Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 53: After beating the younger one, here comes the older one!

"It's a strange feeling. I closed my eyes, but I can see everything within 20 meters around me clearly..."

In the bedroom, Lin Mo closed his eyes tightly and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

He had a similar experience in the genius training camp before, but compared with the current perception skills, everything he saw with his mental power was like a mosaic!

Mental power perception is one of the most basic skills of a mind-reading master, but with this skill, a mind-reading master can anticipate the enemy in battle.

With Lin Mo's current mental power, the perception skill only lasted for a few minutes, and the splitting headache appeared again.

Opening his eyes, Lin Mo took out the blue medicine bottle he had taken before. Because he had used it once, there was not much medicine left in the bottle.

"I hope this thing can give me some more surprises!" Lin Mo raised his head and drank the liquid in the medicine bottle.

In an instant, a cool feeling rushed into his mind!

Lin Mo enjoyed this coolness, and at the same time he could clearly feel that his mental power was increasing!

After a moment, Lin Mo opened his eyes and used his spiritual perception again.

This time, the range of spiritual perception expanded to about 25 meters!

Lin Mo could clearly see that all the campers in the surrounding dormitories were practicing, and Lin Mo even saw a female camper dressed coolly in the bedroom.

"I didn't mean it..." Lin Mo quickly retracted his spiritual perception, trying to get rid of the scene he had just perceived.

After calming down, Lin Mo's thoughts became active again: Can spiritual perception be improved through the martial arts field?

Thinking of this, Lin Mo took out a blood and qi pill and swallowed it.

After entering the dream, Lin Mo chose the martial arts field.

"Sure enough!" Seeing that there was a spiritual perception option in the floating options in front of him, Lin Mo's face showed an excited smile.

Lin Mo chose the spiritual perception without hesitation, and then a line of text appeared in front of him: Blood and qi pill consumption × 10!

"Are you kidding me? Ten blood and qi pills were consumed for one spiritual perception. It's too much!" Lin Mo couldn't help complaining.

But now the Qi and Blood Pill has been consumed, Lin Mo can only accept it.

Entering the martial arts arena, the Goblin Lord did not appear. In front of Lin Mo, there were two huge millstones.

"How should this thing be used?" Lin Mo approached the millstone, his face full of confusion.

The moment he stretched out his hand and touched the millstone, he felt a sharp pain in his head.

The huge millstone turned slowly, and at the same time Lin Mo felt as if his spirit was being pulled out!

"This thing... is grinding my mental power!" Lin Mo quickly realized the role of the millstone, endured the severe pain, and gritted his teeth to persist.

Lin Mo could feel that his mental power began to become purer as the millstone was grinding.

An hour later, Lin Mo opened his eyes.


He exhaled a long breath, and then struggled to stand up from the bed.


The moment he stood up, Lin Mo bent his knees and knelt directly on the ground.

At the same time, his muscles were trembling all over his body. When the millstone was grinding his mental power, it was also a blow to his body!

"It's already past two o'clock, so I don't need to sleep in the second half of the night!" Lin Mo changed his clothes and started practicing the Thunder Breathing Method.


"Lin Mo, are you awake!"

A knock on the door woke Lin Mo up from his practice. He got up and opened the door, and saw Lu Chuan standing outside.

"Lin Mo, come with me!" Lu Chuan came up and took Lin Mo's hand and ran outside.

"Brother Lu, where are you taking me?"

"You'll know when you get there!" Lu Chuan said without looking back.

After a while, the two came to the place where Lin Mo and Liu Hai had fought before.

From a distance, they saw a group of people standing there. When they heard the footsteps, the group of people turned around and their eyes lit up when they saw Lin Mo.

"Here they are!"

"Uncle Liu, he is Lin Mo!"

With Lin Mo's current strength, he can still hear their conversation clearly even from a distance.

"Are they waiting for me?" Lin Mo looked at their eyes with a puzzled look on his face.

Lu Chuan glanced at Lin Mo and nodded silently.

When the two approached, the crowd automatically made way, revealing the three people standing in the middle.

The middle-aged man and the middle-aged woman were obviously a couple, and the other was a young man of the same age as Lin Mo.

In addition to the three of them, there was another person squatting on the ground, staring at the ground.

Lin Mo knew this person, it was Liu Hai who had fought with him!

Lin Mo followed his gaze and looked at the ground, and was speechless for a while.

There was nothing on the ground except a group of ants!

"Could it be that the mental impact damaged his brain!" Lin Mo saw the problem at a glance.

However, Lin Mo did not regret it at all, because if he had not used his mental power forcibly at that time, he might have died now!

"Lin Mo! You are finally here!" The middle-aged man saw Lin Mo, his eyes suddenly became extremely cold, and a stream of blood pressed directly towards Lin Mo!

"Mr. Liu, please calm down!" Lu Chuan spoke lightly, and at the same time, mental power surged from his body and covered the middle-aged man.

Two different forces of qi and blood confront each other and then cancel each other out.

