
"Using the "Thunder Breathing Method", a whole night has passed without me noticing!"

"I feel comfortable all over, and my Dantian is also filled with Qi and blood!"

Lin Mo moved his body and stood up from the cross-legged position.

After a night of practice, he could feel that his Qi and blood had increased a lot.

After changing his clothes, Lin Mo opened the door and saw Lin Ya standing at the door.

"Good morning!"

Lin Mo smiled and raised his hand to greet, then walked straight to the kitchen.

After a night of practice, he felt that his stomach was about to burst.

Lin Ya looked at Lin Mo's back and couldn't help frowning.

She felt that Lin Mo's aura seemed to have changed.

"I must have felt it wrong. I wasted a Qi and Blood Pill. How dare you say hello to me!" Lin Ya gritted her teeth angrily and followed into the kitchen.

"Take your time to eat, I'm leaving first!" Lin Mo had finished several bowls of lean meat porridge in the kitchen, wiped his mouth, and opened the door to leave home.

"There is no class today, so he must have gone out to surf the Internet again!" Lin Ya thought angrily as she watched Lin Mo leave.

After leaving the door, Lin Mo went straight to the Jinling Martial Arts Arena.

"Little classmate, why is it you again?!" The front desk lady looked at the handsome boy in front of her and couldn't help but smiled and said, "You are not in love with me, are you deliberately coming to the martial arts arena to see me every day?

It's a pity, I like strong people. When you become a first-class warrior, I can consider giving you a chance to pursue me!"

"Thank you, sister, I will work hard! Please give me a number to measure my blood and qi!" Lin Mo said with a smile.

"No, go directly to test room No. 8. It's still early now, and there is no one inside. I will allow you not to take a number!" The front desk lady said with a smile.

After Lin Mo thanked him, he went straight into measurement room No. 8.

Although he had the experience last time, Lin Mo was still a little nervous after the measurement began.

After the tingling on his palm ended, Lin Mo removed his fingers, the computer screen began to flicker, and then the value appeared.

Lin Mo took a deep breath and looked at the screen.


"It's 2.8!!"

Lin Mo was stunned. He had a hunch that the blood value must have increased, and he was even prepared to increase it by 0.9 again, but the final measurement result was unexpected!

After measuring twice more and confirming that there was no change in the reading, Lin Mo's smile gradually bloomed.

"Hahahaha! The blood value has increased by 1.1 compared to yesterday!

At this rate, let alone provincial universities, I can rush into even the universities in Beijing without any effort!

There are still three months before the college entrance examination. I want to get a warrior certificate before the college entrance examination!"

Although blood value below 10 points is also called a warrior, there is no grade.

Only after the blood value reaches ten points can it be certified by the Wumeng, and the badge of the first-grade warrior can be issued, and a low-level blood pill can be obtained as a benefit every year.

"A blood and qi pill can increase blood and qi by 1 point at most. This time, I increased blood and qi by 1.1... Could the extra 0.1 be the increase from my practice yesterday?!

Is the "Thunder Breathing Method" so amazing?!"

Lin Mo felt that his breathing became heavy.

He could increase blood and qi by 0.1 in one night. In three months, even if he didn't take blood and qi pills, his blood and qi could easily break through 10!

"I'll verify it when I go back tonight. Let's sell the blood and qi grass first!"

Lin Mo suppressed his excitement, walked out of the room, and came to the front desk lady again.

"Tell me, sister, how much blood and qi do you have now? Is it 1?" The front desk lady looked at Lin Mo and couldn't help but asked with a smile.

"Just 2.8 blood and qi!" Lin Mo said with a smile.

"Hehe, you can have 2.8 blood and qi? I think 0.8 is about right!" The front desk lady covered her mouth and laughed.

"I really have 2.8 blood and qi." Lin Mo said seriously.

"Okay, okay, you have 2.8 Qi and blood now!" The front desk lady looked like she was not going to argue with you, but she was smiling without hiding it.

"No one believes me if I tell the truth." Lin Mo muttered, then smiled and said, "Please help me get a number for the trading area!"

