Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 497: The Spiritual Seal is Released!

After the wind? !

Lin Mo looked at the old man in front of him, with a calm smile on his face, as if he had blended into the environment.

"It's me." The old man nodded with a smile: "I have been waiting for you here, but I didn't expect you to come so fast!

No, I probably didn’t expect you to come so late! "

"What does senior mean?"

Lin Mo frowned slightly, wondering what Feng Hou meant by the two different sentences.

"Quick, because I am not ready to say goodbye to them, late because we have been waiting for you for many years!" Feng Hou slowly said: "Okay, you don't have to understand many things clearly, you just need to remember In a word, as long as I won’t cheat you!

You are the person we have chosen for a long time. Everything about you is what we tried our best to keep. You should know what I mean! "

Lin Mo's heart sank, and when he looked towards Fenghou, he saw a meaningful smile on his face.

"I don't quite understand what the senior said." Lin Mo had already begun to be wary. He was sure what Feng Hou meant by everything.

But what if Feng Hou was just deceiving him? Or could it be said that Fenghou simply stood on the opposite side of Lin Mo, making him an enemy rather than a friend?

Sensing Lin Mo's vigilance, the smile on Fenghou's face became even stronger.

"Okay, very good!" Fenghou raised her hand and pointed lightly at Lin Mo!

Lin Mo felt as if there was a surge of power in his body, and then all the seals on his body appeared in front of him!

Looking at the seal on his body, Lin Mo had a surprised look on his face.

However, what surprised Lin Mo was far more than that.

Feng Hou gently raised his hand and grabbed lightly among the seals, and then Lin Mo felt as if a shackle was being opened on his body.

The next moment, Lin Mo knew what shackles he had been released from.

First of all, the spiritual seed in the body suddenly exploded from its original sluggish state, just like taking a little blue pill!

Status explosion!

The spiritual seed was beating like crazy. At this time, Lin Mo could even feel the joy of the spiritual seed. It was an unparalleled joy that came completely from the heart.

Immediately afterwards, overwhelming spiritual power surged, filling Lin Mo's body!

Lin Mo felt as if his head was going to explode. The mental power roaring in like a mountain and sea almost made Lin Mo faint on the spot!

After a long time, Lin Mo slowly closed his eyes, then took a deep breath, and finally opened his eyes suddenly!

All the mental power calmed down in the body. However, even Feng Hou couldn't help but glance at Lin Mo.

Because at this moment, he seemed to have some terrible power hidden in his body.

"It's good for a gentleman to hide his weapons in his body!" Feng Hou looked at Lin Mo and nodded slowly.

However, the next moment, Lin Mo's spiritual power suddenly surged, wrapping Feng Hou in it!

There was a look of surprise on Fenghou's face, but there was not much panic.

Raising his hand and tapping lightly in the air, the mental power surging from Lin Mo's body suddenly dissipated!

The most important thing is that after finishing all this, Feng Hou raised her hand and tapped Lin Mo again.

In an instant, Lin Mo felt that his body could not move!

The original spiritual seed fell into silence again.

Fenghou looked at him with a smile: "How dare you attack me? Don't you think about it, since I can unlock the seal on you, why can't I entrust the seal to you again?"

"So, all of this is your own handiwork? It sounds so nice, but what benefit does sealing our bodies do to you?"

Facing Lin Mo's questioning, Fenghou's face showed neither sadness nor joy: "It's impossible for you to cause my mood swings. I haven't had any mood swings for countless years!"

"Are you and Chi You really friends? After Chi You died, he wanted to take a sip of wine before he disappeared!" Lin Mo suddenly said: "I didn't bring the wine with me, so he left with regrets. Tell me, what am I doing now?" What kind of mood should I use to face you?

To face all your arrangements? "

Faced with Lin Mo's question, Feng Hou was silent for a moment, then looked up at him: "I want you to believe that all this is voluntary on their own, and no matter whose death it is, it is voluntary!"

"So they should die and you can live well?" Lin Mo looked at Feng Hou with contempt on his face.

He didn't hate Feng Hou, but he hated everything Feng Hou did.

Demanding others with the highest moral standards ultimately accomplishes one's own goals.

Faced with this, Feng Hou didn't want to explain any more, and just said lightly: "I don't have much time. Although your kid is interested in me, it also makes me very unhappy, so..."

