Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 58 The intelligence is wrong!!

Pushing open the iron gate, Lin Mo saw a small courtyard surrounded by high walls, and facing the gate were four tiled houses.

"Go in!"

The middle-aged man behind him put a dagger against Lin Mo's waist and shouted in a deep voice.

Lin Mo pretended to be frightened and walked forward.

When he got close to the house, Lin Mo smelled an unpleasant smell.

Lin Mo used his spiritual perception to cover the house in front.

The house was quiet, but Lin Mo used his spirit to see people lying on the ground one by one!

There were also several figures lying there, no life, obviously, people were dead!

With a creak, the door was pushed open a crack, and a beam of light shone in. Lin Mo saw several children curled up in the corner, they were looking at Lin Mo and the man behind him in panic.

The room was full of children. Lin Mo looked around and did not find anyone guarding it.

"Is the intelligence wrong? There aren't that many warriors here?" Lin Mo frowned, and then he was kicked into the house.

Lin Mo used the force to fall directly to the ground, turned around and looked outside.

There was only this one man in the whole yard...

Lin Mo's eyes flickered, and he silently evaluated in his mind whether to take action now, kill the man, and then take everyone away.

"Something's wrong!"

Soon, Lin Mo found something unusual.

He gently moved to the side, then raised his hand and knocked on the ground.


The sound from the ground was very unusual - there was a secret room underground!

Lin Mo tried to penetrate his spiritual perception into the ground little by little.

In just a moment, Lin Mo's face showed a look of shock.

There was actually a huge secret room under the house. Inside the secret room, there was a group of people standing, three of whom had the most terrifying aura, at least reaching the warrior realm!

"I was deceived! There's something wrong with the intelligence!" Lin Mo had a bad premonition in his heart.

Lin Mo didn't know Leng He's strength, but he was sure that Leng He's strength would not exceed Sun Qian's!

But even if Sun Qian was here, she would probably lose to three warrior-level warriors!

"First send someone to spread false news, and then attract the people from the Public Security Bureau, so as to catch everyone in one fell swoop! The Dark Blood Society is so calculating!!"

Lin Mo's eyes flickered, looking at the direction of the gate, constantly thinking about countermeasures.

"A fourth-grade warrior, with my current strength, I can kill him instantly..."

"But after killing him instantly, I can escape by myself..."

He turned around and glanced at the remaining dozen children lying on the ground shivering.

"No, if I leave, they will all die!"

Lin Mo glanced at the corpse in the corner, and his eyes became firm.

"When Leng He comes, I will find a way to warn them. At that time, Leng He and the others may be able to save these hostages!"

Lin Mo made up his mind.

Soon, Lin Mo heard footsteps coming from outside the gate, followed by a smoke bomb thrown in.

Lin Mo opened his mental perception and saw a group of security guards falling down from the courtyard wall, holding pistols and walking in step by step.

The figure walking in the front was Leng He. At this moment, her blood and qi were fully revealed. Lin Mo also instantly judged her approximate strength-a sixth-grade warrior!

A sixth-grade warrior may not be enough, there is a ninth-grade warrior among their group!


Accompanied by a slight sound, Lin Mo saw a door appear on the ground, and the strong man in the secret room slowly walked out.

The three people in the front are powerful, and their blood and qi values ​​have reached the realm of ninth-grade warriors!

"Took the bait!" The leader sneered: "These idiots really thought that we caught the children for sacrifice. In fact, they didn't expect that our real target is these people from the Public Security Bureau!"

"Hehe, President, can I enjoy the woman in the front later, and then kill the sacrifice..." Another man with a sinister smile on his face, couldn't wait to speak.

"Put away your face. If you want to open a crack for a moment, all the sacrifices must be the purest!" The man called the president said coldly: "If the people above know that you have this idea, do you know what the consequences will be?"


"You can't be a man!" The president glanced at his lower body and spoke lightly.

The man heard this and immediately shut his mouth obediently.

"President, when are we going to do it? I can't wait!" Another man licked his lips with a bloodthirsty smile on his face: "Killing these children is not fun at all, it's more interesting to kill these security guards!"

"When he completely relaxes his vigilance, it's our turn..."


The president of the Dark Blood Club branch didn't finish his words, and a roar suddenly sounded behind him!

Then the three of them felt as if their heads were hit hard by a stick, and everything in front of them became blurred!

Tiger Fist!

Lin Mo rushed up from the ground and knocked down the lustful man on the right with one punch!

With the power of the brass knuckles, this punch directly broke the man's spine!

The man had reached the seventh-grade warrior realm, but he was still seriously injured by Lin Mo's terrifying attack.

In fact, the man never thought that someone would sneak attack him!


Lin Mo didn't even look at the man lying on the ground, but smashed the iron rod in his other hand towards another bloodthirsty man on the left of the branch president!

