Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 491: The inheritance of Gonggong!

"Gonggong, Kanghui."

Lin Mo spoke out the information in his mind, and at the same time thought of the reason why he found the name Kang Hui familiar!

That is, another name of Kang Hui is actually Gonggong!

How many Chinese people don’t know about a figure like Gonggong?

The legendary water god was a fierce man who knocked down Buzhou Mountain with his head, and even directly caused a big hole to appear in the sky!

Lin Mo heard such fairy tales countless times when he was a child. Who would have thought that the protagonist in the fairy tale would now appear in front of him!

If the person in front of him was Gonggong, then Lin Mo felt that everything was explained!

Since he is a water god, it is not incomprehensible to control weak water, right?

Moreover, according to legend, Emperor Yao once thought about who to pass his position to when he was old. At that time, Gonggong's reputation was very high, so he wanted to hand over his position to Gonggong.

But later, Shun became more popular among the people, and eventually Emperor Yao changed his mind and passed his position to Emperor Shun.

After knowing the news, Gonggong was furious. As the God of Water, he directly used the water of the world to flood the entire world!

At that time, it directly caused a huge flood!

There is also the story of Dayu’s flood control later!

Before the flood was resolved, Emperor Yao directly exiled him to Youzhou, where he was directly executed!

This is the information Lin Mo inferred from the content in the book.

After he told what he knew, Gonggong's face showed a thoughtful look. After a long time, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Jingwei: "I'm sorry, little girl, it's my fault!"

Having said this, he pointed directly at Jingwei!

A ray of light flew out and fell into Jingwei's body. In an instant, Jingwei's body began to emit endless light, and after just a few breaths, Jingwei's body quickly became full. !

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Mo had a nervous look on his face.

The legendary water god took action and showed such powerful power all of a sudden.

Jingwei is a remnant soul that has been dormant for many years, but now under such great power, the remnant soul has become solidified, and even feels like it is about to recover!

Just as Lin Mo's thoughts were running wildly, Jingwei's body changed.

"Sorry, I remembered those stories. Legend has it that after you died, you turned into a bird called Jingwei, so I made you become a bird and you can fly wherever you want!"

Gonggong's voice sounded, and then Jingwei's body glowed with light. When the light faded, a blue bird appeared in front of everyone!

Looking at the bird in front of him, Lin Mo had a relieved smile on his face.

The remnant soul has existed for so many years and was trapped in the weak water. Now as a flying bird, at least it enjoys freedom!

"Thank you!" Jingwei's voice was full of joy: "In the days to come, I want to see everywhere! I want to see everything in this world, and then go outside to see!"

When Jingwei said this, his eyes fell on Lin Mo: "Can I follow you outside to take a look?"

"Of course, it's my honor!" Lin Mo smiled and nodded.

"Then we agreed!" A smile appeared in Jingweide's eyes, and then a ray of light fell on Lin Mo: "I left a mark on you, and when you are ready to leave, I will look for it your!

Of course, my mark is also of some benefit to you, that is, here, any remaining soul related to my father will give you some face! "

After Jingwei left these words, he flew around Gonggong's body a few times, and then flew away!

Seeing Jingwei's retreating figure, Lin Mo also breathed a long sigh of relief, with a smile on his face.

"Thank you, senior!" Lin Mo said respectfully.

Facing Gonggong, Lin Mo's current idea is not to fight if he can!

After all, Lin Mo didn't have much confidence in fighting the Water God!

"It's my fault, I shouldn't have killed her!" Gonggong's eyes showed an annoyed look: "Now can you sit down and listen to me tell my story?"

Lin Mo, Ge Nie and others looked at each other, and then they all sat there obediently, listening to Gong Gong's story about that year!

"Actually, I really wanted to become the co-owner of the world back then!

But it's not because of my attachment to power, but because I feel that handing over the whole world to Emperor Shun is not a good choice, because in my eyes, Emperor Shun has always been a weak person, too Talented!

But you have to know that in those days, when all the heroes came together, if you were too weak, you would eventually be bullied!

But after getting the final conclusion, I also chose to accept it, and I was ready... ready to replace Emperor Shun at any time!

In my opinion, Emperor Shun could not sit in that position for too long!

But I didn't expect that after Emperor Shun took control of power, he would send people to kill all the members of my Gonggong clan!

At that time, I was fighting outside. When I came back, I received such news. I couldn't bear it, so I wanted to take action against Emperor Shun!

I didn't expect that Emperor Shun had been prepared and sent people to kill me!

I fled to Youzhou, but was killed by the people who were ambushing there!