The next moment, Lin Mo saw Fenghou raising her hand and patting his head gently, and the dissipated mental power returned again.

"Remember, the role of mental power is much more than that. When you are strong enough, mental power will be the sharpest knife in your hand!"

Feng Hou spoke calmly, and then the robe on her body began to fly away with the wind!

At this time, Lin Mo saw the condition of Fenghou and couldn't help but take a breath of air.

There are traces of insects all over Fenghou's body. The most important thing is that the traces left by these insects are also mottled with blood. In some wounds, living insects can be seen constantly coming in and out.

Lin Mo stared at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but asked: "Has this always happened to you over the years?"

"It's not always the case. In the first fifty years, my body was in good health. But as time went by, I knew that I probably couldn't hold on for that long, so I refined myself and stayed here. , waiting for your arrival.

You are finally here now!

My mission has been completed, and everything else has nothing to do with us! "

As Feng Hou spoke, his body continued to dissipate.

A flash of anger suddenly appeared on Lin Mo's face. He looked at the direction where the wind had disappeared, and shouted loudly: "Why are you people? Why are you disappearing in front of me one by one like a breeze?" , even the possibility of reincarnation is gone!

You are all so great, but now the mess is in my hands, why?

Why should I do this?

I don't do it anymore, I give up! "

Tears flowed from Lin Mo's eyes. Ever since Chi You died, Lin Mo had been holding a breath in his heart. Now he saw Feng Hou dissipating in the same way before his eyes.

This made Lin Mo's mentality completely shattered, and he yelled loudly.

"Because you are a good boy. Since you are a good boy, you should do things that satisfy the adults!

We were all good children once. If adults were still alive for what we did, they would definitely praise us!

So, work hard, the mental power in you has not been completely unlocked, but it is definitely enough at this stage!

Bye now! "

The wind behind also dissipated. Looking at the empty mountain entrance in front of him, Lin Mo had a smile on his face.

“Everything is arranged, everything about me, everything I experience is arranged!

What about those people I met before? Do their lives and deaths have any meaning? "

After exhaling a long breath, Lin Mo looked at the mountains in the distance and simply gave up his plan to climb the mountain for the time being. Instead, he lit a fire directly on the spot and started making dinner.

Like an ordinary person, Lin Mo went hunting with a huge wooden stick, then used the prey to make a fire to cook, and finally ate and washed the dishes.

All of this was extremely ordinary, but for Lin Mo, it was a rare moment of relaxation.

Ever since he entered this hellish place, Lin Mo didn't know how long it had been since he had such a good meal.

It took Lin Mo more than two hours to finish the meal, and then he slowly stood up and began to move his spine.

He seemed to have forgotten about the Fire Cloud Cave in the mountains and lived like an ordinary person.

One day, two days, three days...

In the blink of an eye, two months have passed.

During this period of time, Lin Mo really seemed like an ordinary person, acting with incomparable precision.


Just when Lin Mo was about to start a new life, someone found him.

This is a monk with a rough face and a thunderous mouth, exactly like the legendary Sun Wukong!

"Monkey King?" Lin Mo looked at the monkey in front of him and asked softly.

"Sage Qitian, my name is Qitian!" Monkey said his name directly: "My name is still insignificant now, but today next year, my name will definitely spread throughout China!"

Qi Tian had an unruly look on his face, and his brows were full of pride.

"You still say that you are not the Monkey King? Obviously your name is Monkey King. If you look at it this way, the rough-faced and thunderous mouth matches the Monkey King."

"I'm really not him!" Qi Tian was a little anxious. He took out the wooden stick from his body and started to dance.

Watching this scene, Lin Mo's face showed an interested look, because originally they just looked alike, but now they are playing with sticks, which is even more exciting!

Lin Mo had a smile on his face and slowly raised his hand: "Okay, brother Qitian, why did you come to see me?"

"Our boss asked me to call you!" Qi Tian chuckled and said, "Hurry up, it's wrong to ask our boss to wait for you!

Also, after meeting the boss, you must think clearly about what you should say and what you shouldn't say. If you talk nonsense, don't blame me for being rude! "

Qi Tian shook the stick in his hand and spoke fiercely.

"Okay!" Lin Mo smiled and nodded, "But what if I don't go to see the boss you call me? What will be the consequences?"

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