Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 490: The one who controls the weak water! Kang Hui!

Hearing Lin Mo's words, the two people's breathing suddenly condensed, and they turned around and stared at the place where Lin Mo's eyes were!

"No one..." Ge Nie had a group of doubts in his heart: "Could it be that Mr. Lin saw it wrong?"

Ge Shan, who was standing next to him, also had a puzzled look in his eyes, because they didn't see it.

However, just when the two people's doubts reached their peak, the air in the distance suddenly twisted.

Although it was only a moment, both of them had a feeling:

Something just came in the moment!

The two people felt the oppression brought to them after that moment, and they could hardly breathe!

"What a terrifying power..."

The two people trembled in their hearts and almost dared not speak.

Lin Mo licked his lips. He could feel that the person was there, but he couldn't see any figure.


A footstep sounded, and the figure was approaching them quickly.

"Should we hide first?!" Ge Nie couldn't help but speak.

However, as soon as the voice fell, he felt that his body suddenly flew into the air involuntarily!


Lin Mo's figure also shot out at this time, rushing towards the illusory figure!


Lin Mo swung his fist forward and smashed it hard, and Ge Nie's body was casually thrown on the ground.

The sound of fighting suddenly rang out in the woods.

Ge Shan stood in the distance, staring at Lin Mo's body, hesitating and not daring to move forward.

Ge Nie climbed up at this time, glanced in the direction of Lin Mo, and rushed up with a shout.

He couldn't see the other party, but he thought of a way. He opened his mouth and spit out a large mouthful of blood, caught it directly with both hands, and then rushed to the opposite side of Lin Mo!

The blood was smeared on the invisible body, making his body appear all of a sudden.

It was a man with an old face, and his eyes were full of strong unwillingness.

"Who are you, senior, why do you want to imprison the soul of Jingwei and walk outside with the reputation of Jingwei?"

Lin Mo spoke in a deep voice, and the movement of his hands did not stop.

The old man is very powerful, but from the time Lin Mo attacked until now, he has not used his full strength, and has always been passive.

This is also the reason why Lin Mo did not fight desperately, because he felt that the old man did not seem to have any intention of killing him.

"Jingwei... This child, I just feel very familiar and like him very much!"

The old man did not speak, but such a voice appeared in Lin Mo's mind.

The old man is communicating with himself with mental power or even willpower!

Lin Mo realized this problem in an instant.

"What is your purpose in controlling this place!?" Lin Mo pointed to the weak water not far away and spoke again.

"I need to accumulate strength and make myself stronger, so that I can control the entire world!"

The old man frowned and stared at Lin Mo: "I want to control the world, I am the common master of the world!"

Hearing this, Lin Mo was stunned for a while. He never thought that the reason would be this!

"Who is the senior?!"

Lin Mo stared at him and asked in a deep voice. The person who would become the common master of the world must have an extraordinary identity!

Facing Lin Mo's question, the figure was silent for a long time, and finally spoke slowly!

"Let me think... It's been too long, what is my name?"

He paced back and forth in the same place, looking around at the same time.


The next moment, his figure disappeared, and at the same time, a sound of falling into the water sounded in the distant Weak Water.

He actually jumped directly into the Weak Water!

Lin Mo, Ge Nie and others hurried forward, standing on the shore and looking in the direction of the Weak Water.

"Why jump into the river!" Ge Nie couldn't help but say: "Did you think of something unhappy?"

"Are you stupid?!" Ge Shan on the side couldn't help but say: "This senior is not a living person, don't you see it?!"

Facing Ge Shan's words, Ge Nie was stunned for a moment and looked at him and said: "Not a living person? How is it possible?"

"It's just a remnant soul. It has existed for an unknown period of time. It will come back every once in a while, but things have changed!"

Lin Mo's voice was full of emotion.

At the same time, he looked at Ge Shan with some surprise. His strength was not as good as Ge Nie, but his perception ability was better than Ge Nie!

"Jing Wei!"

After waiting for a long time, Lin Mo couldn't help shouting loudly at the water surface.

A few minutes later, a residual shadow appeared on the water surface.

It was the residual soul of Jing Wei. She looked at Lin Mo with a smile on her face: "Did you find his existence?"

Lin Mo nodded and pointed at Ruoshui: "He went down!"

"What!" Hearing this, Jingwei's face suddenly changed: "Stop him quickly! Find a way to stop Ruoshui!"

Lin Mo and others did not understand the meaning of this sentence. When they were about to ask, the entire water surface suddenly raised a huge wave!

Ruoshui seemed to be alive, with water splashing and making thunderous waves!

