Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 52: Weapon Refining - The Power of the Tiger Knuckles!

"It takes a lot of points to exchange for spiritual perception. I have to find a way to earn more points in the past few days..."

Lu Chuan said that there are only two ways to earn points: rewards for completing tasks and rewards from instructors and others.

"Let's take a look at the things dropped in the dungeon first, and then go see what acceptable tasks are available tomorrow!" Lin Mo made up his mind and took out the things he had previously obtained in the dungeon.

"Toxic Elvis Teeth."

Looking at the item information in the light group, Lin Mo had a smile on his face.

"The last ingredient for making a finger tiger is ready!"

Lin Mo took out the design drawing of the finger tiger and glanced at the prompts on it, his heartbeat couldn't help but accelerate.

"Once the yellow-level third-grade weapon is successfully made, my combat effectiveness will definitely skyrocket!"

Lin Mo placed all the materials on the table in front of him, then took out the demon pill he got after killing the giant bear in school last time and put it aside.

According to the requirements of the design drawings, Lin Mo assembled the materials step by step, while constantly tempering them with his own blood.

A touch of blood wrapped around the material, and not long after, a light red weapon appeared in front of Lin Mo.

Venomous Tiger Finger: Because the material contains poisonous Elvis teeth, it will inject venom into the opponent's body when attacking, causing the opponent to lose vision in a short time.

"Good stuff!" Lin Mo looked at the information on Zhihu with a smile on his face.

Picking up the demon pill, Lin Mo poured the power of Qi and blood into it. After a while, the demon pill began to melt, and finally turned into a drop of earthy yellow liquid, which dripped on the finger tiger.

The drop of liquid trembled twice and then disappeared on the finger tiger.

Lin Mo read the Zhihu's information again and found that it had an additional function: the wearer could double his own strength!

"Twice the strength!" Lin Mo's eyes lit up and he put the finger tiger on his hand.

"Diamond Finger!"

Lin Mo used his martial arts skills, and the bloody finger tiger was covered with a layer of golden light.

The sound of breaking wind sounded, and Lin Mo felt that the air was about to be torn apart by him!

"The attack power has increased by at least 80%!"

Lin Mo was shocked in his heart. The third-grade Huang-level weapon had such a terrifying effect on martial arts.

Coupled with the additional poisoning effect, even if I encounter bangs again, I may not lose so quickly!

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Lin Mo put away his finger tiger, sat cross-legged on the ground and began to practice.

A night of silence.

Early the next morning, Lin Mo went directly to the mission hall to see if there was any mission suitable for him.

Because it was not yet time for training, there were many people in the mission hall. When Lin Mo arrived, many people smiled and said hello.

"Lin Mo, the tasks currently released are basically for warrior-level experts, so you may not be able to find a suitable task to gain points."

Lu Chuan walked out of the crowd and said with a smile: "But I recommend you choose to challenge the task. Every time you complete a challenge, you can get points ranging from 50 to 100."

"Thank you for letting me know!" After Lin Mo thanked him, he came to the challenge task publishing interface.

"These are all challenges that push the limits. Who is this? The attack power of the Vajra Finger can reach more than 3,000!"

"And this, I gained 96 points of qi and blood in one day. I must have swallowed a high-level qi and blood pill!"

Lin Mo couldn't help but look surprised when he looked at the contents of the challenge mission.

"You can try the attack power of martial arts and use the martial arts with which you are most proficient." Lu Chuan smiled and gave his suggestion.

"Can I borrow a weapon?" Lin Mo thought of his finger tiger. With the bonus of the finger tiger, he might be able to attack with higher attack power.

"Do you have weapons?" Lu Chuan said with a surprised look on his face: "Then I recommend you to try actual combat with weapons. With the help of weapons, defeating someone with a higher level than yourself will be considered as completing the task.

The last person to complete the task defeated a warrior who was three levels higher than him with a second-level yellow-level dagger!

We have puppets that can be used to simulate actual battles. You can choose the level yourself. Do you want to try it? "

Lin Mo nodded, followed Lu Chuan to the actual battlefield, and spent ten points to redeem the right to use the actual combat puppet.

"Test the blood value before use!" Lu Chuan pointed to the measuring instrument on the side: "This is related to whether you have completed the challenge mission."

Lin Mo put his hands on the measuring instrument, and after a moment, Lin Mo's blood value appeared on the screen.


Close to a fifth-grade warrior!

Lin Mo was also shocked when he saw this data. In just a short time, he had increased so much health value.

"Fourth-grade warrior, I suggest you challenge a seventh-grade warrior..."

"I want to try being a ninth-grade peak warrior!" Lin Mo rejected Lu Chuan's suggestion and adjusted the puppet's health value to 99 points!

He is only a little short of a first-grade warrior!


As soon as the actual battle began, Lin Mo was punched by the puppet and almost flew backwards.

