"Tell me, what's going on?!"

In the office, Zhang Lianchang looked at Lin Mo's latest Qi and blood data with a serious expression: "Qi and blood is 0.8... But the strength you showed on stage is not what you can show with such a small amount of Qi and blood!"

"My family gave me a Qi and Blood Pill." Lin Mo answered truthfully.

"Even if you take Qi and Blood Pills, how much can you absorb based on your talent? 0.4? 0.5? Or maybe you are lucky and reach 0.6?"

Zhang Lianchang frowned. He didn't think Lin Mo could absorb more than 0.7 qi and blood, because this was an ability only possessed by genius warriors.

But judging from Lin Mo's various performances in the past, he cannot be called a genius.

"0.9." Lin Mo suddenly said: "I absorbed 0.9 qi and blood, and my current qi and blood is 1.7."

"This is impossible!" Zhang Lianchang stood up from the stool with a shocked face. He stared at Lin Mo and slowly sat back down.

Thinking of what had just happened, he knew that Lin Mo was not lying.

But being able to absorb 0.9 qi and blood, this can no longer be described as genius!

Even a genius like Liu Qi only absorbed less than 0.8 qi and blood at most!

"Hahaha! 0.9! Genius! Absolute genius!" Zhang Lianchang suddenly laughed: "As long as you have enough Qi and Blood Pills, I am confident that you will be able to train you into an outstanding student that surpasses Liu Qi!

No, I want to train you to be an even better student than Hu Qing! "

Hu Qing is the best student in the current class of Jinling No. 3 Middle School where Lin Mo is located. He has now reached 9.5 qi and blood, and is only 0.5 qi and blood away from becoming a first-grade warrior.

The most important thing is that it is said that Hu Qing has never used Qi and Blood Pills from beginning to end!

In other words, as long as Hu Qing takes the Qi and Blood Pill, he can take that step and become a warrior at any time!

"I will apply to the school for a Qi and Blood Pill for you. In addition, your practice must not fall behind during this period! Don't let yourself become a high-Qi and Blood trash!" Zhang Lianchang said seriously: "There are still more days before the college entrance examination. In half a year, you are at this age when your energy and blood are soaring, so you have to work hard!"

"Thank you, teacher!" A smile appeared on Lin Mo's face. Who wouldn't want a free Qi and Blood Pill?

After leaving the office, Lin Mo went straight to his house.

When he was in school, he discovered an extra space in his head and a ball of light suspended in the space.

He suspected that what was wrapped in that ball of light was the Qi Blood Grass that he dropped after killing the elite monster.

Back in the room, Lin Mo closed his eyes and saw the space in his mind again.

Because he was in a hurry, he didn't have time to pay attention to this space.

Now he looked at the space carefully and couldn't help but gasped: This space is like a warehouse in the game, with a capacity of one cubic meter!

The shimmering light was located in the center of the warehouse. Lin Mo's consciousness slowly approached and finally confirmed what was inside.

Three pale red qi-blood grasses hang there quietly, exuding the power of qi-blood.

"The things I picked up in my dream can actually be brought out!"

Lin Mo's face was filled with excitement.

"But how should I take out these Qi Blood Grasses?" Lin Mo frowned and exited the warehouse.

"The Qi Blood Grass comes out!"

Lin Mo tried to shout, but after the words fell, nothing happened.

"I can't find a doctor to cut my head open..."

Lin Mo complained helplessly, but in his mind he was thinking about taking out the Qi Blood Grass from the warehouse.

The next moment, he felt his eyes light up. The dim light in the warehouse was hanging in front of him, and the Qi Blood Grass inside was within easy reach!

Lin Mo put his hand into the light ball, and his fingertips touched the leaves, and the weak power of Qi and blood lingered around his fingertips.

He grabbed the three Qi Blood Grasses in his hand, and finally a smile appeared on his face.

"Qi-blood grass cannot be stored for a long time. It is still early and the martial arts arena is not closed yet. Sell them first and then buy a Qi-blood pill!"

Lin Mo carried his schoolbag and went out.

"Classmate, it's you again!"

The young lady at the front desk immediately recognized the handsome young man in front of her who had just come here at noon.

"Sister, I'm telling you, Qi and blood will not change in half a day!" The young lady said with a smile: "Of course, it will be different if you buy our low-level Qi and Blood Pill!"

"I'm here to sell things." Lin Mo said with a smile, "Please give me a number!"

"Seller?" The young lady looked Lin Mo up and down, and then took a number from the machine: "There aren't many people over there, just go there!"

After Lin Mo thanked him, he took the number plate and entered the trading office.

"Classmate, do you want to buy our Qi and Blood Pill?" the staff at the trading office asked with a smile on his face.

"I'm here to sell things!" Lin Mo took out three Qi Blood Grasses from his schoolbag.

"Classmate, where are you from?" The staff member looked at Lin Mo and couldn't help but stand up from his seat.

"Do you still need me to provide the origin of the items when conducting transactions here?" Lin Mo said lightly.

"No need, no need!" The staff member smiled and said, "Just out of curiosity! Wait a minute, let's test the remaining efficacy of the medicine!"

The residual medicinal effect represents the freshness of the medicinal materials. The higher the amount of participation, the better the medicinal materials.

A few minutes later, the staff member came back with a happy face.

"Student, the residual efficacy of your three Qi and Blood Grass plants is more than 90%, which is a high-quality medicinal material. Our purchase price is 80,000 yuan per plant!

If you have no objection, we can transfer the money now!"

Lin Mo was of course happy to get an extra 30,000 yuan for no reason.

But this also made Lin Mo understand another thing. The extra warehouse in his mind can maximize the characteristics of the medicinal materials.

In other words, if Lin Mo brought the light ball to the martial arts field and then took out the Qi and Blood Grass, the residual efficacy measured would definitely be higher!

Looking at the extra 240,000 in the mobile phone, Lin Mo bought a low-level Qi and Blood Pill without hesitation.

When leaving the martial arts field, Lin Mo's pace could not help but speed up a lot.

When he got home, the meal was ready.

"I just heard from your mom that your appetite has increased a lot? Is it because the Qi and Blood Pill that your dad gave you has worked?" Lin Dayong looked at Lin Mo and said expectantly, "How much Qi and Blood did you absorb?"

"0.9..." Lin Mo did not hide anything and directly told the real data.

"Only absorbed 0.1?" Sister Lin Ya beside him couldn't help but raise her voice: "I had a feeling that you were a waste, but I didn't expect you to be so useless!

Two hundred thousand, wasted by you!"

She was full of anger. If the Qi and Blood Pill here was given to her when she was in her third year of high school, she would have the confidence to increase her Qi and Blood to more than 8!

"Xiao Ya!" Lin Dayong glared at Lin Ya, turned his head and looked at Lin Mo and said, "It doesn't matter, if you absorbed 0.1, then it's 0.1. At least you can have a decent job after graduation!

There will be no regrets in the future!"

Lin Mo wanted to explain, but thought that even if he explained, they might not believe it, so he simply said nothing.

After filling his stomach, Lin Mo returned to his room. After closing the door, Lin Mo took out the Qi and Blood Pill from his bag.

"According to my guess, I need the Qi and Blood Pill to enter the game again from my dream..."

Lin Mo looked at the Qi and Blood Pill in his hand, and his eyes became firm!

He raised his hand and stuffed the Qi and Blood Pill into his mouth.


The familiar feeling appeared again, Lin Mo closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The game is loading...

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