Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 56 Hahaha! This wave of huge profits!

Lin Mo's face immediately showed an excited look and he took two steps forward!


A huge force of energy and blood poured directly into Lin Mo's body.

His body was trembling slightly, enduring the rush of energy and blood, and his meridians were twitching, as if they were about to burst.

Within the dantian, the energy and blood are like a sea, rolling continuously, setting off waves of energy and blood!

Lin Mo's forehead and body were covered with sweat, but there was a determined look on his face.

After staying up for more than an hour, the pain on Lin Mo's body slowly disappeared.

In front of him, the chimpanzee's body had disappeared, replaced by a faint light dancing slowly in front of him.

"It's so cool. This is the so-called snipe and clam fighting for the fisherman's profit!" Lin Mo put the light ball away, and then moved forward to put away the few light balls.

After Lin Mo discovered that the things here could be taken away, his mind suddenly became more active.

He began to rummage through the corpses to see if there was anything good in them.

To Lin Mo's disappointment, these monsters seemed to have no pursuit of weapons. After searching around, he only saw some bone knives or stone hammers on the ground.

"Basically, they are all weapons without grades. There is a first-grade yellow grade weapon, but it is far behind compared to my stick!

However, since I met him, I was not polite and took him away directly! "

The value of Huang-level first-grade weapons is more than 500,000 yuan. Lin Mo felt very good after picking up 500,000 yuan for nothing.


At this time, another roar sounded, but this roar was too far away, but Lin Mo still felt as if his body was about to explode.

"Damn, there's a new monster here!" Lin Mo felt the breath coming from the distance and almost immediately deduced that this was a terrifying monster!

Sure enough, trees in the distance fell down one after another, and a huge body was running towards here.

That was a fierce tiger, far more powerful than what he had seen in the talent training camp.

Lin Mo saw cracks starting to appear on the ground and extending towards him.

run! ? It’s too late!

Lin Mo smiled bitterly. Could it be that he was going to die here?

At this moment, Lin Mo felt that his body had become unreal.

"The effect of the Qi and Blood Pill is over!" Lin Mo showed a surprise smile on his face: "Hahaha, what can you do to me?!"


The tiger's body fell from the sky and pounced on the place where Lin Mo was standing.

The moment it fell, Lin Mo's body disappeared!

The tiger looked at Lin Mo who disappeared beneath him, his huge tiger face full of doubts.

" scared me to death! It scared me to death!"

In the bedroom, Lin Mo opened his eyes suddenly, breathing heavily.

He was soaked with sweat.

Recalling the critical moment just now, Lin Mo couldn't help but feel scared. If the medicine hadn't ended at the right time, he might have been crushed into a pulp by now!

"However, this wave is not a loss!" Lin Mo smiled with a smile on his face, and four balls of light hung in his mind, one of which fell from the chimpanzee.

"It must be a good thing!" Lin Mo looked excited and took out all four glimmers of light.

"Qi Blood Grass, it's scary to see how good this quality is! It's still an intermediate level Qi Blood Grass!" With previous experience in refining low-level Qi Blood Pills, Lin Mo already had some experience in identifying poisonous Qi Blood Grass.

According to his judgment, what the Goblin King dropped should be an intermediate Qi-blood grass. This kind of Qi-blood grass is a necessary elixir for refining intermediate-level Qi-blood pills. However, the output is rare, and one plant can be sold for about 1000000!

"One plant is one million!" Lin Mo looked at the two intermediate Qi Blood Grasses in front of him as if he saw money.

"With two million in hand, this single ball of light can already offset the amount of Qi and Blood Pills I consumed this time!" Lin Mo was very excited.

After entering a copy of the game, my strength increased, and I got so many good things for nothing. The most important thing is that the consumption of Qi and Blood Pills was replenished!

"Thank you for taking a look at what's inside the other three light groups!"

Lin Mo rubbed his hands and opened another light group.

It is still an intermediate Qi Blood Grass.

Four million in hand!

After the third light group opened, Lin Mo's eyes suddenly lit up.

Finally it’s not Qi Xue Cao, this is a design drawing!

"A Xuanjie first-grade glove!" Lin Mo took a look at the design materials and took a breath of air.

"All of them are materials that can only be produced by the abyss. I can't go to the abyss to die!"

Lin Mo was a little depressed. The design of a Xuanji boxing glove was right in front of him, but he couldn't make it.

"Put it away first, improve your strength, and find an opportunity to enter the abyss again!" Lin Mo made up his mind.

If you want to wander in the abyss, you must at least have the strength of the King of Martial Arts, otherwise it will not be enough to watch!

Putting away the design drawing, Lin Mo's eyes fell on the last light group.

This is a ball of light produced by chimpanzees. Chimpanzees are very powerful. If they were not poisoned, these goblins would not be enough to fill the gap between his teeth!

It's a pity that the boat capsized in the gutter in the end!

Lin Mo felt a little sorry, but he was also really happy.

If the chimpanzee hadn't been poisoned, he would have gotten so many good things!

Lin Mo had a smile on his face, and he was grateful to the gorilla and goblin in his heart.

After gathering his thoughts, Lin Mo opened the last light group.

Looking at the things inside the light ball, Lin Mo fell into deep thought.

It was a palm-sized yellow card with no words on it.

"What is this?!" Lin Mo looked at the yellow card: "Could this chimpanzee have played basketball before he died? Yellow card?"

He reached out and took the yellow card in his hand, and the information about the yellow card instantly appeared in his mind.

"Empowerment card: This empowerment card can empower the holder, and the empowerment attribute is earth attribute!"

Lin Mo savored the information in his mind, and his expression was very wonderful: "What the hell is earth attribute? That gorilla doesn't look like a monster with earth attribute!"

Looking at the card in his hand, Lin Mo hesitated.

"Empowerment!" Finally, Lin Mo gritted his teeth and made his own decision.

On the road of martial arts, one must seize every minute.

If you are timid and worried about gains and losses, it will inevitably affect your Tao heart.

Accompanied by Lin Mo's cold shout, the empowerment card flashed twice, and then slowly merged into Lin Mo's body.

After the card disappeared, Lin Mo looked at a loss.

"Is it empowerment as agreed? Why don't I feel that I have an extra earth attribute?" Lin Mo was speechless.

"The earth attribute should be mainly defensive!" Lin Mo thought about it, stood up, took out a dagger, and stabbed his palm fiercely.

But what Lin Mo didn't expect was that the dagger only scratched his hand, but there was no substantial damage.

"It's really defensive. According to my current judgment, after becoming an earth attribute, I can at least withstand any attack below the third rank of warrior!"

Lin Mo stood up and almost cried out.

"The rest is to see how much my blood value has increased!"

Lin Mo is extremely looking forward to the measurement results!

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