Also a seventh-grade warrior, this man's physical strength is much more terrifying.

With a crisp sound, the rod in Lin Mo's hand broke into two pieces!

That was a yellow-grade first-grade weapon! It was actually broken by a flesh and blood body!

"Captain Leng, be careful, there is still a ninth-grade warrior left!" Lin Mo roared at the outside of the gate.


At this time, the bloodthirsty man punched Lin Mo in the chest.

Even though Lin Mo was prepared, this punch still made Lin Mo spit blood and retreat several steps crazily!

Outside the gate, Leng He was stunned when she heard the roar, because she had heard that it was a tiger roar attack!

And according to the information, Lin Mo happened to be able to perform a tiger roar attack.

So, Lin Mo inside had a fight with someone!

"Too impulsive, too much love to show off!" These were the first things that came to Leng He's mind.

But as Lin Mo performed the Tiger Fist, Leng He could clearly hear someone fall to the ground, and she also felt the strength of Lin Mo's opponent!

"Stay alert, the intelligence is wrong, there is a strong man inside! And it is a very powerful existence!"

Leng He spoke loudly to the group of people behind him, and then raised his hand and waved: "Attack and defense formation!"

As the voice fell, the security guards behind him moved and formed a neat team.

Step by step, they walked inside.


The door was directly knocked open by a figure. When Leng He saw the person lying on the ground, a look of shock suddenly appeared on her face: "Lin Mo!"

She never thought that Lin Mo was thrown out.

"Be careful, he is a ninth-grade warrior!" Lin Mo pointed at the president of the branch and spoke with difficulty.

The strength of the ninth-grade warrior is too strong, and he can blow people away with just one slap.

"Ninth-grade!" Leng He's face changed wildly. She couldn't beat such a powerful opponent!

"I'll deal with the strongest one. There's still one injured one left. All of you warriors and above should attack together!"

At this point, face is no longer important. What's important is to rescue the hostages!

Leng He obviously took this into consideration, so he asked all the security guards to go together.

Accompanied by the sound of footsteps, a group of security guards rushed towards those warriors with weak strength.

And Lin Mo joined the ranks of besieging the killing warrior!

Lin Mo's strength was lower than that of the people around them, so during the whole process of encirclement and suppression, Lin Mo did not attack many times.

But with the poisoning function of the brass knuckles, Lin Mo reduced the strength of the killing warrior a lot in a very short time!


Accompanied by a muffled sound, one of the people who surrounded and suppressed the killing warrior held a dagger and directly cut the trachea on the neck of the killing warrior.

After watching the killing warrior fall to the ground, Lin Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

"What are you still doing? Get out!" Lin Mo looked at the child hiding in the corner and shouted loudly.

Perhaps awakened by Lin Mo's voice, a group of children trembled all over, and then ran outside crying!

On the other side, Leng He's battle with the branch president was coming to an end. The branch president was obviously stronger than Leng He, so Leng He had been injured in many places and was about to lose.

"Help Captain Leng!" Lin Mo shouted at several warrior-level security guards, and several people rushed up immediately.

Lin Mo was still wandering around as before, and at the same time he kept attacking, using brass knuckles to consume the blood value of the branch president.

It has to be said that brass knuckles are really disgusting weapons. Lin Mo, a fifth-grade warrior, actually relied on sneak attacks again and again to poison the branch president's whole body!

It can be seen that the branch president's eyes are full of red bloodshot, which looks extremely terrifying.

The branch president's skin is also covered with purple, and the breath on his body is beginning to become weak!

"You..." At this time, he had already noticed something was wrong, and his eyes were full of anger when he looked at Lin Mo: "I will kill you!"

He rushed towards Lin Mo, wanting to drag Lin Mo to die with him before he died!

But how could Leng He let him succeed?

The figure flashed, and he directly blocked in front of Lin Mo, and at the same time punched the branch president in the chest.


The branch president spit out a mouthful of blood, looking at Lin Mo and others with resentment.

"Everyone, it's time to show our loyalty to the Dark Blood God. Since we can't use the enemy's blood to summon the descendants of the Dark Blood God, then use the blood of our believers..."

After the voice fell, the branch president raised his hand and slapped his head!

With a muffled sound, the branch president's head exploded directly, and the whole person fell to the ground, and soon there was no breath.

The members of the Dark Blood Society who were fighting with the security guards saw this scene, and they roared and ended their lives with weapons.

There was more and more blood, and the whole yard was full of blood, which looked extremely terrifying.

The smell of blood was nauseating, and some young security guards turned pale.

"Captain, they are all dead. As for the hostages, except for the one who was tortured and killed by them at the beginning, the others are fine. They are just frightened. Our people are comforting them..."

A security guard came up to report the situation, but he was only halfway through his words when he exclaimed and pointed inside the tile house: "Captain... Captain, what is that!!"

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