Sadness is destined not to last too long. Lin Mo felt the direction from which the bloody air came, and then suddenly raised his head to look there!

Three breaths came from three different places. Lin Mo's mental power still had no effect, but at this moment the three figures did not hide their thoughts at all, but madly showed their strength!

This is a kind of deterrence, wanting to scare away the opponent with their own strength!

Lin Mo felt these breaths, and a cold look appeared on his face.

He took a step forward, and the Yanxiang technique was already performed. He saw the appearance of the three beasts from a distance!

One of them turned out to be a black bear with a black body. Its body was just like a hill. When it ran, the whole ground kept shaking.

On the other side, it was a bloody wolf. It was hard to imagine how the bloody hair was formed.

Its body was not very big, but the aura that enveloped its body was extremely terrifying. The most important thing was that Lin Mo could feel that this wolf seemed to contain a certain aura that matched the heart of killing!

The last beast made Lin Mo completely unexpected. It was actually a giant python covered in snow-white!

The strong smell of blood came from its body as thick as a millstone. It seemed to see Lin Mo standing in the air. When it swam quickly, it opened its bloody mouth towards Lin Mo.

An even stronger smell of blood came to his face!


Lin Mo immediately realized that these auras were filled with poison, and immediately sealed his breath.

The blood wolf had the lowest strength, but it was far superior to Lin Mo, reaching the fifth level of the martial emperor. As for the white python and the black bear, their strengths reached the sixth and seventh levels respectively!

"Human, get out of here. This is not the place for you!"

The next moment, the huge body of the black bear had come to the periphery of the Meteorite Valley. Looking at Lin Mo in the air, it actually spoke human words and asked Lin Mo to leave.

As for the white python and the blood wolf, they formed a triangle with the black bear, fighting against Lin Mo together while guarding against each other.

"This is the Falling God Valley, where the strong men of mankind fell. You are the ones who shouldn't come here!" Lin Mo said lightly: "Besides, since this is the place where the strong men fell, what good will it do for you to come here!

Let's leave quickly. I want to destroy this place and let the strong men rest in peace!"

Lin Mo said, destroying this place is his real idea.

Since the residual souls of those strong men have dissipated, there is naturally no need to keep this place.

The bones left by the heroes must not be bitten and humiliated by these beasts!

"It seems that you want to die!" Black Bear said lightly, and then looked at the other two beasts: "Should we kill this kid first, and then go in to look for opportunities by our own ability, or rush in now to look for opportunities, and then keep the opportunities by our own ability?"

"I don't like to keep unstable factors, so let's kill this kid!"

The white python raised its head and looked at Lin Mo. There were two grape-sized eyes on its triangular head. Such a pair of eyes was full of coldness, which made people tremble all over!

"Blood Wolf, attack!" Black Bear looked at Blood Wolf and ordered directly.

"Ah!" Blood Wolf looked at Black Bear coldly, and then howled to the sky.

The next moment, a bloody aura emanated from its body, and the scarlet blood aura spread to the surroundings and the air.

"Damn it, Blood Wolf, can't you be more careful, it's going to get us!"

The white python's voice was full of dissatisfaction, and the next moment, it actually supported its head with its body and stood up directly!

The body of the white python was hundreds of meters long. Now it sent its body directly to a height of dozens of meters, and stared coldly at Lin Mo from a distance.

Facing such a scene, Lin Mo did not feel much in his heart, but looked vigilantly in the direction of the black bear.

By now, the blood mist rose, and the body of the black bear disappeared. Lin Mo had no mental power to exert, so he naturally could not sense the location of the black bear.


At this moment, Lin Mo suddenly heard the sound of the wind!

What kind of huge object broke through the strong wind? The sound!

He instinctively flew to the side, and at this time, a huge tree trunk as thick as a man's embrace was thrown out from the ground!

Obviously, this was done by the black bear!

Kacha! !

Lin Mo swung the three-pointed double-edged sword and directly broke the tree trunk into several sections, and then stared coldly at the place where the tree trunk flew from before.


The Jiuzhou Order was directly suspended above Lin Mo's head. The next moment, the light enveloped it, making Lin Mo's momentum soar twice!

Five Beast Fist!

Lin Mo performed the Five Beast Fist. This was the first time he performed this kind of boxing in this world. Moreover, under the blessing of Jiuzhou Order, the five beasts seemed to actually exist in this world!

The dragon roared and the tiger howled, and the leopard's body was even more agile...

"Damn it, you actually attacked me first!" Baimang didn't expect that Lin Mo's first target was her!

You know, from beginning to end, she didn't make a move!

Now Lin Mo actually started to attack first!

He opened his mouth and spit out a blood light, which condensed into a huge light shield, trying to block the bombardment of the Five Beast Fist.

But as soon as the light shield was formed, Lin Mo punched again!

Unlike the last time, Lin Mo's punch this time was actually rolled up with a strong wind!