After saying goodbye to the front desk lady, Lin Mo came to the trading area and entered a private room.

"Classmate, are you here to buy Qi and Blood Pills? We have a new batch of Qi and Blood Pills here, and the effect is very good..." The trader was called Feng Fei. Looking at Lin Mo in front of him, his eyes suddenly lit up.

He could see that Lin Mo's family conditions were not very good.

According to his experience, generally such people who come to the trading area have their families pooled money and are ready to buy a Qi and Blood Pill to go back and fight.

For every Qi and Blood Pill sold, he can get a commission of 20,000 yuan, which is a good business for him who is in urgent need of money!

"I'm here to sell things!" Lin Mo interrupted Feng Fei and took out three Qi and Blood Grasses from his bag.

"Is this Qi and Blood Grass?" Feng Fei was stunned when he saw the three Qi and Blood Grasses in front of him.

He could see that the residual value of the medicinal effect of these three Qi and Blood Grasses was very high. Under normal circumstances, the purchase price that the trading area could offer should be 80,000 yuan!

Feng Fei glanced at Lin Mo's appearance, his eyes turned, and he curled his lips and said, "These three Qi and Blood Grasses are almost dry. You have preserved them too poorly... Let me test the residual value of the medicinal effect!"

He said, pretending to put it on the instrument and tested it.

Looking at the displayed result, Feng Fei calmly adjusted the value.

"Look, the residual value of the medicinal effect is too low. We can only give a purchase price of 50,000 yuan per plant!" Feng Fei looked at Lin Mo with a generous look: "Since you are a student, how about this, I will give you 55,000 yuan per plant?"

According to the purchase price of 80,000 yuan, 55,000 yuan per plant to buy three Qi and Blood Grass, he can get 75,000 yuan in funds as long as he resells it!

It is equivalent to the income from selling three Qi and Blood Pills!

Listening to Feng Fei's words, Lin Mo's face suddenly sank.

This is clearly treating him as a fool!

"Sorry, I won't sell it!" Lin Mo took the Qi and Blood Grass back from Feng Fei's hand and turned to leave.

"Classmate, don't leave. You have to think it through. The longer the Qi and Blood Grass is preserved, the lower the residual value of its medicinal effect will be. At that time, no one will want it even for 40,000, let alone 55,000!" Feng Fei saw Lin Mo was about to leave, and quickly threatened him.

"How about I take a loss and give you 60,000 per plant?" Seeing that Lin Mo was unmoved, Feng Fei could only raise the price.

But Lin Mo still didn't buy it and walked out of the room directly.

In the room, Feng Fei was so angry that his face was extremely gloomy.

Because he heard Lin Mo re-take the number, entered the trading room next door, and heard that the next door offered a purchase price of 80,000!

"Fuck idiot, you are not greedy for such a good opportunity!" Feng Fei cursed the trader next door, but he was very angry in his heart.

The duck flew away! The most important thing is that after he heard Lin Mo sold the Qi and Blood Grass, he also bought a Qi and Blood Pill by the way!

Purchasing medicinal herbs, plus the commission from selling Qi and Blood Pills, can at least make a profit of 30,000 yuan!

By now, Feng Fei has regretted it. If he hadn't been greedy, the 30,000 yuan would have been his.

But now he can't get a penny!


At this moment, his cell phone rang suddenly.

After taking a look at the phone number, Feng Fei's face immediately became flattering.

"Brother Biao..."

"Boy, if you don't pay back the 700,000 yuan you owe us within three days, wait for death!" Brother Biao's threatening voice came from the phone.

"Brother Biao, can you give us more time..."

"I'll give you more time! Why didn't you let me pay you later when I borrowed the money?" Brother Biao said viciously: "Three days, just three days. If you don't have money, find yourself a good grave!"

The phone was hung up, Feng Fei looked at the next door, his eyes suddenly became cold.

"Boy, don't blame me for being cruel, blame your bad luck..." Feng Fei got up and asked for leave, and followed Lin Mo out of the martial arts field...

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