seeing Ge Nie, everyone in the village was excited and surrounded him with excited expressions on their faces.

"You are finally back. How do you feel? Is the place Mr. Lin mentioned good?" A group of people said eagerly.

"Get out of the way, Mr. Lin is coming!"

"What are you all looking at here? Do you understand? Get out of the way and don't block Mr. Lin!"

The old man spoke loudly, separated the crowd, and made a way for Lin Mo to walk in.

"Mr. Lin!"

Seeing Lin Mo, the excitement on Ge Nie's face deepened. He took the initiative to step forward and saluted Lin Mo deeply: "Thank you, Mr. Lin, for helping me unlock the restrictions on my body!"

"It has nothing to do with me. It was you who released the restriction with your own persistence!" Lin Mo smiled and waved his hand: "It's very good now. Your strength has reached the peak of King Wu!"

After the words fell, everyone around him was stunned. They all looked at Ge Nie as if they had seen something extraordinary.

"The peak of King Wu, doesn't that reach the highest standard of combat power in our village?"

"It is the highest standard of combat power. The most important thing is, how old is Genie? If he is more than forty years old, then he will be fine!"

"You don't have to wait until the age of forty, but at most thirty, Ge Nie's strength is likely to reach the peak of King Wu. By then..."

The faces of the group of people looked expectant and envious, and their eyes fell on Ge Nie.

"Mr. Lin, surrendering to you is the most correct decision I have made in my life!"

When Ge Nie opened his mouth, he knelt down to Lin Mo!

Here, this kind of etiquette represents the most solemn respect. Generally, even elders may not be able to receive such a great gift.

But Ge Nie's use of such a great gift to worship Lin Mo was enough to show his joy.

"Get up, practice well in the future, I said I would take you to see the outside world!"

Lin Mo chuckled and said, "You can't let me break my promise!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Lin!" Ge Nie nodded heavily.

"Okay, get ready and follow me up the mountain tomorrow!" After Lin Mo gave his instructions, he turned and left.

He went directly to the old man's residence and moved in swaggeringly.

The old man was worried that he would be an eyesore, so he simply moved out of the original house and lived next door, only a few meters away from Lin Mo.

After Lin Mo left, a group of people immediately surrounded him and began to ask questions.

The most asked question here was whether the process of breaking the ban was hard, difficult, or painful!

Faced with such questions, Ge Nie did not hide and told all his experiences.

When they heard that Ge Nie could bathe in the blood of Kuafu, a group of people showed envy on their faces.

Facing such eyes, Ge Nie was filled with emotion. When he was in the village, he had never enjoyed such treatment.

And all this was because he surrendered to Lin Mo!

"I'll tell you the truth. As long as we sincerely follow Mr. Lin, he will not treat us unfairly!"

Ge Nie looked at everyone and spoke seriously.

Everyone nodded. As for how many people could remember this sentence in their hearts, I don't know!

No words were spoken all night!

The next morning, Lin Mo opened the door and saw the old man and Ge Nie standing at the gate.

"Mr. Lin, please allow me to go with you!" The old man stepped forward and spoke respectfully.

His name is Ge Shan, and he is Ge Lin's elder brother. Facing the death of his brother, he has no complaints, and now he is loyally following Lin Mo.

"It would be best if Senior Ge Shan could follow!" Lin Mo smiled and said, "This way, we will have more ability to protect ourselves when we encounter danger!"

There were other people in the village who wanted to follow, but they were rejected by Lin Mo.

If he fights with the person who controls the Weak Water later, he might even die.

Bringing too many people over at this time would be like sending himself to death!

So, the three of them rushed directly to the top of the mountain without stopping.

The three of them were all strong, and they showed their true speed at this moment. It can be said that the whole person became a gust of wind!

In less than an hour, Lin Mo had already reached the top of the mountain!

Along the way, Lin Mo had been listening to the movement on the top of the mountain. Finally, he confirmed that the Weak Water had not changed, and then he was relieved.

"Let's all pay attention to prevent a bird from appearing!"

"If any birds appear, be sure to tell me!"

Lin Mo looked at Ge Shan and Ge Nie and said seriously.

Both of them nodded seriously.

In order to prevent others from discovering, all three of them hid.

After lying on the ground and waiting for more than two hours, the entire Weak Water did not change at all.

"Could it be that they saw us coming, so they didn't dare to show up!" Ge Nie suddenly spoke.

"Haha, do you think it's possible? If you are strong enough to control the Weak Water, do you think you will still take us seriously?"

Ge Shan asked with a chuckle.

Ge Nie lowered his head and thought for a while, and finally nodded: "You are right, the real strong will not take us seriously!"

"Keep your voice down and look around!" Lin Mo reminded in a deep voice.

However, the three of them lay on the grass and waited for most of the day, and the Weak Water was still calm and there was no change!

Faced with such a scene, the faces of the three people became ugly: "Did the time get wrong?

Not today, but tomorrow or some time in the future?"

Faced with such a question, Lin Mo did not say anything. He had a hunch that there was nothing wrong with what was recorded and speculated in the book.

If the person who controls the Weak Water is going to appear, then he must appear today!

"Mr. Lin, why don't we go back!"

Time passed, and when night was about to fall, Ge Nie and Ge Shan couldn't help yawning. To be honest, if you lie on the grass like this for a whole day, anyone who can stay awake is a god-like existence.

"You can't go back now!" Ge Shan shook his head firmly.

He is already very old now. If he wants to break through his current realm, he must hold on to Lin Mo's thighs.

So he will not go back now no matter what, and he must perform well in front of Lin Mo!

Facing his uncle's enthusiasm, Ge Nie had no choice but to stand there and wait honestly.

Just when the two were getting impatient waiting, Lin Mo's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Stop talking, he's coming!"

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