Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 57 Points Mission! Dark Blood Society!

In front of the Qi and Blood Meter, Lin Mo placed his hands on it, and after a moment, he looked at the screen.


Lin Mo took a breath of cold air. He guessed that his Qi and Blood value would skyrocket, but he didn't expect that his Qi and Blood value would increase so much!

"I'm just a little bit away from the level of a sixth-grade warrior!"

Lin Mo smiled. This time he entered the Abyss Dungeon and made a lot of money.

"And this boxing glove!" Lin Mo took out the design and carefully read the required materials on it.

"The most important material should be this Demon Ape Hand. I don't know where I can get this thing!"

In the design, many materials can be purchased through the martial arts field, only the Demon Ape Hand needs to be dropped in the dungeon.

"Let's talk about it when we have a chance!" Lin Mo packed up everything and went to the special training classroom to prepare for class.

But when he stepped into the classroom, everyone looked at him in surprise.

"Lin Mo, why are you here?!" Lu Chuan looked at Lin Mo, a little surprised.

"Why can't I come?" Lin Mo was full of doubts: "Isn't it class time now?"

"But you haven't been to class for seven days!" Lu Chuan frowned and said: "We all thought you felt that you couldn't keep up, so you practiced in your bedroom!"

Seven days? !

Lin Mo was startled, took out his mobile phone and took a look, and was stunned.

His Abyss dungeon lasted for seven days this time!

Too scary!

Lin Mo suppressed the shock in his heart, smiled and said: "I'm tired of sleeping in the bedroom, so I came out for a walk and went to class by the way!"

As soon as Lin Mo finished speaking, a group of people rolled their eyes at Lin Mo.

"Sleeping in the bedroom? Who would believe it!"

Someone couldn't help laughing and said: "Could it be that he secretly took Qi and Blood Pills in the bedroom!"

"You guessed it!" Lin Mo smiled and nodded: "Has anything happened recently?"

"Speaking of which, there is really one thing." Lu Chuan slapped his head and said with a smile: "You were away for these seven days, and the points should have been almost used up. There is a task here. Do you want to try it?"


Lin Mo immediately became interested. If he kept earning points by challenging tasks, Lin Mo would feel that he had little sense of accomplishment.

"Come with me!" Lu Chuan took Lin Mo to the place where the tasks were posted, and pointed to a task on the screen: "A hiding place of the Dark Blood Society was found outside the Sand City. After investigation, there are five third-grade warriors, one ninth-grade warrior, and about twenty other warriors!

This is the information of the task. You can take a look. If there is no problem, you can choose to take it. After completing it, you will get more than 200 points!"

"Such a simple task, why don't you take it?"

"This task is obviously prepared for you. If anyone of us takes this kind of task, we will definitely be stabbed in the back!"

Lu Chuan put the information in Lin Mo's hand and turned away.

Lin Mo opened the information and read it carefully.

According to the description in the information, the people of the Dark Blood Society have captured many children near the Sand City.

Now those children should be locked up in the hiding place of the Dark Blood Society.

So this time the task is to cooperate with the people of the Public Security Bureau to complete the rescue of the children and kill those members of the Dark Blood Society!

"It's best to kill them all!" Lin Mo looked at the task requirements, and after a moment of silence, he chose to take on this character.

"More than 30 warrior-level masters, the strongest of whom is at the ninth-grade warrior level... It is indeed a challenge for me, but it is not too dangerous!"

After Lin Mo accepted the task, he immediately received a phone number on his mobile phone.

The owner of the number is Leng He, the deputy director of the Shacheng Public Security Bureau and one of the partners in this mission!

Lin Mo called Leng He, but he didn't expect that she was actually a woman.

After Lin Mo explained the reason for the call, Leng He just told him an address.

Without special circumstances, the special training camp cannot be left, but after Lin Mo accepted the task, he was approved to leave the special training camp.

The moment he stepped out of the special training camp, Lin Mo took a deep breath, raised his hand to stop a taxi, and reported the address of the Public Security Bureau.

"Young people who know their mistakes and can correct them still have a chance!

Reform yourself after you go in, uncle is counting on you!"

After the driver sent Lin Mo to the door of the Public Security Bureau, he sincerely exhorted him.

Lin Mo was speechless for a while. This idiot driver actually thought he was a prisoner who came to the Public Security Bureau to surrender!

"This train of thought is simply amazing!"

After entering the Public Security Bureau, two security guards immediately came up and looked at Lin Mo with a vigilant look.

"What are you doing here!" One of the security guards reached for his waist with one hand and shouted at Lin Mo.

"I'm looking for Leng He!" Lin Mo took out his mobile phone and called Leng He again.

A few minutes later, Leng He walked out of the Public Security Bureau.