"Sure enough, the Eagle Special Training Camp is full of geniuses, and they have such terrifying strength at such a young age!" The middle-aged man looked at Lu Chuan deeply, then looked at Lin Mo, raised his hand and pointed at him and said: "This man is so powerful with his spirit." My son was severely injured. I don’t know how the training camp will end?

If the special training camp wants to protect Lin Mo, then I will naturally report it to someone at a higher level! "

"Mr. Liu, there is a misunderstanding about this matter..." Lu Chuan stepped forward and said: "We also showed you the video of that day. It was Liu Hai who took the initiative and had murderous intentions towards Lin Mo.

If Lin Mo hadn't resisted at that time, he would probably have died! "

"If you die, you will die. If a kid appears out of nowhere, he will die!" The middle-aged woman's face was full of resentment, and she walked towards Lin Mo step by step: "Do you know how hard Xiao Hai works? Do you know Don’t you know how much our family has paid for Xiaohai?

Just because of you, all our previous efforts were in vain!

Damn you! Damn it! "

After saying that, he rushed towards Lin Mo desperately!

"A warrior-level warrior!" Lin Mo raised his brows. He had already put the finger tiger on his hand and assumed a defensive posture at the same time.

"Mrs. Liu! This is a special training camp and belongs to the military. Although your husband has a position, he still doesn't dare to act wild here!

If you dare to take a step forward again, don't blame me for being rude! "

Lu Chuan's voice was low, and at the same time, his own energy and blood were covering the middle-aged woman.

Feeling the power of Qi and blood in Lu Chuan's body, the middle-aged woman's expression changed slightly and she stood still a few meters away from Lin Mo.

"Can the special training camp do whatever they want just because of their special status? I'm going to file a complaint against you. Not only will that bastard Lin Mo be complained by me, but you will be complained too!"

Seeing that she couldn't beat Lu Chuan, the middle-aged woman simply sat down on the ground and started wailing.

"I heard that there is a rule in the special training camp that peers of the same age can compete with each other..." The middle-aged man looked at the young man beside him and said calmly: "Liu Yang, you are about the same age as Lin Mo. Let's compete with Lin Mo. !”

"Yes, father!" Liu Yang glanced at Lin Mo, then nodded and walked towards Lin Mo.

"I, Liu Yang, challenge Lin Mo on my behalf to fight to the death, until death!"

Liu Yang spoke loudly with determination on his face.

At the same time, he took out a piece of white paper from his body, bit his fingertips and wrote a line on it: Duel to the death, life or death depends on heaven!

Life and death!

Lin Mo looked at the bloody signature and looked helplessly at Lu Chuan aside: "Can I refuse?"

"According to the regulations of the special training camp, you cannot refuse..." Lu Chuan shook his head: "If you refuse, you will have to give up your status in the special training camp!"

"Do you think you can beat me?" Lin Mo looked at Liu Yang. The two were similar in age, but Liu Yang's energy and blood were much stronger than Lin Mo's.

"Liu Yang, ninth-level warrior, please!" Liu Yang did not respond to Lin Mo's words, but threw his life-and-death gesture towards Lin Mo.

After receiving the certificate of life and death, Lin Mo wrote his name on it with a pen.


There was a burst of laughter from the crowd.

"You are so cowardly that you don't even dare to write words in blood!"

Lin Mo looked towards the crowd, and the one who had just spoken was a young man who was relatively close to Liu Hai.

"These words made me suddenly no longer in the mood for a duel..." Lin Mo said, raising his hand to tear the life-and-death form into pieces.

"Lin Mo, what do you want to do!" The middle-aged man looked at Lin Mo, his eyes filled with anger.

"I want him to slap himself and apologize to me!" Lin Mo pointed at the young man and said with a smile.

The young man looked at Lin Mo with a mocking face: "Are you stupid? Just because you want me to apologize? Isn't what I said the truth?!"

"That's no more!" Lin Mo simply tore up the situation of life and death and turned around to leave!

"Apologise!" The middle-aged man looked at the young man and shouted coldly.

The expression on the young man's face froze, he looked at Lin Mo, and after a long time he said unwillingly: "Yes... I'm sorry!"

"And slap myself in the face!"

Bang bang!

The young man gritted his teeth and slapped himself hard twice.

"Actually, it only takes one slap!" Lin Mo shook his head: "You actually slapped yourself twice, tsk tsk..."

The young man's face suddenly turned red with anger, and he stared at Lin Mo. After a long time, he turned around and left the place.

"You feel more comfortable, shall we continue?" Lin Mo picked up the fragments of life and death, selected an unwritten fragment from it, and wrote his name.

"Life and death, you make up the rest yourself!" Lin Mo threw the fragments to Liu Yang.

Liu Yang glared at Lin Mo fiercely, then bit his finger and wrote his name on it, as well as the previous eight characters!

"Can we compete now?" Liu Yang stared at Lin Mo coldly.

"Since you are so eager to seek death, then I will help you!" Lin Mo stared at Liu Yang with cold eyes and spoke slowly.

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