I lost my consciousness. For so many years, I have always held the obsession of becoming the common master of the world, and it has existed until now!

But I read your memory, Emperor Shun... He did a good job, so it was appropriate for him to kill me at that time, right? "

Gonggong looked at Lin Mo with a thoughtful look on his face and spoke slowly.

Faced with such questions, Lin Mo thought for a moment and shook his head.

"Senior, I think there must be some misunderstanding here!"

Lin Mo looked at him and said firmly: "If Emperor Shun is really as wise as the legend says, I don't think he would do such a thing!

Also, do you know what this world is called?

This is called the Battlefield of the Gods, where almost all the gods in Chinese mythology died!

I saw Kuafu’s blood pool, I saw you, and I will definitely see other gods later!

I think maybe I will have a chance to see Emperor Shun. I think the people from your tribe who were missing back then should be the ones who caused the battlefield of the gods!

You must have all been deceived! "

Faced with this explanation, Gonggong fell into silence. After a long time, Ruoshui suddenly became powerful!

The next moment, Weak Shui flew directly into the sky, and disappeared immediately after an instant!

Lin Mo and others looked at all this in stunned silence. While they were stunned, the disappeared weak water appeared again!

Gonggong's figure also stood at the top of the wave, but compared with before, Gonggong's body seemed a bit illusory.

"Senior! Did you go somewhere just now?"

"I took a look at this world!" Gonggong said in a deep voice. It can be seen that he must have consumed a lot of energy. At this moment, his figure was dim and his strength had also dissipated a lot: "Your guess is probably true. I felt the remnant soul of Emperor Shun, but I couldn't condense it at all!

I also feel that there are people who have a blood feud with my clan. Those people have nothing to do with Emperor Shun, and it was even Emperor Shun who killed them!

So I must be wrong! "

Gonggong's face suddenly became lonely, because according to this truth, how many people died after Gonggong raged against Buzhou Mountain and the sky collapsed?

The legendary Youdu is the place where Gonggong was born after he clashed with Buzhou Mountain!

It’s the legendary country of death!

One person directly created a kingdom of death. What a horrific crime!

"Senior, please express your condolences!" Lin Mo said in a deep voice. Facing Gonggong at this moment, there was no fear on his face, he just felt regret!

An extremely powerful water god turned out to be such an impulsive being.

"There is nothing to feel sorry for. Since you have done something wrong, you must be punished, but my strength must finally be passed down!"

When Gonggong said this, his eyes fell on Lin Mo and others: "Among the three of you, you are the only one who can accept my power!"

The person Gonggong mentioned was naturally Lin Mo.

"You seem to have control over the power of the water attribute, which is similar to mine, so you are my successor!"

As he spoke, regardless of whether Lin Mo agreed or not, a surge of power poured into Lin Mo's body!

This feeling was very strange, as if in an instant, Lin Mo's control over the water attribute increased countless times!

Originally he only controlled the water flow, but now Lin Mo seems to be able to communicate with the water flow!

He pointed his finger in the air, and a stream of weak water flowed out, hanging in his palm.

"Very good!" Gonggong looked at this scene and nodded with satisfaction: "As for the power in the realm, you will naturally be able to master it after all the seals on your body are removed!

My things are done. The obsession has existed for so long and should dissipate! "

Gonggong's voice was so ethereal, like a traveler who had been wandering outside for countless years and finally embarked on his return journey!

Along with the sound of waves, Gonggong's body slowly disappeared!

Lin Mo looked at the direction where Gonggong disappeared and sighed softly.

It's a pity that such a character who was supposed to be a hero ended up like this!

Lin Mo waved slightly to the weak water, and the weak water all over the sky split into a stream of water, which fell into Lin Mo's palm.

In a few seconds, this stream of water turned into a ball of light the size of a soybean, which was stored between Lin Mo's eyebrows.

The remaining weak water returned to the original mountain top.

Lin Mo just extracted the essence of Weak Shui and mastered the essence. He can control Weak Shui at any time!

Of course, with Lin Mo's current strength, it would be too expensive to control the entire weak water, but it is still very easy to control part of it!

Even if it is only a part, it is still a terrifying fighting force for Lin Mo!

"Let's go, we're going down the mountain!" Lin Mo looked at the two people beside him and said in a deep voice.

Ge Nie and Ge Shan nodded repeatedly, and there was something else in their eyes when they looked at Lin Mo!

After all, Lin Mo is a person who has mastered the power of gods. With such a person leading them, there will indeed be many more possibilities in the future!

Thinking of this, the two of them suddenly became excited.

"In the future, maybe we can actually go outside and have a look!" Such thoughts flashed through the minds of the two of them!

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