After seeing Leng He's appearance, Lin Mo's eyes widened immediately.

Black long boots and a tight leather jacket perfectly outlined her figure.

"Are you the person Lei Meng mentioned?" Leng He looked at Lin Mo with a scrutinizing look in his eyes: "How old are you?"

"Eighteen!" Lin Mo smiled and said: "Captain Leng, hello!"

He reached out to Leng He, but the latter looked at him and took out his phone helplessly.

After a while, the call was connected, and Leng He shouted into the phone: "Lei Meng, are you kidding me? I asked you to arrange a suitable support for me, but you arranged a younger brother for me.

Look at how skinny he is. When he enters the Dark Blood Society, we will have to allocate manpower to take care of him if we don't kill anyone!"

Lin Mo stood aside, and he understood at this time.

Leng He thought he was too young, and was worried that he would be timid when fighting with the Dark Blood Society.

Lin Mo's eyes swept around the Public Security Bureau, and finally walked to a sandbag in the hall.


Lin Mo punched the sandbag, and with a muffled sound, the whole sandbag exploded directly, and the sand inside flowed all over the floor.

Leng He, who was on the phone, heard the voice and instinctively wanted to curse, but when she saw Lin Mo standing in front of the sandbag, her eyes lit up slightly.

This sandbag is actually customized with special materials, and it is impossible to break it with half the attack power.

To blow it up, at least more than 1,000 attack power is required.

"Could it be that this kid looks young, but is actually a warrior-level warrior?" Leng He looked at Lin Mo and silently calculated.

"Director Leng, am I qualified now?" Lin Mo blew the sand on his hand and looked at Leng He.

"Welcome to join our task force!" Leng He hung up the phone directly and stretched out his hand to Lin Mo.

Lin Mo glanced at it, then stretched out his hand and shook it.

This woman looks heroic, but her hands are very smooth.

"Captain Leng, please introduce your arrangements to me. I will fully cooperate with you here!" Lin Mo withdrew his hand and looked at Leng He.

"At present, our plan is to find someone to pretend to be a child, infiltrate the enemy, and then cooperate with the inside and outside to catch them all in one fell swoop!

According to our statistics, the Dark Blood Society kidnaps children between the ages of ten and sixteen. You are exactly eighteen years old. If you make some changes, you should look very young!

We will make some changes to your image based on the results!"

Leng He said, nodding to the security guard next to him.

Soon, several people came out from the back, pressed Lin Mo directly on the stool, and began to make up for him.

More than an hour later, Lin Mo looked at himself in the mirror and felt like crying but had no tears.

His wheat-colored skin was now frighteningly white after being applied with foundation. In order to highlight the softness of Lin Mo's current image, the makeup artist even specially painted lipstick and eye shadow on Lin Mo.

"I am too embarrassed to see anyone. If I complete my mission, will there be a TV reporter interviewing me?

I don't want to be interviewed by then!"

Lin Mo looked at Leng He and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, it's not my turn to be interviewed even if I am interviewed!" Leng He rolled his eyes at Lin Mo and said lightly.

However, after saying that, Leng He couldn't help but look at Lin Mo a few more times. It must be said that handsome people look good no matter how they put on makeup!

At this moment, Lin Mo, with lipstick and eye shadow, has a strange beauty...

"Zhang He, Li Quan, you two go to gather people and let them gather in the hall!

This time, I ask everyone to be prepared to die in battle!" Leng He's voice was solemn. They have participated in similar actions more than once, and every time there are countless familiar people falling in front of them.

Leng He really didn't want to see his companions die in front of him, but when it really came to the time to step forward, Leng He never backed down!

"You follow the address we gave you and guard there. Remember, you can't act rashly before entering the Dark Blood Club!

I know your strength is not bad, but if a group of people rush up, you can't be their opponent at all!"

Lin Mo nodded, indicating that he knew.

After taking a look at the address above, he left the Public Security Bureau alone.

Half an hour later, Lin Mo came to a park in the suburbs of Shachen.

Because it is close to the suburbs, even though this park is large in area, there are still not many people visiting.

In addition, the sun was about to set, and most people had gone back, so the whole park was empty!

Lin Mo found a vacant spot and pretended to be taking pictures.

At this time, Lin Mo noticed the footsteps behind him.

"Fourth-rank warrior!" Lin Mo felt the strength of this person and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't move, kid, if you dare to move, I'll kill you!" Behind him, something cold pressed against Lin Mo's back.

With this action, Lin Mo had at least ten ways to dodge and subdue the person behind him.

But Lin Mo gave up the opportunity to subdue the person behind him.

Soon, Lin Mo was taken to a car and soon arrived at the branch of the Dark Blood Society in the suburbs!

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