The blood wolf slowly opened his mouth and looked at Lin Mo, with a pair of wolf eyes filled with scrutiny.

"So, he gave you his murderous heart, right?"

Xue Lang suddenly asked.

"So, you want to take the murderous heart away from me?" Lin Mo looked at it and spoke slowly.

Regarding the blood wolf, Lin Mo actually had many questions that he wanted to ask clearly, but at this time, both sides were in a state of tit-for-tat.

In this scenario, Lin Mo would naturally not show any signs of weakness.

Xue Lang looked at Lin Mo deeply. After a long time, he took a step forward.


In an instant, Lin Mo seemed to see the sea of ​​blood produced when Chi You took action again, and it was as if he remembered the shrill roar again!

With a solemn look on Lin Mo's face, he also took a step forward.

He has not yet mastered his murderous intention, but he cannot show any cowardice at this time.

Fight to the end!


The Kyushu Order was directly suspended in mid-air. At this moment, the light fell again. The difference was that this time the light fell on the blood wolf, making its original terrifying aura suddenly reduce a lot.

The blood wolf's eyes flashed with surprise, and after a long time, he suddenly took a step back.

"We can talk!" Xue Lang said, a lot of his aura had dissipated.

"It's okay to talk about it!" Lin Mo chuckled, and the Nine Provinces Order was hanging on his fingertips: "So, do you know Chi You?"

"Are you kidding? Of course I don't know him!" Xue Lang slowly shook his head: "I just felt the aura of the murderous heart a few years ago and saw it from a distance several times, so I slowly tried to use it Fight this way.

After countless years of accumulation, I have gained some insights into the way of killing! "

"You're lying!" Lin Mo slowly shook his head: "You, the black bear and the white python will never be together. At the beginning, you felt the changes in the Valley of the Meteor God, so you let out a roar.

In fact, your purpose is to scare away the ferocious beasts that are weaker than you and covet this place, but the black bear and white python are far stronger than you, so you can only follow them.

After you saw it, you felt the aura of killing intent from me, so you deliberately showed the killing aura in yourself, just to remind me that you are not my enemy.

In the subsequent battle, although you released the blood mist, you were actually covering up. I took advantage of the situation and killed the white python directly, and you and I teamed up to get rid of the black bear!

From beginning to end, this is all your plan! Lin Mo spoke directly and expressed his guess.

Xue Lang looked at Lin Mo, his eyes full of surprise.

After a moment, Xue Lang finally nodded: "You are very smart, you have guessed so much based on these clues!

However, what you said is not entirely correct! "

Lin Mo looked at it, waiting for him to continue.

"You should know Chi You's fighting style, right?" Xue Lang looked at Lin Mo and asked slowly.

Lin Mo nodded, these records were recorded in the Book of Mountains and Seas.

Legend has it that Chi You tamed various ferocious beasts for use in battles. His own mount was an iron-eating beast, also known as a panda.

"Are you one of those ferocious beasts that Chi You tamed?" Lin Mo looked at the blood wolf with a shocked look on his face.

If the blood wolf in front of me is really related to Chi You back then, or even one of the ferocious beasts that he personally tamed, then all this would be terrible!

Fortunately, Xue Lang shook his head gently, with a helpless look on his face, and said: "If I were a ferocious beast of that era, how old would I be now?

Young man, you must have some brains! "

Lin Mo was speechless and simply stopped talking, quietly waiting for Xue Lang's explanation.

"I have a trace of the blood of those ferocious beasts!" Blood Wolf finally spoke, telling the truth: "I was actually born in the Meteor God Valley. After I grew up, I discovered that there were many ferocious beasts outside the Meteor God Valley. Beasts covet this place.

So I left the Meteor God Valley and stayed outside. I killed many ferocious beasts and my own strength continued to grow stronger.

Later, I felt the changes in the Valley of the Meteor God and returned here alone. What I didn't expect was that the wolves I grew up with all died!

I met Chi You, but unfortunately I was not the one he was waiting for.

But he still showed his murderous heart to me. However, unlike you, I did not complete the inheritance, and my opportunities were not enough!

So I left the Valley of the Meteor God and was still doing my previous job!

Until now, I met you! "

The blood wolf had a nostalgic look on his face as he told his story.

Lin Mo had a solemn look on his face, and finally slowly clasped his fists: "Thank you, senior, for protecting the burial place of my human hero!"

"This is just the mission in my bloodline. Now that the mission is completed, I should leave here!" Xue Lang said, then turned and walked away.

