Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 51: The highest etiquette of a warrior!

"Telekinetic master?" Lin Mo was stunned for a moment when he heard this term for the first time.

"Telekinetic master is a person who can freely control mental power before reaching the realm of martial king!" Yan Xia said with a smile: "Although you are only a fourth-grade warrior, you used mental attack to knock out the third-grade warrior Liu Hai!

This is enough to show that your control of mental power has reached the level of a first-grade telekinetic master!"

"First-grade telekinetic master!" Lin Mo was still full of doubts.

"We will pass all the relevant information about telekinetic masters to you." Lei Meng said with a smile: "In the special training later, we will conduct special training for telekinetic masters. I hope you can gain something!

Okay, Lu Chuan, the rest is up to you. I will report this matter to the higher-ups!

This time Sun Qian and Zhang He have made contributions!"

After Lei Meng took the remaining two people away, only Lu Chuan and Lin Mo were left in the room.

"Let me introduce myself again. My name is Lu Chuan. I am from Beijing Wuda. I am currently a senior and a martial king." Lu Chuan said with a smile.

Martial king!!

Lin Mo looked at Lu Chuan in shock. The man in front of him was only five years older than him, but he was two realms higher than him, stronger than Sun Qian and Zhang He of the same age!

"At the same time, the campers of the Divine Eagle Special Training Camp, we will spend two months together in the future..."

"... In short, the special training camp is just one sentence, as long as you have points, you are the king!"

It took Lu Chuan more than two hours to explain the basic situation of the Divine Eagle Special Training Camp.

The training in the special training camp is relatively easy, but if you want to stay in the camp, you need a lot of points.

Points can be obtained through tasks issued by instructors and instructors, or they can be obtained through private rewards.

"You are lucky. Instructor Lei just gave you a hundred points as a reward..." Lu Chuan showed an envious look on his face: "One hundred points can be exchanged for a full ten low-level Qi and Blood Pills!"

Lin Mo was shocked. He didn't expect the value of points to be so high!

"Okay, you came the latest, I'll take you to meet everyone!" Lu Chuan clapped his hands, got up and walked out of the ward.

Lin Mo followed him, and when he passed by the nurse, he was asked for her contact information.

Arriving at the training base of the special training camp, Lin Mo felt a terrifying pressure coming from all directions.

This feeling made his blood boil, but at the same time he couldn't help trembling.

"They are all training, so the blood and qi are seriously dissipated. If you feel uncomfortable with your current strength, go out and get some fresh air!" Lu Chuan looked at Lin Mo, who had an ugly face, and smiled.

Lin Mo didn't say anything, just nodded.

He looked around, and there were people training on almost all the fields. The blood and qi were surging. Although he was a little unbearable, he still liked this scene.

"Stop for a moment, introduce a newcomer to everyone!" Lu Chuan shouted.

The blood and qi calmed down, and many people looked at Lin Mo with a scrutinizing look on their faces.

"Lin Mo, a fourth-grade warrior..." Lu Chuan deliberately paused for a while, wanting to see the expressions of the crowd.

But everyone looked normal, and there was no intention of looking down on Lin Mo.

"First-grade telekinetic master..." Lu Chuan added with a smile on his face.


The whole venue was boiling all of a sudden. The people who had been calm before looked at Lin Mo with shocked expressions on their faces.

"A fourth-grade warrior actually reached the level of a first-grade telekinetic master. It's too scary!"

"Yan Ming, you became a first-grade telekinetic master when you were a third-grade warrior! Compared with this kid, you are not so good!"

"I heard from my brother that this kid only stayed in the genius training camp for three days, and he beat those geniuses badly..."

"There are people beyond people, and there are heavens beyond heavens!"

"What are you sighing about? You are about to become a third-grade telekinetic master! Why are you pretending to compare with us..."


Discussions from all directions sounded, and Lin Mo listened carefully with a smile on his face.

There was no doubt, no contempt, only amazement and praise.

"Welcome, brother Lin Mo!"

Lu Chuan glanced at everyone, suddenly raised his voice, and clasped his fists to Lin Mo!

"Welcome, brother Lin Mo!"

After Lu Chuan's voice fell, everyone present saluted Lin Mo with a fist!

This is the highest etiquette among martial arts practitioners!

It represents recognition and goodwill!

Lin Mo looked solemn and quickly responded with a fist.

A wave of blood was stirring in his heart, and he was full of expectations for the special training life in the next two months.

Because Lin Mo had just arrived, after showing his face in front of everyone, he was brought to the dormitory by Lu Chuan.

"The dormitory requires five points a day, and the daily food allowance is five points, so even if you don't take any tasks, your current points are enough for you to live for ten days!" Lu Chuan brought Lin Mo daily necessities and took him to the door of the dormitory.

"Okay, you have one night to adapt, and tomorrow is the start of special training life!"

After leaving this sentence, Lu Chuan turned around and wanted to leave.

"Brother Lu!" Lin Mo quickly stopped him: "When can I see the relevant information of the telekinetic master?"

Lin Mo was full of curiosity about the telekinetic master.

During the fight with Liu Hai, he was able to knock out a third-rank warrior with the strength of a fourth-rank warrior.

This was simply a fantasy, but with his mental power and unexpectedness, he did it!

If he could better master the skills of a telekineticist, his combat power would be even better!

"Young people are all impatient!" Lu Chuan pointed to the golden card inside Lin Mo's daily necessities: "The card is the pass for the entire camp.

You can check information about telekinesis masters in the data room.

The reference room not only provides these materials, but also many basic skills of telekinesis masters.

You can spend points to study...of course it's not cheap..."

"Thank you!" Lin Mo thanked him with a smile.

Lu Chuan waved his hand and turned around to leave.

After Lu Chuan left, Lin Mo sorted out his daily necessities, then took the card and went out.

Lin Mo had already written down where the reference room was when he accompanied Li Duo to visit the camp.

After swiping his card at the door of the review room, Lin Mo felt heartbroken when he saw that the balance on the card suddenly dropped by 5 points.

Through the search, Lin Mo quickly located the location of relevant information about telekinesis masters.

Spending 5 points again, Lin Mo browsed through relevant information.

"First-grade telekinesis masters also have several practical skills, such as mental power perception, which can manipulate mental power and sense nearby situations.

This skill allows me to take the upper hand in battle! "

Lin Mo found a skill that was more suitable for him to learn, and then quickly checked the number of points required.

"100 points, why don't you go grab it!" Lin Mo couldn't help but cursed and quickly left the reference room...

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