The fist wind whistled, and it actually blew away part of the blood mist.

"Go!" Lin Mo roared, and threw the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand towards the blood wolf!

The blood wolf's eyes suddenly shrank, and then dodged in another direction.

The white python looked at Lin Mo with mockery in his eyes. In his opinion, the reason why Lin Mo turned to deal with the blood wolf was because he did not hurt it after the previous attack.

But the next moment, a sharp pain came, and the white body fell heavily from the air to the ground!

When the huge body fell, it blew away the blood mist, revealing the following scene:

The three-pointed two-edged knife was inserted straight into the ground, and it can be seen that the body of the white python was actually broken directly from the middle!

A large amount of blood surged out from the other half of the body, dyeing the ground red!

"You!" The white python looked at Lin Mo and felt humiliated!

Its strength was stronger than that of the blood wolf, but Lin Mo was the first to attack him, and the most important thing was that he succeeded!

"What are you two waiting for? Hurry up and make your move! Are you going to wait until he kills me before you make your move?" The white python looked at the black bear and the blood wolf and urged them loudly.

"Roar!" The black bear roared and rushed out of the blood mist.

The white python had an excited look on his face, thinking that the black bear was going to make his move.

But the next moment, his face showed a look of panic.

Because his body was suddenly pulled up by the black bear, and then the black bear's sharp claws fiercely pierced into his flesh and blood, and at the same time, he pulled hard!

More blood surged out, followed by the internal organs!

The black bear tore the internal organs and swallowed them directly, and a snake gall the size of an egg was also swallowed by him!

The white python had not died completely at this time, but looked at the black bear with a fierce face.

"You! You actually!"

The black bear didn't want to give her any time to talk, and slapped down with its huge claws, which immediately made its head explode!

The white things scattered, and the black bear nodded with satisfaction, then looked up at the sky.

"Human, although you are not very strong, you are very smart. So, are you ready to face the attack of the two of us next!"

The black bear said, and actually slapped the ground with his claws, and then his huge body pounced towards Lin Mo!

It's hard to imagine that a body as big as a hill can jump so high!

When Lin Mo wanted to dodge, it was too late!

With a bang, Lin Mo's body was like a kite with a broken string, and it smashed down hard towards the distance!

On the ground, in a deep pit, Lin Mo lay there quietly, and blood began to flow from the corners of his mouth.

The body of the black bear approached step by step. Just when he wanted to speak, Lin Mo suddenly opened his hands and clenched them fiercely towards the distance!


The three-pointed two-edged sword flew directly over!

You know, this is a heavenly weapon, extremely sharp. Caught off guard, the black bear's body was actually pierced directly by the three-pointed two-edged sword!

Blood splashed out, and Lin Mo rushed out directly with a three-pointed double-edged knife in hand!

The black bear roared, and blood kept spraying, but he didn't care and rushed towards Lin Mo regardless!

Lin Mo's speed was fast enough, but there was still some gap when facing the black bear.


The black bear's fists kept leaving marks on Lin Mo's body, and soon his body turned bloody.

"Roar!" The black bear roared loudly: "Do you think your injuries can do anything to me? I can recover while fighting you!

Blood Wolf, why are you still standing there? Hurry up and make a move!"

The black bear roared at the blood wolf while making a move.

The wolf howled loudly, and the blood mist began to move towards Lin Mo.

Lin Mo looked at the direction of the blood mist, his eyes flickered slightly, and he thought of a possibility.


At the risk of getting injured again, Lin Mo used the three-pointed double-edged knife to leave another wound on the black bear's abdomen.

"I want to see how fast you can recover!" Lin Mo roared loudly.

"Soon, after killing you, I will be able to recover almost completely!" Black Bear sneered in response.

At this time, the footsteps of the Blood Wolf were very close to Lin Mo!

And, the Blood Wolf was right behind Lin Mo!


The blood mist dispersed, and the Blood Wolf rushed towards Lin Mo with a gust of wind!

But the height it jumped was higher than Lin Mo's head!

At the moment when the Blood Wolf pounced, Lin Mo squatted down directly!

The Blood Wolf's body suddenly surpassed Lin Mo and pounced directly on the Black Bear!

"Ah! Damn it, what are you doing, what are you doing!" The Black Bear was bitten on the neck by the Blood Wolf.

He struggled desperately and roared continuously at the same time.

His claws left wounds on the Blood Wolf's body.

But the Blood Wolf's teeth bit his flesh tightly and were unwilling to let go at all!

Lin Mo looked at this scene and attacked directly, chopping the black bear with his three-pointed double-edged sword!

The black bear was attacked from both sides. Although it was very strong and had amazing defense, it could not withstand such an attack!

In the end, it gradually died!

The black bear was dead!

The blood wolf slowly opened its mouth and looked at Lin Mo, with a pair of wolf eyes full of scrutiny.

"So, he gave you the heart of killing, right?"

Blood Wolf suddenly asked.

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