Qi Tian was walking in front, with a smile on his face, and the stick in his hand had been thrown away.

"Which ancestors live in Huoyun Cave now?" Lin Mo suddenly spoke while looking at Qi Tian's back.

"The three emperors of heaven, earth and man, of course, there are others, but they are not important figures and can be completely ignored!"

Lin Mo would not really believe Qi Tian's words. How could he be an ordinary person who could live in Huoyun Cave?

The entire mountain range is very large, but following Qi Tian on the mountain road, Lin Mo only felt that the speed seemed to be much faster. When Lin Mo looked back, he found that the original foot of the mountain had been left far behind!

"The entire mountain range is actually constructed with formations, so the distance you look very close is actually very far, and sometimes the distance you look very far is very close.

These formations are only known to us. If you rush in by yourself, you may get into trouble!"

Lin Mo nodded, but his mental power covered all directions.

Soon, a smile appeared on his face, because he was aware of everything around him.

"Can I try it myself?" Lin Mo looked at Qi Tian and said with a smile.

"You want to try it yourself?" Qi Tian turned around and looked at him in surprise: "You have to know that this formation is very powerful. If you are not careful, you may be seriously injured or even die!"

"With you here, how can I get hurt?" Lin Mo said with a smile.


After getting Qi Tian's consent, Lin Mo flashed and came in front of Qi Tian.

After taking a deep breath, he rushed forward.

"The speed is too fast. After all, you are a young man. You are too anxious!

At this speed, if something goes wrong, I may not even be able to save you in time!"

Qi Tian looked at Lin Mo's back and shook his head helplessly.

However, Lin Mo's mental power has been changing, and everything around him has been collected in his mind.

In the original dream world, Lin Mo had exchanged some formations, which happened to include the formation he encountered now.

The most important thing is that the formation that Lin Mo exchanged is even more complicated than the one in front of him!

So although Lin Mo's initial speed was relatively fast in Qi Tian's opinion, for Lin Mo, it was a decision made after careful selection.

He was ready to move forward at the current speed.

However, after confirming that there was no problem with the map he had exchanged, Lin Mo's speed doubled again!

Qi Tian followed behind Lin Mo, and seeing that Lin Mo had stepped into the dangerous area, he hurriedly followed him, and at the same time, his blood and qi were running, ready to rescue at any time.

However, at this moment, he suddenly saw that Lin Mo's speed had increased again!

"Damn, this unlucky kid, why are you so arrogant, where do you think this is, stop it!" Qi Tian was shocked by Lin Mo's behavior.

He was not worried that Lin Mo would die here, but he was worried that if Lin Mo died, it would cause the anger of some ancestors of Huoyun Cave, and he might not be able to escape at that time.

At this time, he regretted it very much and felt that he should not let Lin Mo come in by himself.

However, as he chased forward, he suddenly realized after a while that the most dangerous section had passed!

"Nothing happened?" Looking at the back in the distance, Qi Tian also raised his hand and scratched his head. He couldn't understand why a person who had never been here could understand the formation here?

"Go find this kid and ask him clearly!" Qi Tian gritted his teeth and chased after Lin Mo directly.

Lin Mo, who was rushing in front, felt that Qi Tian was chasing behind him, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Then, the speed doubled again!

Lin Mo now, the whole person is just a residual image.

"This bastard!" Seeing this scene, Qi Tian's eyes were straight. Such a fast speed, even he dared not do it now!

Qi Tian was unhappy, but he quickly speeded up and caught up.

But soon, a helpless look appeared on his face, because he suddenly found that his speed could not catch up with him at all!

"Why is this kid so weird? No wonder those big shots want to see him!" Qi Tian murmured.

As time went by, the two had come to the depths of the mountains, and Lin Mo's face had already shown a smile, because he felt the rich blood and qi in the air around him.

These rich blood and qi are actually because the environment of Huoyun Cave is very good, and the people living there are all heroes, known as the emperor of man.

Not far away, Qi Tian looked at Lin Mo who had stopped, and couldn't help but smile: "Run again, you kid keep running!"

"No, why is there a river in the depths of the mountains? The most important thing is that the water surface of this river is so wide!"

Lin Mo looked at Qi Tian with a look of shock and confusion on his face.

Qi Tian smiled faintly: "It's normal, wait patiently, someone will come to pick you up!"