Lin Mo opened his mouth, but finally said nothing.

The blood wolf has guarded this place for so many years, and it is reasonable to want to leave now.

What's more, Lin Mo is not sure whether what Xuelang said is true. If all of this is false, leaving Xuelang will only add trouble to himself!

After the figure of the blood wolf disappeared, Lin Mo slowly stood up, the Kyushu Order blessed him, and then he waved the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand and slashed it down in front!


A terrifying ray of light burst out and struck the stone walls on both sides!

In an instant, the rocks rolled, and the whole world seemed to be shaking!

Countless rocks directly buried the valley, and the Meteor God Valley disappeared from this moment!

Lin Mo looked at the Meteor God Valley in front of him, silently said goodbye in his heart, then turned around and walked in the other direction.

There are still three seals left on his body to be unlocked. Chi You has been found so far. Lin Mo wants to know who he will meet when he unlocks the seal later.

After thinking about it, he took out the fragment of the Book of Mountains and Seas he was carrying. There were not many words on it, but now, Lin Mo recalled the places where the three seals he encountered earlier were unlocked, and then his eyes flickered slightly.

After thinking for a moment, he took out the original leather scroll again, and after comparing them with each other, a smile appeared on his face.

"It turns out that it is really what I thought. The so-called three seal locations actually match the three locations of the Classic of Mountains and Seas, and the leather scroll I got from the survivors of the Pre-Qin Dynasty is actually the map of the Classic of Mountains and Seas!

According to the above records and my current experience, my current location should be here! "

Lin Mo carefully drew lines on the leather scroll, with a big smile on his face. He actually found his position on the map!

Then, he began to search according to the description on the fragment.

"If I guess correctly, if I want to unlock other seals, I should look for the places where the legendary gods live!

Fire Cloud Cave! "

Such a place popped up in Lin Mo's mind, and he immediately started looking for it.

I have to say that Lin Mo is very lucky. Fire Cloud Cave is located in a mountain not far from Lin Mo!

But seeing the short distance on the scroll, God knows how far it would take to get to that place!

"Besides that, the place where the Yellow Emperor lived is actually worth visiting, but it's a long way, so I'd better go to the Fire Cloud Cave first!"

After making up his mind, Lin Mo put away the Jiuzhou Order, and then began to rush wildly towards the Fire Cloud Cave!

"In fact, according to some legends, the people who lived in the Fire Cloud Cave also included the Yellow Emperor!

Therefore, if these records are correct, I may be able to unlock all the remaining seals on my body in Fire Cloud Cave! "

With this thought, Lin Mo maintained his extreme speed for three days!

For three days and three nights, Lin Mo didn't close his eyes and just ran all the way.

Finally, at dawn on the fourth day, I saw a mountain range in the distance!

Even though they were far apart, Lin Mo couldn't help but sigh that those outstanding people in ancient times knew how to choose places, because the mountains in front of them looked like a dozen giant dragons crawling there from a distance!

The most important thing is that the spiritual energy here is extremely rich, and the power of energy and blood is continuously transformed and poured into the core area of ​​​​the mountain range!

"It seems that that's where the Fire Cloud Cave is!" With a smile on his face, Lin Mo arrived at the entrance of the mountain range at noon.

The reason why it is said to be at the entrance is because there is someone waiting quietly here.

"Hello, brother!" The person guarding here seemed to be waiting for Lin Mo. After seeing him, a smile immediately appeared on his face. At the same time, he slowly stepped forward, clasped his fists at Lin Mo and said: " May I ask if you are Lin Mo?"

Hearing that the other party called out his name, Lin Mo's face showed a vigilant look. He took a step back slightly and stared at the other party: "Senior knows me? Why don't I have any impression of senior?"

The man in front of him looked very old, and he was even more old-fashioned when he spoke. Lin Mo was not at a disadvantage by calling him a senior.

What's more, Lin Mo couldn't see through the old man in front of him until now. God knows if this old man is like a sweeping monk.

So it's better not to provoke him.

"Of course I know you. You have Chi You's murderous heart, traces of weak water, and even bathed in Kuafu's blood!

Opportunities like this are quite common among us. If I still don’t know your identity, then my Fenghou’s Qimen skills have failed! "

The old man spoke slowly, with a smile on his face.

But after hearing the old man's words, Lin Mo couldn't laugh anymore.

Because he heard the old man say his name.

After the wind? !

Lin Mo's eyes widened: "Are you the Feng Queen?! The legendary Feng Queen?!"

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