A huge wave rolled, and a figure could be vaguely seen standing there, looking down at Lin Mo and others!

That figure was the old man who jumped down!

"Who am I! Who am I!"

"What is my purpose! What am I going to do!"

"I know, I want to control the world, I want to be the co-owner of the world!"

The old man shouted like this, like a headless fly that has lost its goal, constantly venting its uneasiness!

The remnant soul of Jingwei stood beside Lin Mo, looking at the face above the wave with a thoughtful expression.

"I always feel that this face looks very familiar!"

Jingwei murmured, and when she was about to say something, the old man's eyes also noticed her!

"Jingwei! As time goes by, everyone around me seems to have disappeared. You are the only one who can still stay with me!"

The old man looked at her with deep sadness on his face, and even the next moment, he pounced on Jingwei!

Jingwei's face changed slightly, and when he wanted to avoid it, he found that it was too late!

The speed of this figure was extremely fast, and in just a short moment, it arrived at Jingwei's side!

Lin Mo stood in front of Jingwei in a flash, facing the old man alone: ​​"You go first! Hide!"

Jingwei smiled bitterly and said: "I am just a ray of remnant soul now, still a ray of remnant soul in the weak water. It is not easy to hide.

With his control over weak water, it would be effortless to find me! "

"Get out of the way!" Jingwei said slowly after being silent for a moment.

Lin Mo did not move, still looking at the old man: "You know Jingwei, but you have to know that you are just a residual soul now. Even if Jingwei is left behind, what good will you do?

You have already killed her once, do you still want to control her remaining soul forever? "

Hearing Lin Mo's words, the figure trembled suddenly, raised his head and looked at Lin Mo blankly: "I...killed Jingwei?!"

"Countless years ago, a little girl who was playing by the water was dragged into the weak water by you, and at the same time, you used the weak water to trap the child's remnant soul forever!

Didn't you do all this? "Lin Mo looked at the old man and spoke in a deep voice.

There was already some anger in his tone, and his eyes became cold.


The weak water made a series of waves, which were like thunder. At the same time, the old man standing at the head of the tide retreated continuously, looking at Lin Mo with some panic in his eyes.

"I actually...killed Jingwei! Did I kill Jingwei?!"

The old man looked at his hands, then suddenly raised his hands, held his head, and let out a series of roars!

Such a scene can be said to be very terrifying. The old man used his hands hard, and the head was about to explode!

But after a long time, the old man suddenly stopped, with a confused look on his face: "I know my own name!

I know who I am! "

The old man stepped back step by step and stood on the wave. At this time, the momentum on his body gradually gathered.

"My name is Kang Hui! I am Kang Hui!"

As he finished speaking, his body changed, and his old face became much younger, like a middle-aged man!

The pale hair also turned red little by little at this time!

The most important thing is that the original legs have also changed. Gradually in the weak water, those legs disappeared!

It turned into a huge snake tail!

Human body, snake tail, fiery red hair!

He stood there, still with a thoughtful look on his face, but his aura suddenly changed!

Just as the old man said at the beginning, he wants to become the co-lord of the world, and now he really has the aura of being the co-lord of the world!

Looking at the figure in front of him, Lin Mo's mind flashed with various characters recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, but there seemed to be no name like Kang Hui!

"No, I must have overlooked something. He knows Jingwei, and he has such a powerful power... The most important thing is that the characteristics on his body are so obvious..."

Lin Mo recalled the contents of the Classic of Mountains and Seas in his mind, and almost moved the appearance of Kang Hui in front of him closer to the records in the Classic of Mountains and Seas!

Finally, after a long time, Lin Mo found some clues!

"I know! I know who you really are!"

Lin Mo savored the identity of this person that emerged in his mind, with an inexplicable look of shock on his face!

At this time, Ge Nie and Ge Shan also set their sights on Lin Mo. They also wanted to know who the person Lin Mo was talking about was!

"Do you know who I am?!" Kang Hui also looked at Lin Mo, with a calm but majestic look on his face: "Then, tell me, who do you think I am?!"

He recalled his name, but didn't know anything else about him.

If Lin Mo really knew his identity, it might be able to help him remember everything about himself better!

"The Book of Mountains and Seas" records: "The wife of Emperor Yan, the son of Chishui, listened to the coat and gave birth to Yan Ju, Yan Ju gave birth to Jie Bing, the Jie Bing gave birth to play implements, the play implements gave birth to Zhu Rong, Zhu Rong descended to the river, and Gong Gong was born...

Gonggong has a human face and a snake body with red hair. "

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