As Qi Tian's voice fell, Lin Mo suddenly found a ship floating in the distant sky.

Looking at the ship in front of him, Lin Mo's eyes suddenly lit up.

"There really is a boat!" Lin Mo shouted in surprise, and then the boat slowly came towards them.

Lin Mo saw a middle-aged man standing on the boat. He was wearing a coarse linen shirt and was dirty. He looked like a mason who had just moved bricks.

The man held a metal pole in his hand, and at the other end was a shovel-like tool. He used this tool to row the boat.

But Lin Mo looked at the tool in his hand and felt that it was not for rowing, but for something else.

"Brother Yu." Qi Tian saluted the man with his fists, and then said with a smile: "I finally brought the person back for you. Now I officially hand it over to you. I don't care about other things!"

After that, he turned around and left.

Lin Mo looked at this scene blankly, and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Why do I feel that Qi Tian seems to be in a hurry."

"He shouldn't be in a hurry now. There is a task, but it is not as urgent as it is now!"

Lin Mo nodded slightly, then looked at the middle-aged man, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"What is the identity of the person in front of me?"

"The tool in his hand... looks like a shovel, and Qi Tian calls him Brother Yu..."

Lin Mo felt that he had guessed something. He looked at the man and couldn't help but stutter.

"Senior, you are not Dayu..."

Too much like, the person in front of him is exactly the legendary Dayu!

The man was stunned when he heard Lin Mo's words: "Why didn't Qi Tian tell you that I am Dayu, I usually go boating and fishing here, and when someone comes, I just work as a boatman."

Listening to Dayu's words, Lin Mo's face was helpless.

The man in front of him is the legendary Dayu. If everything in the legend is true, Dayu is the maker of the current water vein map of China.

All the water flow directions in China today are perfected by Dayu with his own imagination.

The most important thing is that Dayu's son is the starting point of China's feudal history!

"Hello, senior!" Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Lin Mo saluted him respectfully.

Dayu smiled and nodded. He put his hands behind his back and wanted to say something, but found that he couldn't say anything. He could only stand there and smile foolishly.

"Senior, do you know what's going on with me?" Lin Mo looked at Dayu and couldn't help asking.

"I know a little. This is all the idea of ​​Feng Hou. By the way, when I mentioned Feng Hou, I suddenly thought of a few words.

After Feng Hou completed his layout, he said: If that kid knew that we were arranging everything for him, we would die miserably!

I don't know the rest, but I know very well that Feng Hou really values ​​you!"

Lin Mo listened to these words, but his expression did not change much.

"Senior, I want to tell you one thing, that is, Feng Hou is dead!" Lin Mo's voice fell, and the whole space suddenly fell into eternal silence.

The original ship was still swimming forward, but just a moment ago, the ship stopped!

Lin Mo moved his body and found that he was not affected. He looked at both sides of the ship, and then suddenly found that the water surface was still.

At this time, it was like someone banned time!

"Senior, are you okay?" Lin Mo glanced at the distance behind him, ready to run away at any time after discovering the problem.

"It's okay. After so many years, it's time to die. Unlike us who have lived for so long, there is no way to participate in any process. I can't leave this river, and they can't walk out of the cave!

Otherwise, do you think the gods are likely to fall?

And those so-called abyss creatures, how can they be our opponents?"

Facing Dayu's crazy output, Lin Mo suddenly felt what real sadness is.

This kind of sadness is not visible on the surface, but carefully savoring every word the other party said, it's like a tearful and bloody remembrance from the heart!

"Senior, condolences!" In the end, Lin Mo still said these two words honestly.

Dayu glared at Lin Mo fiercely, but didn't say anything, but changed the subject: "You, do you know why I was left on this river?"

Lin Mo shook his head. Of course, Lin Mo didn't know what happened back then.

"Because I changed the original trajectory and diverted the waterway without the consent of the Heavenly Dao, I was eventually punished. The entire river is the water flow that I guided away that year, and I was left here forever!

I won't die, but it doesn't seem like a normal living state!"

Facing the unwillingness on Dayu's face, Lin Mo opened his mouth, but didn't know how to comfort him.

At this time, Dayu looked at Lin Mo and asked again: "Do you think I should regret what I did back then?

Is it right or wrong for me to control the flood?"

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