Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 55: The Snipe and the Clam Fight

The dense footsteps came from far away, and Lin Mo felt his scalp tingling. He stood on a high place and looked far away, and almost cried out.

At least thirty goblins were walking towards him only a few dozen meters away.

Moreover, Lin Mo saw several tall goblin lords among the goblins, and they were full of blood.

"Don't find me!" Lin Mo hid in the tree helplessly. If so many goblins really rushed towards him, he would have no chance of survival.

Soon the goblins came under the big tree, and Lin Mo's heartbeat began to speed up.


With a light sound, one of the goblins suddenly stopped and looked up.

Lin Mo's heart was about to fly out of his throat, for fear of being discovered.

Fortunately, this goblin just took a look and continued to move forward.

It took a long time for all the goblins to leave.

Lin Mo waited until they left before he let out a long sigh.

"No, I have to leave here quickly. This kind of place is not for me to come now!" Lin Mo made up his mind and prepared to find a place to hide. After the effect of the Qi and Blood Pill ended, he would leave automatically.

Boom boom boom!

At this moment, Lin Mo suddenly heard a booming sound coming from a distance.

"Isn't this the direction where the goblins left?" Lin Mo hesitated and walked in that direction.

The closer he got, the louder the boom became. In the end, Lin Mo felt that the ground seemed to be shaking.

"It's the sound of fighting! Something is fighting with the goblins in front!" Lin Mo immediately raised his spirits and approached there lightly.

A few minutes later, Lin Mo climbed up a big tree and looked towards the center of the battle.

"Oh my god!"

Looking at everything in front of him, Lin Mo couldn't help but exclaimed.

About thirty meters away from him, stood a five-meter-tall black gorilla.

It had strong limbs, bulging chest muscles, a pair of earthy yellow eyes flashing with fierce light, and a half-broken corpse in its mouth.

"It swallowed the goblin alive. This chimpanzee is so fierce!" Lin Mo couldn't help but exclaimed.

The chimpanzee was surrounded by the group of goblins that Lin Mo had just seen. They were led by several goblin lords and attacked the chimpanzee.

The number of goblins was large. Even though they were not as strong as the chimpanzees, they had the upper hand with their number advantage.


One of the goblin lords inserted the bone knife in his hand directly into the thigh of the chimpanzee.


The chimpanzee roared, and his strong arms beat his chest like a drum. The sound was chilling.


The huge body jumped up and hit the goblin lord heavily.

With a puff, green liquid splashed out, and the goblin lord was directly crushed to death!

"So strong!" Lin Mo couldn't help but exclaimed.

This chimpanzee may have reached the level of martial king. If he met it, he would basically be beaten to death and eaten in one encounter.

Just when Lin Mo was shocked, he suddenly felt a warm current in his body.

"What's going on?" Lin Mo felt the increase in his Qi and blood value, and a puzzled look appeared on his face.

After a moment, he looked at the Goblin Lord who was crushed into blood mud not far away.

"Could it be that after the chimpanzee killed the Goblin Lord, I can still get the Qi and blood improvement?!"

Just when Lin Mo was puzzled, the chimpanzee grabbed a goblin and pulled it hard.

The goblin was directly torn into several pieces.

It stuffed it into its mouth, and Lin Mo felt a warm current flowing into his body again!

"It's true! The chimpanzee killed the goblin, and I can still get the Qi and blood value!"

Lin Mo looked at the remaining dozen goblins with a look of surprise on his face.

"If all these goblins are killed, I will make a lot of money!"

Lin Mo looked at the chimpanzee and cheered for him silently in his heart.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The ground shook, and the chimpanzee clasped his fists and pounded the ground hard.

The goblin was immediately shaken into a mess, and the chimpanzee took the opportunity to attack. After clasping his hands, they were as hard as stone. None of the ordinary goblins could withstand its attack!

"So cool! So cool!"

Lin Mo couldn't help laughing. In this short while, his blood value increased by at least 5 points!


Just as Lin Mo was immersed in the joy of his blood value skyrocketing, he suddenly felt a pair of eyes staring at him.

Bang bang bang!

The ground shook, and the gorilla actually found Lin Mo hiding in the book and was running towards him furiously.

"It's over!" Lin Mo's face turned pale in an instant. After sliding down from the tree, he ran away desperately.


The roar sounded again, Lin Mo looked back and almost laughed out loud.

The legs of the running chimpanzee were pierced with arrows. Behind the chimpanzee stood two other goblin lords, who shot arrows at the chimpanzee's legs at the same time!

With a plop, the chimpanzee fell to the ground, unable to even stand up!

"These two goblins are so insidious, they actually coated the arrows with poison!" Seeing that the wound on the chimpanzee was bleeding black blood, Lin Mo's eyes suddenly lit up.

"If this chimpanzee dies, can I also get Qi and blood? Also, if a monster of this level dies, there must be items dropped!"

The poisoned chimpanzee on the other side fell into a rage, and directly left Lin Mo and turned to continue attacking the goblins.

The chimpanzee in anger was almost a killing machine. The goblins in front of him were like blank paper and could be easily torn apart.

Lin Mo stood on the tree, feeling the Qi and blood constantly flowing into his body, and couldn't help but scream.


Not long after, all the goblins were smashed into meat paste by the chimpanzee. Lin Mo noticed that there were two light balls around the dead goblins!

"Hahaha, there are still items dropped? Find time to go down and pick them all up!" Lin Mo looked at the chimpanzee. Because of a series of killings, the speed at which the toxins flowed in his body accelerated. Now it began to breathe heavily, as if it was going to die at any time!

"The last gasp of a dying horse!" Lin Mo was extremely excited. He simply jumped down from the tree and walked towards the chimpanzee step by step.

Seeing Lin Mo coming towards him, the chimpanzee was extremely angry and bared his teeth at Lin Mo more than once.

Lin Mo crossed his arms and stopped about ten meters away from the chimpanzee.

The wounds on the chimpanzee's legs had begun to swell, and even pus and blood flowed out, looking extremely miserable.

And Lin Mo found that the breath of this chimpanzee was also constantly weakening.

A few minutes later, the chimpanzee collapsed on the ground weakly, lying on his back, with his chest rising and falling slowly.

Lin Mo was not in a hurry, so he stood not far away and waited. He didn't believe that a monster at the level of King of Martial Arts would die so easily.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, the chimpanzee raised his head and looked at Lin Mo, and even roared at Lin Mo twice.

This roar seemed to be full of strong unwillingness.


Its head hit the ground heavily, and it was completely dead!

The chimpanzee is dead!

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