"It's so powerful. Although it's a puppet, its real combat effectiveness should be quite high!" Lin Mo's face changed slightly, and he took out the finger tiger and put it on his right hand.

Diamond finger!

Lin Mo used his martial arts skills, and with the addition of strength from the diamond finger, he directly left claw marks on the puppet's body.


At the same time, Lin Mo punched out, leaving a deep dent in the puppet's body!

Bang bang bang!

After several strikes, Lin Mo completely adapted to Zhihu's attack method. He began to punch continuously, leaving traces on the puppet's body. It looked shocking!

"That's...Lin Mo?!" Many people gathered around, their hearts trembling as they looked at Lin Mo who kept attacking!

"This attack speed and power make me feel like a first-class warrior!"

"This kid is too strong. If he reaches our level, I don't dare think about what he will become..."

Amidst the exclamations of a group of people, Lin Mo performed the Tiger Fist.

Along with a tiger roar, everyone vaguely saw a colorful tiger appearing behind Lin Mo.

Amid the power of blood and energy, the puppet was punched through the chest and fell completely to the ground!

Lin Mo defeated the ninth-grade warrior with the strength of a fourth-grade warrior!

After the brief shock, there was a long cheer.

Lin Mo also had a smile on his face, the challenge was successful!

"Congratulations, I got fifty points!"

Lin Mo looked at the extra fifty points in the card, but couldn't smile.

Because he had already spent 40 points yesterday plus today, and now adding 50 points, he only had 110 points. If he redeemed it for mental perception, he wouldn't even have enough points to eat!

"Lin Mo, as your assistant instructor, I will personally reward you with fifty points!" A voice sounded. Lei Meng walked slowly in a green camouflage uniform and looked at Lin Mo with extremely satisfied eyes.

Seeing that the points in his account had turned to 160, Lin Mo finally laughed.

"Thank you, Instructor Lei, I have to leave beforehand!" Lin Mo couldn't wait to redeem his spiritual perception!

When he came to the consultation room again, Lin Mo directly spent 100 points to redeem the skill of mental perception.

At this time, it was also training time for the special training camp.

Lin Mo came to the training room and followed everyone to train martial arts and cultivate Qi and blood.

"Lei Meng, what do you think of this guy Lin Mo?"

Not far away, two figures were standing there, paying attention to Lin Mo.

"It's very good. After you get to college, you should make faster progress!" Lei Meng looked at Lin Mo with appreciation: "Yesterday, I heard that he read a lot of things in the Qi Nian Master's database.

So I personally rewarded him with fifty points to exchange for spiritual power-related martial arts. I wonder if this kid has other plans. "

Lei Meng and Jiang Ge stood together, watching Lin Mo discussing in a low voice.

"I hope he won't disappoint us!" Lei Meng nodded and left with Jiang Ge behind his back.

At the special training ground, Yan Xia summoned everyone in front of him and said with a smile: "You guys have been in the special training camp for almost a week.

I would like to ask you if you know why our training content is not to improve your qi and blood, but to find ways to train you to master weapons? "

After a brief silence in the crowd, everyone expressed their opinions.

After Yan Xia listened with a smile for a few minutes, he turned his attention to Lin Mo: "Do you know?"

“A battle between martial arts masters must ultimately be a battle of weapons.

Only by mastering weapons extremely skillfully can you avoid death in the subsequent battles! "

After witnessing the scene of the last campus murder, Lin Mo knew full well the cruelty of the journey of cultivation.

"You are right. It's like you directly defeated the ninth-grade warrior with the finger tiger in your hand. This strength is indeed very strong, but part of the reason is that you have the advantage of the weapon."

Lin Mo nodded in agreement, because he knew very well that without Zhihu, he would not be able to defeat the puppet.

"Like martial arts, all weapons also have proficiency. When your proficiency with a certain weapon reaches the top level, that weapon will become a part of your body!

Knives, spears, swords, halberds..."

Yan Xia looked serious and explained the importance of weapons.

"There is a saying in the Chinese martial arts world that if someone can completely master all weapons, then this person will definitely have a chance to stand at the pinnacle of martial arts!"

With a look of reverence on Lu Chuan's face, he said slowly: "The Perfect Martial Arts refers to those who have mastered the use of all weapons and fully exerted themselves to their limits!"

"Lu Chuan is right." Yan Xia nodded: "So, I hope that you will master the basic skills of all weapons in these two months. This will lay the foundation for you."

The day's special training ended quickly, and Lin Mo dragged his tired body directly back to the bedroom.

"Spiritual perception!" Lin Mo took out the exchanged skills, with an excited look on his face, and the fatigue in his body seemed to disappear.

Lin Mo sat cross-legged on the bed and started practicing according to the instructions above.

He closed his eyes and tried to control his mental power. Gradually, his mental power turned into tentacles and extended in all directions!

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