Opening his eyes, a red-glossy stone door stood in front of Lin Mo.

"Still maintaining the previous progress! In the room before the lord!"

Looking at the familiar stone door in front of him, Lin Mo was shocked and delighted.

"I don't know how strong the lords inside are..." Lin Mo took a deep breath, raised his legs and walked into the stone door!

"There is an intruder! Kids, follow me!"

As soon as he entered the room, Lin Mo heard a sharp voice.

In the room, four figures slowly walked towards Lin Mo.

Three elite goblins were holding bone knives, and a tall goblin with a crown made of green grass on his head rushed towards Lin Mo with a shiny iron rod in his hand.

Lin Mo took a step back with his right foot, and then rushed out!


An elite goblin running at the front was jumped up by Lin Mo and punched in the head.

Although this punch was unknown, it was enough to make the goblin fall to the ground.

When the goblin fell to the ground, Lin Mo snatched the bone knife from it with lightning speed, and then slashed the other elite goblin with his backhand.

Lin Mo moved very quickly, and his experience in painting pictures in his previous life made him well aware of the weaknesses of these monsters.

The strength of the lord monster is equivalent to that of a warrior with a health value of 3 or above, so Lin Mo did not rush to confront it head-on, but used the bone knife to kill the two elite monsters first.

Another elite monster was knocked unconscious by Lin Mo and fell to the ground.

Two streams of energy and blood poured into Lin Mo's body.

"The energy and blood have improved a lot!" Lin Mo had a look of joy on his face and looked in the direction of the corpses of the two elite goblins.

To his disappointment, the two goblins dropped nothing.

"Bear my wrath!"

At this moment, the lord on the side shouted and rushed over.

Lin Mo avoided the blow by moving, and at the same time slashed at the lord's back with a bone knife.

"You angered me!" After the lord was slashed by Lin Mo, an angry look appeared on his face.

It raised the iron rod in its hand, and its tall body suddenly appeared in front of Lin Mo.

"Speed ​​rush!"

The lord let out an angry roar, and hit Lin Mo's head with the iron rod in his hand.

If this stick were really hit on the head, it would definitely kill him violently.

Fortunately, Lin Mo reacted quickly and rushed to the side.

Lin Mo and the lord's energy and blood were too different, so they could only keep wandering around and look for opportunities to attack.


After swimming for more than ten minutes, Lin Mo found an opportunity and rushed forward again.

The bone knife struck the lord's legs with a thud, and dark green juice splashed out. The lord screamed and knelt on the ground.


Seeing this scene, Lin Mo's face showed a smile, and he raised the bone knife in his hand and chopped off the lord's head without hesitation.


There was a muffled sound, and the lord's body fell to the ground!


Lin Mo had a smile on his face, and then casually dealt with the fainted elite goblin.

To his surprise, the last elite Goblin dropped three Qi-Blood Grasses again!

"I got another 240,000 yuan! I've made a lot of money!"

After absorbing the energy and blood from the elite goblin, Lin Mo's eyes fell on the lord's body.

"I wonder how much energy and blood the lord can have..." Lin Mo was a little excited: "Also, will there be anything good in the lord?"


A slight sound sounded, and the body of the lord in front of him slowly disappeared.

The surging energy and blood flowed into Lin Mo's body, and the fatigue caused by the battle disappeared instantly.

Before he had time to experience the changes in Qi and blood, Lin Mo's eyes were attracted by the two haloes in front of him.

"Sure enough, something fell!" Lin Mo was pleasantly surprised and stretched out his hand to grab the two balls of light.

Before he could take a closer look at the contents of the light ball, Lin Mo had already woken up from his dream.

"My whole body is full of strength, and my energy and blood have increased again!"

Lin Mo was very excited, but he didn't know how much energy and blood had been improved this time.

"I have to wait until tomorrow to test it!"

"Now, the top priority is to see what the lord dropped!"

Lin Mo closed his eyes and soon saw the two light groups stored in his mind.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Mo took out both light groups.


There was a soft sound, and the contents of one of the light groups fell to the ground.

It was a shiny iron rod, exactly the one used by the Goblin Lord!

"This is the Goblin Lord's weapon!" Lin Mo's eyes lit up.

Picking up the iron rod and waving it twice, Lin Mo felt that the blood and energy in his body seemed to surge with it.

"A first-grade yellow-level weapon!" Lin Mo was pleasantly surprised: "This thing can activate the power of qi and blood and exert a strong attack power!

If it were sold on the market, it would be worth at least half a million! "

Lin Mo thought for a while and put away the iron rod.

This thing is enough for him to use until his health value reaches 10 points and he officially becomes a first-level warrior!

Lin Mo grabbed another light ball and took out the contents.

"It's a parchment..." Lin Mo unfolded the parchment and briefly browsed the contents.

""Thunder Breathing Method"?"

"Teaching people how to breathe?"

Lin Mo looked at the content above and fell into deep thought.

"Practice according to the above method first!"

Lin Mo thought about it, and then began to practice according to the content on the parchment scroll.

He half-squatted in the room, making different movements with his hands, and breathing at a specific frequency.

A minute later, Lin Mo's eyes lit up.

"The blood in my body also boiled, and there seemed to be a kind of power in the dantian, constantly tempering the energy in my body and transforming them into blood!"

Soon Lin Mo discovered the changes in himself, and couldn't help but be very excited!

Just ten minutes later, Lin Mo's stomach started to growl.

"I'm so hungry! It's not long since I finished eating..." Lin Mo glanced at the time and couldn't help laughing: "It seems that my feeling is right. With the breathing method, the speed of food converting into blood and qi has become faster!"

"This breathing method is really a good thing!"

Lin Mo couldn't help but clench his fists.


At this moment, his stomach actually started to growl again.

Lin Mo tiptoed to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, and searched for food inside.

"Be gentle, it hurts!"

At this moment, Lin Mo heard Lin Dayong's voice in his parents' room.

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, then took a few steps towards their room.

"You are just too honest. Your team leader is obviously bullying you, but you don't know how to resist!"

"Such a heavy stone, why should you move it alone!"

Mother Wang Ping complained and distressed.

"Be quiet, don't let the children hear it!" Lin Dayong said: "I have to do it. He is looking for a reason to fire me now. I can't leave him a handle!"

" have worked hard..."

Mother Wang Ping's voice came from behind, Lin Mo's eyes were warm, he took some food and went back to his room.

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